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/lit/ - Literature

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18279616 No.18279616 [Reply] [Original]

This place is toxic. Full of supposed redpills that's just another pole of what's life. Being redpilled as well as being nihilistic is not the final truth you arrive at once you see things for what they are. It's just another twisted way to look at life, as much so as being happy all the time is. Life is neutral.

This place however finds pride and nobility in being doomer-like and thinks that that's how things are. Every philosophy boils down to personal experience in life which then dictate what kind of ideology you'll end up with.

To actually see things for what they are requires more than just jacking off in your own room all day and wondering why you have been cursed by the universe.
How can you come to a conclusion about life already if you haven't gotten that much experience in life - trying out new things that is.

>> No.18279674

Go read Ubik Jacob

>> No.18279685

Ever since I migrated to /biz/ I had way more fun and realized /lit/ is probably the saddest board on this site. I still read philosophy and enjoy it but I'm glad I don't have to prepare a thousand ad-homs just to discuss philosophy here.
/lit/ is like a containment board for cowards who are way over their heads.

>> No.18279828

This place is not that bad, it gives casual passersby the feeling that reading is edgy and rebellious, which has more of a chance at getting people to read than most other attempts in that direction by better intentioned people.

>> No.18279846

>This place is not that bad
lurk more

>> No.18279864

thread theme:

>> No.18279877

>lurk more
I don't think I should, I'll just stop at the first impression thank you very much.

>> No.18279925

I really like this post, and agree with everything you say here. Thanks for the reminder, though. I'll bookmark this if I ever need to hear it again.

>> No.18280101

uhhhhh this place is filled with threads of faggots with life-affirming philosophy though, we often make fun of nihilistic retards

>> No.18280119

I am sorry but if you find any enjoyment browsing /biz/ you probably are mentally challenged

>> No.18280207

I hate hate hate hate HATE the fucking faggots of this board, no this entire site in fact. Every time I see a post I hate I envision me choking the life out of that poster right then and there.

>> No.18280219

why not just leave the site then?

>> No.18280225

You’re attacking a straw man of /lit/ OP. All ideas get push back on here.

>> No.18280309

projection, fallacy of a just world

>> No.18280331

there is objectively nothing wrong with the red pill

>> No.18280341

i stopped enjoying coming here years ago. it's just out of habit now. board quality is complete garbage compared to 2013-14 when i started coming here.

>> No.18280342

some people like hating stuff

>> No.18280380

Everything is a cope, and that's it. Being a pessimist or an optimist are only ways of coping and no more, but being a midwit of "Life is neutral" or "trying out new things" is a kys tier stupidity. Pick you unavoidable bigot preference and stick with it.

>> No.18280391

>more than just jacking off in your own room all day and wondering why you have been cursed by the universe.

yeah, not rly. you can do marco polo life or r9k life and it will not make any difference. falling for memes like le new or le things. ughhh

>> No.18280439

it made me have a 6 figure portfolio so I'm content with being mentally challenged I guess

>> No.18280472

Everything you said is true but the thing is....

This place is all I’ve got :(

>> No.18280758

Surely you must know while being on here

>> No.18281855

In all honesty, it's not that bad. Like every board on the site, it's just full of the typical "worst types" of the hobby (in this case pretentious pseuds, illiterate retards and people who just hate anything that isn't what they like no matter what). Despite that, i've found myself well here: good threads are easier to find and make usually, and some bona-fide lurking will let you discover tons of valid books, and overall it can help broadening your horizon on the matter.
With all this put, thought, i could agree people that are very invested on the hobby or are in it long enough to have an opinion worth it's say won't have a good time here

>> No.18282768

This is called impotent rage.