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18288292 No.18288292 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on the psychological, sociological, and neurological effects of the majority of Earth's population carrying around a constant dopamine drip in their front pockets?

>> No.18288299

The Shallows is the standard coffee table book for this.

>> No.18288304

Do you need a book to know that humans are becoming robots remote-controlled?

>> No.18288328

not really but i want to read the research that's out there, seems like it's the elephant in the room issue literally everyone is ignoring

>> No.18288406

>i want to read the research that's out there
You could try diving head-first into academic articles on the subjects, just by typing keywords related to the subject into Google Scholar. It's not easy to do this without any context though, and you may misunderstand the ideas presented

I don't know if there have been any written about this subject, but academic "literature review" articles could be a starting point. A literature review article is a summary of the different ideas/paradigms/experiments that are currently dominant to in a given field. So maybe Google Scholar something like "technology addiction review"

>> No.18288415

my mobile phone is not mobile; I keep it in my room unless I need it for navigation on a trip
so I use my mobile phone for orienteering
in my room, I use it for entertainment

>> No.18288435

Problem is you will get loads of batshit if you read academic research, a.k.a. liberal propaganda. They shamelessly neglect the problem because they know that dumping the smartphone means liberating oneself from brainwashing media sources. Millennials don't watch television, so how will they be indoctrinated if they refuse to see cats, nudity, virus bulletins and BLM riots reports every day? You'll need to stick to unorthodox researchers if you want to further investigate the issue.

>> No.18289574


>> No.18289669
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>amusing ourselves to death: public discourse in the age of show business
>the madness of crowds
>the shallows: how the internet is changing the way we think, read and remember

There was one more but it was written by this fat leftist jabba the hut with dreadlocks looking faggot. I forgot what the book was called. It had all the dopamine explanations mixed with muh russia trump denial. Ten reasons to quit social media or some shit.

>> No.18289737
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this one?

>> No.18289779

Yes. Its bearable, you get some facts and its luckily not very long. His writing style pissed me off.

>> No.18289814

The Revolt of The Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium

>> No.18290158

You forgot to say he is a jew too.

>> No.18290185
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Are you looking for boomer comics ?

>> No.18290195
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>> No.18290202
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>> No.18290220

>brainwashing media sources
You mean the same techniques that were utilised in the Nazi regime, /pol/cuck? You're seething because they aren't being indoctrinated by the Protocols instead.

>> No.18290223

>You'll need to stick to unorthodox researchers if you want to further investigate the issue.
So the absence of proof is proof. I bet you get a real nice dopamine kick when you read 'research' that validates you.

>> No.18290245

Is he really? I wouldnt be surprised.

>> No.18290250
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>> No.18290531

Twitter level 'everyone I don't like is a Nazi'

>> No.18290548

He's saying the mainstream science on this topic has too much of a political agenda to be taken seriously. Perfectly valid point Mr super hardcore rationalist.

>> No.18290569

Now I understand- you're not disingenuous, just retarded.

>> No.18290570

I was literally just thinking about this. Social media is far more effective brainwashing than TV.

Digital Minimalism - Cal Newport is a good book on the topic if you can get over his annoying writing style.

>> No.18290580

Because books are capable of transmitting much more nuanced ideas.

>> No.18290593
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>> No.18290666

Byung Chul Han wrote some interesting essays about that: Burnout Society and Transparency society

>> No.18290678

how many hours do you spend on your phone a day?

>> No.18290699

No you

>> No.18290726

>constant dopamine drip

>> No.18290813

Most of what people call mainstream science is actually the interpretation of science by a third party and they draw the conclusions which suit their agenda because they know that no one is going to read the sources and much of the time their source is a study by students. Just avoid intermediaries and studies by people who are still in college and things become much less biased.

>> No.18290864

I'm afraid "The Science" itself is tainted.

>Not so many years ago, people believed that traits were “determined by genes,” and that the development of an organism was the result of--was caused by--the sequential expression of genes in the nucleus of the fertilized egg. When B.F. Skinner in the 1970s said “a gestating baby isn't influenced by what happens to its mother,” he was expressing a deeply rooted bio-medical dogma. Physicians insisted that a baby couldn't be harmed by its mother's malnutrition, as long as she lived to give birth. People could be quite vicious when their dogma was challenged, but their actions were systematically vicious when they weren't challenged.


>> No.18290887
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How do I break my internet addiction and restore my attention span?

>> No.18290888

>dopamine drip in their front pockets?
if only

>> No.18290907

>controlled, concise collection of information, usually focused on or around a single topic
>uncontrolled deluge of information you can only dream of sampling in your lifetime, usually leads to unfocused, ADHD driven meandering around certain topics but never tackling them head on (until you inevitably consult a Book)
I guess it depends on your personality or how disciplined you are and all that, but the average person would do more good for themselves to deny the over indulgence of near infinite information and focus more on what is finite but attainable.

>> No.18290913

and smartphones aren't?

>> No.18290939


>> No.18290938

Technically you can read a book on a phone but it's all the distractions on there that prevent most people doing that and fragment the steady focus of even the most disciplined person.

Unless you're talking about changing the software that runs on phones you are being deliberately obtuse.

>> No.18291040

Medium is the message. As a zoomer I had to undergo a year long self imposed rehab from social media, phones, porn and 4chan before I could enjoy literature

>> No.18291068

Have you tried going camping?

>> No.18291135

You are proving my point, not a study.

Probably 99% of the studies which we come across in the wild are either grad studies or what is essentially market research. Grad studies are more an exercise in the form than anything and almost all are heavily hindered by their limited resources, students have to work around this, they can not afford equipment or to pay people, they work with what is available and choose their topics accordingly which often requires some creativity. These are not meant to change the world, just demonstrate understanding of the process. The other sort is company A hires company B to research the effects of their product or the like, these rarely have any real connection to science or reality but the media often represents them as factual, their purpose is marketing first and foremost.

Check the sited study with careful attention to who paid for it, little of what media outlets represent as science has any resemblance to science.

>> No.18291957

>>the madness of crowds
post some excerpts related to this

>> No.18291972

no don't have the quipment

>> No.18292072

yes phone are for cooming and other shallow pursuits you aren't read the Iliad on your phone nigger

>> No.18292078

based fellow shiller. seconding this hard

>> No.18292103

Just turn off your phone like junt don't look at it lol

>> No.18292266

How do you expect me to work, then? Even after work, if I want to learn something, I would have to use my phone.

>> No.18292318

When I'm reading something, not understanding the details annoys me, so I google it. I bought a dictionary, but it can't compare to the extent of information you can obtain through phone. What do I do?

>> No.18292327

e-readers have dictionaries built in

>> No.18292410

But can they compete with phones? Just reading one or two lines isn't satisfying. Is there some way to link it to Wikipedia or something?

>> No.18293456

sound like you need to better your knowledge of the English language big guy

>> No.18293510

I know it's not a study, I'm not proving your point. Studies say almost nothing on their own, what study could I link you that would help in this debate? None. This was intended as an example of dogma within the scientific establishment canon.

You see that's the problem with science. Interpretation is everything and there is a canon interpretation that gets wheeled out in every paper. And then of course further interpretations from that interpretation as we already agree.

Sure you could just analyse the results yourself but that requires becoming an expert in each field you want to study. The narrative that they include with their experiments is dogmatic. They struggle to 180 on anything. Look at The Serotonin Hypothesis of Depression as an example (slowly being turned around). They eventually get to the truth but it is slow due to dogmatic thinking, bias in the instruments used, bias in where to get funding etc. You cannot trust the conclusions in scientific papers even if they are more rigorous than some press article.

>> No.18293745


>> No.18294151

just unplug your internet and throw away your phone. Buy a dumbphone instead.

>> No.18294618

Jonathan Haidt has some interesting if depressing research on the effect of social media on particularly young minds.

>> No.18294636
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You are bringing down the quality of an already shit board anon.

>> No.18295037

Sherry Turkle went from left wing "omg internet is so great anyone can be a dragon on here" to full boomer "no you cannot have your phone in my house" over the course of her career.

>> No.18295130

Here's a great essay on the topic by Nicholas Carr

>It isn’t just our reasoning that takes a hit when phones are around. Social skills and relationships seem to suffer as well. Because smartphones serve as constant reminders of all the friends we could be chatting with electronically, they pull at our minds when we’re talking with people in person, leaving our conversations shallower and less satisfying. In a 2013 study conducted at the University of Essex in England, 142 participants were divided into pairs and asked to converse in private for ten minutes. Half talked with a phone in the room, half without a phone present. The subjects were then given tests of affinity, trust and empathy. “The mere presence of mobile phones,” the researchers reported in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, “inhibited the development of interpersonal closeness and trust” and diminished “the extent to which individuals felt empathy and understanding from their partners.” The downsides were strongest when “a personally meaningful topic” was being discussed. The experiment’s results were validated in a subsequent study by Virginia Tech researchers, published in 2016 in the journal Environment and Behavior.

>> No.18296850

Just wait till 2025 OP. Screen stimulation addiction causing mental illness/cognitive disfunction will be the new “cigarettes cause lung cancer”

>> No.18298417


>> No.18298431

It's making people more stupid and with a shorter attention span. My sister is a phone addict and now she can't even finish watching a movie, which was her favorite pastime a few years back. She has books but rarely reads.

>> No.18298442
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Reminder that anyone ITT looking down on people for being addicted to social media is a hypocrite. Spoiler alert: 4chan is rotting your brain.

>> No.18298513

I had a high school teacher who would constantly talk about this book.

>> No.18298532

This is true, especially for nu4chan but it bothers me when zoomers act like all social media is equal. As shitty as this site is, there are unique benefits to anonymity and the relative freedom of speech this site offers. There's not many public forums around anymore to discuss controversial or contrarian takes, with most social media being tracable to your identity and people's private data constantly being sold.

>> No.18298554

the only people getting looked down on are the fools denying their hooked

>> No.18298578

Thanks for the recs, they seem interesting. I’ll be checking them out!

>> No.18298602
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Radical Technologies by Adam Greenfield and The Managed Heart by Hochschild.

Another anon had an interesting theory of how phones is the new schizophrenia and essentially the new voice in our head vis-à-vis the Bicameral Mind. So that would also be a read if you really wanna go down the rabbit hole and understand why we are so susceptible to outside influences.

>> No.18298916
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Doubt, Neil Postman wrote the same thing in his book in the 80s. About how we don’t view TV but are rather being exposed to it. If you haven’t noticed if you’re in a room with a TV on you’ll always instinctively start watching. But like he wrote in the end of the book, it’s hard to raise the alarm when the danger is laughter.

>> No.18298937

I doubt this site has content tailored to you with skinnerian techniques.