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18285867 No.18285867 [Reply] [Original]

Are there zero good Zero Books books?

>> No.18285964


>> No.18285977
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>> No.18285987

>he only suspected it
Wow Hume really was a retard

>> No.18286117

>he was only apt to suspect it

>> No.18286123

Ben Burgis is a massive faggot, imagine thinking that learning logic means anything for a political movement. Fucking pmc shit for brains.

>> No.18286196

nah here are some good ones:
>Robin: Resilience and Melancholy
>Blumenfield: All Things are Nothing to Me. The Unique Philosophy of Max Stirner
>Power: One Dimensional Woman
>Sparrow: Levinas Unhinged

>> No.18286209

Nice illustration

>> No.18286218

Wtf I love Hume now

>> No.18286220

this except add Ghosts of my Life, Capitalist Realism, Enlightenment Interrupted and all Thacker books

>> No.18286223

>Hume literally disputes the objective reality of logic and causality
>becomes a figurehead for the Left
Divine Comedy.

>> No.18286867


He only had the potential to suspect it, he's doubly retarded

>> No.18286936

Ghosts of my Life is so shit. Just whining essays about 70's era BBC scifi.

>> No.18286944

Hume was a conservative.

>> No.18286948

Hume has not ever been a figurehead for the left. he was a rightist

>> No.18286949


>> No.18286950

99% of Fisher is just him absolutely fuming that people liked Star Wars more than Blake's 7.

>> No.18287030

Ben Burgis is my least favorite of these left pundits. It's easy to write about the left discourse on Twitter being about frivolities and then call for a return to "a serious effort to achieve left-wing goals in the real world," but you don't then get to complain that leftists are reading Lenin and other "authoritarians." They're just doing what you want them to do!


>> No.18287044

Did the concepts of right and left even exist in his time and place?

>> No.18287057


>> No.18287060

Yep. Same for Repeater. Take your pick from their catalog:
>leftist propaganda
>leftist academic theory

>> No.18287093

Verso is the must better leftist publisher but they print a lot of trash too. Leftists are really suffering from a quantity vs quality thing rn

>> No.18287136


Capitalism Realism is a good book. /lit/ would love it if it were not popular.

>> No.18287147

I see that book mentioned constantly. Can you give a summary of what it says?

>> No.18287155

Fuck off tripfag.

>> No.18287168

Causation is a difficult thing

>> No.18287176

They were starting to emerge during his lifetime and Hume positioned himself decisively on the right by his defense of economic liberalism and cultural conservatism. He made Enlightened Masonic Jews seethe so bad that Jefferson wanted to ban his History of England, so much for the First Amendment

>> No.18287234

That's literally just the first page. You have literally just read the first page

>> No.18287235

Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings.

>> No.18287262

That's ben shapiro, on the cover.

>> No.18287292

Not really. The Joy Division essay was pretty okay-ish but Fisher was generally a worthless writer.

>> No.18287297

Capitalism causes mental illness. That's all. It's shit. Don't bother.

>> No.18287393

Late capitalism makes finding an alternative structure impossible by transforming any resistance to it into a collaboration. Bataille and Baudrillard already said this but Fisher makes it more contemporary and concise. He's the humanist version of Nick Land

>> No.18287431

Yeah, I was going to say, this Burgis guy seems pretty anti-Semitic.

>> No.18287441

>economic liberalism
So, he's a Leftist, then.

>> No.18287442

Capitalism has been so successful that we can't imagine life without it anymore, and that's a bad thing.

>> No.18287456

Lmao you fucking retard.

>> No.18287691
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Is this the best the left can come up with?

>> No.18287697

Their YT channel is even cringier

>> No.18287729

There was a book on sleep that was pretty good I think

>> No.18287747

zer0 pussy is for cucks since that fat fuck took over. The good authors moved on to repeater books.

>> No.18287754

Anon, I...

>> No.18287759

no, but this is
this is probably the most bizzare zerobooks video i've seen yet

>> No.18287763
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What is it, comrade?

>> No.18287764
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>> No.18287771


>> No.18287781

>Nick Land
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.18287783

>he still thinks China is left

>> No.18287808

The left has more or less developed a rhetoric that works on such a way that these things write themselves. It's why so much of their output seems standardized. It always amazed me just how proud leftists are of their "intellectual" output when the bulk of it is the laziest garbage.

>> No.18287867

Well, the term "Leftist" was created to refer to Liberalism, and Hume was a Liberal, so... by definition, he's a Liberal. You might say that well, ACKTHUYALALLY, "Leftist" today refers to Post-Structural De-Colonial Homo-trans-anti-positivist Classical Marxism with Peepeepoopoo influences and Maoist characteristics, but that's 99.99% identical with Liberalism in all ways that matter.

>> No.18287881

>Well, the term "Leftist" was created to refer to Liberalism

>> No.18287889

Burke was also a liberal by that standard.

>> No.18287895

>he's still coping

>> No.18287906
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>> No.18287918

tfw having my own OC used against me..

>> No.18287932

get a load of this guy

>> No.18287935

>he's still projecting

>> No.18287954

Hm... Well... then it looks like Burke... was a Leftist... And the whole Liberal right-left paradigm is just quibbling about certain conditions in Liberalism... because no one is actually arguing for an Illiberal society... Hm... Interesting...

>> No.18287978

Liberalism encompasses both left and right because we live in a liberal society dominated by liberal values.

>> No.18287981

>no one is actually arguing for an Illiberal society.
Did you forget about commies?

>> No.18287996

But Commies don't want an Illiberal society, they just want a Liberal society with the cool aesthetics of the USSR and themselves and whatever weird group(s) they belong to on the top of the heap.

You might say "but what about muh central planning?" but then Liberalism is also centrally planned, it just uses centrally planned markets rather than autistically determining how many dragon dildos each factory has to make on a spreadsheet in the capital.

>> No.18288035
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He complains about tankies messing up efforts to get Medicare 4 All implemented because they're scaring the normies away. I doubt that's the real problem. It's also like, yeah, that'd be nice to have that but there's an enormous insurance lobby that is going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to crush you, and they're not just going to let you waltz in and take over.

I'm not even sure the U.S. could afford it.

So stan the North Koreans or whatever. Who gives a fuck. I think you'll go haywire if you think they're a "model" or a utopia-on-earth but Donald Trump went and actually met Kim Jong Un and saluted one of his generals lmao. Ben Burgis is such a coward and really lacks imagination. But really, when people like him say there's nothing to learn from other people's revolutions, what they're really doing is looking at all those people and saying "fuck you, that could have never been me." And that's not only cynical, it's just depraved.


>> No.18288072

No, that's wrong. They want an illiberal society. Dissent against their tenets is not allowed. You could make the case you're making for socialism, but not communism. The abolishment of private property is not liberal at all, quite the opposite.

>> No.18288095


>> No.18288100

>One Dimensional Woman
I thought this one was fine. Zero Books are all way too short and overpriced though imo.

>> No.18288116

China is economically left socially right like every communist country inevitably will be. Take the Xipill

>> No.18288121

The end result of private property IS a tenet of Liberalism, and dissent against the tenets of Liberals is not allowed. This is literally the point of the Gig Economy.
>b-but what about Bezos?!
Bezos owns nothing dude, he's a puppet of other forces.
>b-but what about someone like MUH SOROS or Warren Buffet, people who do actually have real power and own things?
These people pose a huge problem for Liberalism and Liberal ideologues are constantly trying to come up with ways to nestle them into the Gig Economy.

This is pure cope of course because the entire point of Liberalism is to suck up wealth and funnel it to an elite, which is why we're eventually going to see society become increasingly Illiberal as time goes by and Liberalism begins to fray (or, rather, Liberalism stops benefiting that elite), but that's not really the point. What an ideology wants and what people actually get are two different things, and Communism and Liberalism are functionally identical in what the want. I mean for fuck's sake dude the USSR started out with an age of consent of like five and multiple competing currencies. The "Illiberalism" found in Communism is really just Stalinism/Maoism/Juche, and these are just examples of exactly what I said: an elite adopting Illiberal politics in order to support themselves.

>> No.18288133

>China is economically left
are you insane? did you just come out of a coma since 1968?

>> No.18288135

Leftism is a plague.

Leftists are mentally deranged.

>> No.18288142

>The end result of private property IS a tenet of Liberalism
I fucked this up: the end result of Liberalism IS the abolishment of private property, it IS a tenet of Liberalism.

>> No.18288148

I hope you're baiting but no, China is not economically left by any stretch of the imagination

>> No.18288150
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More socially centrist. It's the "middle path." The religious right-wing fundies are cracked down on hard but they don't have pride parades either. I think they view the culture war phenomenon in the U.S. as a "unity of opposites" where two seemingly distinct things opposing each other are in fact twins, existing within a field of tension.


>> No.18288158

>no it's not real communism
>no it's not real liberalism
Okay retard

>> No.18288162

they already tried it with housing projects in the 60s that were supposed to undercut the slumlords in big cities. turns out slums suck not because the landlord is greedy, but because the lumpenproletariat is anti-social and makes anywhere you put them a hell.

>> No.18288173

who gives a shit about pride parades? why do conservatives constantly get so triggered by a one day carnival of lgbt ppl? the puerto rican day parade, west indian parade, and st. patricks are all more degenerate with many cases of wilding, and in the case of the west indies someone gets murdered every single year.

>> No.18288181

Oh, sure, this entire ideology is shit at every level. But again, this is just a case of the airy-fairy world of theory and the actual reality we live in. The entire "Nudge" thing is just a massive cope because the rod doesn't work, and just giving people things doesn't work, and so a new way to make it work has to be devised.

Oh no, it is real Liberalism, and it is real Communism. Reality just doesn't care about your cute little theories about how it works. The Labor Theory of Value is just as worthless as the Invisible Hand.

>> No.18288208
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I've been advocating the United States expropriate all land in the country, convert much of the agricultural sector into a series of cooperatives -- and also nationalize the airlines, railroads, the steel companies... really a whole bunch of companies involved in resource extraction and less-complex manufacturing input processes. Also I think we should nationalize Pfizer and turn it into a state-owned enterprise like Sinopharm.

Also we're going to have a single party run the government, and you'll required to take tests on Marxism to be a member. Also you have to be an atheist if you want to have any position in it worth noting. Lastly, any company over a certain size will have mandated party committees embedded in the workplace which have more power in certain circumstances than the executive board. Also these party committees will extend into the school system, to the military, etc. etc. etc.


>> No.18288219
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Holy fuck they use memes from 10 years ago.

>> No.18288229

>Also I think we should nationalize Pfizer and turn it into a state-owned enterprise like Sinopharm.
i'd prefer not. the chinese still don't have a vaccine above 60% effectiveness meanwhile the united states has three.

>> No.18288233

State Capitalism is not super left wing.
Its centrism if anything.
Only in America is it solidly on the left
Its definitely not at all related to the gay Marx shit you guys are into.

>> No.18288236

>Oh no, it is real Liberalism, and it is real Communism. Reality just doesn't care about your cute little theories about how it works. The Labor Theory of Value is just as worthless as the Invisible Hand.
What point are you trying to make, retard?

>> No.18288246

I don't trust the highly-inefficient and crony organization known as the US govt. to adequately handle any of that.

>> No.18288263

I only know that they have a YouTube channel because the guy who runs it went on Cum Town to complain about YouTube censorship and how cuck philosophy was ripping him off.

>> No.18288293
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That's true but they also don't have nearly 600,000 dead people which as a population % would be several million Chinese. And 700 million of those Chinese vaccines have been exported to other countries so far while the U.S. has exported... three million. But that just shows how America First isn't unique to Trump, that is the American ideology.

We're getting off track though. If I advocated all of that, people in the U.S. would just go "oh that's just a bunch of commie stuff." These Zero Books guys call themselves Marxists or socialists, but they don't seem to have much imagination, it's like bitching about leftists bitching about stuff. Vote for Bernie Sanders (who loses, twice). Ask nicely for Medicare (which you're not getting). Also a lot of their guests are conservative Heritage Foundation people. These weird post-Trots and leftcoms are some sick people.

Okay that's a good point

>> No.18288313

I'm not even a leftist but Zero books lost all credibility when they claim to be communists but denounce things like the USSR and promoting Bernie Sanders and the Dems

>> No.18288429

>Also we're going to have a single party run the government, and you'll required to take tests on Marxism to be a member.
No government posts for you then. Now tell to us where we can find Marx advocating for the economy to be run by a small clique of bureaucrats that cannot be influenced in any way by the workers.

>> No.18288854

they had a video about aimee terese and an interview with Glenn Greenwald which was great

>> No.18289158

>making a statement about mind's potential
>get cancelled hundreds of years after

>> No.18289248

So did Lincoln and lirerally everyone else

>> No.18289538


>> No.18289581

I remember listening to one of his interviews before the book came out but after he talked himself up as the logic king and all he had was
>actually, Venezuela isn't real socialism, French has more government ownership
Wow, really need a philosophy degree to come up with that one.

>> No.18289583

Idk about other conservatives but I don't really mind orgiastic violence so much as I dislike homosexuals.

>> No.18289591

Heavy Radicals: The FBI's Secret War on America's Maoists, was good too. But it's history, not theory.

>> No.18289637

Hitler was a Liberal, he wanted to Liberate his people from evil influences

>> No.18290381

Yes. He was part of the conservative wing of the liberal (progressive) movement.

>> No.18291766

Ya kill all Normies by Nagle was - good light read.

>> No.18291798
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>> No.18291907

Lol chapos really think that they’re good at meming

>> No.18291923

At least the Chapo people know how to make joke. It looks like the next generation of leftists are actively unfunny people like Vaush.

>> No.18292112

I dont care who wrote this or what's contained in its pages the title alone just discredited everything they will ever say or do

>> No.18292137

please learn what liberalism means outside of the U.S.

>> No.18292141 [DELETED] 

is that guy on the cover supposed to be hume? don't they know hume got cancelled? lmao

>> No.18292199


>> No.18292275

Do liberals seriously need to be actively taught just to think through their positions?

>> No.18292341

>establishment appointed figure with thought structure crafted for international finance is supposed to represent the right
Why do lefties do this? If you want to argue against liberals go ahead. If you want to argue against the right come up with rebuttals against Nietzche, Evola, Guenon, etc.

>> No.18292373
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I like some Nietzsche. Never read Guenon and I don't take Evola seriously because he developed an aristocratic ideology in which the ancien regime = always better but IMO I'd prefer the far right read him because of the paralyzing effect he's had on their movement.

The Ben Shapiros, Tim Pools and Sargons of Akkad are easy targets for the likes of Ben Burgis though because they are one-dimensional thinkers. Now they're scratching their heads and bewildered by leftists supporting Palestine, because don't they know Israel "is the only safe country where it's safe to be LGBT?" I dunno, they should talk to this guy, he doesn't seem to feel like it's very "safe"


>> No.18292377

Damn you are a retard

>> No.18292534

Vaush is Destiny's protégé, why would he ever be funny?

>> No.18292774

> I don't take Evola seriously because he developed an aristocratic ideology in which the ancien regime = always better
See thats not a real argument though your sensibilities just don't agree with his that the more natural and beautiful existence is in a hierarchical order ruled by the warrior caste.

>> No.18292804

At least you can laugh at Destiny sometimes. Vaush is too dull for even that.

>> No.18292817
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>> No.18292927

Leftists are so freaking stupid. Literally the followers of a dumb religion that doesn’t even trick you into breeding or doing things that are inadvertently beneficial like other more theistic religions.

>> No.18292932 [DELETED] 

We envy the negroes.

>> No.18292969

Not wrong.

>> No.18292988

I suppose a lot of consertaves argue against a liberal society as well.

>> No.18293010
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ben burgis is a massive faggot but simultaneously based for ending molyneux's entire career by pointing out that he has a worse understanding of logic than the average undergrad/4chan shitposter despite spending years studying the blade or philosophy or whatever

ok big tech actually killed moleyneux by conspiring to ban him everywhere, but i still wonder how badly this video damaged stefan's grift: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVEM1Yo-cYI

>> No.18293030

He stole this from Kantbot. Kantbot was trolling Moleyneux for ages and blew him out on his understanding of logic. Then Ben made the video.
There is this strange dynamic of all these leftists getting their talking points from that post-right twitter crowd.

>> No.18293043

Destiny probably hurt him more than Burgis, desu.

>> No.18294374

Yes, that's why conservatism isn't condiered liberal

>> No.18294401

I suppose you're right that it's a subjective value judgement, but yeah.

>> No.18294536

Many leftists are influenced by him, particularly his writings on scarcity and justice.
Not really no. >>18287176 is anachronistic categorization.