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18279262 No.18279262 [Reply] [Original]

Taking Zoloft helped 10x more in life than reading philosophy ever did

>> No.18279276

And now your mental state belongs to big pharma. Good job.

>> No.18279281

Zoloft stops you even having abstract thoughts. No wonder you were "happier". When i took it, I hated it because it fucked with my creativity when it came to music production and writing, and it became really difficult to cum and retain an erection.
Have you ever been berated by an escort who takes it personally that you can't keep it hard and cum inside her?
Well don't talk to me about philosophy.

>> No.18279283

All my side effects went away in like 2 weeks

>> No.18279285

NPCs not allowed in here

>> No.18279289

what mg are you taking?

>> No.18279302

100 at the moment, I doubt I'll go any higher. I started taking zoloft because I was diagnosed with an extremely severe case of OCD, I dont usually get depressed or have any depressions. I'm currently doing therapy and its helping. I still love reading philosophy, Plato helped me a lot in getting my life together, but Zoloft has definetly been a plus

>> No.18279304

> the sole purpose of everything should be to make me feel good
Behold, the brave new world

>> No.18279308


>> No.18279317

You inbred monkey, I didnt take zoloft to make me feel good, I took it because I was washing my hands 7 times each time I went peeing. I'm not a pussy faggot who's scared of facing hardship like 90% of the incels on this board

>> No.18279344

Google “Zoloft and testosterone” it’s a little bit concerning.

>> No.18279363
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My sexual side effects went away in 2 weeks, I can still cum like a fountain and didnt lose my sex drive at all. These pills dont affect everyone in the same way

>> No.18279374


I'm not saying you should or should not take it. It's just that the view that the main reason people read philosophy is to feel better is faulty, which I perceived as implied in your OP. That's it.

>> No.18279377

why don't you take some meds you can actually get high on its all they are worth

>> No.18279383

>being mentally weak to the point of not controlling his own body
>b-but I'm not taking it to feel good
You deserve everything that happens to your.

>> No.18279387

Imagine thinking Philosophy is supposed to 'help' you lmao

>> No.18279395

and yet you're here posting a Pepe

>> No.18279419

Oh okay my bad, sorry anon

I can control my body without meds, I didnt know I had OCD prior to start taking meds, so I didnt know I had compulsions and they were detrimental, but meds do help while I do therapy, the timeline is that 6 months from now I'll stop taking them
This mentality of denying any sort of help only reflects a pride based on an inferiority complex

>> No.18279427

>It's just that the view that the main reason people read philosophy is to feel better is faulty
Aristotle would disagree

>> No.18279510

You calling other people weak while you think OCD is a real illness that requires medication. What a retard.

>> No.18279523

>I took it because I was washing my hands 7 times each time I went peeing
Pussy faggot

>> No.18279531

Wait, you think ocd isn't real?

>> No.18279676

you have to understand that majority of people in this board are traditionalists and resent anything from the modern world. They've been stuck at the short end of the stick because of Capitalism and deny all scientific dogma when it comes to the human mind
I agree with them to a certain extent but mental illnesses do exist and they are retarded for denying it. Science has proven time and time again that genetic predispositions contribute a lot to the formation of mental illness independent of environenment, you can still have a mental illness and act independently towards it. Read Schopenhauer and the Upanishads

>> No.18279705

>posting reddit or psychologists unironically

>> No.18279754

nigga, we was the one who asked me to google it

>> No.18279880
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Woah it’s almost like philosophy isn’t self help for midwits

>> No.18279897

No, I'm saying you're retarded. Calling other people weak when you can't even control how many times you wash your hands. You're a faggot.

>> No.18279920

Oh okay, love you anon

>> No.18279921

>Aristotle would disagree
Aristotle wrote about the reasons people read philosophy in 2021?

>> No.18279935

Muh philosophical feelgoods

>> No.18279939

>happiness is end goal of everyone

>> No.18279986

Based. Metaphysical fags will seethe

>> No.18279988
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>happiness is end goal of everyone
Aristotle’s happiness in Ancient Greece is significantly different from our happiness of consumer sleep in 2021. If you read Aristotle instead of one off pop quotes you’d know this

>> No.18279996

I've read everything apart from parva naturalia you pseud, and why did you even presuppose I was talking about consumerism happiness? Go back

>> No.18280005
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I have anxiety (generalized to some extend) but mostly sleep-related like with sleep paralysis and sleeping in general, and something when I have thoughts about death and watching my loved ones slowly leave my life as they die etc.

I'm overweight, a virgin, haven't had friends in over a literal decade, and up until a few months ago I was just sitting at home all day and not working. I'm working on it but it's going slowl.

Been considering Zoloft recently but these types of drugs usually fuck with your dreams and tend to give you nightmares... maybe. Also heard about stacking and using L-Theanine with it to apparently amazing results. Some guy took 50mg and went zombie mode then lowered it to 25mg and coupled it with L-Theanine and felt incredible.

One of the interesting things about Zoloft, apparently, is that if taken long-term it can rewire your brain permanently into having more normalized thought patterns. Also fuck anyone here who criticizes it, you are living proof your life has been on easy mode and you have not experienced true suffering. Pleb scum.

>> No.18280012
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Uhhh let’s see big boy you literally responded to the guy
> Aristotle wrote about the reasons people read philosophy in 2021?
So yeah you’re full of shit

>> No.18280017


>Also fuck anyone here who criticizes it, you are living proof your life has been on easy mode and you have not experienced true suffering

Lol rejecting medication and therepy was hardly easy mode

>> No.18280022


>> No.18280026

>normalized thought patterns
Those don't exist sweetie

>> No.18280027

You remind me of my father - always #1 priority is to look tough and be a badass - a REAL man.

Well, 58 years later, after his wife has left him, his son and daughter both moved out to pursue their own lives, his brother stopped talking to him, his mother barely calls him - he openly phones my mother and weeps to her about how difficult it is for him to sleep alone.

There is nothing even remotely interesting or inspirational about how you choose to live your life. you are, at best, a midwit who thinks he has it all figured out and who's probably in his 20s still while his balls have barely dropped. You know nothing of life and its horrors.

>> No.18280041

>Been considering Zoloft recently but these types of drugs usually fuck with your dreams and tend to give you nightmares

I had that side effect anon, and it doesnt give you nightmares, its makes your dreams more vivid (therefore nightmares are scarier) but that went away after 2 weeks, I can assure you its temporary.
Also medication is good but having a stable life, facing your fears and a sense of purpose is always better.
But yeah I can vouch, I never had depression or generalized anxiety but OCD made me have absolutely terrifying panic attacks and made me live inside a box, I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. So yeah ignore these disgusting plebs, they don't understand what is like to live though extreme nihilism because of pain

>> No.18280043

I took Lexapro for 4 years. I didn’t like the way I was on it and sometimes I think it permanently broke my brain.

>> No.18280051
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>All cognition is good cognition


>> No.18280058

>Have you ever been berated by an escort
No, I can't say I ever have.

>> No.18280060

What does it even mean to "live by logic"? What are the axioms of a person "living by logic"?

>> No.18280068

I don't engage in sophistry and you're not smart. You sound like a disgusting philosophy undergrad

>> No.18280071

Yeah, I'm not too fussed about it. There are things you can take temporarily that counteracts the increased vividness like Skullcap and Hops which promote deep, dreamless sleep (without causing REM rebound like alcohol).

I definitely agree with you that facing your fears and working it out yourself is by far the best, and I have done that a lot. My problem is that I have constant ruminating thoughts and it interferes with my daily life. I had some kind of a nervous breakdown in 2018 and it feels like I have been wired differently since then - I used to fucking love sleeping. Now it seems like I'm just wired to obsess over things that I'm afraid of. The ironic thing is when it comes time to sleep I have no fear and usually fall asleep within 15 minutes.

It is what it is. I've collected a lot of mental debt from living a sedentary and abnormal life for over a decade. The degeneration took that long, so there's no reason to think climbing out of the hole I've dug myself in would happen overnight, either. I persist and persevere.

>> No.18280072
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Man lives not by bread alone, but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of the Father.

>> No.18280078

Based. Good luck anon

>> No.18280125
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I took Zoloft as a teenager and it never did anything for me. Still have OCD, Aspergers, and ADHD and I've been a shut-in NEET for years

>> No.18280141

SSRI's work very differently for people, it helped me a lot but to others can even worsen symptoms

>> No.18280155

unironically take your meds

>> No.18280179

yeah zoloft gives you anorgasmia kek. i remember breaking down and crying because i couldn't feel anything at all let alone have an orgasm.
t. biologically female.

>> No.18280184

those symptoms aren't supposed to persist for a prolonged time. If it does (which is very rare) you need to get off the meds immediately

>> No.18280187

Not him, but a better way to put it is that I don't feel it's morally right to force people to become "logical thinkers" because of the overbearing pressure to conform and succeed.

>> No.18280189

>Also fuck anyone here who criticizes it, you are living proof your life has been on easy mode and you have not experienced true suffering
Blah blah blah. I was taking mood stabilizers and antidepressants for years. Today I consciously choose not to. Believe me, I've experienced true suffering. The fact that I have decided not to rely on literal drugs doesn't mean I don't know what suffering is.

>> No.18280196

to be frank i haven't even gotten the chance to check whether the anorgasmia/numbness persists for a prolonged period of time, because after a while my libido just went away entirely, because of the drug.

>> No.18280206

samefag, i don't take zoloft anymore by the way

>> No.18280242


>> No.18280255
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>tfw taking Ashwagandha and Siberian Ginseng together twice a day, 5 days/week

>> No.18280259

Extremely serious mistakes about the nature of the solar system didn't matter too much until interplanetary travel became a possibility. Extremely serious mistakes about brain "transmitters" and "receptors" didn't matter too much until the drug industry got involved.

"Three years before Prozac received approval by the US Food and Drug Administration in late 1987, the German BGA, that country's FDA equivalent, had such serious reservations about Prozac's safety that it refused to approve the antidepressant based on Lilly's studies showing that previously nonsuicidal patients who took the drug had a fivefold higher rate of suicides and suicide attempts than those on older antidepressants, and a threefold higher rate than those taking placebos."

"Using figures on Prozac both from Lilly and independent research, however, Dr. David Healy, an expert on the brain's serotonin system and director of the North Wales Department of Psychological Medicine at the University of Wales, estimated that "probably 50,000 people have committed suicide on Prozac since its launch, over and above the number who would have done so if left untreated."

The Boston Globe, 2000.

>> No.18280264

Anyone who has been reading the mass media and watching television in recent decades is familiar with the use of tryptophan as an antidepressant. Tryptophan is easily converted to serotonin and melatonin in the body. The most popular kind of antidepressant, the “serotonin reuptake inhibitor”, is said to act by increasing the action of serotonin in the brain. Many people have read articles in popular science magazines explaining that a deficiency of serotonin can cause depression, suicide, and aggression. Estrogen is often said to achieve its “wonderful” effects by increasing the effects of serotonin.

Reserpine is an ancient tranquilizer, derived from a plant used in India for centuries. It has a powerful tranquilizing action, has been used to treat hypertension, and was found to be an antidepressant (Davies and Shepherd, 1955). It lowers the concentration of serotonin in the brain and other tissues. Isoniazid, an antidepressant that came into use in the 1950s, is effective, but it probably has no effect on serotonin. When those drugs were popular, serotonin wasn’t recognized as a “neurotransmitter.” It wasn’t until the 1960s that our present set of doctrines regarding serotonin’s effects on mood and behavior came into being.

>> No.18280271

Serotonin research is relatively new, but it rivals estrogen research for the level of incompetence and apparent fraudulent intent that can be found in professional publications.

This is partly because of the involvement of the drug industry, but the U.S. government also played a role in setting a pattern of confused and perverse interpretation of serotonin physiology, by its policy of denigrating and incriminating LSD, a powerful serotonin (approximate) antagonist, by any means possible, for example claiming that it causes genetic damage and provokes homicidal or suicidal violence. The issue of genetic damage was already disproved in the 1960s, but this was never publicly acknowledged by the National Institutes of Mental Health or other government agency. The government’s irresponsible actions helped to create the drug culture, in which health warnings about drugs were widely disregarded, because the government had been caught in blatant fraud. In more recent years, government warnings about tryptophan supplements have been widely dismissed, because the government has so often lied. Even when the public health agencies try to do something right, they fail, because they have done so much wrong.

In animal studies LSD, and other anti-serotonin agents, increase playfulness and accelerate learning, and cause behavioral impairment only at very high doses. While reserpine was used medically for several decades, and was eventually found to have harmful side effects, medical research in LSD was stopped before its actual side effects could be discovered.

>> No.18280274

>check if the side effect is serious by having the side effect for a long time
both my psychologist and doctor showed little concern about the side effects of ssris. My psychologist didn't even mention them. But from a cursory look at some scientific studies (when they directly ask participants rather than relying on self reporting) it appears 50-75% of people experience some sort of genital numbness or loss of sex drive.
I didn't want to take an SSRI because of the reports of apathy and zombie-like awareness. My doctor said himself it can reduce the peaks and troughs of your emotions, but that can be a good thing for people that are too sad or anxious or fucked up somehow all the time. It's definitely an understudied phenomena and I'm curious how prevalent it actually is because the negative responders are obviously going to be more vocal than positive responders. I'm starting wellbutrin now which seems to approach it from the opposite side, intensifying certain emotions like happiness or anger rather than dulling them. The literature seems to conclude that there aren't any psychological characteristics which would indicate the effectiveness of one type of antidepressant over another, but I wonder if the people who have bad experiences are those already emotionally blunted.

>> No.18280276

The misrepresentations about LSD, as a powerful antiserotonin agent, allowed a set of cultural stereotypes about serotonin to be established. Misconceptions about serotonin and melatonin and tryptophan, which are metabolically interrelated, have persisted, and it seems that the drug industry has exploited these mistakes to promote the “new generation” of psychoactive drugs as activators of serotonin responses. If LSD makes people go berserk, as the government claimed, then a product to amplify the effects of serotonin should make people sane.

The “serotonin reuptake inhibitors” are called the “third generation” of antidepressants. The monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, that came into use in the 1950s, are called the “first generation.” When their patents expire on a “generation” of drugs, the drug companies find reasons for claiming that the new drugs are better. Every doctor in the country seems to know that the old MAO-inhibitors are dangerous because they can raise blood pressure if you eat certain kinds of cheese while taking them.

>> No.18280284

In fact, statistics show that they are safer than the new generation of antidepressants. It is hardly possible for a physician to prescribe the most appropriate drug, because the medical licensing boards are thoroughly indoctrinated by the drug companies, to believe that the safest and most effective drugs are those whose patents are still in force.

While it is true that the newer antidepressants increase the actions of serotonin, it is not true that this explains their antidepressant action. This is a culturally conditioned promotional construction. Since different antidepressants increase, decrease, or don’t affect the actions of serotonin, a radically new kind of theory of depression and the antidepressants is needed. Theories based on “transmitter” substances and “receptors” are favored by the drug industry, but that kind of thinking is hardly better than the belief in demons and their exorcism. If an herbal tea cures depression because the demon doesn’t like its smell, at least the patient never has to abandon a remedy because a tea patent has expired.

>> No.18280289

Everyone has mental illness these days. Younger folks can't comprehend that suffering is a part of life. I wouldn't even mind, everyone can deal with it whatever works for them. Poblem is with mental illness (unless it's actual schizophrenia or as crippling that you have to live in an institution for the rest of your life unable to even use electronic devices and spam the internet with your shit) that they always use it to play the victim card and act as if their special suffering is worse than anyone else's suffering. In turn they demand special treatment and extra sensitive appreciation of their condition. Buhu, your suffering is not worse than other people's suffering. They just aren't as much of a faggot about it.

>> No.18280290

I took antidepressants but all they did was make me emotionally numb, constipated, and my dick useless

>> No.18280291

In the world of “neurotransmitters” and “receptors,” there is ample room for the development of speculative mechanisms of drug action. Serotonin is regulated by the rate of its synthesis and degradation, by its uptake, storage, and release, and by its transporters, and its effects are modified by a great variety of receptors, by the number of these receptors, and by their binding affinities and competitive binders. “Different receptors” are defined by the effects of chemicals other than serotonin; this means that serotonin itself hypothetically gains some of the properties of every substance that shows some binding competition with serotonin. This complexity*note 1 has made it possible to argue that a given condition is caused by either an excess or a deficiency of serotonin.

The drug companies like to call some of their new products SSRI, “selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,” meaning that they don’t indiscriminately increase all the biogenic amines, the way the old MAO inhibitors supposedly did.

>> No.18280302

Every drug does many things, each a little differently, so it’s technically true to say that they “selectively” do this or that. But the term “antidepressant,” as distinguished from “tranquilizer,” says that the drug is intended to relieve depression. Injecting serotonin never does that, but sometimes adrenalin or dopamine does, and these “SSRI” drugs increase the activities of those other amines enough that those changes could explain the altered mood, if it weren’t for the need to speak of a “new generation of drugs.” Injecting serotonin, or increasing its activity, can cause sedation, helplessness, or apathy, but these drugs have that effect only some of the time. Therefore, they aren’t called tranquilizers. If they were really selective for serotonin, they just wouldn’t be antidepressants. And chemicals that antagonize serotonin do seem to function as antidepressants (Martin, et al., 1992). When an SSRI is used to treat irritability and aggression, it is appropriate to call it a tranquilizer.

>> No.18280303

just link to wherever you're posting this from and stop shitting up the thread nigger

>> No.18280305

When drugs are used empirically, without really understanding the disease or the drug, classifications, descriptions, and names are subjective. The serotonin situation reminds me of the history of DES: For almost twenty years, this synthetic estrogen was marketed for the prevention of abortions; then it came out as the “morning after” contraception/abortion pill. “If increasing serotonin isn’t the cure, then maybe decreasing serotonin will be the cure.”

To begin to understand serotonin, it’s necessary to step back from the culture of neurotransmitters, and to look at the larger biological picture.

Serotonin and estrogen have many systematically interrelated functions, and women are much more likely to suffer from depression than men are. Serotonin and histamine are increased by estrogen, and their activation mimics the effects of estrogen. Serotonin is closely involved in mood disorders, but also in a great variety of other problems that affect women much more frequently than men. These are probably primarily energy disorders, relating to cellular respiration and thyroid function. Liver disease and brain disease, e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, are both much more common in women than in men, and serotonin and estrogen strongly affect the energetic processes in these organs. Liver disease can increase the brain’s exposure to serotonin, ammonia, and histamine. It isn’t just a coincidence that these three amines occur together and are neurotoxic; they are all stress-related substances, with natural roles in signaling and regulation.
No I won't

>> No.18280325

I actually changed my mind, it's too long for me to paste everything.

tldr: serotonin is mostly a stress hormone. The low serotonin theory behind depression is a crackpot theory no neuroscientists believes in 2021.
You WILL end up harming yourself and your loved one if you keep using this "medication".
If you want to cure your depression, you need a lifestyle change. It's hard, complicated etc etc but it's the only solution that actually works

>> No.18280337

Well I had a very good experience with zoloft (I dont take them anymore). The sex side effects lasted like 2 months and then it went away. The literature indicates that people who have worse experience with SSRI's are the ones treated for depression, but the ones who use it for anxiety related issues usually have the most positive experiences (which was my case)

>> No.18280351

is this supposed to scare people? My guy every fuckign pill has a list of extremely severe side effects lmao, no one in their right minds reads that shit. Even fucking Benuron says it can give you liver failure and give you convulsions

>> No.18280361

you fucking retard, stop confusing logical thinking with aesthetics and morality

God I fucking swear people in this board are all sub 50 fucking IQ

>> No.18280362

The effects you are feeling are quite litetally side effects of the drug. It is well known that some serotonin receptors regulate the gaba system

>> No.18280372

It's not about side effects, it's about how it doesn't have any good effects, it's an overpriced placebo. In the earliest european trials placebo performed better

>> No.18280373

what side effects?

>> No.18280376

Study-anon what do you know about ketamine as a possible way to treat depression? All my boomer aunt relatives are jumping on that train and it freaks me out

>> No.18280377

There are many downsides to pharmacological treatments, as there are many side effects, and we don't fully know why they occur — or why the product works in the first place to treat such illness.

In the US there is a big culture pushing psychiatric treatment without psychotherapy, something very much unadvisable as it promotes drug dependency for issues which do not necessarily require it.

They may last longer. It is common for people to not care much about the side effects after two or three weeks.

It is odd that you cared about it, though. Most patient on zoloft don't care much about being unable to get an orgasm, because their interest in sex is about non existing. This usually respond more about a felling of duty to perform, which is a issue on its own.

>> No.18280388

why is the common view that SSRIs fix low serotonin if they prevent reuptake leading to receptor downregulation? Not sure how this affects levels while on the drug, but wouldn't this make your serotonin neurons fire even less than it was before after going off the drug?

>> No.18280405

was /lit/ always this bad with reddit spacing? idk if I'm just noticing but there's a lot of redditors in this thread

>> No.18280409

look up how many serotonin receptors exist
It might work, similar to other hallucinogen, in the short term, with low usage (maybe 1 time). But it rarely outright fixes the issues, what usually happens is that you get a jumpstart, you briefly awaken to your situation and are able to operate on your life more easily, implementing the changes you need to get out of depression. Frequent use of ketamine is not healthy

>> No.18280413

just realized i replied to a tripfag xd

>> No.18280415

why do you say people not care about the side effects? My mom is a psychiatrist and she tells me the sexual side ffects are always what prevents people from pursuing treatment

>> No.18280430

I always encountered the pattern that people with OCD or GAD usually respond much better to SSRI's than people with depression (If their OCD or GAD isn't comorbid with other conditions)

>> No.18280441

>why is the common view that SSRIs fix low serotonin if they prevent reuptake leading to receptor downregulation?
pharma propaganda unironically, also, downregulation requires time to happen, and not every receptors gets downregulated the same way.
>make your serotonin neurons fire even less than it was before after going off the drug?
It doesn't take too much for them to get upregulated again.
Anyone who has experienced with serotonergic psychedelics knows the feeling of afterglows that last a few days/weeks after the trip. People feel more lucid, less anxious, and more relaxed yet motivated at the same time. That's due doenregulation of serotonin receptors.
The positive effects of SSRIS (which are rare and mostly placebo lol) are more explained with downregulation than the manstream theory

>> No.18280458

why do you say they're rare?

>> No.18280460


>> No.18280481

but im an autistic incel so it doesn't matter because i cant have relationships without throwing tantrums.

>> No.18280485
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>> No.18280516

yeah that can be the case for some people who claim to have mental illnesses/disorders but OCD is a serious mental disorder not OP btw

>> No.18280537

Op here, I have severe OCD but I think depression or generalised anxiety disorders are not mental illnesses

>> No.18280545

If you haven't passed out in a manic fit of insanity which lasts months (so debilitating that you can barely walk) then you do not know what mental illness is.

>> No.18280546
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Can someone explain how CBT works to me? Does it require your brain?

I know hypnosis is sometimes part of it and I'm afraid if I take it, I will blurt out some fucked up part of me that might get me in trouble. We all have our secrets, y'know?

>> No.18280550

>I'm not a pussy faggot who's scared of facing hardship like 90% of the incels on this board

Not facing your fears, i.e., challenging your ocd, is what makes it stay. I was in the same position when 12-14 and did some fucked up stuff due to it. I bet the pills are helping, but it's ironic that you're talking about fear having ocd

>> No.18280555

*rewire your brain

woops that fucking typo lmao

>> No.18280566


Feel the same way about adderall. Before I spent a great amount of time and energy keeping myself focused, but now I take a pill every morning that allows me to use that time for other things throughout the day. Worth it.

>> No.18280571

Yep this.

Basic rule of thing: Do not ever take anything that fucks with your Serotonin/Melatonin. And especially do not EVER take Benzos. SSRIs/SNRIs are not worth it in most cases.

Beta-blockers, though? I dunno, maybe.

>> No.18280582

I don't know what it is but I'm going to explain it anyway. Basically you talk with someone and they ask you questions about your emotions, beliefs, and perceptions to understand their causes and consequences and uncover irrationalities or inconsistencies

>> No.18280585

It does rewire your brain, physically.
Every psychological change corresponds to a physical change: whenever you learn something new, new neurons and connections are formed.
If you are interested, you can do CBT by yourself. You don't need a therapist necessarily, it's just easier with a (good) one. because they keep you accountable amd give you an outside, lucid perspective when you are in an anxiety hole or fail for your own tricks.
Watch this video. The guy is a psychologist but also a /fit/ autist. He does self CBT

>> No.18280587

I'm the guy you replied to. I got redpilled hard on this matter after benzo usage. Completely agree, benzos are amomg the most dangerous drugs in existance.

>> No.18280589

>your suffering is not worse than other people's suffering. They just aren't as much of a faggot about it

If a person cannot do what other people do, in normal safe settings, they're suffering is worse than most people.

The suggestion "deal with it", "don't be a faggot" ironically leads to passivity, with people accumulating trauma, and then passing it on to further generations.

People are responsible for taking care of themselves, and taking the necessary measures to overcome their problems. However, this is not incompatible with saying that is not all their fault, and plenty of folks with mental illness, are living the amplified version of a trauma passed on by their parents.

>> No.18280592

Yeah I'm pretty sure CBT is not talk therapy, it goes beyond this.

There's one method of treatment that's related to CBT that is literally a one-session treatment thing, called the Memrec Method or some such, where they uncover your "Fear memory" then make you experience it in a simulated way, during the experience you are instructed to calm down and regard it as no big deal, temporaily.

After this treatment session, they give you 1 pill of a certain beta-blocker (forgot the name) and during your next sleep, the beta-blockers rewires that fear memory into something you no longer fear, and you wake up not giving a shit about it anymore. Normally your brain would "refresh" that fear memory and you'd go back to feeling the exact same way.

>> No.18280607

I don’t like pills. In the past I’ve taken:
> lexapro
> adderall
> vicodin
> valium
I had a problem with Valium for a while in particular. Nowadays, I don’t take anything. The Valium especially was, I think, dangerous, but while none of the others seemed as dangerous the biggest reason I didn’t like them is because I found all of them (and I suspect all pills fit this description) change your thinking and behavior in subtle ways that you don’t recognize until it’s pretty bad. Lexapro made me detached, inert, lacking in vitality. Vicodin me numb, physically, emotionally and mentally. The two I’m combination, made me feel like a non-person (and not in the cool depressive kind of way but rather the pathetic kind of way). Adderall burned me out. It deprived me of imagination and creativity. Valium transformed me into a highly emotional loser (extreme highs and lows with that drug). I just don’t trust pills anymore. People have been treating their melancholy and invigorating themselves with some get up and go with simple alcohol, tobacco, and coffee for a long time so I don’t see why that shouldn’t be enough for me. I realize that all of this still sounds appealing to someone. “Feeling nothing? Sounds great.” until you actually feel it at least. Once you’re really invalidated of emotional and instinctual thinking, all that’s left is utilitarian rationalism, but for who? You feel yourself an invalid, a non-person. What’s there to be utilitarian for? It’s a profoundly uncomfortable feeling and I really suggest these days that people just steer clear of pills altogether unless they really need treatment.

>> No.18280615

>Completely agree, benzos are amomg the most dangerous drugs in existance.
Same experience here. The crazy thing about them is after several years clean, I still get cravings and moments where my brain and body say “Well, what’s the harm in taking them again?”

>> No.18280623

Oh, I was talking about physical addiction.
If you still have these thoughts, you can fix them with CBT. I didn't need it,.probably because the withdrawal was enough for me to make the desire go away plus + the courage, confidence etc I gained through working on myself somehow feels "better" than the high of benzos

>> No.18280636

CBT treatment involves self-observation on situations demanded by the therapist, followed by analysis of the situation to determine to which extent the feelings/behavior of a patient are rational. Like most people do, we construct our perceptions based on very little exterior information, and mostly it's created using little information along elementary/obvious truths — these are acquired beliefs (childhood for the most part, also early teens) that patients ignore or regard as obvious, but they're in fact not a necessity.
The ultimate goal is to find which are these beliefs, help the patient to find more rational beliefs (the therapist should not, in any case, tell the patient) and attempt, through practice, incorporate these new beliefs to replace the old ones.
It's a long process, and needs to be said, sometimes utterly helpless. When these beliefs are deeply ingrained (for example, a person who fail to relate to others because it has acquired feeling of worthlessness during infancy) are hard if not to impossible to change. When this occurs, CBT still helps people to lead more happy lives, even if they cannot shake off the feeling of being doing the wrong things (so it is a permanent act against your own nature, for some people).

>> No.18280643

Also another thing I wanted to mention on this general topic of mental health that I think most people miss and don't even think about: Nutrition.

I know, I know, "just eat healthy and exercise well" it's a meme typical response but it's absolutely true, of course. I want to take it a step further though and say to anyone who's going through stuff like depression/anxiety: It might genuinely be because you are subclinically deficient in certain nutrients.

I took a spectracell micronutrient test and was found to be subclinically deficient in glutathione. That revelation and subsequent treatment helped me greatly. I'd go get tested just as another option before getting into the hard-hitting stuff.

>> No.18280645

Yeah, I was physically addicted too. I went through the whole withdrawal thing after gradually getting to the point of taking high doses recreationally. I don’t really buy that I’ll ever get rid of it. I think I’ll crave these things until I die.

>> No.18280662

My men, is these thoughts amd mindset themselves that keep you like that. Look up rational recovery on libgen.

>> No.18280711

No thanks. I’ve grown tired of therapies, treatments, counselings, and research. I am as I am and to once more run into the fray of “professionals” and “proven research” would be tantamount to insanity for me at this point.

>> No.18280719

I am faving my ocd, sometimes it gets the best of me sure, but Im making progress and my quality of life is gradually becoming better

>> No.18280732

It's a pirated ebook ya dingus

>> No.18280740

>Not facing your fears,
That's a very superficial way to put it. Sometimes, people's fears present in many situation because they run deep, and are more abstract that a concrete situation they can simply face.

>> No.18280770

No doubt written by professionals and/or researchers. Again, no thanks. If I’ve learned anything it’s that all that’s to be found in other people is symapthizing, a feeling that I’m not so alone. No one has any real answers for me and solutions for the reasons that I turned to these drugs in the first place can not be found in a book or in the credentials of experts.

>> No.18280784

1. Start taking Vitamin D supplements.
2. Start exercising regularly.
3. Start eating home-cooked meals on a regular basis.
You will probably feel a lot better after doing these things.

>> No.18280787

Not him but I hate how fears can be physically engrained into your body

You have an event that triggers extreme fear and anxiety, then you think you rationally overcome it on a conscious level, but it's still fucking you up on a subconscious level afterward and it feels like it's out of your control at that point and the only thing to do is wait it out and hope your body regulates it over time.

>> No.18280788

Show me this sophistry. You advocate for something, so at least define it properly. Because I genuinely don't know what you mean by it.

>> No.18280845

But it's nice of you to admit that a disgusting philosophy undergrad would suffice to pick up on your midwit misconception of what logic is.

>> No.18280885


>> No.18281018


>> No.18281047

Wow OP you're a gay boypussy

>> No.18281088
File: 30 KB, 600x696, afa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it Yourself on Hypnosis or try with a friendly trusted expert. Not with some impersonal subscription or spiritual anchor of a person who got into studying psychology to cure their own madness (most of em).
Lmao we live in the digital age where you are leaking your packets all the time to the nosey financial institutions and tech giants every moment. Everyone else is a brainlet or bought out. You are a granule of abstracted scenery no different from those around you. That doesn't change the soul crushing reality that this is a cage around you and you are livestock being offered drugs as distractions. The alternative is to bear the weight of this pain and grow under its unrelenting stress as an unrelenting and uncommon manly man.
Just watch binaural beats videos and affirmation videos on your time to relax. Don't feed the beast with therapy money and credibility.

>> No.18281133
File: 33 KB, 566x340, flat,800x800,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A speech at a successful moment in life on a podium given to all your family, friends, coworkers, superiors, patrons and public:
"I'd like to thank mental health pharmaceutical drugs for rewiring my brain for me so I could succeed and recieve this award today. When no body was there for me to be the support network, love, solidarity and reserve if strength for me,Zoloft you were there for me and so was Xanax and Viagra. If only I had jerked off more too."
And instead of cutting a ribbon they just lower a literal bar and applaud it.

>> No.18281142

pop a pilly

>> No.18281162
File: 12 KB, 300x136, t-back1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more expensive and extraneous a rehabilitation the less it works great. The more valuable things get they also get more affordable and available and elegant. The same for nutrition of whole foods over franken foods, training free weights of lifting simple heavy measured things, same is with the mind and the heart and soul: the more neurologists and psychiatrists you accumulate the further from health you arrive. They aren't there to heal you they are there to "treat" you with a crutch that wants to stay. Now if you want treatment to heal you have to look in the mirror and find the eyes of the dreamer and see the man the world thought it destroyed.

>> No.18281187

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is creating new habits and cues for yourself while being accountable. They have you fill out a booklet each week and record many queries about your life. You won't find anyone willing to pay the expense of badgering you like a child to fulfill this daily but yourself. You can start for free by journaling a few goals of your own and socializing with anyone who wants to do this with you. The white lab coats will hang this buzzword over your head with a heavy financial burden. The value is there to grasp if you're willing to hunt it.

>> No.18281271


And this is the only school of psychotherapy that actually has some merits. At least in theory, because in practice therapists are mostly midwits not worth their salt. If someone wants to unfuck himself, then great, but seriously guys, if you're here, you're smart enough to learn the drill on your own. You can get books on the topic on libgen. It will be free and you will be better off.

>> No.18281315

>I took it because I was washing my hands 7 times each time I went peeing.
You should have gone in a third world shithole with only $100 for a few month. You would have been cured, without having to take Zoloft, in a few days, without any relapse.
Oh by the way, germ theory is fake. So what you did didn't even make any sense. It's not like it was even slightly useful.

>> No.18281340

>So what you did didn't even make any sense. It's not like it was even slightly useful.

yeah no fucking shit retard, OCD makes you do retarded shit that makes no sense
The IQ of people on this board is dropping sharply each fucking week

>> No.18281680

>And this is the only school of psychotherapy that actually has some merits
psychoanalysis has its merits, but it's overpracticed

>> No.18282493


>> No.18282546

Not /lit/ related

>> No.18282561
File: 20 KB, 263x406, 9781593082789_p0_v3_s550x406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this and Berserk is digital sativa

>> No.18282574
File: 257 KB, 602x851, main-qimg-b4209aa6fdf56f54cc8a0da12faf3cb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Miura sama

>> No.18283162

suck a nigger dick

>> No.18283180


>> No.18283450

lexapro is terrible desu

>> No.18283521

What I never get is why people who don't already feel like a zombie, because that's what depression does to you, take pills that make you a zombie. These pills can only work when you already are dead inside.