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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 700x455, businessdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18285005 No.18285005 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18285011

What's a male's urethra hole other than a tiny pussy at the end of their dicks? So, therefore, sucking dick isn't gay at all.

>> No.18285063

I walked 11,000 steps today. I’ve been filled with a little ecstasy all day. It’s been a long time since I felt this little shame and regret because of how I passed the day. I think I will walk again tomorrow

>> No.18285067

Your eight post early faggot.

>> No.18285077
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I want to smash the head of everyone who says "Latinx"

>> No.18285150
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I have been sentenced to be exposed before my peers.

>> No.18285172

I got sent nudes today out of the blue, from a shy girl I've known for 2 years. We are most likely going to fuck tomorrow, despite the fact she has shown zero interest in me and given zero indication that she likes me.

>> No.18285179

I want to smash the ass of every cute latina.

>> No.18285184

>, despite the fact she has shown zero interest in me and given zero indication that she likes me.
She is going through some shit. Have fun, but realize you are a prop for some interior drama she is having, so don't expect anything out of it.

>> No.18285208

The rage of all sides!

It’s a good title for a novel, maybe I shouldn’t post on on 4chan, well it’s not like someone it’s going to steal the title, even if they do I could still write the novel, it would be different from whatev another anon writes.
Write what’s on your mind, how do we do that? It reminds me of the meme “before was was was, was was is” yeah, how come I didn’t come up with that when I was writing my poems about language and the birth of communication.
Hey this is a good exercise for writing, get out as many thoughts as u can, oh wait, I’ve done this before, oh wait I’m becoming self aware and it’s going to ruin the writing, what do now? Oh no, oh wait I don’t care. I really want to die, maybe it’s because I feel superior to everyone, maybe it’s because I feel inferior to everyone. What do they know that I don’t, am I creating the world as I go?

>> No.18285215

Post the nudes

>> No.18285231

This isn’t a stream of consciousness thread

>> No.18285238
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>> No.18285240

It says write what’s on your mind

>> No.18285252
File: 1.07 MB, 3093x2154, 20210521_005207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My kee cade is resting where I put my shoes on for work. I've been busy around the house instead of sitting at my computer and I think he's afraid I'll leave.
Silly meowbeast. It's past midnight. I'm eating some midnight popcorn and going to sweepy sweep soon.

>> No.18285269

Any time I say anything or type anything I immediately regret it.

I'm starting to think I just shouldn't talk anymore

>> No.18285327

I'm so sick of being alone, it seems even after holding friends for years and interacting with others on a consistent basis I still feel isolated. I feel trapped and my mind want's to sulk in pensive melancholy while my life doesn't move in any interesting direction. I've come a long way from where I was a year ago, but It doesn't even feel like I scratched the surface of whom I want to be.

>> No.18285388
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i want love and sex

>> No.18285393

Maybe he just likes your shoe smell? Very few humans are going to do that for you, you should appreciate him.

>> No.18285396

1000s of innocent Palestinians are killed everyday.

>> No.18285401

I have watched the movie chef by Jon favreau probably 1000 times. I can make such a great curry.

>> No.18285406

Does this really happen in normieville?

>> No.18285407

I do appreciate my cat. He is very spoiled.

>> No.18285424
File: 165 KB, 905x1280, saki-yanase-11-e1502669680453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with Saki Yanase, she looks so sweet and nourishing. I want to wake up suckling her breasts every morning.

>> No.18285472

I've got nothing.

>> No.18285493

no i made it up

>> No.18285499

My cat does the same thing if he wants to prevent somebody from leaving, it seems to be part of cat psychology.

>> No.18285504

Japanese plumpers are really sexy

>> No.18285511

I prefer Spix

>> No.18285533

I feel you bro. My rate of typing out a thoughtful post for 20 minutes and then deleting it is probably 95%. It gets a little bit higher every day. One day I may never speak again and I won't even have the confidence to tell them why.

>> No.18285534

Damn she is also my crush. Her and IG. I follow Saki on IG so I can wake up to her swinging milkers every morning.

>> No.18285536

Her and Kaho Shibuya*

>> No.18285548


>> No.18285552

Why is it wrong to come to a conclusion with the information available? Should no one ever decide anything without ever having perfect understanding of everything?

>> No.18285557

Conclude what you will. Fuck the haters. No need to defend yourself. Chad versus Virgin.

>> No.18285559

I bought a book about job hunting (for practically nothing) and I think the author is an idiot but I don't want to be the "throws away scroll of truth" meme, so I'm really cutting him a lot of slack.
However. Assuming I'm not horribly misinterpreting it, he claims that any major can get into any field, and references CEOs with bullshit degrees. His main point of evidence is a survey that showed that, among career fields, the most popular attributes weren't field-specific. But it's tautological, those were the most popular attributes because they polled all fields, each field also has specific requirements that would lose a multi-field vote but are critical within those fields. It also completely ignores credentialism, which isn't bullshit if the field isn't a LARP. He acknowledges that successful people with unrelated degrees may just be a reflection of privilege rather than a liberal arts degree being a master key, but then he ignores that speed bump and saunters blissfully on towards his conclusion.
I've spent enough time analyzing whether or not he knows what he's talking about, when I could probably have found further evidence by now, but there you have it.
Persevere, I have trouble elucidating clear ideas sometimes but it's a skill that can be learned.
No, if you're being told that it's a stalling or obscurantism tactic.

>> No.18285568

There ought to be a correlate for a coomer but for a internet addict. Unfortunately the restrictions of the phonetics of the word don't lend itself to it. (woomer, "w" as in for web?) Because that's what i've become, a slut for the constant barrage of rapidly updating digital stimulation, a slave to captological operant conditioning. It's not that I can't bring myself to do anything else, it's just that the dynamics of the internet suck me in with greater pull than far more worthy uses of my free time. I suspect it has to do with the exploitation of dopaminergic reward/expectation circuits which are not geared toward pleasure so much as novelty. So called "FOMO" is just a byproduct of this. I could better spend my time reading my books, or possibly doing anything, than being online and surfing the internet, but my books are static and inert. They do not update rapidly to reflect the latest goings on, they are utterly disconnected, isolated systems, rather than a continuous reflection in real time occurent human happenings. It's the novelty which attracts me, the unbounded and inexhaustible random shit that the internet contains. Nothing else offers such exaggerated stimuli in such abundance. I'm ashamed to admit it but I'm right where these digital pimp tech companies want me, fallen prey to what I understand conceptually but am unable to resist bodily.

>> No.18285571

For me it's a skill that was lost, at least in feeling. I still remember the glory of sitting on the peak of Mt. Stupid. Nowadays I want to weigh and reconcile so many variables it is crippling and I'd rather not give a clumsy interpretation of the image in my head with all its moving parts. I suppose that's part of it too: transitioning from verbal thinking to image-based thinking. That was an interesting thing.

>> No.18285576

Maybe broowser? It could be misread to be pronounced as "bruiser" though.

>> No.18285932
File: 28 KB, 637x482, images (68).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is working as a freelancer while trying to get a research position the best path to enjoying a /lit/ life ? the regular wagie path seems to be way too soul-sucking, and i dont want to be stuck in that sad little bubble of making ends meet without really contributing anything to the world. Plus, i don't know any writer that didn't lead a "nomadic" sort of lifestyle.
what do you guys think of this

>> No.18286003

I'm reading over my book for the last time before self-publishing. I've read it over a bunch of times already and I've had others read it too, yet I'm still encountering stupid mistakes and typos

>> No.18286009
File: 91 KB, 900x675, 789249787234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't sleep as girlfriend was snoring. My writing is quite philosophical lately but completely unstructured and I don't know whether to plough on, sorting the structure out in later drafts, or to dump the philosophical shit and follow a traditional well structured story arc. Job hunting is hopeless, I'm tired all the time from other peoples problems and I don't know whether to go back on antidepressants, get drunk or get high. I seem to do a lot but achieve nothing. Thanks for reading my blog post.

>> No.18286028



>> No.18286040

I am transcribing a focus group I held. Participants were 7 women. Only on watching back tapes have I considered that 3/4 were flirting/full giggly schoolgirl with me.

>feels good being to professional to notice
>feels bad didn't capitalise for greater disclosures

>> No.18286052

Black cocks and white bums

>> No.18286076

I find no meaning in life. Sure, basic needs are fine and dandy but my heart yearns something more yet i have no description of what i could be precisely.

>> No.18286095


>> No.18286099

It seems like you either have faith or you dont.

>> No.18286106

Do you not know who Eric Hitchmough is?

>> No.18286113

If you open your heart, maybe he'll find you.

>> No.18286121
File: 27 KB, 352x482, 35A6A71B-9A7A-4261-9625-E4F7596E3A20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they were right
Maybe these hoes really ain’t loyal

>> No.18286126 [DELETED] 

I'm autistically annoyed over hearing the word over-exaggerate. I hear friends use it more than the word "exaggerate" itself. It's retarded that it's an official word found in the dictionary because it's a tautology yet so many people who use it probably don't know that exaggerate suffices or even that its definition, which is more than sufficient. It's like the prefix became more associated with its use than the core word itself. Overstate is perhaps the most commonly-used synonym to exaggerate but nobody would say "over-overstate" because the core word already includes it so any idiot would recognize its redundancy.

>> No.18286133 [DELETED] 

I'm autistically annoyed over hearing the word over-exaggerate. I hear friends use it more than the word "exaggerate" itself. It's retarded that it's an official word found in the dictionary because it's a tautology yet so many people who use it probably don't know that exaggerate suffices or even that its definition, which is more than sufficient. It's as if the prefix became more associated with its use than the actual word. Overstate is perhaps the best synonym to exaggerate but nobody would say "over-overstate" because the core word already includes it so any idiot would recognize its redundancy.

>> No.18286165

we are humans ...I am typing... stuff

>> No.18286173


>> No.18286185

zirp, zirp, zirp

>> No.18286207

I want to make a fth build and throw some lightning

>> No.18286260


>> No.18286313
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>> No.18286325


>> No.18286329

laber mich nicht voll

>> No.18286336

ok, das war schräg

>> No.18286367


>> No.18286370

mehr fællt mir dazu net ein

>> No.18286378

I really dont.

>> No.18286451
File: 200 KB, 742x1024, 78FC37DE-6DFD-48FD-816B-45A50A76E780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been running on autopilot for a while now trying to escape the aching thats in my heart. I forgot why it aches maybe because a girl or maybe it is a longing for a homeland. It does not matter either way am still not gonna steer this ship anymore. I’ll wake up when my heart stops the pain.

>> No.18286619

I'll never be a real man until I get rid of the insecurity about other peoples' opinions.
What do you want more?

>> No.18286649


>> No.18286670


>> No.18286752

your mother sucks big fuckin elephant dicks

>> No.18286838

yeah, that's the harder one b
I'm sure you'll be able to find it!

>> No.18286886

can I help you out with 1$ Dollar or two?

>> No.18286924


>> No.18287007


for some reason this is trending in the top singles on apple music.

>> No.18287015

I think I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday. If I didn't really, I should.

>> No.18287076 [DELETED] 

i hate getting haircuts because of the awkward part where you have to pay and they never have posted prices, so in order to know if i'm giving the guy a fair tip i have to ask how much it costs, like last time the guy only gave me a five back and i'm thinking is the base cost 12 and you gave yourself a 3 dollar tip? in that case cool i was gonna tip you that anyways, but if the base cost went up to 15 cuz of inflation i still want to give a tip over that. it's minor awkwardness/anxiety but it makes me just want to avoid it or constantly change barbers. the feeling of having a fresh cut is kind of addictive, so i'm probably saving a fortune due to the this autism.

>> No.18287175

What did you do, mate?

>> No.18287303

How do /lit/ anons feel about donating books? I have a few I’ve bought over the years that I just either didn’t enjoy or have lost interest in reading and am interested in donating them. Is this an accepted practice? I would hope so, they’d just be collected dust on my shelf where hopefully if I donate them someone will read them

>> No.18287353

>Is this an accepted practice?
Why wouldn't it be? Don't put so much stock in the opinions of people here

>> No.18287436
File: 296 KB, 750x1334, 77141367-8C26-4544-9653-B83903E0A991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently moved to Moldova from a mid tier american city. Love it here, comfy weather, god tier food, everything is cheap, i dont understand anything or know anyone so alot of my anxiety is gone. Lots of amazing nature too.

The only issue is i met a girl online before coming here, we talked for 30 hours each week for a month, i didnt come for her but we have been on a couple dates and made out passionately on my bed. But Sometimes she looks angry, bored, or not satisfied, i call her out on it but she says shes fine, but then later reveals shes overthinking negative things. Then often reveals she doesnt trust me and wants to wait a month for sex. Shes really a perfect woman but i think shes taking advantage of how much she knows i like her. Recently she also reveales shes "talking" to her ex.

These are childish games and i cant stand this shit, as a foreigner here i get alot of looks from far better looking women and indication of interest. I can easily just start cold approaching and get a few numbers, go on dates and get another girl even with the language barrier.

Besides these couple issues i do really like this girl but i have options at the end of the day and if she continues this shit i will break it off.

Idk women are complicated

Is it hard to just find someone normal who will love and support you, and you do the same for her without stupid shit like this? Or should i just turn gay

>> No.18287492
File: 118 KB, 449x516, 1621606797095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put my doggo down yesterday. a 13 y/o rhodesian ridgeback. i used to love trail running with him, he was so fast up til 8 y/o or so. even afterward he was still spry until he was hit with the disease about 1.5 years ago. some of my favourite memories of him are him running on the beach chasing seagulls. and running down a big farm field at full speed. for the last few months all he did was sit on the couch and look out the window. i carried him outside twice per day. his back legs werent working right, we suspect he had degeneratdve myleopathy because he couldn't feel his toes. when he went out he looked very at peace and it made me think he hasnt been comfortable for a long time.


>> No.18287503

I’m sure he loved you a lot anon. He appreciated all the love you gave him. Rest easy knowing it sounds like you gave him a great life.

>> No.18287511
File: 133 KB, 1146x1600, Female_bodybuilders (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19th century female bodybuilders are based

>> No.18287576

I sure he is out of torment now.


>> No.18287578

fuck d*gs

>> No.18287601

Imagine being a 19th century meek, weak cityslicker and getting put in a chokehold by her

>> No.18287603

I'm 30.
It's over.

>> No.18287612

I'm 31. It's just getting started

>> No.18287617

The 31 year old Chad
The 30 year old incel

>> No.18287633

Too old to be here.
Leave soon, son.
Leave while you can.

>> No.18287651

My life is going to shit and i keep watching to the clouds and wishing i'd be one.

>> No.18287654

32 and just starting
married, house, child all in the last year

>> No.18287737


It's over.

>> No.18287741

>32 and just starting
>married, house, child all in the last year
>Still on 4chan
It's over.

>> No.18287752

everyone who's married is gay, pls stop posting on this board, we don't want to read it

>> No.18287773

Marry your lips to my cock, gaylord

>> No.18287775


>> No.18287777

The mind of the average zoomer.

>> No.18287780

and having a child is ultra gay, wtf. ey yo, btw all therapists and shit, get off this fucking board u gay or what!? this is our hell hole not yours! I AM SICK AND TIRED, MINDFREAK!!! THERE'S NO REALITY! https://youtu.be/gOHmmxAqrMU

>> No.18287863

its not a big deal.

my wife(male) also browses 4chan

>> No.18287870


>> No.18287934 [DELETED] 


oh shit new partiboi mix streaming live

>> No.18287947


>> No.18287958

He just has a masculine vagina

>> No.18288033

How do I get a girl out of my mind? Today my housemate was supposed to invite her friend here at our house, but instead they went somewhere to study or something, idk what these bitches are up to. The problem is that I really like that girl, so I kinda feel down. She has even a bf, so I'm not supposed to feel bad but I can't avoid it, I may be mentally ill...

>> No.18288063

Clearing the mind actively is like a muscle that needs to be trained. You can practice it now but you liably won't see much effect (which perhaps means a long-lasting effect) for the moment. In the absence of, maybe punch something like a brick or whatever to cause yourself some blunt pain. It took me many years but I finally understood why teen-age girls cut themselves. Physical pain is a reliable way to pull me out of my mind and into my body. But cutting is retarded because it scars, so do the less-showy thing and just pummel something until it has pummeled you back.

>> No.18288076

boobs way too big

>> No.18288111

I never understood "men" like you. You have hundreds of millions of flat-chested Asians, then miraculously a beboobed one appears and like clockwork you say "too big".

>> No.18288147

I just wish I was in my lane at all situations.
Not like I even get into very stressful situations anyway, I just freak out if I have to perform in front of people.

>> No.18288420

When did Retarded become a slur? How do I articulate to neolibs that they are unintelligent degenerate plebs? Stupid? Idiot? Doesn't that just lead them to having the conversation about "stupidity is just neurodivergent" bullshit?

>> No.18288445

Had a big fight, the worst of the zillion we've had in the past year, and I tried to walk off. The fight puttered out over a couple more hours and I haven't heard from her since.

>> No.18288454

the funny thing is "retard" was supposed to be a discreet way of saying someone was slow by using the french, but now parents get offended, so you have to say learning differences, but i guarantee if enough people say stuff like "trump supporters have learning differences" etc. that will become a slur too, and they will have to come up with another one

>> No.18288455

You ever get really caught up in a certain aesthetic or vibe that you get from a piece of media like say, a video game, movie, or anime or whatever and you want to replicate that in story form but don’t exactly know how or even what it is really that’s giving you this vibe?

>> No.18288456

What’s worse is that it was a chat room full of lawyers, so like... who was my use of retarded offensive to???

>> No.18288467

i always make a special point to always say latinx and spell out the full lgbtqqia+ just to fuck with people

>> No.18288474

My nephew, and his friends (all 9 year olds), use 'Special' as an insult now. Like if someone does something stupid, or messes up in a video game, you hear them all say "that was so special" or "you're so special"

>> No.18288477

sorry i reposted cuz i used the wrong spelling of discreet and didn't want to get nitpicked by one of those "haha u made a typo pal!" guys

>> No.18288518

I think people have this idea that love is like finding a missing puzzle piece and it is a bit like that but the thing is they have this impression that the piece is as it is and always will be but before they ever came together and that’s just not how love works. People are dynamic and for every drop of perfect they come into your life as there’s that many drops which are going to change and will have to change over time. In my country, we have this (unfortunately, largely forgotten) concept of love that translates to something like “true love” and basically it implies that love doesn’t start at the moment and end of first contact. Love unfolds in the kitchen, in the living room, in the bedroom, and despite the creases that become visible and the markings that show themselves, that beautiful piece of origami that’s now unfolded to show its blemishes can grow into something that’s actually love, true love. It’s only in the process of the unfolding in domesticity that you actually find that true love. So what I’m saying in a really convoluted way is basically that love is as much of a process of ironing out the kinks as much as it is a search for someone with or without those kinks from the beginning.

>> No.18288578

I need to get motivated to write my story, but it's more difficult than I though.

Rec stories of narrators who describe ailments well

>> No.18288603

There’s this girl at my local convenience store most nights. She’s so cute. I really want to talk to her. But I’m moving away soon and I have no confidence in myself or my appearance at all.

>> No.18288724

Bipty boo, bipty boo
I want to kill you
Didl di da, didl di da
I'm gonna rape ya

>> No.18288760

That’s funny. I’ve used special as a jab when you do it with a slight lisp.

>> No.18289005

>dont understand anything or know anyone so alot of my anxiety is gone
This would only make things worse for me

rip doggo

Fuck you

>But I’m moving away soon
Just go for it bro, the stakes couldn't be lower

>> No.18289041
File: 1.24 MB, 1202x900, garden-of-prayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

write what's on your mind!!

>> No.18289205


>> No.18289216

what an excellent word

>> No.18289218
File: 37 KB, 400x477, b7a14e78ebb61d7836d80aeffd8efa4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an ESL and currently reading Simulacra and Simulation in English, because it's not translated to my native lang.
I have to read some parts twice and still feel like I'm missing something. I do comprehend what I read, but there's still this feeling of not understanding all.
Feeling like a brainlet bros

>> No.18289227

That’s normal. I’m a lawyer and a native English speaker and it’s still complicated.

>> No.18289240

Have you read The Art of Being Right by Schopenhauer? Does books like this help you in your profession?

>> No.18289249
File: 84 KB, 1080x1044, 1585234209719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deep inside were all abit schizo

>> No.18289255


>> No.18289432

if not millions

>> No.18289451

but circles have an infinite number of points, so the triangle in pointless by comparison

>> No.18289476

I'm in the nascent stage of writing my magnum opus. How does one begin writing a book, at the beginning?

>> No.18289485
File: 321 KB, 720x711, 1621620208272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you stare into the abyss

>> No.18289501

such a trash movie compared to the original. all zoomers must die

>> No.18289507

I like both, don't be a prude b

>> No.18289513
File: 28 KB, 640x418, yukio+Mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of being weak, skinny, small and sick-looking, I'm going to start working out and become a man

>> No.18289521

working out doesn't make you a man, but go for it

>> No.18289531

by that logic so does the triangle

>> No.18289592
File: 238 KB, 565x478, Zrzut ekranu 2021-05-14 234934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok im writing whats on my mind literally
i have to use my losers friends so i can force random encounter with some girl
im selfimproving but not spending time on games and other shit is making me insane in the membrain
ive always wanted a gf, but now im doubting myself will it be even worth chacing
i need some friend to play with me some chill games like terraria
also this guy on /adv/ with im trans btw not sure if that matters is funny af
good thing im anon here
isnt calling someone a faggot or nigger just cringe? my country has almost no niggers and u can say faggot to anyone, its normal i dont feel a need to be anon to say shit like that
cant really focus on shit that i think i should do

>> No.18289595

sorry, I'm just butthurt about all the times I've seen zoomers say that it's superior to the original. it's got its moments but over all as a film doesn't really compare

>> No.18289597

Cry more you fucking nigger

>> No.18289606

eat my ass, faggot

>> No.18289614

Well I did tell you to cry more so good job pussy

>> No.18289626

cool it sperg, there's no need to get so upset

>> No.18289941
File: 156 KB, 640x596, cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18289957

I wouldn't know if that's the real name and would've assumed you're mocking it.

>> No.18289966

Why are you quoting Twitter here?

>> No.18289970

literally who?

>> No.18289974
File: 12 KB, 193x261, frog chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote what's on my mind.

>> No.18290040

I cant let my past go. It just haunts me.

>> No.18290066

I don't think we can ever let our past go. However, confronting it would probably help. I hear therapy is similar to this.

>> No.18290083

how does confronting looks like?

>> No.18290116

I thought about working out but then I realized I’m fat and no matter how not-fat I became, I would still have residual loose skin from when I was fat and would still be gross looking so I resolved to just further unravel until the lights go out.

>> No.18290126

>Just go for it bro, the stakes couldn't be lower
Nah. I’m definitely not her type. And what are we going to do? Have a long distance relationship while I’m living with my parents. I unironically could not be at a lower point in my life and I highly doubt that any woman would be remotely interested in me right now. I wouldn’t even know how to go about such a thing. “is that everything” “N-no c-can I get your number?” “No”. *line of customers proceeds to laugh at my misfortune* Sounds traumatizing.

>> No.18290139
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>> No.18290157

Dont read this.
I told you not to.

>> No.18290165

how do you even say that out loud? "latincks"? "latin-ecks"?

>> No.18290178

I got sex, and mysteriously my need for romantic love disappeared

>> No.18290193

>but then he ignores that speed bump and saunters blissfully on towards his conclusion
I liked that line

>> No.18290226

>Shes really a perfect woman
>often reveals she doesnt trust me, shes taking advantage of how much she knows i like her, she also reveales shes "talking" to her ex
Choose one ya twat.

>> No.18290244

If you like girls with boyfriends it means you have to fuck their boyfriend too. Get your life together, son.

>> No.18290260

>And what are we going to do? Have a long distance relationship while I’m living with my parents.
You're approaching this all wrong. You can't know "what you're going to do" yet, it shouldn't even be on your mind. You guys see a cute girl and then imagine your whole life with her; this is why you're virgins.

>> No.18290263

Second one. Latinx has become the standard among people who want to be pc, but ironically alot of latinos don't like it

>> No.18290266

Do it pussy. You already don't have her number, you have nothing to lose.

>> No.18290283

I read too fast to stop, stopping was never an option

>> No.18290293

I'm getting better at writing. I'm sad about various things. Overall my life is pretty chill. I drink a lot of beer and take vitamins everyday. I'm hopeful for the future and proud of my accomplishments so far. I always used to try to kill myself and be depressed but I don't do that anymore. My only current real complaint is I'm too fucking fat. Next month when my n33tbux come in I'm getting athletic shoes and eventually a bike. Also, I'm a decent cook and making bangin curry. We're all gonna make it bros

>> No.18290294

would it be too on-the-nose to use the stream of consciousness style? I've been reading Faulkner lately and I love that stuff. Apparently he got that from Pynchon but I've never read his work.
So anyway I'm just wondering if it would be cringey or pretentious I guess.

>> No.18290328

Faulkner died before Pynchon even published anything

>> No.18290353

I wrote this, what do you think?

Delta team reached the outer wall of the Skynet factory. Large defence turrets scanned the perimeter. It was very important that they avoid detection. Just like they planned, they were going to snipe the turrets and enter the factory undetected. Captain Marshall whispered "Johnson, you take the left flank. Smith, the right flank. Robbins, you're with me. Let's move." They all moved into position discretely. "This is what we trained for," said the Captain over the radio. "Roger." replied the others. "When I give the signal, we take them all out." he said. "Roger that." said Smith. "I'm ready." said Johnson. With a loud crack, the turrets sparked and deactivated. "That's a hit." said Smith. The team moved into the factory, and continued to the control centre. "We don't have much time, people. Let's move." said the Captain. They moved up the stairs to the control centre, and blew the door. The control centre was a large room, full of terminals and computers. "Johnson, connect to the mainframe, and begin the upload." the Captain commanded. Johnson sat at the terminal, and connected his data-jack to the computer. "Connection established successfully", read the terminal screen. "How long is this going to take? We don't have much time." said the Captain. "About 2 minutes, sir." replied Johnson. Captain Marshall peaked out the window impatiently. The factory was quiet and still. "This is Johnson, uploading complete." he said. "Acknowledged. Mission Success." said a voice over the radio. Then, the lights went out. "What the hell?" said the Captain. He pulled out his radio. "This is Marshall, what happened?" he said. He received no response. Suddenly, the lights came back on, and the factory machines sprung to life. "Delta Team, this is command. The factory looks to be producing robots. The plan worked. Now, get out of there." said the voice over the radio. "Johnson, the extraction team is going to meet us at the factory perimeter. Let's move." said the Captain. Johnson nodded, and the team made their way to the extraction point. Smith looked up, "Sir, Skynet will notice the factory is active within 3 to 5 hours. That should be just enough time to produce about 12,000 friendly terminator robots." he said. "Good work, Smith." said the Captain. "That should be enough robots to mount our final offensive operation against Skynet central command." Smith nodded. As the extraction helicopter approached it made a loud noise. The team jumped in, and the helicopter took off. "Mission accomplished." said Captain Marshall.

>> No.18290371

I’m not even a virgin

>> No.18290378

Cool, where's the rest? And defence is defense.
I wrote this, what do you think?

A Long Year
"When they come for you, then you can say you knew what you were talking about."

Detective Stupid put down the note. "What?" He couldn't make heads or tails of it. Officer Buttlorde looked intently at the corner. There was not enough coffee in the world to get through this morning. Still someone asked for another cup.

Bossman Jack sat in the cell downstairs. He had his orders. He didn't need to hear them to know. This was in the works a while.

A few blocks away, a couple was fighting. It was getting late. They were up. The paint wasn't finished in their place and they were there two months already. Half the boxes were unpacked and what was unpacked was in the wrong place. But it wasn't a big thing: They were mad about pizza.

"I want fuckin pepperoni!" "No! It looks like scabs!"

On they went. Their neighbor was watching TV. She played their voices in her head and pretended it was her husband. She smiled. She'd never been married. Even on the beach a long time ago she went home alone.

"Fine!" They got half pepperoni and half pineapple. They were half asleep by the time it got there.

The old lady changed the channel. She had a lot of cups. There were cups inside cups, platters, every ceramic dish with a floral pattern at the thrift shop. She collected them.

Her table was kept ready for a dinner party. Four places were set, one for the dad, one for her, and two for the two kids or the one and their wife or husband. She mostly kept the blinds closed but would open the two in the family dining room for a few hours every day to sun the flowers in the vase. Nobody came but anyone could be coming. And when they got there she would have fresh, dead, rotten flowers. It was too hard to go to the store to get more.

Her favorite show was on but this time it was different. They'd changed the host. She grinned sadly and squeezed her little toy. It had once been a stuffed animal but was now a bit of cloth with a marble eye attached. She named it something. It smelled like sweat. "Where's Mariano?"

She took a breath mint and tried to forget about the old host. Soon, it was just the same. What a great show!

The couple woke up the next morning. They both went to work and forgot to lock the door. No one came in.

Detective Stupid and Officer Buttlorde were down at the station. Bossman Jack burst through the door. "Nyaa, see?!" he shouted triumphantly. They left and their bodies stayed. He picked up the note. "Nyaa, that's right, boss!"

Down the street, the old lady changed the channel again. She got up with her walker and went into the family dining room. She opened the blinds. The flowers were brown but for a second they looked red and yellow, blue and beautiful. Mariano came back on the TV. She sat down.

>> No.18290379

I want to read poetry, how can i start? Whit who shoukd i start?

>> No.18290384

It's pretty bland, just a lot of "this happened, that happened." Even though the situation is tense, you can't feel that in the writing. Also your dialogue is all formatted wrong.

>> No.18290391

Mentally you are

>Whit who shoukd i start?
Whit Whitman, of course

>> No.18290393


"Sir, we have a critical situation." said Johnson, as he walked into Captain Marshall's office. "What is it?" asked the Captain. "It's the factory, sir. Skynet has noticed that the factory is active." "But it's only been 2 hours? I thought we'd have more time." said the Captain. "How many robots have we been able to produce in 2 hours?" "About 3,000, sir." replied Johnson. "This ain't looking good for us." said Marshall. "It gets worse. Skynet has discovered the location of our main base and they are sending an army of terminators as we speak." Said Johnson. "Do we have the man-power to hold them off?" "Certainly not, sir." said Johnson. "Then we must mount our offensive operation against Skynet central command as soon as possible." Marshall replied, as he got up to smoke a cigar. Marshall turned to look out the window, his arms crossed behind his back as he smoked his cigar thoughtfully. "If we can destroy Skynet central command before the approaching army reaches us, the uplink will be blocked and Skynet will lose control of its army. It's our only hope." "My God. You're absolutely right, sir" said Johnson. "I'll send an urgent request for heavy air support. We'll need as many jets, bombers, missiles and gunships as we can muster." said Marshall. "Contact the head of Strategic Munitions, we're going to need a tactical nuke. We have no choice." "Yes, sir." said Johnson.

>> No.18290406

>Mentally you are
I’m not. What I am is honest with myself.

>> No.18290416

All I'm saying is that you don't have to pursue some big serious relationship with this girl. Just go on a couple dates or whatever. Have some fun.

>> No.18290426


>> No.18290443

No need to count the steps next time

>> No.18290447

But then how will he know he's improving himself?

>> No.18290456

reads like a video game, keep up the cool story bro

>> No.18290480
File: 55 KB, 900x506, 1_847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today was a really big day
I think it was cemented today that two guys who I've been friends with are really my good friends
I prayed with a complete stranger, just me and him. The thing is that people are afraid of muslims, but if you ever visited a mosque that would end immediately. Muslim men in worship are the mildest, most wonderful people. That's what they think Islam is about.
I protested for the first time in my life today (for Palestine). We got chased around a bit by the police because of corona-restrictions but all in all that just made it kind of fun. They were really soft on us, it was like pacman.
I played music in the street and a really beautiful woman stopped and listened and we held this magnetic eyecontact. She came and talked to me and my friends later and the sad fact is that I'm such a sperg I think I fumbled it. God I suck ass with women, but this was still an event in my life. She was gorgeous, smart and funny too. Bees knees.
oh yeah and in the morning I had a seminar that went pretty good, I looked real clever.

Big day today.

>> No.18290503

good job anon. I was listening to some Afghan pop music today and Laila Khan is 11/10

>> No.18290512

Press reset and relax now.

Meaning what? Such a spook. No, of course you can’t go back in time, and one cannot steer the age to their whim, though you can recognize where the zeitgeist is going and help guide it.... but you won’t get it. Just live innawoods.

It’s not the number of steps, it’s how you feel.

>> No.18290520

I wanna fuck my brother

>> No.18290535

Based kids lol

>> No.18290538

are you related?

>> No.18290564

Content is good but the writing dry
I feel using swears in an action sequence makes the seriousness seem real

>> No.18290577


>> No.18290578

In all honesty, I just can’t bring myself to talk to her. I’m not a virgin and in fact I’ve had a few relationships in the past. But the thing is all, of them unfolded naturally and organically and I never had to have this see girl, ask for number moment. Something about that just feels so fake and cringe and not romantic at all. That coupled with my obvious extremely negative view of myself makes this difficult and I know I’m just going to let things go until I leave and forget about her.

>> No.18290599

I realized today that there are a number of people that I know that I really don't think like me. One of them is because I was really an ass in his presence and I shouldn't have been and I was wrong and it sucks but it is what it is. I looked him in the eye today and I thought "this person does not like me and does not respect me" and to be honest I was kind of fine with that, I felt like he had every reason not to and that it is what it is. Earlier in my life everyone liked me. Now it's like 50/50, a lot of people don't like me. This feels closer to life to be honest.

>> No.18290621

I have an incredibly powerful lit meme that makes me laugh every time I use it but I'm hesitant to post since everyone else will like it and it will eventually be used in a shitpost against me down the line.

>> No.18290623

I wonder if when you die you wake up in the future when they have the technology to Jurassic park us back to life. Like before you were born you remember nothing but what if when you die you keep on living. I'm not religious on into reincarnation but I there's gotta be more than just nothingness

>> No.18290646

>read a book it'll fix all your syntax problems
Autistic reader here
I don't even compartmentalize the fine grammar of what I'm reading
I'm willing to bet the advice is given by either non-readers or those who read exclusively essays and academic papers. It seems weird as fuck to even notice the grammar rules if your not actively studying it. I didn't know exact dialogue tag/action beat rules and had to look it up after autistic anon gave me a whipping

>> No.18290669

Too much dialog, not enough description. It feels almost as if you're listening in on their radio, which would be a neat device, but without doing that your visuals are underdeveloped.
Also, the enter key is your friend.
Seconding >>18290564, soldiers swear a lot, but don't overdo it if it doesn't match the tone that Terminator(?) sets.

>> No.18290695

even if there's reincarnation, who's to say that it follows a linear progression of time like we do? For example: you die in the year 2045, and after a rest period, your soul is reborn as a peasant in the 6th century

>> No.18290712

Something that has been bugging me is defence. Here in America we spell it as defense (defensive, etc) and if you're copying Hollywood all of that is American.
It's one of those things that triggered my inner editor.

>> No.18290713
File: 20 KB, 600x344, Diagrams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study grammar then, don't worry about the advice of people who don't get it.
I recommend sentence diagramming, it really scratches the 'tism right, IMO. It starts out simple but there's no reason you can't study more complex structures.

>> No.18290720

It does follow linearly as we can influence events

>> No.18290731

Oh my god every time you copy my post from the writing general it fucks with my head my dude.
Y u do dis?

>> No.18290796

don't drink so much beer. it has estrogen and contributes to you being fat

>> No.18290825

Someday I may drink less beer. Someday I may stop drinking altogether. Someday, I may get a life coach and change my whole shit. But it is not this day!

>> No.18290836

Murakami is shit

>> No.18290894
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>tfw no imagist gf

>> No.18290910


>> No.18290954

Sort of like staring at a wall just thinking to yourself. Instead of trying to ignore it by doing something else.

>> No.18290974

What does that have to do with it?

>> No.18290983

You prefer the chiseled jaw, three o’clock shadow look, I see.

>> No.18291100
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Thanks for deleting my thread about literature. I almost forgot where i was!

>> No.18291109
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I got a job recently, but since it's a family gig I can technically just work any day I want to go in since I'm not fully hired to begin with. I've been in college for a few years now but the last semester I actually went to class full time was in Fall 2019, and this summer is the first time I've had to get off my ass in forever. And lately I've just started taking tons of days off because I usually don't want to go in. It's becoming an issue now, I need to get used to working/studying full time before I return to college but I've been basically NEET so long I can hardly do anything now

>> No.18291112

which one?

>> No.18291119

I need to learn to come to terms with my outward self and my genetics. I’ve realized that i’m extremely jealous of certain people for their looks and Ive become a little to obsessive about my weight. None of this matters. No one judges the greatest men who have lived on their looks. I need to learn to live with my looks and realize I am myself and can be no one else.

>> No.18291140
File: 8 KB, 217x232, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to make an oc /lit/ text. I have a decent philosophy background but am actually writing about communication or something else entirely I don't even really know. Lots of notes but no actual pages because I feel like an imposter when I try to do anything but take notes on my thoughts.

>> No.18291211

I went to work with bad hair a few days ago and I spent a lot of the day obsessing over trying to fix it in a mirror, but then I had the mental image of some guy telling me no one gives a fuck how I look on the job, and that I'm going to be judged on the quality of my work instead, and that helped my anxiety about it. Also I realized that assuming everyone cares about how you look is pretty narcissistic, even you at your worst is just a passing curiosity to people, and with confidence you can still pull off an ugly look.

>> No.18291265

It's a silly idea, but there's a great payoff to being honest, even if it's just to yourself.

Just write it.

Be brave.

Don't wait for someone else to say it or feel it or believe it.

When we tell ourselves something, it becomes our truth.

Don't be afraid to become vulnerable, to put yourself out there, to say what's on your mind.

Become the change that you wish to see in the world.

Be your own advocate.

>> No.18291320

No. She just looks plain. I am not into Asians though.

>> No.18291354

I need to record the voiceover for this video I'm making but the thought of sitting down and speaking into a microphone for ten minutes feels weird and kind of awkward. I'm hoping that I'll manage to get it done after my next shift but I'm just hoping that I'm not too drained desu.

>> No.18291358

I want to write a story about a daughter that gets mutated into a centaur in utero because her mom took a vaccine while she was carrying the daughter and have each chapter follow her as she grows up and she goes into wildlife research and spends a lot of time with wild horses and one of them ends up courting her so her parents/family end up taking her and the dad horse back home so now the horse has to get a job in human society kinda like octodad (the game) and raise his horse son properly so he can invent the cure for cancer when he grows up.
I know nothing about horses and that would take forever to write though.

>> No.18291447

Every year is more disappointing and upsetting than the last...

>> No.18291478

i don't think i have anything for you guys

>> No.18291484

I unironically want to kill all of you. God I wish I knew where you each lived.

>> No.18291645

I’m going to need help from my father for something and I desperately don’t want to ask him for help or let him help me. I can’t get over the way he was to me in childhood and I want nothing more than to just have a distant relationship with the man.

>> No.18291651
File: 2.66 MB, 640x800, 1596060814311.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have all failed me in some way or another. All the changes that you all (when you were alive) wanted for this country have been proven to be a direct threat to us, to us innocent and/or not guilty as in the future, innocent or guilty, we who we have no choice but to see into our future, who we have no choice but to see into. You failed us all. If I could drive into your back yards I would find the lost and broken, their eyes a mirror, except for yours, which I will not find that.

>> No.18291657

imagine if she gained 80 lbs

>> No.18291660

Fragment of an incomplete poem.


still tired, I awoke,
while the blue dust of dusk still covered earth,
I did not wait ‘til the Dawn broke,
from my home I traveled forth
lit by my soul’s own burning
without the aid of morning,
to the place of mourning
where friend and family lay man into dirt.

there where the world is silent,
where engraved stone and eld tree are hid by lichen,
dead moss rules a land once vibrant,
which has grown sick and rotten
with the miasma of winds grey
wailing for those who’ve passed away
yet there is another decay;
the name of friend and family forgotten.

sullen air enters my lungs,
lightning flashes, a memory doesn’t belong,
my own words feel like foreign tongues,
each word and excuse seems wrong,
there is a time to weep, I know,
why then, will it hurt to let it show?
and how can a man let go
a grief too sad for song?

Absent, a pageant of ghosts
wrapt my head about with a funerary shroud,
through the black pall I saw the hosts
and their still hurting voices which aloud
moaned for countless things periphery,
moaned for pointless injury,
moaned for purposeless misery,
these are the words of their mouths.

>> No.18291674


>> No.18291676

At what point do you accept that you simply have no talent and the only thing you’ve ever wanted to do with your life and will ever want to do with your life is just not something you will ever do well?

>> No.18291687 [DELETED] 

>"Whatareyou thinking,darling?"
>Catherinemadea face."All right," shesaid.

>> No.18291702
File: 87 KB, 1150x818, Annotation 2020-05-21 072854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The handmaid of false good,
vanguard of doomed commerce,
our only good shadow,
with her cheap brown,
pale yellow, red and brown
the poverty fashion whose burden
continues to bear,
one that sits in our kitchens
waiting for us to attend to her dishes,
the work that she does well,
then the vultures come,
clutching her pallid legs,
her breast,
twirling the hem of her garment,
and you feed them on the scraps of what you would eat,
for everything she does she does well.

After the vultures have their fill,
they break her legs,
cut her flesh,
and carry her to the open and call to all the others to devour her body,
which is ready to yield its blood to the one whose life is in her,
who is eating, eating,
in her, eating.

>> No.18291709

Just do what pleases you. If the art isn’t panning out as a career, oh well. If the end results displease even yourself, find another medium perhaps. It’s alright.

>> No.18291717

You already posted that one.

>> No.18291745

me and everybody else on earth already heard this like 8 years ago

>> No.18291785

I am starting to understand why so many philosophers lead bachelor lives

>> No.18291790

the easiest way to diet is to cut caloric intake, unless you are an athletic person or aspire to be, which you should, the caloric expenditure of your efforts will be more symbolic. That said it is a long process, but once completed, you will find it very worthwhile, despite the doubts you hold now

>> No.18291803
File: 213 KB, 438x450, sweatyguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heat wave
>wipe ass
>pull up pants
>walk away
>feels like i shit my pants
>run back to bathroom in shame
>wipe ass like life depends on it
>use wet tp
>wipe ass again
>pull up pants
>walk away
>still feels like i shit my pants
>all hairs stand up again


>> No.18291987

Don't respond to the namefag troll.

>> No.18292143

I'm turning 27. This is when I turn into an eggsac.

>> No.18292162

Talent isn’t everything. Comparison is the thief of joy.

Just because you do something “not well” compared to society’s designated professional standards doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing. Do whatever you love doing, and no matter how “well” it’s done, that love will show through.

>> No.18292183

Sometimes I scare myself how good of a liar I am. It flows off my tongue so well, so realistic and natural. I never lie about anything important, just small white lies to keep the status quo. But perhaps those are the biggest lies of all. The ones that prevent conversations about how I truly feel, because I’m terrified to death of possible rejection of me or my ideas.

>> No.18292184

Don’t talk to people that talk about me.

It’s that good.

>> No.18292192
File: 259 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired. Weather-beaten. Greyed. How long can small skiffs brave breakers before cracks begin to form on their now-paintless hulls? For what reason do I plunge headlong through the surf? Sound the alarms but don't call the brigade. See me sink, finally failing. Lighten my load. Cast off my crew. I'm tired.

I was thinking about what it would be like to live on UBI forever. Speaking to noone and doing nothing. Spending my life in the pursuit of well-maintained comfort. Watching the trees outside as I sit with a cuppa by the window. Building up my book collection year after year. Dying in a warm bed. I'm really not looking forward to working for several decades, bros.

>> No.18292230

She's a latina, so wait 2 years.

>> No.18292234

If personal improvement alone can't fulfill the anon you replied to, that's the sign for them to move on. Talent probably exists on some distribution and is immutable; in other words, it's completely pointless to dwell on. Skill is a separate distribution and a function of time and effort. The combination of talent and skill determines where someone's "capable" of going. Like a theoretical ceiling. If our friend Anon can't find enjoyment out of their personal improvement and reaching their unique "ceiling," even if that ceiling isn't anywhere near the same level as Dostoevsky or some other meme author, they're just setting themselves up for a lifelong seethe.

>> No.18292239


>> No.18292450

Every time I try to practice listening in the foreign language I'm learning, I just fucking hate it and I'm not sure why. If it's music it's okay but normal speech is like driving nails into my skull, my brain just doesn't like it at all and I wish I knew why.

>> No.18292482
File: 91 KB, 666x1000, 486_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she's cute

>> No.18292484

Also not to mention there's so many fucking words I don't know. Why do they have this many? I can't go three sentences without looking something up, it sucks.

>> No.18292511

Cool, been looking for a place to put my beers.

>> No.18292513
File: 1.07 MB, 320x240, 135E7125-26CE-4E71-A9D3-A8AE8E3AD1EE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon reports me for posting more clothed girls than this.
Janny sees it and can’t rightly ban me for inappropriate image, so gets me for making an off topic post. Tons of off topic flaying around here

>> No.18292522

I've never had any problems with posting unclothed women *inside* a thread. It's only when it's the header image that I get jannied

>> No.18292543

I really hope everybody on this board that regularly uses a tripcode dies in real life. It's the redditification of 4chan.
Anonymous means your post gets judged on its merits, not on who posts it. No downvoting means the most interesting/controversial post gets (you)'s. It's decentralized democracy without corruption, nepotism and the law of the many degenerates who can downvote your statement because they are retards that don't hate jews and blacks and women.

>> No.18292562

Finished this poem.

A Dirge

still tired, I awoke,
while the blue dust of dusk still covered earth,
I did not wait ‘til the Dawn broke,
from my home I traveled forth
lit by my soul’s own burning
without the aid of morning,
to the place of mourning
where friend and family lay man into dirt.

there where the world is silent,
where engraved stone and eld tree are hid by lichen,
dead moss rules a land once vibrant,
which has grown sick and rotten
with the miasma of winds grey
wailing for those who’ve passed away
yet there is another decay;
the name of friend and family forgotten.

sullen air enters my lungs,
lightning flashes, a memory doesn’t belong,
my own words feel like foreign tongues,
each word and excuse seems wrong,
there is a time to weep, I know,
why then, will it hurt to let it show?
and how can a man let go
a grief too sad for song?

Absent, soundless, the hordes of ghosts
wrapt about my head with a funerary shroud,
through the black pall I saw the hosts
and their still hurting voices which aloud
moaned for countless things periphery,
moaned for pointless injury,
moaned for purposeless misery,
these are the words of their mouths.

“I am gone, the image of one nowhere”
no laughs, no cries, no tears fell from their eyes,
and in their lack my tears fell with despair
as my own breath allowed them sighs.
“their life has withdrawn yet I persist
though foregone, they live as an imprint
while mingled with the pre-Dawn abyss”
as I said these things, each ghost ascended the skies

a blink, they like a daydream dissolve,
they were without substance nor presence,
resolve dies, yet the world still revolves
leaving an absence, and an absence of absence
this is the presence of the dead, a hole
which shall never become whole
without a man’s immortal soul,
leaving in the world an absence.

“my heart grows lichened and leprous, infected
with a plague of deep disdain
for a world which leaves the dead neglected,
ignoring them as a dark stain,
as some valueless dross,
I shall not forget their loss
even if it hides my heart in moss”
then I returned home in pain.

though i walked a street clad in dawn
and returned to my place of rest,
something in me felt far and gone,
mourning has impressed upon my soul his grey crest,
it does not burn like a fire,
nor the rebuke of heaven’s choir,
not even the hunger of desire,
it is a weight upon my chest.

Lord who gave us living water and breath
save us from the horror of death.

>> No.18292570


>> No.18292605

I don't get it
Asemlen is okay because of the recs he sometimes posts but other tripfags should get the ban pronto

>> No.18292611

I wanted to write a book, but it turns out that Nietzsche already said everything I had to say. He even wrote the book in the same manner I was going to. Is there anyway I can sue him? I'm American so surely there must be some legal loophole that would allow this, right?

>> No.18292822

Must be threads the handful of christfags avoid. The rest of us like pretty girls

>> No.18292978

speed is a cool way to get out of your head

>> No.18292983

Anon, we all die in real life

>> No.18293127

Last night I had a dream.

>> No.18293336
File: 53 KB, 352x345, 1619849244690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I've gotten dumber, if my attention span is fucked, if I'm just a mess, or if classes via Zoom suck, but I'm not understanding anything. I barely even remember things after a test, I barely remember things I saw last semester.
I don't even feel as if I was already in uni, it doesn't feel like it. I do not understand how others have been able to adapt to this shit, because for me it gets worse each semester.

>> No.18293349


I fucking hate this stupid pointless general /lit/ thread. I fucking hate how it's always started with the most boring, unimaginative images, to encourage maximal pseudo-participation. I fucking hate that I am buying into the prompt right now. I would like to kill the person or persons who regularly create these pointless threads. Worst of all, the FP was a little funny.

>> No.18293372

I learned that people write for money on fiverr, I wonder how they're doing.

>> No.18293441

Gonna get dangerously high and drunk by myself tonight. Then tomorrow I'm going to write for 6 hours. If I feel up to it I might go watch a soccer game, but I probably won't.

>> No.18293494


>> No.18293501

Is it really? MDMA really helped me with my mental struggles this one time I took it.
Sounds great!

>> No.18293558

I am depressed and asocial

>> No.18293609

Stop being depressed and go talk to people.

>> No.18293614
File: 247 KB, 1164x1600, 1620433463477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just b ur self bro

>> No.18293616

This is the only good thread on /lit/ newfag

>> No.18293672

been studying since november and I feel the same. It all feels so pointless. Even during classes I'm interested in I find my way back to this board and other time wasting websites. I still haven't seen my uni from the inside.

>> No.18293683
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Who is the handsome man?

>> No.18293702

Is that Classically Abby

>> No.18293706


>> No.18293711

This bitch goes to my uni

>> No.18293718


>> No.18293774

I hate that feeling when you go overseas to somewhere exotic and you get there and you realise it's just another place. Like it's on another part of the world but it's all the same world. It being separated from you by water doesn't make it actually any different. It's like you expected it to look like it would through a movie filter. Is there a word for that? Seems like a distinctly postmodern phenomenon. I wonder if explorers 400 years ago felt the same disappointment?

>> No.18293808

Update for anyone who cared, this person turned out to be legit mentally ill, a shell of a person and very draining. Last night she started hitting me because I put my hand on her belly and made her self-conscious, and she made me read from her diary where she wrote about her suicidal thoughts and how her ex fucked like a beast. The plan now is to fuck her a couple of more times and then just decouple.

>> No.18293848

damn bro i was rooting for you two to get married

>> No.18293861

interesting technique

>> No.18293863

Travel by foot or bike. Man wasn't meant to zip through the air around the world in half a day. Read Goethe's Italian Journey if you haven't. Find some place you would like to go and travel there at biological, not mechanical, pace.

Modern transport makes distance trivial and you begin to take space for granted, just something that blurs by your peripheral vision rather than a thing to be navigated, not just geographically but culturally.
The Mediterranean in spring or summer is a great place to do this as the climate is forgiving and the people welcoming.

>> No.18293871


this jam reminds me of /lit/ when everyone on they best behavior, bass line bouncy af too

>> No.18293873

I have horrid procrastination problems. I know this isn't an original statement, so I'll pretend like it is original by saying how aware I am of the problem, but do nothing to fix it.

>> No.18293874
File: 58 KB, 976x850, 1618508447153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost june and it still feels like fucking winter. The apocalypse is coming

>> No.18293877

I live in Australia so quite isolated transport wise. I have always wanted to take a boat all the way to another part of the world though on a cargo ship. I've looked into it quite closely, but decided it was too difficult to achieve. Definitely agree that high speed flight travel has shrunk the world and made it less exotic.

>> No.18293900

it's gonna be 90 today dude

>> No.18293905

I am deeply in love with my best friend and i decided that i will tell her that when i will have to leave town for college
I know that she does not feel the same and that i will destroy 4 plus years of friendship with her and most likely with our other common friend
But hey, thats the way it is i guess

>> No.18293906


What's on your mind

>> No.18293915

If we measured our years from the birth of Julius Caesar instead of Jesus Christ, the current year would be 2121 and the turn of the millennium would have been heralded by the invention of the automobile and the onset of two world wars instead of a fizzle of electronics and a series of embarrassing presidencies.

>> No.18293929
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I spend my days jerking off, watching streams and refreshing this site.

>> No.18293933

Damn. I was gonna do this once but then I never went through with it. Instead I just started ignoring her messages more and more until it reached a point where she's barely in my life.

>> No.18293948

You know, thats a great choice as well. The shit is that we are like a trio so its pretty hard to ignore one because we talk all together. I think my kamikaze plan will settle things up and we will inevitably lose contact anyway. I just hope i will still be able to talk with my other friend

>> No.18293949

>I tell her she can use the bed and I'll sleep on the couch, but as she's taking off her bra she says she won't accept that and insists I spoon her till she falls asleep, I give up and comply. She starts rubbing her ass on my dick and we take it from there.

Isn't it crazy that the woman always knows whether she's gonna get laid that night, but as a man it's always in the question.

>> No.18293960

This sounds like the plot of a Murakami novel about high school students in a love triangle.

>> No.18293961 [DELETED] 

i'm doing that with this chick who keeps vaccine-nagging me. it's like yeah bitch im gonna get it, but i work remotely and haven't done anything social in fucking year, so i'm not in a rush, meanwhile she violates quarantine in the middle of pandemic to have her family visit her, so full of shit.

>> No.18293985

All the usual things aren't doing it any longer.

>> No.18293996

are you happy?

>> No.18293999

yeah, wasn't until the day after when I thought back to some of the stuff she said/did that I realized she'd made up her mind hours before I was even aware of it

>> No.18294031
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>> No.18294279

I am in my early twenties and have a job that pays really well. I live in the middle east so most likely I'll have to marry some random girl picked by my parents and contemplating this future is soul crushing to me.

I don't want to pretend to like a double digit IQ Muslim woman who probably doesn't like me either.

>> No.18294300

Ok just don't come to Europe

>> No.18294313

Go to Italy, the girls are arab looking enough that this guy >>18294300 probably will not be upset.

>> No.18294314

I'll take her bro

>> No.18294323

Something grass something greener something. You would't want a western university educated woman raised on current wave of feminism who thinks spreading your legs as a man is rape and has a body count of 50+ either.

>> No.18294346

True but I feel like non-western people or people who live in collectivist societies are somehow less human. You can't really reach out to them because of the layers of armors and masks they are wearing (being religious, good citizen, obedient daughter etc.) it's kinda sad

>> No.18294369

Is there a way for you to meet girls casually, not in a sexual way, but an open social environment away from your parents?
If you can't move countries, and don't want to rock the boat, maybe try beating them to the punch and find a girl that you do actually like.

>> No.18294421

It's like a gay coming out in a Christian family. People do it all the time though, but not really out in the open so it's really hard unless you're super attractive. I'll try though.

>> No.18294422

I'm so tired. Never have I been this tired. I don't remember what it's like to be awake and energetic.

>> No.18294429

I feel like learning marketing and studying psych in college can be a good path for me

>> No.18294447

just read the rational male by rollo tomassi, yes, unironically, just do it

>> No.18294461


>> No.18294468 [DELETED] 

white women are way more racist than white men. there's way more white guys with POC gfs than white women with POC bfs. man's natural horniness makes them impossible to be racist, it inevitably breaks down the barrier. Women are naturally inclined to be racist, however. I don't blame them though.

>> No.18294592

Here is a little conflict you can expect to see become public in the future. It isn't uncommon at all for escorts to refuse service to certain races, and to even explicitly state it in their promotional material. The most common being 'no Indians' and no 'black/dark/African'.
The justification being that men of these backgrounds are supposedly often disrespectful, and turn violent if certain services are denied to them.

So yeah, a neat little tension within the progressive narrative that has yet to be addressed, but sure to become a major drama at some point.

>> No.18294653
File: 84 KB, 802x437, 1612150412554 why are you shitting on my plate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm an angry spirit trapped in a body with a subpar mind and all of my heroes are legends who died young

do you have any idea how frustrating my life is

>> No.18294738

Have you considered learning a language you like, instead?

>> No.18294755

Yeah, but also, trip codes have been a part of this site for all its existence, so it's really not a redditification exactly, and while almost every tripfag is just an attention whore and annoying at the best of times, Frater is a genuinely great poster and I'm glad he's tripping. So not every single one deserves death

>> No.18294764

Is this anon traveling towards failure
My dad said go for a stem degree or kill yourself

>> No.18294774

what a surprise lol

>> No.18294780

you know, since she knows where you live and she's close, you might have some real problems depending on how crazy the bitch is. this is why they tell you not to stick your d in crazy.. but I get it bro. it sticks itself

>> No.18294799

But what if this millennium marks a far more significant time, and things began which will have consequences far outreaching anything you can imagine?

>> No.18296104


Been browsing for not quite a decade, shitposting threads about Deleuze, Guenon etc are preferable.

>> No.18296172

bruh u already posted dis 1 thread ago

>> No.18296259

Frater simps are pathetic.