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18292622 No.18292622 [Reply] [Original]

>They sat down to eat cold beans with a side of beans and they smoked and drank coffee and it was good.

>> No.18292642

Not it. Try again.

>> No.18292647

>The chairs they sat on were set on the ground around a table also set on the ground. Their elbows rested atop the table. There were beans on the table, in the bowls and on the table.

>> No.18292658

>he sat down to post shit posts with a side of shitposts and he seethed and watched anime and it was cringe

>> No.18292676

>They sat down to eat cold beans with a side of beans and they smoked and drank coffee beans and it was good.

>> No.18292688

>They sat down to eat. Cold beans with a side of beans, and they're smoked.

>> No.18292698

>They feed down to seed cold sneed with a feed of seed and they chucked and sucked seed and it was sneed.

>> No.18292909

He’s not Hemingway

>> No.18293462

So Cormac is the American Murakami?

>> No.18293471

The beans were the same wherever they went and so was death cold in a tin tray.

>> No.18293571

The beans they ate were the same beans as always and the sun set on them casting shadows of the beans across the table so it looked as if there were more beans than there were.

>> No.18293607

Murakami's characters eat beans?

>> No.18293624

Probably, everyone eats the magical fruit. It was in reference to a common Murakami meme that follows the same pattern but instead beans and coffee it is beer and jazz.

>> No.18293701

They prepared beans. These beans which had first sprouted up from the hinterlands of Mexico where they were grown by the Aztecs in their way of the three sisters and required the blood of sacrificial victims to fortify the black earth against the spiders of the outer dark they stirred in attic pans over the fire as the oaken smoke caressed their faces like the breath of a poisoned lover and stung their staring eyes which saw in the ochre flames the pentacles of their own damnation and the sparks drifting off and growing cold like their own hearts upon the winter air in that windless hollow of the earth. Then they ate. When the beans were warmed they dug in with wooden spoons clawed from their saddlebags and tasted the sauce upon their tongues which uttered not jokes nor idle speech but simple orisons of delight at such a pleasure of warmth and the horses whinnied and shook their tails and stomped upon the crust of frost and the lead rider turned and bit his tongue against his lip as he saw upon the old Indian trail their deaths approach.

>> No.18293721

Pretty good. Is this from one of his books or did you write it?

>> No.18293783

Wrote it just now. I'd have to bust out the thesaurus if I wanted to make a decent pastiche.

>> No.18293869

>He sat his butt on the filthy gaming chair infront of his monitor His naked fat folds hanging made it seem that the chair in a sense is what he's completely dependent on. The heinz beans he bought from the local walmart store lay exposed in the afternoon heat. His right's fingers to pick food while his left's finger to scratch on his butt It is obvious that the godless creature hasnt bathe for weeks. He saw a thread on 4channel and halfcrazily yelled about. Underage bait! he said. In hysterics deleted the thread.

>> No.18296051

bible tier

>> No.18296176
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>They found themselves eating the beans of a temperature not warm enough to rest assured in the faith that the beans were all they needed, and lo the beans were eaten with smoke and with coffee, with beans and with benediction, the beans had, well they had no flavor, bland beans of a cold bland disposition like the men that ate them, and lo the beans were good.

>> No.18296201

McCarthy is good, so that can't be

>> No.18296301

>Beans. Beans the musical fruit the more beans you eat the more toots you toot.

>> No.18296333

>The trio enjoyed a breakfast of beans and ham. They whispered about the thing upstairs for a while, trying not to be too loud as for the other students to hear them. Suddenly, after the last sip of coffee, he stood up and said he was going to stretch his legs.
>"Not without us you're not," said his friend.
>"Yes, with everything that's happened lately- it's just not safe," said the other.
>He understood but wondered if he would ever get some time alone to think about what had happened to the beans.

>> No.18296351

>A great deluge of beans fell unto the land

>> No.18296416

Was it a dark and stormy night?

>> No.18296473


>> No.18296777
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>> No.18296786

No he isn't. kek. Are you being sarcastic?

>> No.18296884

Are you retarded?

>> No.18296997

Unironically kino. If McCarthy dies before the passenger comes out, try to get your hands on a manuscript and fill in the missing pieces for us

>> No.18297118

They sat down to eat beans; paired with coffee and cigarettes, they were good.

>> No.18298116

Why are these two sentences so satisfying?

>> No.18298160

>Tumult of the beans

>> No.18298211

>The beans contained within them the germ of possible lives unlived as did the boy who ate them and in their consumption whole worlds collapsed and never would be again but he was strengthened by it. Outside there was a wolf with breath smoking out its nostrils and whole worlds reflected in its eye which really if you think about it suggests deep themes of subjective experience and optical democracy which I'll never need to explain in any direct manner because this is a novel. They rode on.

>> No.18298639

It read barely anything like him.

>> No.18298673

I bet he has some arrangement where the public is not to be notified when he dies. He may already be dead.

>> No.18299242

> he sat still in the early morning looking down at the beans sitting cold on the old cracked enameled tin plate laying on the dirty bare plank table. A pot of coffe was boiling on the old cast iron stove, bubbling slowly sounding strangely like some voice garbled speaking from the smokey fire contained in its pig iron belly.
>the beans presented a problem that he gambled forth in his numbed brain sitting there at the old dirty table. He hadn't slept in three days. His wisdom tooth exploded hellfire in his jaw every two seconds. He stopped wincing a day ago, his eyes no longer watered out a small tear to run down his burning swollen cheek. He became the pain. The Pain was like a deep resonating bong from God's bell tower a million miles away on some distant planet, calling him home. He could not shut up the sound as it was, vibrating out of his soul, his heart, his burning brain. Boom, wait ...boom... The Pain was almost like his breath at this point. His own tiny hell driven by a terrible red demon living in the black rotten abscess in his yellow tooth. It ruled there with no rest or fear of God. Yet here he sat staring at the cold beans wondering how he should partake of to set fuel for his body, now setting its demand for small sustenance. The beans slowly in his mind taking the form of heavenly angels formulating a charge into that fiery, electric exploding storm that was his poor human mouth.

>> No.18299267
File: 9 KB, 221x228, 1BD1DA60-A3F3-48D9-8291-735C0E07E5AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My copy of Blood Meridian just arrived, is this what I'm in for?

>> No.18299310

I like the part where the kid spits and then they all ride on.

>> No.18299343

I'll remember this conversation

>> No.18299344

That was pretty funny. Who knew cooked beans could be so malevolent in nature?

>> No.18300560

you need to make it a single phase and replace all the punctuation by ands