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/lit/ - Literature

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18296315 No.18296315 [Reply] [Original]

>In two of the largest studies ever conducted into the reading habits of children in the United Kingdom, Keith Topping—a professor of educational and social research at Scotland’s University of Dundee—found that boys dedicate less time than girls to processing words, that they’re more prone to skipping passages or entire sections, and that they frequently choose books that are beneath their reading levels.

Apologize right now.

>> No.18296325
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>> No.18296329

They also perform worse in school on average and that's a good thing.

>> No.18296330

I'm not a boy, I'm 25.

>> No.18296337

girls read propaganda and have better (((educational outcomes))). Boys just learn to code and get six figs without a (((college education))). Reading is a waste of time when the written word has been utterly polluted.

>> No.18296341

With the bullshit being pushed on kids, it's a good thing. It's better to have no education at all then a bad one.

>> No.18296344


>> No.18296345

no shit. reading is for bitch niggas and plain janes

>> No.18296348

How many participants were girls identifying as boys? Trannies don’t count.

>> No.18296355

Hard to solve, but can be done. I think a push for children's books on topics that young boys tend to enjoy would be helpful. The goal would be to transition them into harder and harder material on a variety of topics.

>> No.18296364

This is normal. I didn't care for books until I was like 17. So did many people I know.

>> No.18296368

I'm sorry.

>> No.18296369

oh i do read enough... I READ 0 BOOKS PER YEAR!

>> No.18296379

unfathomably and unperceivably based

>> No.18296490

Reading doesn't mean anything anyways.
It's like sport.
Sport can mean running once a week, or it can mean being a world athlete.

>> No.18296508

>Boys Don't Read Enough YA and Fiction

>> No.18296561
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Don't read as kid, don't stimulate your imagination. Don't stimulate your imagination as a child, can't into complex abstract thinking as an adult.

Enjoy having kids too stupid to think or grasp complex topics since their brain is dull.

This thread shows why /lit/ is full of retared posters.

>> No.18296570

Why are you on this board?

>> No.18296613

>then a bad one

I'm a teacher in the UK. There are several problems:
>Elephant in the room: smartphones.
>Substantial portions of literature are TAILORED to girls.
>English classes are dumbed down as fuck to allow even the absolute thickiest of thiccos to keep pace.
>Application of literature is too removed from the impact it can have on their lives.
>Too many female teachers. Some are ok, many shouldn't be in the job.
>The English classes we do offer put too much emphasis on Shakespeare.
>The assessment driven policies of Gove have stifled creativity in the subject.

I'm sick to fucking death of teaching PEE/PEA paragraphs.

>> No.18296622

>neither child is white
whoa, makes you think

>> No.18296623

most employers want a CS degree lad

>> No.18296650

She wong

>> No.18296664

mmm and boys also get significantly higher grades than girls in STEM, so what?

>> No.18296670

bro we had to do PEACE paragraphs i fucking hated it

>> No.18296684

Boys read, they just don't read the female-written YA trash that has flooded the markets. They read indie shit.

>> No.18296705

Why do they keep calling the US a “developed country”?

>> No.18296712

Not seen PEACE as an acronym. Point Evidence Analysis Cross-Evaluation? I don't know. We seem to do 3-5 English assessments per term. It's insanely draining.

Also anyone pretending children aren't being retarded by smartphones might be retarded themselves. They all seem to think they're the centre of some fucking YouTube channel, desperate to be the 'quirky funny character' they've seen. They never seem to be able to shut the fuck up, their application and resilience is laughable, and the best bit is when their helicopter parents write in to bitch because you gave their dumb kid a naughty boy point for being a dickhead in your class.

Honest to fuck at this rate we'll need corporal punishment back to right the course.

>> No.18296717

introducing young boys to video games was a crime against humanity

>> No.18296718

Because we're not too retarded to notice that the article is from the UK.

>> No.18296727

Hence why literature is shit nowadays. It's a girl thing now

>> No.18296730

>the best bit is when their helicopter parents write in to bitch because you gave their dumb kid a naughty boy point for being a dickhead in your class.
>Honest to fuck at this rate we'll need corporal punishment back to right the course.
Ok we'll listen to your advice on how to teach kids, Mr. "I hate kids".

>> No.18296732

You have to realize the average kid is reading stuff like Woke Baby and Rainbow Fish, can you really blame them for tuning out? If we started the kids with the Classics they would grow an appreciation for literature, however this study seems only to focus on non-fee paying schools, so the idiocy of the students is likely by design

>> No.18296733

I read United Kingdom as United States ahaha

>> No.18296737

Videogames are more fun than reading books.
t. league of legends addict playing 12h a day (Diamond 2 though)

>> No.18296738

Make the boys read Jünger

>> No.18296749

Yeah because coding does so much to save us from the bracketpeople.

>> No.18296753 [DELETED] 


>> No.18296759

>Ok we'll listen to your advice on how to teach kids, Mr. "I hate kids".
>You can't hold a set of standards for kids or else you hate them!
You're part of the problem. Stop dropping standards for kids just because they're kids.

>> No.18296760

>plays 12 hours a day to be just above average

>> No.18296762

how are the classes dumbed down and tailored to women if there is a focus on shakespeare?

>> No.18296766

>scientists say the brain is unisex, meaning differences are caused by socialization
>but boys are more predisposed to peer pressure than girls
The way they present these two facts rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.18296778

Yeah, Point Evidence Analysis Cross-Reference Evaluation

In the months coming up to my GCSEs we had to do assessments once or twice a week. It almost made me hate reading and probably put me off poetry for life

>> No.18296784

I started only half a year ago, so I still have room for growth. Reading books on the other hand is simply just stupid. What do you even get out of it?

>> No.18296787

>don't be a misanthrope
>I see you hate any and all standards!
I see you don't teach critical thinking.
Yeah testosterone and estrogen levels do nothing to the brain, as long as you ignore everything they do to the brain.

>> No.18296797

Reading is feminine.

>> No.18296798

>how are the classes dumbed down and tailored to women if there is a focus on shakespeare?
Just because the text being studied is complex, it doesn't mean the depth of study is good. It is again, pulling PEA style paragraphs out of them, which roughly translates to the teacher telling kids what's being said by the characters, and then trying to apply that to some sort of contextual understanding to make a point. It's not anything worth writing home about, it's a total waste of time.

>> No.18296809

>I see you don't teach critical thinking.
You're clueless and out of touch. Stay in your fairy tale world of every child being an uncut gem. It's better for you there.

>> No.18296810

>Yeah testosterone and estrogen levels do nothing to the brain, as long as you ignore everything they do to the brain.
Right. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that the way journalists write, this dancing around facts to craft a nominally true/effectively false narrative, is really tiring.

>> No.18296811

Reading too much makes you retarded, thought and oral presentation/engagement should be at the centre of education

Just look at girls, they regurgitate the literature and skip the critical part

>> No.18296818

>scientists say the brain is unisex, meaning differences are caused by socialization
The article they cite doesn't conclusively state that as a fact, fucking dishonest.

>> No.18296822

based boys

>> No.18296829

>ad hom
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.18296833

You literally started this you clueless cunt.

>> No.18296844

>oral presentation/engagement should be at the centre of education
This. I have gone through high-school as one of the only boys to never kiss a girl. Our education system is literally leaving young men behind.

>> No.18296845

There have always been, and will always be, lazy and ineffective readers.

>> No.18296855

Link the post I said that. It doesn't exist. Take your meds.

>> No.18296858

Hasn't this been true for forty years or more? I once had a roommate in grad school whose dad or step dad called him a faggot regularly for reading.

>> No.18296864

Here >>18296730
I don't hate kids, I hate the continually dropping standards thanks to retards like yourself opposing any setting of standards. Sadly it's part of letting too many women into the profession - they're too 'matronly', they don't know how to separate themselves from their feelings,

>> No.18296889

and prior to that, literacy was either low-to-middling. fact of the matter is, literature has simply never been popular with the masses. the best was in the 1800's when Dickens was popular, but that was 200 some years ago.

not particularly concerned about it, I don't tend to think of what other people think as I read Ovid.

>> No.18296895

>Hasn't this been true for forty years or more?
This has been true for the most part of human history since the written word exists. Reading in general is a hobby for a very small minority.

>> No.18296905

If I wasn't already a bookworm as a kid thanks to my parents, I would've grown up absolutely despising literature. Mainly because we only read feminine garbage on school; nothing about manhood or the struggles of being a man. At best we would read a postmodern novella about a cynical divorced woman and her dull, pessimistic views on men and the world. You aren't going to get kids interested in stuff that they unconsciously feel rejected by.

>> No.18296910

Girls in general will perform better in academics, simply because most guys hate the idea of a prim and proper structure in place, that you basically have you copy and regurgitate to get ahead, we want to be out there discovering and creating, not copying and sucking up,
In terms of literature, it’s mostly because there’s hardly any good books that the average guy would like pushed to us in English Classes, Shakespeare is cool but teachers tend to do an awful job breaking it down, I also have to put in the fact that girls tend to read more but generally, books of little substance, romantics and all that other garbage, but it keeps them in the habit of reading, while most guys don’t even fucking consider books
As a young zoomer, the only reason I got into reading was because my dad was never there to guide me in becoming a man while growing up, also because I highly looked up to Roman and Greek history thanks to 4chan, there needs to be an incentive for young boys, I think ancient history and learning about how great men used to be, can inspire them

>> No.18296916

foirst time I post this:

>> No.18296919

That's the united kingdom (Formerly UKistan) problem not mine you stupid moron

>> No.18296925

Video games are the end point evolution for all media. You might as well time travel and complain that the introduction of film was a crime against humanity or go even further and sigh pitifully about written word. The ability to control an avatar with 1:1 mimicry of your body or even extraordinary deviations from your body is the end all be all of human amusement.

>> No.18296934

Shame no stories worth being told have managed to come out of the video game industry.

>> No.18296944

No. I'm essentially a videogame addict and I don't get the sense of fulfillment finishing Fallout 2 as I do from finishing the Illiad. People who can read a great book of literature and not come out of it with a great sense of aesthetic satisfaction were never meant for the enjoyment of true literature in the first place.

>> No.18296946

This is exactly how I started reading Greek myths and reached a college average reading comprehension in the first grade. I was noticeably bored and fidgety reading children's books, but my male teacher read with me one on one and saw that it was because of total mastery. He kept feeding me Greek myths and I read every one I could get my hands on and worked my way through the public library too.

>> No.18296956

Do you think they lie on purpose? Like they sit down, write, read their source and go "you know what, the people don't need to know this,". Or, do they genuinely believe what they say, they read the source and go "this is close enough to what I think,". Id speculate the latter. These people, we know who they are, aren't malicious. They're dogmatic.

>> No.18296958

>Boys just learn to code and get six figs without a (((college education))).
Good luck with that lmao. If they want someone to code without a colllege degree they will just get some indian to do it for a fraction of the wage

>> No.18296959

I relate to this. I like one or two games especially which I consider to be high works of art, but in general I get way more satisfaction out of reading

>> No.18296961

>8 year old boys read picture books for 6 year olds, know they're dumb and don't want any special treatment
>11 year old girls read Harry Potter and only Harry Potter and want to be praised for how literary they are for the next 20 years

>> No.18296964

That's because 2 is shit.

>> No.18296965

foirst time I post this:
ad hominem

>> No.18296972

You have no idea how degenerate reading is in schools these days either.

>Have a library lesson
>60-70% of the kids aren't reading
>Glorified discussion time
>They have computerised reading assessments twice a fucking year
>Computerised assessment tells us their 'reading level range'
>Every book has a reading level range on it
>Children are constantly drilled to read books and do quizzes
>The quiz attach rate is literally the metric driving 'are kids reading'
>They aren't allowed to take non-fiction texts because they don't have quizzes
>There's a section of the library dedicated to classics, but it's small
>Most of the kids will pick up literal picture books, given these are teenagers, one might hope for more
The standards are really, really low. iPad parenting hasn't helped at all either.

>> No.18296974

Just an example. I've played PS:T and all the rest, and no, they aren't on the level of even a B-tier Classic of literature. Videogames are appealing to a point, but they are nothing in common with a genuinely great work of prose or poetry - no matter how much they try.

>> No.18296991

No, they think they're doing a noble act and protecting a potential victim (women) and thus preventing a fascist tendency from taking root

>> No.18297003

That's entirely subjective. Also the industry is the youngest medium in existence and time is always a factor. Again, you could say the same about film when it was valued expressly for porn.

Rate of subjectively valuable creations is also not an argument because all art is downstream from culture and our current culture is not a particularly interesting or inspiring psychosis. It is a victimhood driven dominant cultural zeitgeist and very few great works elevate the victim, flawless and blameless without transformation, to the status of hero. Other periods with hero psychosis were more fertile ground for inspiring works.

>> No.18297017

Are you referring to SRI?

>> No.18297018

I don't think that's how the medium works. The best stories will come from a singularly driven mind. A single artist exploring their inspired vision. It takes hundreds of people to make a blockbuster movie or video game, but a single person can write a great book. Either that, or because ten thousand times more books are made than films. If the same percentage are great, that's ten great books and .001 films.

>> No.18297023

>Rate of subjectively valuable creations is also not an argument because all art is downstream from culture and our current culture is not a particularly interesting or inspiring psychosis. It is a victimhood driven dominant cultural zeitgeist and very few great works elevate the victim, flawless and blameless without transformation, to the status of hero.
This is true. How many great works have we realistically seen since victimary thinking took root in earnest compared to, say, the 19th Century?

>> No.18297025

>Again, you could say the same about film when it was valued expressly for porn

what the hell are you talking about

>> No.18297031

These aren't real articles. You have to read into motivation. This is basic harpy female psychology. It's called shit-tested. These women don't understand the point of journalism, so they fall back on their perverse motivations, in this case teasing men. Insecure women like to tease men to see their reaction, and the men who overreact get selected out for their attention.

>> No.18297032
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>relying on formal education
>not being an autodidact


>> No.18297038


>> No.18297050

I don't know the precise nature of the system and I'm hesitant to comment with particular depth. The fact is, the current drill is read books to do quizzes. It's fucking weird.

Video games are antithetical to singular vision. I've not said no good stories can come from them, just that none of any real note really have yet. It's been 40+ years. It's a bit sad. The other tragedy is that the nature of video games sees them rapidly pushed to the wayside for new ones.

On a technical level, there's little difference for me watching a movie from 1980 and 2020. A slight change in definition. Video games? Worlds of difference.

>> No.18297052

bro how do you play 12h a day, i'm mentally exhausted after like 5 games and just start running it

>> No.18297067

Go to your fucking library. It's all female dominated staff, and gay guys. Go to the children's section. All the authors are female, and they're all pretty pictures of animals frolicking and holding hands. Boys don't like that shit past age 4. Then there's YA, which is written for girls, and which is trash.

I used to take my family to the library when they were kids, and the girls ate it up, and guess what. The boys want to play outside. Boys and girls like different things, and on top of that, libraries, like all female-dominated environments ARE MADE FOR FEMALES. They're all about cuteness, sensitivity, and obedience. An environment can only reach a critical mass of femaleness before...guess what.. ALL THE MALES LEAVE.

>> No.18297075

I'm pretty sure there are literal Yaoi manga that are less gay than what is served up in "YA" literature

>> No.18297077

yeah no shit

>> No.18297091

Except film has still yet to produce any work of artistic merit. It's far more likely that film (and video games) simply cannot be art.

>> No.18297117

>push endless chick lit and femrags of the whiny laments of wammenz issues
>endlessly hunt down and persecute anything you deem as toxic masculinity
>surprised that women read more and males are excluded

>> No.18297130

>Every woman I talk to loves Pride and Prejudice
>Read it
>It's literal femcel power fantasy bullshit
Women are idiots. Why don't people learn?

>> No.18297138

Yes, they're lying on purpose. The Atlantic is a deliberately dishonest news source. They will have an article that claims to be "a Marxist reinterpretation of modern society" or whatever, and then you look into the author, and it's the son of a major oil executive. The site is owned by billionaires, and the entire purpose is to push conservative ideas to upper class leftist types.

>> No.18297228

>push conservative ideas
>like there being no differences between the sexes
Holy shit Marxists are delusional.

>> No.18297270

This is simply untrue and a blatantly pretentious statement.

>> No.18297315

It makes you wonder why they're waging such a war on teaching (white) male authors. If the Patriarchy's dastardly conspiracy to stop women from reading has failed catastrophically, who cares?

>> No.18297348

Last of us part 1 was pretty comfy, fallout 1 and 2 as well as new Vegas have great stories

>> No.18297355

>Last of us part 1 was pretty comfy
Still wouldn't be so inclined to call it art. It was an ok game.

>> No.18297365

This has already been said many times, but is better to not read at all than to read the YA trash designed to engender "compassionate" and "diverse" attitudes or whatever other brainworms they're trying to get into kid's heads these days.

>> No.18297374

Haven't they given up pretending to be compassionate? It's kind of difficult when people can look at their twitter posts.

>> No.18297377

They preach compassion to their pet groups. This is why I hated reading in school. I got tired of reading about how hard it was to be a nigger, a woman, or a kike. Every subject we'd be reading about niggers, women, and kikes. The fatigue was immeasurable.

>> No.18297389

Fair enough, I personally believe video games are a diffferent medium of story telling and most game developers fuck things up by trying to be “cinematic” they have their own potential to tell stories and give messages, fallout new Vegas and the older ones, are something I would call art, it is a great story that is best fleshed out when put in a video game, although I don’t know if we will ever have anything as good as that game again

>> No.18297391

I'm saying they pretend to be leftist. They throw in something like that to make themselves appear that way, and then there are contradictions within that because it's not something the author sincerely believes. It's also not about fighting for conservatism, it's just about creating confusion to stir up infighting

>> No.18297397

lowering the standard isn’t letting women into the profession. even if you look at iq curves it could mean it’s appealing to boys more

>> No.18297403

No, sorry, they are at best banal references to better media. The best stories in video games are just regurgitations and half digested remnants of books and poems. You'll grow out of this phase eventually though. I didn't think I would, but lo and behold, the last 5 years have taken their toll.

>> No.18297422

>No, sorry, they are at best banal references to better media. The best stories in video games are just regurgitations and half digested remnants of books and poems.
Not him, but - while you rightly look down on those who have been moved by a mere video game as "defeated", someone truly alive looks at Readers like you the same way. If you're still moved by novels and poems you're NGMI anon, reject literature and move on to pure life-affirmation.

>> No.18297423

Women approve more highly of other women. You therefore have women circle jerking each other to the top. Unfortunately these women are often half-wits that have barely read the texts they're 'teaching'. I've met an English teacher that boasted she didn't even bother to read the books for her literature degree, she just used SparkNotes.

If women were actually good at this shit, kids that came from single mother households wouldn't consistently be trainwrecks of human beings.

>> No.18297445

Reading isn't about appreciating a story, you idiot, you fool, you human refuse. It's about processing information and building off of it- the medium is a story, just like the medium of video games is a screen and an avatar. The difference is that one uses the medium to teach an array of skills (even unconsciously), while one is characterized by what its medium is. From that point, nothing else matters because they've accomplished the goal through immersing the individual in the medium.

Don't capitalized "Readers" you Retard. One is a tool of diversion, one is a tool of interpretation. The kind of person who reads genre fiction and pop-sci are separate, barely human and not worth discussing or bringing up as whatever snide counterexample you're trying to make.

>> No.18297448

post2016 /lit/ doesn't read enough

>> No.18297460

It isn't anything to do with women, don't project misogyny onto a superficially similar situation. It's a product of the public school system being too secure and rewarding of wholesale mediocrity. The reason potholes in your town aren't fixed and schoolboard members are elected. The kind of women who would be great teachers aren't going to work in public schools because of that- and the typical solution is that increasing pay and benefits might bring them in (though how sincere that is considering it comes from the very same pit of mediocrity that creates the situation is really suspect).

>> No.18297467

>The kind of person who reads genre fiction and pop-sci are separate, barely human and not worth discussing or bringing up as whatever snide counterexample you're trying to make.
Lol, you're no better than a genre reader. You read Literature to reassure yourself that you are above the plebs through presumed cultivation of aristocratic taste - you are a striver. You will not make it.

>> No.18297472

No, a large part of this is definitely on women.

>> No.18297474

>It's not the fault of women that women teachers end up horribly mediocre dispassionate husks without skill or purpose
Fuck off you dappy cunt.

>> No.18297484

Women make up the majority of teachers in the Western world outside of America (Western/Eastern Europe) and East Asia. Why aren't they experiencing the same problems? It's SPECIFICALLY American education.

>> No.18297485

shitty male english teachers existed before.i had a female english teacher and she was amazing, went in dept with every text. she was also the extremly fair when grading. the only thing with guys is theyre worse at oral presentation so that knocks them down a lot. also don’t get why everyone is saying they read postmodern books, we only read european classics

>> No.18297487

Genuinely wish we could open a school just for the boys and teach them to be racist bastards like the good old days. The poofterization of schools has been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.18297494

Okay, here's your (You)

>> No.18297495

This same shit is happening everywhere, you moron.

>> No.18297503

I'm not American. I stand by my statement.

And this is what you get from a feminized education. Poor illiterate sod.

>> No.18297504

>the only thing with guys is theyre worse at oral presentation so that knocks them down a lot.
Every single one of history's greatest orators have been men.

>> No.18297515

I'm the teach-anon. Guess how many times it's the dad whining their child got a 'negative behaviour point' on the school's system. It's fucking never.

>> No.18297534

Nice personal anecdotes weenies. Again, I hate to reduce it to projection, but you're putting the system's failure, and your failure to negotiate the pitfalls of a broken system, onto a certain subset of individuals who have parasitically adapted to it. There's nothing inherently moral or immoral about it, but by saying

"Education is worse because of women"

you are rhetorically making the same argument that

"Boys are stupid because they aren't reading"

from an opposite perspective based on what you feel rather than any actual moral, spiritual, or intellectual superiority. You are human slime because you see pigs and think "At least that's not me" instead of seeing birds and thinking "If only I were there."

>> No.18297541

You guys don't actually read either so I don't know why you're all mad.

>> No.18297544

Don't you have another soon-to-be-fatherless child to squeeze out?

>> No.18297545

Film has been art since the early 20th century. Vidya has never been art.

>> No.18297561

>As Lise Eliot, a neuroscientist at Chicago Medical School, said at the Aspen Ideas Festival in June: The brain “is a unisex organ,” meaning gender differences are mostly a result of socialization, not genetics. After all, boys tend to be more vulnerable than girls to peer pressure, and that could discourage them from activities like reading that are perceived to be “uncool.”

we truly are living in clown world. i remember they were about to put me on ADD meds in 2nd grade until my Grandpa chewed out my parents saying "there's absolutely nothing wrong with that boy."

there are biological differences between boys and girls, and you have to be asleep to believe that this (((Boasian))) lens of "everything's a social construct" came about organically. when are people going to wake up to the fact that we are against a group of people who encourage extreme individualism and ontological ethics to everybody in their outgroup as a means of destabilization. absolutely sickening.

>> No.18297562

Why are you on this board? Go back to /v/ faggot

>> No.18297564

>"Education is worse because of women"
>you are rhetorically making the same argument that
>"Boys are stupid because they aren't reading"
I usually accuse people of being midwits on this board, but if you believe there is any logic to what you have written, you are an honest-to-god dimwit.

>> No.18297567

the average male today is way more introverted and socially inept than the average female. attribute that to what you will

>> No.18297571

>he doesn't get paid to read
lmao, go take a shower

>> No.18297587

It's too late. We are cursed to live in this doomed world.

>> No.18297598

Teach-anon here. Do you see what we have to deal with? If we instantiate standards, if we demand some form of accountability, we're accosted by a torrent of dumb fucking women - whether that's parents, or stupid women that grew up 'always wanting to be a teacher', or lazy parasites that see it as easy social control. We get flooded with these fucking idiots.

I've had teaching assistants tell me they reckoned they could could do what I do and fall flat in the first year of an English degree. It's tiresome dealing with women, because their arrogance and hubris knows no bounds, even when they demonstrably do a shit job at just about everything they're touching.

>> No.18297600

I'm right and you're wrong, my friends. Take a moment to ponder, before responding with a one-off, ad-hom comeback. I implore you.

>> No.18297601

Most employers only write that they want you to have a CS degree to make it easier to screen. If you have a degree your application will instantly stand out more compared to the other newbie who only have a portfolio to show of, however, employers value skill and knowledge more than a degree and will hire you if your portfolio is impressive and you show a drive to constantly improve and learn new things. If you already have a couple of years of work under your belt but no degree they will instantly take your application over fresh out of university applications, no questions asked.

>> No.18297604

See >>18297598

>> No.18297613 [DELETED] 

>Take a moment to ponder, before responding with a one-off, ad-hom comeback.
your a n*gger

>> No.18297622

it's too late for them as well. all the information is out there. duck duck go is still going strong. and on top of that, there are entry-level gateways such as Jordan Peterson.

it sounds corny, but the battle will be fought with our minds and the decisions we make. every little league game and church potluck is a candle in the dark so to speak.

>> No.18297626

I admire your optimism. I do not feel as good about it.

>> No.18297641

I'm a teacher as well, though presumably not in middle-school like the situation you're describing. You're disregarding an entire subset of society because it's more productive for you to screech and spray diarrhea everywhere like a panicked goose to sate your own dissatisfaction, so I think r/readingcirclejerk or whatever their equivalent is might be more your speed.

I've never had a parent confront me over a disciplinary matter, but either of them are equally willing to throw a shitfit over poor academic marks because they're desperate for their kid to have a """future""" because they still hold education to be a boomer-era talisman of success. How people, and "women" react to education inside and outside of it are separate problems with different mechanics and ways to solve them, and conflating the two is another indicator of the insincerity of the argument being made.

Correct, yes. Do something about it.

>> No.18297657

Could you repeat your post sans the ebonics?

>> No.18297685

i completely understand how you feel. but once you realize how fucking calculated and top-down this widespread attitude of nihilism is...it all starts to make sense. you need a cultural zeitgest of malaise and anxiety to drive a consumer society.

it goes beyond >tfw no gf. I know so many people (who the younger people on his board would call "normies") who are on antidepressants, seeing therapists, or abusing alcohol.

i'm gonna use triple parentheses but you start to see patterns. watch the adam curtis documentary "century of the self."

>> No.18297688

>On a technical level, there's little difference for me watching a movie from 1980 and 2020.
Because by 1980 movies had already been around for way longer than games have. It's be more accurate to look at how movies used to be in black and white and 4:3, and the lack of CGI meant movies like Solaris had to have restrictions in how they handled their adaptation

>> No.18297710

Truth, you can actually see all the soulless cogs seething against this in the replies.

>> No.18297712

>that they’re more prone to skipping passages or entire sections
Faggots never heard of speedreading?
>and that they frequently choose books that are beneath their reading levels.
Comic books are preferable to harry potter.

Only for top heavy stuff. For code monkeys, not really. It works a bit like nurses vs doctors. All stemfags almost with no exception are pretty heavy readers (usually scifi schlock of some sort), so I don't see how it's even related to the topic.

>> No.18297728

Is this a joke? Reading Shakespeare in class is basically waiting for the teacher to tell you the overly prescribed significance of a passage or play that is the key to the course and applying it constantly as 'analysis'. It's worse than rote memorization since what you're committed to is actually some bureaucrats' standard of interpretation.

>> No.18297745

Better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisficed. It can be noble to fail in today's world.

>> No.18297750

Does feminine virtue exist? Are there perfections females can obtain which men cannot? Do females even exist? I simply don't understand

>> No.18297848

The virtue of femininity is intrinsic. Women can choose to give it up - and often do.

Whereas men are born with no virtue, but can choose to become virtuous. But often don't.

>> No.18297875

Patience and compassion. Men can be empathetic- but rarely compassionate, and their patience is of a different sort.

>> No.18298150

I wish The Atlantic was that based, it’s just milquetoast woke capitalism

>> No.18298210
File: 31 KB, 331x499, 3526C6F8-8E24-4385-86FE-341F053FD736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kind of books boys like aren’t encouraged or often even allowed in schools because they aren’t deemed “literary” enough.

Meanwhile girl Fiction focused trash like the fault in our stars is pushed on kids

Boys like books like hatchet. They like adventure stories, horror stories, violence and later sex.

They wouldn’t even let us read Goosebumps when I was a kid in school

>> No.18298215

>Article author is a woman


>> No.18298366

so which did you have?

>> No.18298389

Boys don't read, they play video games. Girls don't read either, unless you count social media.

>> No.18298414

This is correct.

>> No.18298590
File: 83 KB, 960x960, 1610810172654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw read at a collegiate level since elementary school
>tfw read whatever I fucking wanted because I could
>most of it was YA fantasy because dragons and magic are metal as fuck
Fuck their statistics and grades, I know what I am.

>> No.18298847

In the case of America, it's because the State English Courses, Elementary, Middle School, and High School, are all absolutely awful. Kids are given random books and passages to read and then told to write about how the author was actually trying to talk about the oppression of POCs and the poor. The teachers are simply apathetic and uncaring at best, and straight up deceitful and subversive at worst. I was lucky enough to get a private religious education until High School, which wasn't perfect, but they made me read a good chuck of the western canon, which can not be said of public education.

>> No.18298955

Well yes? It's not like the women you're describing chose to be like that

>> No.18298977

All the men seething at this lmao

>> No.18298983

uhh based

>> No.18298984

You and yours just keep harping on about this as if anyone actually believes that there are no differences between men and women. But you always do this, pretend that your enemies believe something ridiculous because it's easier than critically engaging with the ideas at hand and you know that you don't know enough to have a nuanced view so you just sort of piss and shit yourself and cry the people who believe things that no people actually believe. This is why people don't argue with your kind, not because you're right but because you're too fucking stupid to understand how you're wrong and you're too emotionally invested to be able to think clearly. But it really doesn't matter anyway lol, we won and unless you completely segregate your child from all humans, they WILL learn tolerance and critical thinking and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.18298986

"retared" yeah shut up nigga

>> No.18298991

How melanin-enriched were the majority of those polled?

>> No.18298994

America is a dumbed down retarded shithole full of diseducated ADHD oatmeal brained hedonists. Not all americans are fucktarded but the average american is really god damned fucking retarded. A hand to mouth peasant from iraq is better educated and more appreciative of literature than a fat suburban american swine.

>> No.18299002

This anon is correct.
T. Accounting

>> No.18299003

>we won
you were told what to think and say and you obeyed even though it contradicts what you see. You did not win anything, you have no choice in the matter and no agency or impact on what wins.

>> No.18299022

It's total shit that the school system touts a goal of creating an inclusive space, but what that means for young men is that they don't get to read anything affirming for them. The writing and reading is all based on the agenda of making girls and queer kids feel empowered instead. I think this has created a new social problem where kids feel the need to be queer in some sense to be special and fit in. How long until we get adults who are coming out as straight because they didn't realize they had been emotionally manipulated as an insecure teenager? It's not like there aren't books out there for young men, they just aren't modern and aren't being introduced to their audience through the school system. I wouldn't be surprised to find that a lot of men pick up reading again in the 20s after school turns them off it.

>> No.18299040

Have you thought about what could be done to fix the situation? Not just boys but students in general. Changing the curriculum, testing?

>> No.18299112

Yes based

>> No.18299132
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, 1613892510525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, we're old aren't we anon?

>> No.18299134

Teacher here. I've taught in public schools, private schools, and adult education centres in many different countries. If you aren't homeschooling your kids you're a bad parent.

>> No.18299170

Will kids still socialise properly if you homeschool them, though?

>> No.18299500

If one spends even an hour a day trying to improve their mental or physical faculties they are definitely above a large majority of the plebs.

>> No.18299519

Why would you want your child "properly socialized"?
Socialize him or her around people that actually matter. Politicians, business leaders, academics, artists, etc. and it'll be a lot better than subjecting them to institutionalization.

>> No.18299522

>How long until we get adults who are coming out as straight because they didn't realize they had been emotionally manipulated as an insecure teenager?
It already happens, watch Benjamin Boyce on youtube or read Jesse Singal. Are you really surprised it gets swept under the rug?

>> No.18299530

There are social groups for homeschoolers. People saying it's isolation are either concern trolling or uninformed.
>Socialize him or her around ... Politicians
Why would you do this? Not even getting into the how.

>> No.18299577

I thought you could choose what to read anon.

>> No.18299584

Only if you have a variety of choices and the ability to choose. School instills a distaste for reading for anyone of discernment, no wonder women take it up since they actually enjoy the slavish rubbish that is the standard curriculum.

>> No.18299585

In primary school?

>> No.18299763

don't leave me hanging. care to explain?

>> No.18299872

This. When we do read shit, it's stuff we actually like, like video game lore, rpg lore, manga, etc. Current education system does not take that into account.

>> No.18300045

Most books boys are exposed to today are shitty female empowerment or older /lit/ that was never meant to appeal to people below the age of 30 but for some reason is on high school reading lists. It's no wonder reading seems bland to them. Give them some some good sci-fi like star Ship Troopers, Red Rising, or the (early) Halo books and you'll have them hooked.

>> No.18300054

>the (early) Halo books
Or pre-Disnoid Star Wars. I read so many of those in middle school.

>> No.18300061

Yet another coding NPC.

Yeah, modern education as a whole is a female enterprise. If you want to drag attention to an object or an idea, put females in the front row.

With that being said, literature is male's domain and it will stay that way.

>> No.18300076

Girls love Propaganda because they are more emotional. Based.

>> No.18300091
File: 13 KB, 300x249, 300px-471imhncbrv21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah, boys win again. boys fucking rule, girls fucking drule like always hahaha

>> No.18300099

you're still a little bitch though, sent by other people, you cant decide even a single thought you might have without checking

>> No.18300108

i can't hear you over the sound of me having a fully functioning penis, sorry

>> No.18300110

I agree with the sentiment of your post but not the content. Coding is a retarded waste of time too.

>> No.18300113

So I can bully manvaginas like you.

>> No.18300116

The same exact empty platitudes about "muh potential" every fucking time even though the medium is consumed entirely by infantile adults and will further infantilize its core audience.
Fallout and Last of Us are both shit.

>> No.18300132

>classes are dumbed down
Well they have to cause apparently half the class (the boys) is too retarded to even read. No wonder they tailor everything to girls

>> No.18300139

This is just a cope for boys being too retarded to read

>> No.18300145

boys have a penis.

>> No.18300147

Have you never asked your parents to buy you books you like before?

>> No.18300149

Yes? And? Their penis won’t compensate for their retardation

>> No.18300155

you've clearly never had a penis

>> No.18300171
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>> No.18300196

based, gary paulsen poster, Hatchet is young boy kino, and his books got me into reading, his other works are also really great and me develop a deep appreciation for nature and self discovery as a kid

>> No.18300210

fucking based, made so many trannies seethe

>> No.18300236

Being the moving force behind human progress while their female counterpart does nothing but larp intellectuals will surely compensate for retardation.

>> No.18300242

They call it differentiation, but they basically demand we teach 3 classes to accommodate 'low' and 'high' ability learners, as well as the status quo, because teaching the idiots the same as everyone else would be too confusing. I have no idea why this is allowed; streamline the classes down to pen the idiots together if it's so much of a problem (another thing ruined by progressives, it's seen as depriving the idiots of standard education, when the solution is to put the idiots in with the norms and then dull it down anyway).

I'm a firm believer you should teach to the top because it'll rapidly elevate those below that standard. I'd rather a kid get 20/100 than 10/10 because I set the bar higher.

I also don't know why you guys are obsessed with it being an American problem. I don't teach in America and it's still a problem. Makes me wonder if I should move there, sounds like I'm cut from a better cloth than most of your teachers.

>> No.18300262
File: 72 KB, 474x731, Legion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Large part of it is that teachers that are women don't want to or can't direct boys towards literature that interests them. I remember literature class being usually about dramas and romances. Nothing about stuff that might interest boys. It was a small discovery for me that books weren't only about boring subjects.

>> No.18300265


>> No.18300395

>Being the moving force behind human progress
Holy cope

>> No.18300398

>not full of trannies

>> No.18300405

Most stories are stories of love. Boys want stories of sex, murder and rape

>> No.18300421

This is untrue and woman propaganda to suggest that boys and men only want hedonism and violence. Men want solutions to their lives, much like women; literature focuses on romance because it illustrates to women that the solution to their lives is to find a man to take care of their needs. It does not afford answers to men, but rather the rhetoric to be chosen as an object rather than seek. It is ironic how antithetical other media has become to this idea, instead perverting this narrative to suggest women are objectified, when it's women who actively objectify themselves for financial recompense.

Men are creatures of thought, and there is nothing to stimulate thought by being told 'your job is just to make a woman happy when she chooses you will make her happy', it is the absolute absence of agency.

I guarantee if more books focused on male hierarchies (such as workplace, military etc.) without being written by women pretending to be men (as is a common fad for hundreds of years) that they might thusly represent the structure with some semblance of accuracy rather than the tripe women write littered with undertones of homosexuality, they might engage better. A sort of 'how to be in the male hierarchy and work with it' book rather than 'WOW MEN ARE GAY HAHA I ADMIRE MY BOSS SO MUCH HIS EYES ARE DREAMY' bollocks.

t. teach-anon.

>> No.18300425

>Except film has still yet to produce any work of artistic merit.
Andrei Rublev is not a work of artistic merit?

>> No.18300438

mental how boys dont want to read about how some teenage girl fucked and gave birth to a darkie and then the dad ran away and her grandad defended the half caste from english racists.

yeah i had to read that at school.
an interracial love story set in england that i was made to read in my school in scotland.

>> No.18300440


protip: they didnt read it, they saw the movie, which is decently produced by the way

>> No.18300445

>protip: they didnt read it, they saw the movie, which is decently produced by the way
Probably. I'd say the 'regular readers' column of people is evenly split between men and women. It's just the general populace uptake that has staggering differences.

Fuck I hate Jane Austen. She's so conceited.

>> No.18300473

Women read more than men but it's largely questionable: romance, crime , YA, smut.
Men read much more non-fiction and slightly more of the classics.
I understand there are differences between boys vs girls and men vs women, but shouldn't that be taken into account when directing children? There's quite a bit of easy non-genre fiction and even non-fiction (on "unproblematic" matters) readable by 10 year olds. Hook the plebeians up on fantasy and science fiction since that's the only mass produced genres with a masculine or at least neutral bend.

>> No.18300498

first of all you almost always 99.9999% of the time need a (((degree))) to do (((coding))), without (((college))) you will be stuck in shitty minimum wage work forever

>> No.18300502

yes, what coding is it's implementing their agenda of total surveillance and control

>> No.18300517

that book was fukkin sikk in 4th grade
the part where he goes diving down to the plane and the pilot is a fucking skeleton eaten by fish
I was like "wow this fucking rules my mom would never let me watch this if it was on TV"

>> No.18300519


Again this bot thread.

Women read more than men because they read novels which are easy to read and require no mental processing of the information.

>> No.18300525

after 3rd grade or so, we got "self-guided reading time" where you could read whatever you wanted as long as you were reading and not screwing off
Is that not a thing other schools did?

>> No.18300527

you make me sick

>> No.18300530

>Socialize him or her around people that actually matter.
>Politicians, business leaders, academics, artists, etc
pahaha just sell them to the pizza shop

>> No.18300537

Teach-anon here.
It still exists in school but it's wasted time. The trouble is in any class, you have 6-8 useless pricks that would be better off taking classes on how to fold boxes for Amazon, that instead are put into mainstream, and will cause continuous and unabated distractions in the class. The discipline system in most schools is laughable, and children aren't getting discipline at home either because most parents seem to be low income dummies that can't be bothered to raise their offspring.

It's sad but because you are dealing with literal savages, you can't give the ones that would benefit the affordance of these benefits. Remember the experiment where they tried to raise a monkey alongside the human, to see if they could humanise the monkey? But it turned out the kid started copying the monkey instead. That's school. And sadly, children from otherwise decent homes are so distracted by low class savages, that they too begin to show the same aberrant behaviour.

Library sessions/'free-reading' might as well be herding cats.

>> No.18300556

This is why I enjoy teaching at an almost 100% white high school.

>> No.18300558

Mine is close to 100% white too. It's just poor white people.

>> No.18300564

Correction: Why I enjoy teaching in a almost 100% white high school in a wealthy area. Important discinction, yes.

>> No.18300565

Lucky bastard.

>> No.18300629

braindead yank

>> No.18300670

>western canon is dominated by straight cisgendered white men for centuries
>school system caters to straight cisgendered white men for centuries
>marginalized voices finally get a tiny portion dedicated to them

>> No.18300671

All schools should be ability based but egalitarians and parents of retarded children don't want to acknowledge that some kids have more potential than others

>> No.18300674

Dilate, tranny.

>> No.18300679

>playing for the story
You don't understand video games. The best ones barely have a story (it's an excuse for world immersion) or no story at all.
Of course if you go into vidya expecting a story it's going to fail. So does abstraction in painting.

>> No.18300692

>Migrants flood my country without the consent of the indigenous population
>Why doesn't everything cater to us?!

>> No.18300697

As I've said previously, people don't want to acknowledge their kid is a person. I had one parent whining at me for giving their kid a negative behaviour point because of how strict they are with their children etc. as if it's my fault their kid was being a prat. They don't want to acknowledge that in spite of all parenting, their child might STILL make a bad choice. They think it's some massive injustice by THE MAN AND THE SYSTEM, when it's just us trying to give their kid the best shot we can at life.

>> No.18300705

Are you a native American Indian?
>404: error/wit/originality now found

>> No.18300709

to the teacher-anons, how do you view the parents? are they good? I see a lot of blame on the school system here, but aren't the parents to blame as well. do parents help with the education of their child?

>> No.18300720

Why does it matter?

>> No.18300721

90% of the time when a kid is bad it's because the parents are also bad people/ineffectual parenting

>> No.18300726

>Are you a native American Indian?
the famous red indians native to europe

>> No.18300733

Teach-anon here. First >>18300697

Problems with parents:
1) They lie like fucking crazy. "We try everything we can at home but if we take away his playstation he gets angry!" - then you're not doing everything at home, and I rather suspect your parenting is fucking minimal.
2) They bitch about sanctions. They think their child is some jewel in the rough because they don't see what a little dickhead their child can be around their peers.
3) If you alert them to problems with their kid, they will almost definitely tell you a life story about why it's like this, but never tell you how they plan to fix things going forward. "Hello Mrs X, yeah, unfortunately we've had repeated incidents of your child being unkind to other children including..." will be met with shit like "Oh yeah his father left when he was 5 and I've had toxic relationships with men since then and you know I work hard every day..." and it's just, exhausting, insofar that yes I know you work and work hard but holy shit you have a duty to the person you brought into the world.
4) They will flood their children with technology to placate them instead of doing actual parenting. iParenting is fucking dogshit and people should be ashamed for doing it. No we don't expect 24/7 supervision, but if your 9 year old kid has a smartphone, you fucked up somewhere badl

The type of people to have a child are seldom the people that have planned to, or overjoyed at the notion, but rather incidental parents of circumstance. Basically, it's cheap and impoverished people shagging like rabbits, making off-spring they don't care to raise, expecting the school to correct their shit parenting, and then fighting the school the entire way.

Women are by far the worst for this shit. It's never the dad complaining their kid got punished, it's ALWAYS the mum.

>> No.18300772

Hello Mrs. X, what you are talking about is behavioral though, I am more asking about whether the parents engage with the knowledge that is given to the children. I imagine myself teaching my kids alongside what the children are learning in school, and at least repeat what is taught to them, especially when the kid is struggling. Do you feel the parents want you to teach them everything, even when the kids are struggling, or are many parents involved in educating the kids?
Do you love teaching and the kids?

>> No.18300781

I would probably lose interest quite fast if I had to fill out quizzes about what I'm reading

>> No.18300786

>I imagine myself teaching my kids alongside what the children are learning in school, and at least repeat what is taught to them, especially when the kid is struggling.
This is more of a middle class thing. Working class parents generally don't engage much with the education of their children, partially because they are uneducated themselves.

>> No.18300790

Thank you for the support, Chang. Truly my greatest ally.

>> No.18300794

Nah the parents are heavily disconnected from the learning, and most aren't able to even do the same work we set the children. No exaggeration. We often involve parents because the school's behaviour system is laughable, and we hope that by reaching out to to home, they might actually do something effective. Even parents without jobs, that literally sit around doing nothing all day, will not engage well; those types are often the hardest to even get to pick up the god damn phone.

If it were up to me, I'd be making kids scrub floors, run laps, write lines etc. as punishments - but even that is seen as 'too mean' in our current pussy culture.

I'm a britbong, and part of the curriculum, as in we have to fucking do it by government mandated standards, is a speaking and listening assessment. This usually requires the kid to stand at the class and talk about something - usually the topic we're studying - for a couple of minutes. You know how many times I get parents whine their child can't do it because they have anxiety? It's ridiculous.

>> No.18300803

>his father left when he was 5 and I've had toxic relationships with men
Kid was already lost the day the mother decided to sleep with a bad boy.

>> No.18300813

But that's just it, we aren't allowed to instil the discipline required to break those kinds of cycles.


Yeah, I agree, it's not a good metric. I'd say it works for maybe, 1 or 2 students, who will hit incredible reading targets. I wouldn't say it's a driving thing. Every time we go into the library they are drilled, 'Make sure you have a reading book, do quizzes'.

>> No.18300819


>> No.18300832

That sounds terrible and concerning.
I wish we'd involve children more in society by "forcing" them to do work what is now mostly done by volunteers.
> You know how many times I get parents whine their child can't do it because they have anxiety? It's ridiculous.
They're ruining their kids.

You notice a difference in origin? I can imagine immigrant parents are less like what you are describing, because they might value education more?

>> No.18300859

>You notice a difference in origin? I can imagine immigrant parents are less like what you are describing, because they might value education more?
You're not wrong. The ESL students and foreign students try incredibly hard. I have one or two African children (literally from Africa that migrated) that work very hard, and often produce adequate work. I then have 12 white boys, British born and bred, do fucking nothing, because they have been raised to revere indolence and laziness by their 'bottom of a beer bottle' wisdom role-models.

>I wish we'd involve children more in society by "forcing" them to do work what is now mostly done by volunteers.
I agree. I think attending those things as a child was wholly beneficial to me - camping, making fires, learning to prepare food... shit I worked two jobs as a teenager because my parents weren't doing astoundingly well at parenting.

I know full well that the best way out for these kids is to learn some discipline, or they are doomed to be the dregs of society as adults, and will no doubt come to lament their choices and loath themselves. If the kid isn't academic - fine - but you don't need to be an amazing academic just to TRY.

>> No.18300861

I read Rabelais when i was 11. At that time i though it was a good adventure story and did see critique of the society (the lawyers and whatnot). Jules Verne too.
My parents had a small library so i had a freedom to pick and choose. Though i prefered adventure, sci-fi, detective and naturalistic ones. Had a very neat book on insectology.
>they aren’t deemed “literary” enough
I was and my school years were hellish. Lots of bullying and pressure - from dad who was obsessed with my academic preformance, my teachers who treated me like a golden cow/goose that lays golden eggs, all the bullying from boys because i was not exactly streetsmart or into sports, and half of the girls who treated me as a challenger for the spot of smartest/best pupil in class.
All i wanted was to study biology, chemistry and geography and become a research scientist, preferebly a geologist. And so life denied me that - i have a heap of mental issues.

>> No.18300871

Do you converse about this with your colleagues? What do they think? What about the principal or school district leaders?

>> No.18300881

>Boys want stories of sex, murder and rape
Dont generalise. I want stories of adventures, exploration, discoveries and heroic deeds. And it is a true bliss that there are plenty of those.

>> No.18300898

It's almost pointless to discuss, and always leads to complaining (eg: this thread), because ultimately the kinds of changes that need to occur aren't possible due to scale. Maybe standardizing curriculum regionally could help- but that needs to be legislated across districts, states, and even nationally with people whose primary jobs have nothing to do with education and who actively prefer not to change something that, superficially, doesn't seem broken. And there's a lot of pushback from people at the ground level (usually teachers and the elderly) who feel some kind of idiot pride in their education or region that should mandate "not learning like everyone else". There are the obvious issues with poverty and school funding, the stigma that keeps people away from teaching, the simultaneous over/undervaluing of education in society (everyone needs to go through an educational system, but nobody really needs it for a job- it's almost akin to a military hazing, where it doesn't end because a previous generation views it as a necessary rite-of-passage) and the poor job market in the US itself which really disincentivizes getting a full education. After all, even in an urban setting an illiterate car salesman can sell a new Ford to an illiterate groundskeeper who pulled out a $30,000 loan from the Bank of America. And, in that sense, its too profitable for poor education to be changed as well,

But, to try and answer the question:

-Standardizing a curriculum at at least a regional level (Southeast/New England/Midwest Great Lakes, etc.) with differences mostly in local literature and culture rather than math and science

-Development boards which constantly review this curriculum, making changes every 5 years/decade/ etc, or more immediate ones if issues arise; there's very little institutional monitoring of schools

-Reduce standardize testing to exit exams rather than yearly for students (again, this is purely regional), give more choice in their final years of high school and allow it to affect the kind of diploma they receive

-Less emphasis and funding directed to team sports. It's autistic to want to abolish them, but it's absolutely ruinous that a rural or suburban high school is allowed to dump hundreds of millions into a football program when it's tanking academically

-Heighten healthy individual and interpersonal competition in all areas. Becoming a head cheerleader or getting a certain position on a football team is competition against others, but it's incidental, not deliberate. In the end, they just lead to "my school against yours" and the individual's pride is tied to a structure rather than themselves. That's disastrous and doesn't encourage growth. Provide opportunities for students to compete directly against each other with various track and field games, or intra-school competition. The same with academic competitions- and provide rewards for students who win essay competitions or science fairs on certain topics etc.

>> No.18300906

Men/boys are largely uninterested by those subjects.
Women have rape fetishes at much higher rates than men (doing the raping). Murder/rape is a female obsession, they make 90% of true crime readers. Men might indulge in the investigation mystery as lowbrow entertainment but care little about the criminal perspective.
Sex does interest men but in a tactile and audiovisual manner. Reading erotica is an overwhelmingly feminine activity.

>> No.18300907

Discussion with leadership is worthless; they're pedagogues that place too much emphasis on the pop-science academia they call 'pedagogy'. They just tell you 'we have experience in this field and we know what we're doing', but I think they see an upward trend and call it a win, despite it being ludicrously far from any reasonable end goal.

Often, the choices they make, feel like they're actively spiting the teaching team. Senior team aren't usually teachers - they're former teachers - so they seldom see the true impact of their decisions in classrooms beyond data points. And because they're senior team, children respond differently to them anyway, so they have this constant reaffirmation that they're making the right choices, without understanding where that affirmation comes from.

With general colleagues... it's a mixed bag. I've been chastised for shouting at a child who was being incredibly rude to me, I've been chastised for suggesting that poor work might lead to bad grades and a less than favourable job. It's a weak culture. On the latter point, I had to stop them and ask what was it about what I said that was untrue or unfair? This is where we're at - we're anti-reality to preserve the feelings of people that have absolutely no discipline, no resilience, and if it continues, very likely little future.

I don't know how we can continue to teach if we can't even say "you're fucking your life chances up with attitudes like this", because it might offend them. It might upset them. It might make them feel bad. Fucking good - they're making me feel bad for wasting the time I put in planning and trying to teach that lesson, only to have some dumb little cunt ruin it for their own amusement.

It's a culture that has dehumanised children in the weirdest way - it treats them as fragile as glass, and as precious as diamonds. And that's not what people are. That's now how the world at large treats people. The world is not going to maintain that delusion beyond the walls we teach in. I have to explain to my peers that if they get a job with an attitude like that, they'll get told to do something, refuse to do it, and the first words their boss will utter are "Are you refusing a reasonable request?", which'll be a prelude to being fired.

>> No.18300915

As a Brit I can tell you there are only a few plays the teacher can pick from, and it boils down to: Romeo and Juliet (the most picked), Macbeth and Hamlet (least picked). R&J obviously isn't the most intellectually challenging of the plays and its genre appeals way more to the girls in the class. Macbeth, despite how great it is often studied from the perspective of Lady Macbeth. Again one of the best characters written, but when taught from the usually 20 something perspective of your almost always Left wing female English teacher it becomes a recipe for cringe. And Hamlet is a mixed bag, its usably not taught since teachers think it's too complex for 16-year-olds to get and even if they do, the study of it won't be any more than surface level stuff or discussions already gone over a billion times like: is Hamlet crazy? Write a paragraph describing your opinion.

>> No.18300918

>adventures, exploration, discoveries and heroic deeds
to be fair these are mostly euphemisms for murder, sex and sometimes rape

>> No.18300919

Have ability based schools that the poor but intelligent kids can go to.

Lower class schools are just a day-care centre, there isn't much point trying to educate low potential students who come from the working class who don't value education much in the first place. Many of them shouldn't be educated at all beyond learning to read or write and just taught a local trade that can get them a job.

>> No.18300928

Sounds terrible and I hope this doesn't come here, because when I look at the kids playing on the playground next to my house and the teachers lovingly engaging with them, I get happy because it seems that they are in good hands.
Have you worked in more schools and is it a national thing? I can imagine schools with less students are a better teaching and learning environment.
Bless you for caring and I hope things eventually change to the correct way. Teaching seems to be something you care about, yet it doesn't reward you what you are owed. Will you continue like this or are you looking for greener pastures?

>> No.18300941

Nah, im fairly certain that that is the case just for you and in your mind.

>> No.18300957

>western canon is dominated by straight cisgendered white men for centuries
Yes. It is Western, not Global. It is a canon of Western works made by the Westerners for the Westerners, it is not in any way obliged to anyone not a Westerner. Women and fags aren't Westerners, it is not their books, they were not written by them nor for them.
Write your own by yourselves.

>> No.18300964

There are two types of people that become teachers in my experience:
Sociopaths, and martyrs.

You're either in teaching because you love the control you have over other people; you love to be centre stage, you love to be loved. Seldom do these people leave education; it is an easy centre stage for them.
You're in teaching because you will give what you have to make a difference. And sometimes people don't last like this. They eventually have to leave.

I love working with kids, and I love making a difference, and it bleeds me dry but I'll keep doing it. I would love to have maintained the idealism I approached the profession with, but I have learned that there are often times where I have to be 'the bad guy'. And I have to shout at them, and I have to discipline them, and I have to give them a serious dose of life. It's not the nice thing to do, but it's the right thing, because if you continue to ignore that shit - and some people do, and they just let it go on and on - then you do them a disservice because they leave school in a failed mental state.

At the risk of sounding antithetical to education, I don't consider it a failure if a child leaves my class with a bad grade. I consider it a failure if a child leaves my class without aspiration. Because the reality is, if we've studied a Shakespeare play and they didn't pay attention and don't get it, but the reality and consequence of that inaction has weighed in on their future decision making - they have learned a lesson. They have learned a lesson about working hard. They have learned a lesson about valuing learning. That lesson is BIGGER PICTURE, because they may very well repeat that class somewhere else and do fucking astoundingly at it because they now value what they're doing.

I've also had kids cry in my arms because I've sat, listened to them, and talked about their problems with them, and I have letters from them I'll treasure forever. If you're working with kids, you have to give them love, and the mistake many people make is thinking that by shouting at them, or disciplining them, or giving it to them straight, that you're somehow not giving them that love. It's the opposite, you do those things because you want them to do well, and you know they're doing themselves and everyone else in that room a disservice by being a dickhead.

>> No.18300977

Growing up we didn't have any books in our house because my parents were working class scum who didn't care about anything other than watching TV and drinking down the pub

>> No.18300997

its on purpose they must scare boys away from reading or they would learn naughty things from the past

>> No.18300998


>> No.18301000

name an adventure that does not involve murder or sex

>> No.18301012

my diary

>> No.18301017

Hmmm... fiction, science fiction or classic?

>> No.18301019

pokemon red

>> No.18301037

>does not involve murder
The Marowak in the tower got killed by Team Rocket.

>> No.18301039

you got me
battling pokemon is violence however and team rocket kills pokemon
you can't breed pokemons in gen 1 right?

>science fiction or classic
yeah these two for extra challenge

>> No.18301058

Super Mario Bros 2 is all a dream, so doesn't feature murder or sex in its own universe.

>> No.18301063

>science fiction
A Fire Upon the Deep. And no, there is no murder. There is genocide, killing and existential crisis/survival/conquest are context for those.
Starship Troopers. There is a lot of killing and adversity, but hardly any murder.
A Door into Summer.
The very same Francois Rabelais - Gargantua and Pantagruel. There is killing, but very context framed and easy to understand the reasons for it, and there is not much of it.

>> No.18301066

well duh, fiction isn't real
not an argument dumbo

>> No.18301080

murder = violent killing, smartass, we're not talking law here
>A Door into Summer
themes of marriage (sex)

>> No.18301112

Young boys prefer to go out and play instead. What's wrong with that?

>> No.18301113

>shame men for reading literally anything
>complain that boys dont read enough

>> No.18301130

dudes rock

>> No.18301132

in my high school we had to read about some teenage girls being admitted into a convent because they've had premarital sex, and it's just them talking about Elvis Presley, their exes, and how much they hate the local Bishop and the nuns there

>> No.18301161
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>> No.18301193

>themes of marriage
There is no sex involved and while sex is part of marriage, one can go about it (in literature) in psychological aspect, with no sex involved.
>we're not talking law here
Bite me.
Murder is violent, intentional, brutal.
Next thing you will say that Jack London's White Fang has murder because wolf makes a kill.
Oh, and Bulgakov's Master and Marge (yeah, i said Marge). That has sex there too, right?

>> No.18301203

The "learn to code" people are the real soulless cogs

>> No.18301204

When I was in 6th grade I remember the librarians telling me to read The Pillars of the Earth which they had for some reason.

>> No.18301208

There's a specific subset of society that really loves computer programming and coding, but I guarantee you they'll take offense to being called boys

>> No.18301214

Jules verne books

>> No.18301221
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>boys dedicate less time than girls to processing words
no shit, we process FASTER.

>> No.18301225

Especially the Rust programmers, kek.

>> No.18301233

Reading is a feminine act. It should be discouraged for men at a certain point. You need to be able to read and process instructions, but beyond that it borderline femboi territory.

>> No.18301260

Reading prose fiction is. Always has been. Those long character driven classics were also mostly consumed by middle-higher class bored wives.
Nothing wrong with delving into autism, it is very anti-feminine too.

>> No.18301418

Only after 30 you might not be a boy anymore.

>> No.18301431
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Gathering information on the internet is not seen as reading yet? Not my fault the opposite gender decides to hinder it's development speed by resorting to traditional learning means characterized by inferiority as compared to the swift reading on the internet strongly dominated by males desu.

>> No.18301446

Kids do not use internet for reading. They use it for youtube and socialising.

I asked kids in my GCSE class if they read any type of article online, and none raised their hands. I advised them to spend 20 minutes a week reading BBC articles, because they might be asked to write an article for their exam.

>> No.18301458

i'm a guy and i read because most other hobbies destroy your dopamine sensitivity. it seems that boys are more prone to becoming addicted to dopamine and stimulation. not sure why

>> No.18301461

Because women deprive us of sex and we need a replacement.

>> No.18301471

This is not new. It's been a well-known fact for years that female have higher languages skills than males, in repeated studies among primates.

>> No.18301478

That's great, anon. But I think they might need different motivation than discipline from "watch out, exam soon". Not telling you how to do your job, but I feel like kids are more reckless these days than in the past, the traditional folk. Values have changed. Now even boys strive for social belonging stronger than being career oriented and working on that first. Former doesn't require knowledge, the latter does.

>> No.18301510

"Watch out, exam soon" is one of my most hated drivers of students, but it's not untrue. They have to be able to write a transactional piece, and will get awarded points just for knowing what one should look and sound like... if they read a little, they'll know that. At least if you use 'exam soon', it has some sort of salience to them, whereas asking them to even take remote interest in world issues is utterly lost on them. They only care about celebrities, funny tiktoks, and memes.

You are right though, it's all about social belonging, but they don't see the bigger picture in the transience of their current state. Honestly I wouldn't be above putting them into military parades for 15 minutes a day if it sorted out some of their attitudes.

>> No.18301582

>They only care about celebrities, funny tiktoks, and memes.
Not that I ignored the rest of what you're saying but this part is just so sad. I may sound like the biggest boomer but it brings me joy when I see kids going out on their bikes and actually spending time outside, because that's time away from instagram, tiktok and all that shit. It pollutes the brain and turns kids into dopamine crazy subjects. Why develop myself if I get all my happiness from this little app right here?
You're a hero that reminds people of what's good which is easily forgotten these days.
>"Watch out, exam soon" is one of my most hated drivers of students, but it's not untrue
It might be the best reward system there is right now, but for it to work they need to be taught that exam points actually have some worth. I wonder if there's something else that could be a driver or motivation to become better. Kids don't understand true morals yet

>> No.18301583

>fallout new Vegas and the older ones
A 10 year old game is now considered 'old.' Fucking zoomers, man.

>> No.18301590

>literature is male's domain and it will stay that way.
no-novel cope

>> No.18301601

Post main and favourite book

>> No.18301660

>but this part is just so sad.
It is sad, I get asked constantly if I know who such and such an eceleb is. The problem isn't internet, or social media, it's down and outright smart phones; things like internet and social media aren't good for you, but having them in your pocket is the damaging factor. It's like fast food right? Fast food isn't good on its own, and some people eat too much, and that causes a problem. Now imagine if everyone could just 'summon' fast food. That's what smartphones are, they're a literal portal to dopamine filled nonsense, an escape from reality whenever it fails to meet the titillation downright demanded by them.

>but for it to work they need to be taught that exam points actually have some worth.
They care about passing. That's about the limit of it. They don't seem to have wider world aspirations. This is why I'd happily get them into militaristic routines. It'd do these kids a shit load of good to learn just to be able to stand in a line, facing forwards, paying attention, but even that seems to be too high a bar for most of them.

The dappy helicopter parents hate hearing this, but I was a very, very poorly behaved child at school. I suffered some abuse from adults in my early life, and it made me rebellious as all hell. I almost got permanently excluded from two schools. They sit there and they tell me what works and doesn't work, and it always crosses my mind: how do you know, have you been there? I have. I've been there. I know what is transformative to these attitudes. But they'll ignore me, because hubris will get the better of them.

>> No.18301697

*girls want

>> No.18301705


Legion of the damned should not be read by anyone with a functional brain and "Sven Hassel" is a hack

>> No.18301758

>a literal portal to dopamine filled nonsense
It's a great source of marketing and what brings in the consoomer so that's not going away anytime soon. The only way is to inform and fight against it. Sometimes I feel it's a little too pessimistic of me to think that the future generation is doomed, but I'm thinking how different and underdeveloped the social life of the next adults will be just because they're running away for consolation on their phones. Or even worse for the kids that grew up during the pandemic and for some reason got the idea that social interaction is a bad thing.
>They care about passing. That's about the limit of it.
I was usually kept motivated throughout my childhood by knowing it will give me a great job and knowledge, but ultimately it meant making my parents proud, specifically my mother. From the very start, my mother taught me "Mom is always right", which undermined the necessity to listen to hear. I guess some genes make it easier to be obedient to the right people. Which kinda fits with your next point...
>The dappy helicopter parents hate hearing this
The parents are hugely at fault. There's no discipline towards the kids and the children end up thinking they can do whatever they want, because the parents never punish (Not necessarily by beating, although still necessary sometimes, but discipline through fear). Kids need authority to look up to.
>I suffered some abuse from adults in my early life
I haven't suffered through that luckily but I grew up in a developing country so things were pretty rough from the get-go, and had to go through the divorce of my parents during my early teens, and as hard as it can be, sometimes I wish others the same thing. Not in a spiteful way, but just so people can learn how hard life can really be - it's a great lesson. It's like war, you think you understand it until you actually fight one in person. Once I moved to a more western culture, it was so embarassing to see how the kids lack discipline. I digress but I think this has a point.
Sorry for the longpost. I think about these issues a lot.

>> No.18301782

This too. I started reading beyond my highschool demands at 17 too, and girls that "read" just read shit like harry potter and whatever's hot at the moment.

>> No.18301794

It's not so much doom as it is regression. I think it'd be specious to say that smart devices have DOOMED humanity, because they haven't, but they're setting an extremely low bar for running away from problems. It means as soon as a kid (and these grow up to be adults that do the same) isn't absolutely intrigued or entertained by the goings on, that phone comes out. I grew up before smart phones. Not long before them, but before them. I have seen absolutely first hand what it does to people. I have watched the transition in action.

And yes, I think beating is a step too far, but I also don't think physical discomfort should be considered 'barbaric'. I should be allowed to make them get down on their hands and knees and clean my carpet if they make a mess of my room. I should be able to force them to stand for a reasonable period of time outside. I think I should be able to raise my voice if they're repeatedly talking over me and being rude, and I think I should be able to tell a student they're being an idiot when they are, in fact, being an idiot. But these are all 'barred', and parents will oppose you using them.

We need to stop women neutering discipline. And I will reiterate, it is ALWAYS women that will defend their child from sanction, even when that sanction is perfectly justified.

>> No.18301816

>it is ALWAYS women that will defend their child from sanction, even when that sanction is perfectly justified.
I've seen many examples where the teachers were afraid of the parents, because of how the parents would lash out if the kid was punished, even if it was justified, risking the teacher's job because of how the work environment has changed. Which also ties the hands of yet another force that could enforce proper discipline. But still a very western thing. Developing countries still don't screw around and those kids who fight through it become great people. I'm glad you're doing the right thing and you bring me and others who believe in it hope.

>> No.18301830

Thanks bro, who knows, maybe I'll become the out-of-touch senior leadership member, and finally impose a militaristic view on education, forcing them to line up quietly etc., long treks/hikes, outdoorsmanship in curriculum... Doubt it though. Nobody would let me take charge of a school with such ideals, and that'd be many, many years away.

>> No.18301884


>> No.18302013

Lost on a Mountain in Maine [autobiography]

>> No.18302043

Even if you read it as a teen/child its pretty easy to see he exaggerates stuff if not outright lie about some stuff, but my main point is The Legion of the damned is something that boys would find more appealing.

>> No.18302058

Lit majors pissed they wasted money and are seething at this post.

>> No.18302092

you really dont. you need experience which can be hard to get unless you have a brain which I can only imagine most of the idiots saying YOU NEED A DEGREE lack.

>> No.18302327
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>> No.18302835

Halo and Metro 2033

>> No.18302836

>"In war you learn your lessons, and they stay learned, but the tuition fees are high.” - Jünger

We should probably just send them to war at an early age in order to force them to appreciate life.

>> No.18302901

Cave Story is the only game that ever felt like art to me

>> No.18302946

Tom Sawyer. There was no murder, was there? I don't remember right now.

>> No.18303005

They should be made to read Guenon (PBUH)

>> No.18303097

Reminds me of this video-https://youtu.be/ypYDq_zIiZ0