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18284520 No.18284520 [Reply] [Original]

Dostoevsky had a sequel for The Brothers Karamazov planned, Deleuze was going to write a new book about Marx, and Camus died at the height of his career.

>> No.18284560

Oh no, another midwit take on Marx was never written. What a tragedy.

>> No.18284569

Camus died just when he was about to go to India to study eastern philosophies. Truly a tragedy.

>> No.18284576

happened to Jung too, wtf is it with semi-midwit patrician western writers of concepts dying from planning trips to india

>> No.18284578

virgil didn't finish the aeneid
i want to die

>> No.18284583

Both Pushkin and Lermontov
Think of what could've been accomplished

>> No.18284584

WG Sebald

>> No.18284591

You fucker I felt the ending was abrupt but I never knew it wasn't finished until I read you're post.

>> No.18284596

Dying before your time is always a great career move

>> No.18284623

Kafka left most of his works unfinished
Mishima committed sudoku just after finishing the tetralogy

>> No.18284625

Poo gods not wanting their secrets disseminated by non-hindus I guess.

>> No.18284628

Christ getting involved through divine grace

>> No.18284658

It was mostly finished, but Virgil felt some sections still needed to be polished.

>> No.18284668
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>> No.18284690

Miura was not at his peak, he had declined long ago

>> No.18284792

It was starting to get good again tho.

>> No.18285023

This one is truly a tragedy. He still had like half a dozen great books in him.

>> No.18285026

rip in heaven big guy

>> No.18285810

Mishima's powers declined. Proof - The decay of the angel. He was obsessed with death so much he probably wrote the final book in haste.

>> No.18285814


>> No.18286210

Camus died when he was going places very fast.

>> No.18286268


>Christopher Marlowe (29, bar fight)
Presumably would have written some good stuff. Shakespeare hadn't written anything near his best by this age.

>Jane Austen (42 I think, some weird illness)
Almost certainly a big loss. 42 is old for a poet but not for a novelist.

>Keats (25, TB)
Usually considered one of the worst losses. OTOH maybe it's the knowledge of impending doom that made his last year's stuff good, so who knows?

>Shelley (29, drowned)
I guess.

>Pushkin (37, duel)
His wife kept having affairs and in the end he had to do something. Poor P.

>Wilfred Owen (25, war)
Might have been a disappointment had he lived. His stuff is so much a reaction to the unique pressures of the trenches. Hard to say.

>Hart Crane, Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Malcolm Lowry, etc
Who knows, with the suicides? Maybe they killed themselves when/because they had run out of things to say, in which case, we didn't lose much.

>> No.18286326

>52 years an imbecile
>hit sequel to 12 years a slave

>> No.18286333

Janko Polić Kamov

>> No.18286347

Robert Musil
Jaroslav Hasek
Robert Bolano
Franz Kafka

>> No.18286355

Büchner was a young German poet, playwright and proto-novelist.

His plays are some of the very few who show signs of being capable to be as incentive, humane and poetic as those of Shakespeare. At the same time he could work with new themes and plots and not simply reheat old Greek stories.

He had a great gift for metaphor, which is probably the greatest thing in poetry.

He died with 23 years of age.

>> No.18286376

gombrowicz lived in obscurity in argentina for like 20+ years and then when he finally came back to europe, started getting translated and becoming a literary celebrity in france his health went to shit and he dropped dead after being strongly considered for the nobel for like four years in a row and never getting it.

>> No.18286401

>Pushkin (37, duel)
The guy who endlessly cucked other men died because he was cucked. Pottery.

>> No.18286412

Well at least he was happy when he hit that tree in the passenger seat. At least, we will have to imagine so.

>> No.18286428

Hölderlin if you take his fall into insanity as the death of his genius. He was only 30 when he went schizo and lived on for another 43 years.

>> No.18286436

All the Brontes died young.
Emily had only written one novel and her poetry. Could you imagine writing Wuthering Heights as your first novel?
Anne was talented too and died like 6 months later.
Charlotte, who I dislike the least lived the longest, but she clearly lived in jealously of Emily.

>> No.18286443

dislike the most* oops.
Although Jane Eyre is good, I feel we got jipped with the wrong sister for an extra decade.

>> No.18286493

Novalis and Kierkegaard come to mind. I also wonder what sorts of developments Nietzsche might have made in his thought given another 20 or so years.

>> No.18286618


Adi Shankara

>> No.18286621


the call of the crocodile I guess

>> No.18286680

Marx died before completing Das Kapital. He was old but still, that’s pretty sad.

>> No.18286708
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He died after the release of his valis trilogy novels and right before the theatrical release of blade runner where he would become the biggest name in Hollywood adaptations and could have been a multimillionaire

>> No.18286722


He had known something about the coming dystopia and he (((died))).

>> No.18287243


>> No.18287289

>we are romans and shiiit
was it too many meds or not enough?

>> No.18287304

the author of mein kampf was sadly bullied into suicide before he could finish hes works, it just make me think how the world would look if people didn't bully people baka

>> No.18287318
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Imagine believing this.

>> No.18287324

>>Keats (25, TB)
>Usually considered one of the worst losses. OTOH maybe it's the knowledge of impending doom that made his last year's stuff good, so who knows
His production is massive for someone that young.

>> No.18287334

C.S. Lewis, Liliana Bodoc, Horacio Quiroga, Byron, Mary Shelley, Lovecraft, William Hope Hodgson, they all died too soon.

>> No.18287674

Yep, sad that he didn't die before he could've written any of his works.

>> No.18287746

Bad bait and you write like a retard.

>> No.18287751
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>> No.18287779
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>> No.18287786

Wish we could've gotten more from DFW.

>> No.18287822

Jaroslav Hasek

>> No.18287845


>> No.18289431

Too many. His schizoid episode was induced by prescribed painkillers

>> No.18289702
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didn't die but the fucker simply "quit" writing

>> No.18289857

i wonder if he kept privately writing in his later years, and what he would have written about

>> No.18291143


>> No.18291426
