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File: 23 KB, 200x245, derrida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18288064 No.18288064 [Reply] [Original]

> it goes without saying that the god of writing must also be the god of death

holy based

>> No.18288090

based jew

>> No.18288105

i'm putting this as the epigraph to my phaedrus essay like a boss

>> No.18288152

reading this guy helped me overcome my inferiority complex due to the fact that my ethnic group - Slavs - was the only ethnic group in Europe that didn't develop its own system of writing like the Germanic Futhark. God bless Derrida (PBUH)

>> No.18288185

What would a god of life be associated with then?

>> No.18288198


>> No.18288199


>> No.18288200

But "speech" is writing

>> No.18288255

thats the point

>> No.18288264

>he doesn’t consider purely sonorous expressions
not very dionysian of you bro

>> No.18288268

augustine would say that all of creation is an incomplete sign made complete only in reference to god. if a sign doesn't direct u to the inner teacher (christ pbuh) then it has failed. this goes for speech, writing, animals, architecture, everything.
i wonder if any anons have read derrida's circumfessions and know whether or not he touches on this

>> No.18288291

Augustine is wrong. Read Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein blows out Augustine in like 2 pages

>> No.18288312

If creation is a sign from God and it fails to direct me to him, it would mean God has failed.

What's Wittgenstein's rebuke? I'm not autistic enough to read him.

>> No.18288367


phenomenon is a sign with direct and necessary reference to the Subject. read husserl.

>> No.18288390

but what does it even mean

>> No.18288407

so experiencing yourself (as the subject) also renders you an external sign? and experience of god is impossible because again it would only be experiencing a sign of a thing?

>> No.18288451

in egyptian mythology the god of death is also the god of writing. something about how writing comes about from the need to record death and also to preserve the names of those who die.

>> No.18288487

there cannot be anything external, no apprehension of anything external to what apprehends.
>experience of god
you can only experience knowing thyself literally

>> No.18288501

>it goes without saying that the god of writing must also be the god of death
I don't get it. Most likely just like 99% of the larpers from here.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.18288524

>profound sounding shit that means absolutely nothing

Mind blown.

>> No.18288543
File: 181 KB, 640x640, 1553540326385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he thinks plato is a larper

>> No.18288548

Random nonsense to impress his academic fellows, like the rest of his production.

>> No.18288552

>in egyptian mythology the god of death is also the god of writing. something about how writing comes about from the need to record death and also to preserve the names of those who die.
So this derrida dude found about this in a book and mentioned it in his own book and everyone is amazed by his original sapience

>> No.18288561

What's with that chain negro?

>> No.18288585
File: 15 KB, 459x460, 9BE9AF4C-683A-4BA5-B868-D01E37EE8AEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes without saying
>says it anyway

>> No.18288641

it's his interpretation of phaedrus
say what you want about derridaddy but he's right at least in going back to its incomprehensibly based ending
and plato really does imply that writing is inseparable from death and the abyss :/

>> No.18288691

>plato really does imply that writing is inseparable from death and the abyss
what does that mean?

>> No.18288767

When you write something down you're giving into the sign and a world of appearance (sophism) - to do that is to reject the life you've been given.
If you're going to read/write at least realise that it's subordinate to personal experience.