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18302910 No.18302910 [Reply] [Original]

What're /lit/'s favorite books on the Holocaust? Firsthand accounts on both sides, general history etc.?

>> No.18302914

Its not real

>> No.18302921

It's real, just overblown in numbers.

>> No.18302955

I always hear this, care to explain? Not bait, just genuinely curious

>> No.18303031

not falling for your bait go back to /pol/ /pol/cel

>> No.18303036

Your not asking for /lit/.

>> No.18303040

The 6 garillion figure can't be justified. The real number is way lower.

>> No.18303049

Mein Kampf and the Protestant bible. One cannot understand the Holocaust without understanding Luther.

>> No.18303058

Luther was an unbearable faggot. The reformation is one of the great tragedies of the western world

>> No.18303102

>What're /lit/'s favorite BOOKS on the Holocaust?
How lmao

>> No.18303107

> One cannot understand the Holocaust without understanding Luther.
I don't follow. What'd he have to do with it?

>> No.18303110
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best shit about holocaust is unironically the fully fictional. the carved door scene in picrel was pure kino.
t. kike

>> No.18303123

>best shit about holocaust is unironically the fully fictional
doesn't really narrow it down desu

>> No.18303140

i like the jokes but on a serious level i fucking hate americans for doing this to every major tragedy. idolize it, dogmatize it, profit from it, surround it with censorship and conspiracy, make it a hot polarized topic, worship it, overblow it - and treat it as far from a tragedy as you can.
do they have any shame? any respect for the murdered? american holojerking is even more ridiculous than russian victurbation every May

>> No.18303149

Man's Search for Meaning

>> No.18303151

Still Alive by Ruth Kluger is a book about living though the Holocaust and then it turns into a book about the Holocaust industry, especially in the US. You might like it.

>> No.18303162

based, thanks for the rec.
i've heard Primo Levi's stuff is genuine, Eli Wiesel's Night I've read and found it solid enough - especially the schizo kaballist arch - but somewhat too dramatized.
heard >>18303149 is shit

>> No.18303345

Hitler's War by David Irving

>> No.18303489
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Read it here https://archive.org/details/ThomasDaltonDebatingTheHolocaust

>> No.18303521

Np. Primo Levi is really good, definitely read him. If This Is A Man is incredible

>> No.18305274
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200 years together by Solzhenitzn
Zyklon B was lice spray made to stop the spread of Typhus in the camps. The Jews that were in there were well treated as they were basically the slave labour the Germans depended on to prop up their production of war materials.
American and British terror bombing destroyed all the infrastructure needed to feed people etc in the end so the camps and the inmates were in bad conditions as was the rest of the population.
Holocaust means blood sacrafice, the Jews believed they would be 6 million less before getting Israel back. Its a zionist fiction, some new historians in Israel say it. There are also kabbalistic implications with the 6 million number.
Nonetheless there were only 450000 Jews in Germany and 4 million turned up in the US before the war, as well as the ones that moved to France and Britain. Today there are more Jews than ever before.