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File: 97 KB, 640x443, here lies conservatism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18279324 No.18279324 [Reply] [Original]

Why did conservatism fail?

>> No.18279342
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Because it conserves progressivism.

>> No.18279357

Conservatism is a distraction from actual right wing ideas that would work

>> No.18279382

it didn't, conservatism is still doing exactly what it intended to do quite successfully. are you retarded or something?

>> No.18279390

what it intended to do? being a meaningless controlled opposition with no power?

>> No.18279400

Amerifats mainly

Because it rejects actual right wing ideas and forms as Monarch/Aristocracy/Fascism. It’s just liberalism-lite.
Read Yockey

>> No.18279407

No, they conserve, like that time they voted to decriminalize homosexuality, allow free abortion and divorce or more recently when they supported a "based" tranny as a nominee...

>> No.18279411


>> No.18279417
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None of you stupid faggots even know what you mean when you say “Conservative”.


Conservatism failed because of urbanisation. People no longer live on farms in such great numbers. It was destined to fail due to industrialisation, urbanisation, and city planning that could sustain millions of people. Peasants ditching farm tools to work in factories.

But yeah, I’m sure what you actually mean is the shit for brains American “conservative” movement which is just liberals who suck Israeli cock and like Ayn Rand while making hollow overtures to Evangelical petit-bourgeoisie retards

>> No.18279422

Big cities always attract collectivists and commies

>> No.18279430

thats just one part of it. at its core they exist for the benifit of parties in the government and industry, these are the only policies they stick too year after year, everything else is expendable and they play a game of pr where they continually compromise or abandon values in order to prop up those specific interests

>> No.18279435

Unfortunately that's the common idea, and conservatives themselves don't seem too eager to change it.

>> No.18279436

Conservatives have accepted revolutionary ideas, such as economic liberalism, freedom of expression, press and religion, democracy, etc... But they don't really like the consequences of such ideas, so they are bound to accept modernity at a slower pace than others.

>> No.18279438

This. Conservatives have already accepted yesterday's progressivism and never maintain a principled stance on anything.
To be actually right wing in this day and age means there's little you would actually conserve.

>> No.18279450

>commies are the opposite of conservatives
spotted the mutt, your conservatives are liberals and your commies barely exists

>> No.18279456

it became a WASP thing

>> No.18279462

American liberals are crypto communists who can't stop sucking china off

>> No.18279463

Cities in Middle Ages were literal communes lol

Pretty much this. I don’t think it’s even fair to say a “conservative” movement exists anywhere in the west that isn’t an irrelevant freakshow. I feel like it stopped being a thing after 1914 but definitely after 1930. Really fascism became conservatism 2.0.

Americans have never in their existence had a conservative movement. Maybe in the form of Alexander Hamilton but not really. Anglos in general really. Anglos and Dutch have always been the most liberal actors of Europe.

>> No.18279469

>no you can't formulate your own perception based on what is happening now and the people who call themselves conservatives and write about conservatism in the present
>you must use the definitions and paradigm of 18th/19th century textbooks

No, fuck off. Things change, people use these terms regardless of their initial definition. That's how language works.

The right in america refer to their leftist opposition as liberals, but the textbooks would say they're both liberals. But obviously they aren't the same, one is different than the - maybe not objectively left and right, but in it's smaller varied degrees it is still left vs right, and the right choose to label themselves conservatives and the left as liberals and progressives.

Regardless of how you see it, this is how the world is entrenching itself and these are the principles that are being acted upon in the world's biggest western nation. That has impact. Fuck your outdated aktually bullshit. You know full well that real leftists would not side with the republicans on any issue.

>> No.18279471

You won't go anywhere by calling people who don't believe in class struggle "commies", learn about your ennemies and called them what they are. You are just like people who call anything they don't like "nazi" or "fascist".

>> No.18279479

In liberal democracy conservatism always loses, most people are jealous losers so the endgame of democracy is always giant welfare state and communism

>> No.18279483

Because "conservatives" are still liberals and liberalism is a failure.

>> No.18279484

People who promote class warfare should be beat up like in Singapore

>> No.18279498

Friendly reminder that you can't understand modernity without studying the huge influence that secret societies and esoteric movements had.

>> No.18279504

I love east Asia so much. The Chinese approach to law and criminology approximates my own much more closely than cucked Anglo style permissiveness.

“Don’t be a seditious retard, don’t cause trouble or disorder”. It’s very mature and forward thinking unlike Euro/American trannies who let negroes knockout game their grandparents to avoid “causing a racial incident”

>> No.18279509

No you absolutely and definitely can lol. Free Masonry is just early modern era networking. Secret societies exist(ed) in virtually every agrarian civilisation. Avoid the occult, it will make you retarded - not because it has power but precisely because it doesn’t. It can be safely disregarded.

>> No.18279518 [DELETED] 

Because the nature of progress is to make more informed decisions based on new evidence and better ideas. All human knowledge is advancing, and yet their stances on issues are calcified. It's absurd to think that a political philosophy founded on impeding social and economic progress would be the best to facilitate the maximisation of our collective well-being.

>> No.18279526

Because the nature of progress is to make more informed decisions based on new evidence and better ideas. All human knowledge is advancing, and yet their stances on issues are calcified. It's absurd to think that a political philosophy founded on impeding social and economic progress would be the best to facilitate the maximisation of our collective well-being.

>> No.18279536
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>implying that the dildo conveyor belt of tranny capitalism is socially beneficial progress

>> No.18279542
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Right on, brother. I just hate when /lit/ isn’t historicist enough.

>> No.18279544

I have read more than 100 books on the subject, so I am telling you, you can't understand modernity if you know nothing about secret societies and esoteric movements. A good entry point for you would be the influence of the Carbonari with the unification of Italy. The impact of Kabbalah on Marx is also pretty easy. If you are American, look into Ron Hubbard and the O.T.O.

>> No.18279547

What is progress though? We build trains and now we have train collisions that can kill 300 people instantly.

We have gigantic skyscrapers and convenient aerial travel but... well... y’know

>> No.18279553

>All human knowledge is advancing
only about useless stuff. The average man is becoming more and more retarded. And you are a perfect exemple of that with you retarded materialism.

>> No.18279557

>whig theory

>> No.18279559

I have never heard of whatever that is, but by essentially every metric things improve in societies as they become increasingly liberal.
Of course, this doesn't mean increasingly "left", as communism is antitethical to liberalism.

>> No.18279562

What metric? The standards of basic material comfort? But at what cost?

>> No.18279563

Progress for the sake of progress doesn't mean anything
People have often commited atrocities with good intentions

>> No.18279567

>I’ve wasted my time on this, therefore it’s right!

>> No.18279568

Not true, look up the Flynn effect. Psychologists have to keep reseting the mean of IQ tests as it keeps increasing with every generation.

What's an example of a discipline where our knowledge is not advancing?

>> No.18279572

>Flynn effect
Why do midwits keep name dropping this guy?

>> No.18279578

Well - if you enjoy sanitation, hot water, electricity, living a long life, etc, I would say it means something.

Also the number of committed atrocities and overall violence in the world is decreasing.

>> No.18279579

That's a man-made metric made by a degenerate discipline. True intelligence isn't appreciated in our current culture, only consumption is.

>> No.18279587

Whatever metric you choose that is quantitatively measurable - Life expectancy, literacy rates, poverty. Pick one you think is desirable and look up the statistics, you'll likely find it's improving.

>> No.18279593

We can have all that stuff without being replaced by brown and yellow Amazon drones as a sacrifice to the GDP god. There needs to be a conservative force in check that keeps things in perspective without selling the cow for a bag of magic progress beans.

>> No.18279596

>equating technology progress to trannies in sports and education

>> No.18279600

Errrr... okay well yes, but that’s a little different. Didn’t think you were going in that direction lol.

Actually I take it back you’re absolutely right in a sense. I thought you were going somewhere different. Sorry.

>> No.18279601

How do you define 'true intelligence'?
I think what most people consider intelligence are the variables measured by IQ - sptatial reasoning, pattern recognition, short term memory, verbal reasoning etc.

>> No.18279602

What is the measure of a man? And what is a man worth?

>> No.18279606

>There needs to be a conservative force
The only point of conservatism is bring the inevitable collapse slightly later

>> No.18279607

>That's a man-made metric
As opposed to all those natural metrics floating about KEK

>> No.18279608

Fox News has aired 126 segments on trans student-athletes. They could only find nine nationwide. I think this is a non-issue.


>> No.18279615

based humility poster

>> No.18279646

I agree there should always be scepticism and hesitation towards radical changes in society, however it should be based on compelling arguments and evidence, not ignorance or unfounded personal greivances.

>> No.18279652

True intelligence is a subtlety beyond measure because by definition it escapes examination and is always the force doing the examining. It evolves faster than we are able to comprehend it and it's arrogant futility to try and measure it as it changes.
The collapse is always the result of human fault, accepting it as inevitable is already being guilty of causing it. Real men of intelligence always find a way to survive until the next generation and find a happy balance of improving upon things without ruining their legacy.
Exactly my point. though. Man is flawed in their self assessment.

>> No.18279666

So if I have a compelling argument for the further existence of White people, am I allowed to freely express it in this progressive utopia? Of course not, because our education system and mass media are designed to morph us into easily controllable common denominators that don't actual look toward novel, beneficial solutions, but rather to that which only benefits neoliberal corporations that pretend to care for equality while equally ripping everyone off. I have yet to see the evidence for the benefit of modern progressivism and the material comforts simply act as a bribe to keep us in our mediocre state.

There is nothing to actually advance toward, it's just the carrot on the ruling class' stick.

>> No.18279669

So we should wait until it’s everywhere to do something about it? It will be too late when that is the case.

>> No.18279680

Because time only moves in one direction

>> No.18279699

Anyone else admire the Burmese military for the successful coup?

I like people who buck the bureaucratic consensus and take power to dictate their view of the world unto others. I’ve always despised democrats and people who let themselves be defined and cowed by the mob. “Public opinion” and “polling” is fake, unscientific bullshit anyway. This is what reactionaries should have done in America. They should recognised that they will never make being responsible and modest mainstream values in the US ever again due to hegemonic control of media and should have just declared a new government and said “Okay the country is fucked, this is year zero, we’re going to build something new from the ground up” but sadly that would have been bad for business.

>> No.18279717

Conservatism builds successful societies, liberalism reaps the benefits and brings them to collapse, it's an endless cycle

>> No.18279720

>Anyone else admire the Burmese military for the successful coup?
No? Totalitarianism is cringe, and you’re probably a fedora wearing edgelord

>> No.18279724

>Conservatism builds successful societies
Imagine unironically thinking this. You probably think that primordial conservatism is Christian too

>> No.18279731

All societies are built on family unit, liberalism wants to destroy it

>> No.18279741

>All societies are built on family unit
A good portion of biblical morality isn’t even built on the family unit you fucking muppet. Have you ever read the Old Testament? It’s chuck full of polygamists

>> No.18279745
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The movement today lacks good leaders

>> No.18279746

And you're a Starbucks sipping hippie

>> No.18279749

Polygamy doesn't build stable societies, you need constant war to curb surplus male population

>> No.18279751

>makes Baldwin Mald without even trying
How was he so based?

>> No.18279753

Yeah, one in a functional society where the government can’t literally abduct and disappear me for any reason they see fit.

I thought conservacucks were against the GUBBERMENT? What happened?

>> No.18279757

Why do you think marriage existed in almost every successful civilization?

>> No.18279763

Now you are just gaslighting

>> No.18279779

Polygamy was always taboo in the OT. Lamech, the grandson of Cain, was the first to commit this sin. Abram had one wife and banished his handmaid when he knocked her up instead of taking her as a second bride. Jacob only had multiple brides because he wanted to marry his first wife's younger sister but had to marry the older one first. Solomon was rebuked by God for his blatant polygamy and David brought a plague over his people by marrying one of his captain's wives. I could go on but the point is that God allows for a lot of sin in the OT because He understands that humans are flawed. In the NT, which is specifically Christian, Paul clearly outlines the monogamous family structure of the faith in his epistles. Only mormons and muslims still practice that sinful act to this day and even then it's not as common as you might think.

>> No.18279817

There is no group of puppet masters that are dictating reality, we all just conform to it the reality we are in. "Neoliberal corporations" supply needs and wants, this creates wealth for everyone. If theres no need or want, they dissolve. There is no alternative system that doesn't have us all working on farms for 12 hours a day and still starving of malnutrition.

I don't know what you think the argument for the existence of "white people" (however you define that) is, but I am fairly confident it is baseless. For one, there is no evidence of a white people dying out, or experiencing any sort of extermination.

Even still, of course you can express it. You have that freedom. You won't be arrested or anything, assuming you live in America. But everyone else possess the freedom to criticize, fire, or socially ostracize you. That is their freedom.

What you are arguing for is a set of laws where there are in-groups, whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups, whom the law binds but does not protect.

>> No.18279851
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You say that there are no puppet masters dictating reality, but then move on to say that people who express a certain belief deserve to be ostracized and destroyed by a corporate system which is predicated upon keeping humanity reliant on a ceaselessly expanding urban dystopia that's slowly killing our humanity under the guise of "freedom". You have defined the in-group as the neoliberal puppetmasters as and have given them complete authority to cement their power and narrative control over the masses. Well done, agent Smith.

>> No.18279863

Can't reason with these npcs and their doublethink

>> No.18279873
File: 181 KB, 606x778, WAKEMEUPINSIDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw awake but at what cost?

>> No.18279946

You're ignoring the other side of that coin, which is that technology and liberalism move so fast that profound changes are made before their long-term consequences can be appreciated and/or adapted to. There needs to be a force of restraint which keeps us grounded in time-tested social formulae until we understand what changing/discarding them really means for our existence.

In my estimation, -only- a philosophy which restrains and subordinates the forces of social/economic/technological 'progress' to higher values can facilitate such a maximization.

>> No.18279952
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It succeeded. You just misunderstood what it was actually trying to do.

>> No.18279978

It allied itself with capitalism

>> No.18279987

English law only works for English people

>> No.18279997

>personal grievances
don't sell white people your 99c stiff upper lip theory while minorities GET REWARDED to ait their grievances.
Now go back.

>> No.18280002

Woah there buddy. You seem to be implying there are some kind of innate differences between people. That's racist, ya know? We conservatives fully condemn racism and white supremacy and believe that all humans are blank slate economic units who can be uprooted and placed in another country with no deleterious effect.

>> No.18280234

It's hard to argue against what you said because you don't really have a point to begin with. I'll try and take it piece by piece.

>"You say that there are no puppet masters dictating reality, but then move on to.."

Nothing you said following contradicted the first point, that there are no puppet masters.

>"..deserve to be ostracized and destroyed by a corporate system.."

I didn't say deserve, I just said that's people excercising their freedom.

>"a corporate system which is predicated upon keeping humanity reliant on a ceaselessly expanding urban dystopia"

Humanity is reliant on food and shelter, whether an economic system supplies it or people somehow manage it themselves. Quality of life has never been higher, so I wouldn't call it a dystopia. I also don't think it is ceaselessly expanding. It is necessary to expand until poverty is alleviated and everyone achieves a basic standard of living, then the economy will transition. Read the literature on 'Circular Economy'.

>slowly killing our humanity under the guise of "freedom"

How is humanity slowly being killed exactly?

>"You have defined the in-group as the neoliberal puppetmasters"

No I didn't. In my view there is no "in or out" groups. I guess you could say people who subscribe to the dominant culture are the "in-group", but there's no clear boundaries.

>"and have given them complete authority to cement their power and narrative control over the masse"

Not really. There's many "narratives" which either more or less closely align with the truth. I don't know what the "Neoliberal narrative" is (I'm assuming again you're referring to the dominant culture), but it pretty closely tracks reality. Not all "narratives" are equally valid. You have some peddled by, say, right-wing media, which are completely detached from reality, and you others that are more less the accurate way of seeing our collective history and circumstances. At this point and time, Liberals have a complete monopoly on objective truth.

>> No.18280317

Dutton debunked this you fucking reatard

>> No.18280359

He didn't debunk it, he reviewed 9 studies that contradicted the flynn effect. It may have slowed down or reversed in 7 countries, it is difficult to say why, but there is still a wealth of literature in support of it.

>> No.18280383

conservatism doesn't work without Christianity and modern right wingers threw it away to become secular bugs

>> No.18280384

>There is no group of puppet masters that are dictating reality,
read manufacturing consent
>supply needs and wants
wrong, they create them through advertisement
>this creates wealth for everyone
during the on-going pandemic the 1% is richer while the rest is poorer
>There is no alternative system that doesn't have us all working on farms for 12 hours a day and still starving of malnutrition.
There is. Study more political history/philosophy
>I don't know what you think the argument for the existence of "white people"
Whites deserve a homeland that isn't invaded by people widely different from their culture and ethnicity.
>For one, there is no evidence of a white people dying out, or experiencing any sort of extermination.
Ethnic mixing will lead to the death of diverse ethnic groups. The Han chinese did this, more many centuries, in a process comonly know as 'sinicization'.
>You have that freedom
There is no such thing; it's a bourgeois dogma.

>> No.18280390

It didn't trigger the libtards enough.
Also this

>> No.18280407

Conservatives lost as soon as they embraced democracy, in a society with universal suffrage the overton window always moves only to the left

>> No.18280475

Your reddit spacing is atrocious and the only reason you think I don't have a point to begin with is because you're a raging hypocrite that begins at the conclusion that you are correct and works backwards from there. The fact that you can't see the diabolical nature of the neoliberal hegemony means you won't be convinced by facts and have to resort to painstaking pilpul instead of just making an easy, coherent point.
>At this point and time, Liberals have a complete monopoly on objective truth.
Point proven. Globohomo works for you, therefore you exalt it as your ultimate good and literally can't comprehend existence outside of the funko pop utopia that sustains your naturally weak being. Our forebears were much stronger and more fulfilled, with larger families and healthier lifestyles. Modern comforts have only lead to sedentary lifestyles that increase our reliance on the system instead of perfecting the natural man as he is supposed to be. Your perfect world will fall like every other civilization before it and when you only have yourself to rely on, you'll realize just how weak the system made you.

>> No.18280547

Pretty much, these people are so deeply indoctrinated, that they don't see their opponents as wrong, they see them as evil.

>> No.18280565

>It is difficult to say why
Because it isn't real, lol

>> No.18280567

Conservatism, as we have long discussed, is dead. Though perhaps it doesn’t seem that way, because its corpse is seen ambling about with a caring look on its decomposing face.

I do not speak of neoconservativism, which was always colonial progressivism, which spoke the conservative dialect, but only as a mechanism to gather more arms for its side. With the rise of Trump, neoconservatives threw off the mask and have rejoined their comrades.

Let’s instead look at a small slice of applied conservatism. Actually, two such slices, since they reinforce one another.

Trump recently appointed Richard Grenell as acting director of national intelligence. He was up til then the Ambassador for Germany. Grenell is open about his preference for sodomy, and as reported by the NYT, he was the one leading the “global push to decriminalize homosexuality.”

This in itself is neither here nor there, except to show Trump is in the conservative camp, at least partially. The real example is in this tweet about Grenell by Guy Benson, who identifies as a conservative journalist.

The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was also “historic & significant.”

Benson, like Grenell, favors sodomy, which, as tradition has it, is a most vile sin that cries out to Heaven for justice. Benson is also under the delusion that he is married to a man.

Conservativism therefore isn’t aligned with tradition.

Now the second slice, this time from another self-identifying conservative, who has a piece in the Washington Examiner about a celebrity who is touting his child (the celebrity’s child) as a “transgender”.

>> No.18280568

Because conservatism drives the speed limit. Its just slower progressivism

>> No.18280581

A transgender is a person everybody knows is pretending to be or is delusional enough to believe he or she is the opposite sex. To say transgender woman of a person instead of just woman is to acknowledge the truth. If people really believed a transgender woman was a woman, they would not use the prefix.

This is effeminacy, a characteristic trait of zombie conservatism. Of course the father should have reacted with hate: hate the sin, hate the loss of sanity in his child, hate the culture that supports the lie. The father should in no way countenance the lie. If the child is truly delusional, then get the child help.

As an aside, we can ask: help from whom? Therapists? Recall the “recovered memory” panic of the late 1990s, a panic that led to jailings, loss of families, heartbreak, all because of idiot therapists who entertained the asinine theory that people can “recover” memories. The memories were always of a terrible nature, of course. And it’s now those same therapists driving tranny madness.

Internally identified? Skip that, and focus instead on Polumbo’s implict acceptance that older people can be “transgender”, or even can be “gay”, as if these were different kinds of creatures. People are similar to normal human beings, but have a different essence or nature, that difference in being “transgender” or “gay” is just like difference between male and female.

Polumbo—and Benson, too—thus has lost the argument. He is a progressive. He does not disagree with any progressive idea, he only quibbles about timing, about when a person’s madness becomes real.

That thing that unites Benson and Polumbo, and conservatives in general, is that they have bought the progressive idea that truth can only be known by appealing to the masses. They don’t see, as reactionaries or neo-reactionaries do, that human nature is fixed and not fluid, that human nature cannot be legislated away.

This crisis, like all crises, is spiritual. Conservatives don’t see that. Reactionaries do. This is why conservativism fails, and will continue to fail. It accepts the same basic premises as progressivism.

>> No.18280591

It has to be a jew or some kind of asian bugman, I refuse to believe somebody with a living soul would have such little self awareness.

>> No.18280602

You can't operate against an ideology while restricting yourself to its ideological playpen.

>> No.18280612

Trying to be measured or ruled against an ideology that will want to win at any cost and literally thinks youre fucking evil is a losing strategy.

>> No.18280655
File: 40 KB, 395x494, DdJ-7OzVwAAUKyY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are reddit posts,unironically,ignore them to preserve your braincels
The guy probably get's his politics from a fucking debate streamer

>How is humanity slowly being killed exactly?
Unironically read Ted K and Jacques Ellul's Technological Society
In this order,Ted K is extremely basic,even when not compared to Ellul.
Continued technological advancement will always lead to a ultra-efficient dystopia,which will ''slowly kill humanity'',or atleast enslave the human population.

This post gets -almost- everything right.

>> No.18280664


>> No.18280705

Wrong. Conservatism is nothing more than the assertion that good things take time to create but are easily destroyed. Theism while parallel to that thought is not a requirement to conservatism.
>t. not an atheist

>> No.18280706

Hey, I'm 384. I'm open for criticism, what did you not agree with?
Also, Jacques Ellul is always a good recommendation for everyone that disagrees with the Neo-liberal bugman present in the thread.

>> No.18280800

you're too nice for this place, so I will call you a faggot

>> No.18280831

lol, fuck you limp dicked cunt. Tell me your criticism mf, haha

>> No.18280954

>read manufacturing consent
I've read it. It's okay, it's accurate enough about America, but not so much the rest of the world. Who even follows MSM other than boomers at this point?
>wrong, they create them through advertisement
Some, sure. Advertising is nowhere near as powerful as people think it is. There is a bunch of studies showing commercial TV advertising may actually no effect on consumer choices.
>during the on-going pandemic the 1% is richer while the rest is poorer
I'm not saying the system is perfect, I'm in agreemnt with Liberals, we need to tax these people more and distribute wealth more effectively.
>There is. Study more political history/philosophy
Name it
>I don't know what you think the argument for the existence of "white people"
"White people" are not an ethnic group
>Ethnic mixing will lead to the death of diverse ethnic groups
To stop this you would have to restrict peoples freedom. I think totalitarianism is a non-starter. Anyone can date or have kids with whoever they want, it's their choice and no one elses.
>diverse ethnic groups
Diverse cultures matter, diverse ethnic groups don't.
>here is no such thing; it's a bourgeois dogma.
There it is, the dumbest thing I'll read today

>> No.18280959

I don't see them as evil, just wrong.

>> No.18280971

No one is forcing you to live with modern comforts. Do whatever you want, no one cares. But you can't control other people and the society they choose to build and inhabit.

>> No.18281038

>we need to tax these people more
HAHAHA good luck with that
you mean the middle class, as usual, will take the brunt of it while big money banks are sitting in tax heavens, foreign banks, assets liquidated elsewhere, even fucking planned bankruptcies to avoid paying tax

>> No.18281039

Self-control only works for people who have self control

>> No.18281041
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>> No.18281050

conservatives in the west have failed to conserve anything over the last 50 years. they compromise and then are told that compromise isn’t enough 20 years later because there is this implicit assumption that history moves leftward and what was once an ok compromise is now not enough by virtue of time alone. In actuality that original compromise allowed things to continue in that direction in the first place which is a self fufilling prophesy. this isn’t helped by the fact that most conservatives in power (especially the GOP) have no actual incentive to fight to maintain traditional conservative principles because they conflated capitalism and the economy with conservativism when the goldwater republicans took over.
America has no traditional conservative party, it has a market liberal party which directly traces its lineage to 19th century liberalism and a more mixed economy party that has a leftist, radical element which it uses as an attack dog and tool to shape culture and discourse to its benefit but doesn’t actually give any power.

>> No.18281084
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>> No.18281091

Doesn't know laffer curve
Most taxes are paid by upper 20%

>> No.18281098

Based and Black Pilled
Surprised he's still on twitter

>> No.18281104

> You know full well that real leftists would not side with the republicans on any issue.
gun ownership

>> No.18281130

>white people are not an ethnic group
pilpuling this early in the morning Rabbi?

>> No.18281135

More or less this.

>> No.18281145

Case in point for this thread is all these Republicans in Congress talking about the border wall because its safer for migrants to come legally than chaotically. Nothing about the American people.

>> No.18281148

I will never understand conservatives who think they've lost or liberals/leftists who think they've won. All the modern conservative needs to do is sit back, relax, and watch global warming/climate change do all the work for them. There can be no globalism if the delicate network of goods which it is built on top of collapses. There can be no social media if the electrical grid is unstable and frequently turned off for fears of fire risk. There can be no transgenderism if medical supply chains collapse and the complex set of hormones, surgery and medical expertise needed for those treatments becomes unavailable. To survive, liberalism will need to solve the greatest crisis in human history, while conservatives can just let it happen. So to me, "blackpilled" conservatives are morons. They should be thrilled, it's the rest of us who are in deep water.

>> No.18281201

>be thrilled that if you get geographically lucky and have enough firepower you may be able to LARP as the Amish before you die

>> No.18281212

>falling for the climate change scam

>> No.18281220

It will be rough for everyone, but afterwards, it'll be a world of Amish-level societies. The conservative dream, no?

I wish

>> No.18281230

Yes eventually leftism and communism will fail because it goes completely against nature, but conservatives should try to fight back next time so they don't collapse again

>> No.18281247

Haha, what a cute horny fella

>> No.18281317


>> No.18281344

Because base determines superstructure. Base is Capitalist, so superstructure is globohomo progressivist bullshit.
Conservatists are denialist cucks who want to keep their cherished Capitalism, but evacutate mass consumption, mass immigration, transgenderism. It's retarded, because one goes along with the other. It's anti-natural to separate Capitalism with it's culture. To live happy, one has either to revel in Capitalism and it's stupidity, or knowing that only Capital abolition will bring true change.

>> No.18281388

Capitalism is sustainable as long as you tell the losers demanding equality to fuck off

>> No.18281432

Here we go. Typical conservative. Capitalism demands equality. So it can exploits everybody the same, pressure labor prices down. Also, Capitalism like equality, because a King, or a Lord, has power independantly of money. Thus, the Capital has to abolish nobility, which it did, and abolish kingship, because the king is powerful even if he doesn't have Capital. An other solution is to make the king part of the Capitalist elite, that's what happened with the english royal family. These people are only king and queen in name. In reality, they are Capitalist.

>> No.18281498

Free market economy works as long as you don't have to pander to stupid majority

>> No.18281514
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I actually agree with the other guy.
Equality is delusional, people are not equal and by insisting that they are everybody is saddled with the same responsibilities. Why should everyone contribute equally, when some have more than others?
The bottom 50% of earners SHOULDN'T contribute 50% of taxes. Rather, the top 10% of earners should bear 90% of the tax burden.
The strong have an obligation to protect the weak, which in Capitalism translates to the obligation of the rich to subsidize the unproductive lifestyles of the poor.
By promoting equality, you are absolving the strong from any responsibility, leaving the weak to fend for themselves.
Hence I'm firmly opposed to it.

>> No.18281516

Capitalism has already chosen. It's favorite political State is the republic. I mean, isn't it obvious? Almost all countries in the world have adopted the republic, and those who
still haven't are shitholes.
Again, it's easy why Capitalism has chosen the republic: the republic is perfect for Capitalists to buy laws. A few millions dollars in members of parliament pockets, and here you go. You have your law. A Fuhrer, autocrat, King, cannot be bought that easily, and that's why Capitalism tend to overthrow those, and replace them by a republic.

>> No.18281525

>capitalism demands equality
Free markets existed in the old world, too. You're oversimplifying a complex issue to fit your faggoty worldview.

>> No.18281535

>the strong have an obligation to protect the weak
says who? why should it necessarily be this way? are you christian?

>> No.18281540

America is barerly a republic anymore, the founding fathers would have been disgusted if they saw what it become

>> No.18281546

I don't promote equality. Marx himself wasn't a believer of equality. It's plainly written if you read Critique of the Gotha program, Chapter I.
However, Capitalism promotes equality, Have you ever wondered why Capitalism pay every wage slave factory worker the same? It's not logic, because those wage slaves aren't equal. There necessarily must be some who work harder, faster than other. But Capitalism consider that every factory wage worker, has the same wage. It suits Capitalism very well, because it spare Capitalism to make differences, and pay the better worker more. So for Capitalism, even worker get minimum wage. More profit.

>> No.18281566

It's just a natural way of thinking. You can't expect women, children, the crippled, the sick, the old and the infirm to work as hard as able-bodied young men now can we?
Equality likes to pretend that everyone is born with the same mental and physical capacities when this is simply not true. Those that have been blessed by nature should put their talents to use, otherwise they go to waste.
Equality makes demands that only a fraction can meet, leaving everyone else to fend for themselves.
It's only logical that the strong and capable push harder than everyone else, otherwise society falls apart.

>> No.18281571

>Free markets existed in the old world, too.
Yes and who demanded the concentration of Capital and power, faggots? The migrants? Women? The socialists (I'm not even a socialist, i'm for money abolition)? No. Those who demanded this fusion in the money creation, as well as in big oil, big pharma, military complex, Monsanto, as nothing else than... the Capitalists. How can you create a free market, if the rich will always want to fuse their interests, in order to be more efficient? Stop living in a fantasy world. I also fantasized in a free city world, with independant rich free cities. The thing is, it doesn't work like that, and Capitalists will concentrate into quasi monopolies, controlling the market, and then also using the State as their tool to control the population.

>> No.18281596

>America is barerly a republic anymore, the founding fathers
You means those free-masons? Perhaps they would have been very proud.

>> No.18281597

Theres no excuse to being an unironic conservative in current year (unless you're a rich capital/business owner). They're literally retarded sheep.

>> No.18281620

Capitalists are the ultimate gatekeepers of the Capitalistic mode of production. When shit hit the fan, and society crumbles, Capitalism use them, as a last joker, in order to bring back order. Then, when order has been brought back, the Capital gets rid of the autocrat. Many examples in history. Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon III. Mussolini. Philippe Pétain (the republic voted him full power, then, 5 years later, judged him for treason, lol).

>> No.18281629

Edit: Conservatives are the ultimate gatekeepers

>> No.18281634
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> literally sheep
Fucking kill yourself you illiterate faggot

>> No.18281637

To be fair, this also work with bolshevism.

>> No.18281644

This is the dumbest thing I've read so far today.

>> No.18281659

Republicans and Democrats are both liberals.
So they just conserve liberalism.
Liberalism is a sin.
Repent and submit to the Pope!

>> No.18281676

I don't think it's right to burden the noblest of us with feeding weak wretched fools who aren't even related to them.

>> No.18281687

I see the AI has entered the thread. I'm out.

>> No.18281694

I dont know what else to call them. Conservatives in america (who are majority working/lower class) get led around like sheep into dumbfuck positions like actively protesting pro labor/union legislation. They bemoan taxes on the rich, and any social welfare, public education, or healthcare. They're unfathomably cucked.

>> No.18281744

>Almost all countries in the world have adopted the republic, and those who
still haven't are shitholes
The most developed countries in the world are constitutional monarchies retard (Netherlands, Norway, Japan, UAE, Sweden, Denmark, etc.)

>> No.18281746

Conservatives are usually more concerned with moral and social issues, a lot of them are completely indifferent to economics

>> No.18281792

Rightfully so.
>muh numbers

>> No.18281794

It failed because hedonism is easier than the alternatives and the masses are sheep

>> No.18281834

>muh numbers
You spend most of your life working. Labor conditions and wages are essential to quality of life and you have an entire voting block smooth brains voting to make it worse for themselves and everyone except for the rich (who they delude themselves into thinking are on their side)

>> No.18281835

Friendly reminder

>> No.18282102

Wrong, there is no escape from the techno tranny liberal cucktopia you drool for.

>> No.18282107

Learning about Bio Leninism was one of my biggest redpills

>> No.18282189

Quality of life is not about increasing the rates of consumption and shitting. I fucking hate materialistic bugmans like you.

>> No.18282206
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>> No.18282226
