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/lit/ - Literature

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18293130 No.18293130 [Reply] [Original]

How fast can you read?
I read at 700WPM with a comprehension rate of 98.74% by using a pointer, suppressing vocalization and using my peripheral vision.

>> No.18293137

How do you suppress sub-vocalization?
It always is in the back of my brain

>> No.18293145


>> No.18293158
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I am able to optimize my reading technique by subvocalizing only when absolutely necessary and skipping over the parts of the text that seem to be superfluous or uninteresting at a cursory glance. I only read non-fiction; I use Wikipedia and other online resources to extract requisite info about fiction books. In this way, I'm able to absorb as much information without wasting too much time reading. My current spped rate is 1330WPM, with an info retention of cca. 40% (the other 60% is literary input that I forget soon after; I'm in the process of honing my skill of skipping over parts of the text that I suspect I'll forget quickly after reading). This way, I'm able to read more productively and efficiently than most people I know.

>> No.18293172

20 WPM because I read slowly and reread parts I want to absorb more comprehensively. I also remember everything that I read. :)

>> No.18293214

Very based.

>> No.18294626

i read this post at infinity WPM (100 WPM / 0 words read)
how'd i do?

>> No.18294722

it takes you three seconds to read a word?

>> No.18294727

I don't read. I memorized the divine comedy and recite it on loop under my breath in all my waking hours.

>> No.18294760

No you don’t
You can’t

It’s impossible to consistently read any text with difficulty above high school fiction faster than ~450 wpm and still retain comprehension for longer than 5 minutes. Sure you can take a reading test and get some absurd number, but I guarantee you when you read normally you slip down to 300-350 wpm.

>> No.18294776

Instead of trying to read faster why don't you just enjoy.

>> No.18294789

>t.unhinged retard getting angry again at his inability to stop subvocalizing
Like clockwork

>> No.18294812

Not subvocalizing is called not reading. You are literally just moving your eyes over words absurdly fast and the claiming to understand them to increase a number that never applies to your actual every day reading (though I know you don’t read every day). I know it’s the same few faggots shilling this subvocalization crap and it kills me that people are stupid enough to actually believe this despite the fact that they can’t stop subvocalizing and still understand words no matter what they do, they trust retards on basket weaving forums over their own experience and common sense.

>> No.18294860

Transcebdentally based
t. Humorless autistic retard

>> No.18294882

Lmao at the state of this retard’s cope. What voice are you reading my replies in right now?

>> No.18294889

I don't want to say there aren't a few very talented and trained people out there reading and remembering incredible amounts, but considering this is not bait and concerning most of the booktube-conmen:
1)You are not supposed to speed read literature to get the 'plot' and be able to answer multiple-choice-tests. It is written to be enjoyed through reading and is still read because it might offer in a Browser sense philosophical insights about human nature. In this aspect speed reading is even more of a hoax than 'reading' audiobooks (which also is more plot-focused than concentrated reading and rereading, because you can't let your mind freely make associations without missing out on the plot.
2) What most of them call non-fiction is americanized anecdotical prose. It's neither scientific nor philosophical texts. It's books about three to five sometimes actually interesting aspects with 250 pages of narrative filler-episodes. You don't miss anything out by recognizing only the main points, because there is close to nothing more inside.

That being said, of course I'm a bit jealous of people who can read and understand fast. It took me about 20 hours I guess to read the annotated Lolita; looking up hunderets of words because I'm a non-native english-speaker and still skipping looking up everything I did not know the exact meaning of. But I had a good enjoyable and strenuous time with a good portion to think about. And that's what counts the most.

>> No.18294892

next time you take an online reading test why don’t you just scroll down and click the “finished” button without having to read any of it? Then you can get really big number and everyone will finally believe that your dick isn’t tiny

>> No.18294901


>> No.18294915


>> No.18294920

You need to be 18 to browse 4chan. Maybe you should ask your middle school English teacher what went wrong in teaching a retard like you that you can’t stop subvocalizing it.

>> No.18294938
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>haha people should be like me, a retard that basically skims through pages understanding jackshit because I fell for the speedreading meme
Keep moping nigger

>> No.18294941

It’s not that you’re missing the main points by reading fast, it’s that at a certain point you are literally just skipping large swaths of words. You aren’t reading faster you just aren’t reading, if anything you’re training yourself to be better at recognizing which parts are important or at least which parts you are more likely to be quizzed on and which parts you can skip. That’s why “speed readers” recommend reading the first sentence of each paragraph slower than the rest, so you can get the main idea without having to actually read 90% of the words. Then they say they are still reading them, they just aren’t subvocalizing them… no.

>> No.18294944

>he doesn’t subvocalize therefore he must be skimming
Nice cope and insecurity, retard.

>> No.18294965
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>I don't know what reading means
Come on anon, you're just outing yourself as a retard now

>> No.18294974

>reading means I hear voices in my head

>> No.18294977

what is the point of bantering if you’re this shit at it?

>> No.18295000

Unironically, yes.

>> No.18295020

I truly resent that man and his whole approach to existence. Post reads almost exactly like the sort of thing he'd say.

>> No.18295025


>> No.18295170

Takes one to know one.

>> No.18295292

Bro that's (entirely de)based (by dialogues of neoliberalism - productivity hacking etc.)

I try to enjoy the few small pleasures that are not yet entirely colonised.

>> No.18295361

I'm never sure, if I was sick, if I'd want him as my doctor or not.

>> No.18295424

Based, I guess.

>> No.18295538
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anyone have videos or tips/articles on how to read faster/ more efficient? I get distracted easily so i have to smoke weed to focus while reading for long periods of time. it fucking sucks but I dont know what else to do.

>> No.18295895

Lol as someone who measures his typing speed I don't know why someone would measure how many words they can read. But I can finish 100 pages in 30 minutes I guess

>> No.18295964

I read 12 words per minute.

>> No.18296043

You're a dumbfuck. The other anon wiped the floor with you. Just leave the board.