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18295671 No.18295671 [Reply] [Original]

The commercialization of stoicism by self-help gurus in our current age is truly disgusting, but sadly reflective of a broader capitalist ethic that wants nothing to do with philosophy that isn’t watered-down and prescribed as a neat little antidote to post-industrial problems (think ‘productivity hacks’, stress, worker alienation, etc) which ironically arise from the same oppressive society which seeks to commodify it as a solution. Today’s stoicism is a dangerous corruption of the original, it’s core tenet “nothing is good nor bad, but thinking makes it so” is being exploited in our society to robbing masses of workers not only of deep genuine wisdom but also lulling them into a state of designed resignation and passivity which in turn cements bourgeois power.

>> No.18295684

I am a capitalist and all I want is more money
Seeth more

>> No.18295687

Commie appropriation of the Stoics? Something new every day. Go back OP

>> No.18295702

it’s surface level “philosophy” for people who have surface level problems or atleast are only aware of their surface level problems

people waste their time with it and go back to being happy normies temporarily which is why it’s a waste or the problems get worse and deeper ones show themselves and suddenly you need something more serious than modernist self help shit

>> No.18295711

i hate a lot of people here but nobody on this board is that shallow, you’re lying and i’m not seething i’m just saying how it is

what do you want? it’s anonymous just be honest

>> No.18295741

I wanted op to chimp out anon

What I really want?
A good family, enough money to buy a nice house in a village just to get high, read and write in. I want to study and educate myself in maths and philosophy before I die(couldn't do it I was a slow child, long story)
I want to be a man my mother, wife , children can rely upon

Does this sound more faggy

>> No.18295765

literally name one commie who has done an honest day's work. you can not. you are all pudgy or boney. karl marx was born to an upper class father and leaned over his fatted gut to write his treatise on the oppressed class. communism, marxism, socialism has never been anything more than a LARP for godless academics to pretend they are the messiahs of the working class. if you want to do something meaningful with your life there are animal shelters where you can play with battered dogs instead of pretending you are some revolutionary on an imageboard. faggot

>> No.18295775

Bro... I teared up

>> No.18295790

>literally name one commie who has done an honest day's work.
>karl marx was born to an upper class father
not really

>> No.18295817

>literally name one commie who has done an honest day's work

>> No.18295901
File: 299 KB, 976x549, stakhanov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally name one commie who has done an honest day's work.

>> No.18295904
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>> No.18297119
File: 190 KB, 490x738, Screen Shot 2021-05-22 at 7.01.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mandatory reading for actual stoicism

free link
filebin ( dot ) net ( slash ) xj9fylc6uawpxq5g

>> No.18297166

What they're teaching isn't stoicism, it's inspired by stoicism. Sophists will do what sophists do.

>> No.18297258

>filebin ( dot ) net ( slash ) xj9fylc6uawpxq5g

Thanks, Kevin!

>> No.18297259

this honestly is true

>> No.18297265


>> No.18297283

>nothing is good nor bad, but thinking makes it so
How is this a misrepresentation? Meditations was always a massive cope. Also any form of stoicism is better than cuckstianity

>> No.18297955
File: 725 KB, 1080x632, 1621726647845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why to people like Marcus so much? His thought process basically boils down to

>dont be mad at others, be mad at yourself for being mad in the first place
>be virtuous
>you are going to die, so don't bitch about it
>"virgin therapy vs. chad don't think about it"
>seggs is just skin touching and friction weeiirddddd !!!!!
>pain? don't think about it.

It seems kinda surface level advice, although I want to read Epictetus's Discourses too, since Marcus talks about him for a bit.

>> No.18297984

Sounds like toxic masculinity.

>> No.18298054
File: 383 KB, 420x610, 1613404976600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the stoic

>> No.18298136

He's great to start off with. I've reccomended him to plenty of people and they always come back asking me to reccomend them any life changing books like it that i come across.
I also find it a very easy topic to bring up with people who are stressed out and it has some great entries in it that changed the way I behave towards other people.
One more thing, it's really fun to see how differently people react to it. I've had people literally say 'who cares'. But Ive had some people come back to me and tell me that the book was life changing.
I also believe this will help once I finally experience the death of a loved one in my life.

>> No.18298335

Stoic ethics makes sense if you consider Stoic physics which was supposed to logically justify the ethics. Normies don't know what Eternal Return is.

>> No.18298973

because he actually did it, its quite impossible for anyone successful to behave in such a way