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File: 153 KB, 255x333, Kentaro_Miura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18278873 No.18278873 [Reply] [Original]

is GRRM next? Why dont they just write out their summary of what they plan to do?

>> No.18278893

I hope. Fucked up we're in the timeline where GRRM outlived Miura.

>> No.18278896

GRRM literally plans on forbidding any work on ASOIAF if he dies before its completion, so fanfic is the closest you and I will get to a good ending.

>> No.18278937

Why is it that writers are like this? Why be so fucking pompous?

Find a dear friend or someone you like and give them the right to finish it. You are dead so its not like it will tarnish your name.

>> No.18278945

It's their book, they can do whatever they like with it.

>> No.18278973

Berserk was becoming progressively trash. The ending would disappoint everyone, so it is better with no ending.

>> No.18278997

I dont what what's worse

Animu and mango
Or muh winter cumming


>> No.18279055

all writers are not like this
grrm is just a piece of shit
kill yourself tasteless pleb

>> No.18279062

Animu and mango, love fruits
Simple as

>> No.18279072

the art was nice and would carry it

>> No.18279124

you call martin's books taste? Muhahahhaa

>> No.18279165

mods being faggots as usual

>> No.18279732

Elfhelm was really good, actually. You can see Miura pouring his heart and soul into it.

>> No.18279752 [DELETED] 

Worst case from now on is if Miura kept his ideas in his head and never wrote them down.

>> No.18279776

Worst case from now on is if Miura kept his ideas in his head and never wrote them down.

Also are there any other pictures of him?

>> No.18279780

Honestly? Guts and Casca being on Elfhelm, Casca slowly healing, and their son arriving to see them - while Griffith is unfulfilled in his little dream kingdom - seems like a good ending. Hell, we even got to see a glimpse of Skullknight's backstory. It is not a perfectly fulfilling climax. But it is something I can find solace in.
I just wish we had seen Rickert one more time.

It is absolutely horrible that Miura died. But I am glad about those most recent chapters he managed to squeeze out. Imagine if he died while Casca was still in her potato state, or if the last chapter we got was of Griffith talking politics.

>> No.18279789

>Also are there any other pictures of him?
Very few. He kept his personal life private. But hop over to /a/ and you are gonna see the few pictures of him that exist.

>> No.18279818

Do you think he had a private social/family life, how many private pictures are there?

>> No.18279826

I'm not going to hop in this thread because I haven't even started the manga, but I hope GRRM shits out atleast one more chonker before he leaves us

>> No.18279839

He had neither a wife nor children. He spent his life slaving away for his manga, or resting to recover. Mangaka live a hellish life.

>> No.18279859

Yeah but didn't he know people? He was famous and undoubtedly met many people without the spotlight of the camera.

There should be countless photos to be released.

>> No.18279872

If your friends asked you to not take pictures of them, you would respect their wishes.

>> No.18279875

But do you know he didn't want to be photographed? Maybe just not publicy.

>> No.18279882

All I know is he liked to keep his personal life private.

>> No.18279909

Exactly, but he has no life now, so it should become public.

>> No.18280185

After his wife is dead, I think someone will write the rest of it, he doesn't have any children to make sure it won't happen after all.

>> No.18280204
File: 88 KB, 828x752, F1E4524F-4F3F-467A-B19D-B9C7D4F46E8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the end of the day, what should the overall takeaway of Berserk be? The series began as being pretty Nietzschean, but as Miura grew older he started to contradict Nietzsche’s philosophy, particularly when the series moved to a more Fantasia and “JRPG” setting.

>> No.18280310 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 1200x630, e30c6f4c7080d9e73c58dd3fda2bb68.jpg_1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this thought since a while ago that ASOIAF's last two books would be kinda similar to Berserk's last two arcs.

What I'm saying is that GRRM is likely going to continue from the show's plotline after Winds of Winter including the battle with the Others and Dany's madness. Especially since the story hints that there could be greater threats than Others and GRRM wasn't bothered much about spoiling post-ADWD storyline to D&D.

So basically Winds of Winter would be Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc (vs Kushans) and Dream of Spring would be more like Fantasia Arc (re-emergence of magic).

>> No.18280350
File: 32 KB, 1200x630, e30c6f4c7080d9e73c58dd3fda2bb68.jpg_1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that ASOIAF's last two books would be similar to Berserk's last two arcs.

TWOW = Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc (big battle with Kushans & big battle with Others)
ADOS = Fantasia Arc (re-emergence of magic)

Basically continuing from the show's plotline including battle with WWs and Dany going nuts. Which may explain why GRRM wasn't bothered much about spoiling post-ADWD storyline to D&D.

>> No.18280507
File: 235 KB, 1800x1357, 1506353682449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't be the first time a masterpiece is left unfinished

>> No.18280638

No it wasn't, it was just very slow at releasing and we were at a relatively small portion of the story that involved a lot of silliness on the island. Everything that was happening was still interesting.

>> No.18280864

No it wasn't. Berserk hasn't been good in a long time.

>> No.18280913

Any dark fantasy literature with Berserk's vibe?

>> No.18280964

I usually wait to read chapters for when volumes are released. The art got weaker in the last 2 volumes or so and there's more filler. That's neither "a long time" nor does it mean that it wasn't good at all anymore.

>> No.18280972

Personally, I don't think the art is as strong as it was at the start of the series.
I think Elfheim is one of the weaker sections of the story. I don't mind a break from the oppressively dark plot, but having an entire chapter dedicated to Isidro lifting up girl's skirts just felt silly.

>> No.18280998
File: 66 KB, 575x723, cerebus the aardvark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18281121

IIRC he has a few apprentices and has given them the info on how to finish the story in case of his death

>> No.18281380

What's that

>> No.18281439

Kakfa wanted his stuff burned upon his death, didn't work out well for him

>> No.18281651
File: 13 KB, 273x184, not this one you idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18281861

Terry Pratchett had the hard drive with all his unfinished work destroyed with a steamroller after his death

>> No.18281933
File: 151 KB, 1073x1650, D6D286C2-0217-480E-9052-327384E545A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of bone

>> No.18281962


>> No.18281973
File: 80 KB, 1024x975, 1616263285689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if he finishes the books, fanfic will still be the best ending we'll get

>> No.18282242


>> No.18282250
File: 268 KB, 1024x768, 1493935677177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18282273

Bullshit image. It's perfectly fine to hate anime and be on 4chan, as long as you like manga or VNs.

>> No.18282280

The digital inking is like vomit on the page. The last time Berserk had good art was in the 90s or early 2000s.

>> No.18282285

>is GRRM next?
I don't know why people are still waiting for him to finish ASOIAF when it's all edgy preteen trash.

>> No.18282297

Both millenium falcon and the arc before sucked ass. Long drawn out with Miura constantly trying for some shock value. Not to mention the over abundance of shonen fights. That's over 20 years, which is a long time.

>> No.18282304

>not recognizing cerebus
Dave Sim could actually write, unlike Miura

>> No.18282339
File: 413 KB, 1382x1721, Screenshot_2021-05-20 Your basket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest easy Kentaro, my favourite anime and soundtrack of all time.

Should I buy pic related? I never read manga before.

>> No.18282386

generally its better that way. don't really give a quarter shit about asoif, though.

>> No.18282390

your gonna buy them now that there is a 0.00% chance that it will benefit the creator?

>> No.18282421

His family

>> No.18282438

pretty sure he never married and had not kids.

>> No.18282441

Everyone has a family.

>> No.18282457

>the over abundance of shonen fights
the fuck are you talking about

>> No.18282459

He seemed like a loner both from Berserk and the interviews he gave, he seemed like a guy who decided early on he didn't want a family or friends and wanted only to dedicate himself to his work

>> No.18282469

thanks man, needed to hear that

>> No.18282471

not guts. anyways dont buy them all at once, the stuff after the inquisition arc is really not that good. people only read it because of how good it used to be.

>> No.18282479

Buy the blu-ray of the 1997 anime series, it's cheaper than collecting the manga and it covers the part of the story that people care about, I really can't recommend buying the manga now Miura is dead

>> No.18282630

>guts vs that minotaur dude on hill of swords
>fucking super edgy, super powerful berserker armor
>that priest dude with 'thing' like build and hundred stone hand secret ninja technique
It was pretty fucking embarrassing. One more
>Guts and the bat minotaur tag teaming Ganishka

>> No.18282641

>Anime poster is a fantasy reading goon
/manchild/ board when?

>> No.18282662
File: 65 KB, 720x543, 1613706494943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>minotaur dude
>super edgy
>secret ninja technique

>> No.18282750

Kafka made Max Brod his literary executor before his death, asking Brod to burn his works to which Brod responded "No", and Kafka let it be.

>> No.18282755

>retard mad for his edgy shonen
Rich coming from a manga reading midwit.

>> No.18282761

This is why Miura faked his death

>> No.18282769
File: 20 KB, 400x400, dqdSDn5u_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guy who bothered getting balls deep into medieval manga from the 90's grim dark heroes is upset he saw villain fights of medieval fantasy

>> No.18282777

Just read it online he's dead and it's free

>> No.18282790

Yeah, when I was like 15 years old. Now in hindsight I realize how retarded cringe it was. Fucking lol at the retards who genuinely believe this shit was quality.
>villain fights of medieval fantasy
Medieval fantasy wasn't Shonen. Berserk fights were definitely Shonen.

>> No.18282794

Manga is for midwits and all wits. The beauty of Japanese entertainment is they teach like Mother Goose and sunshine to all the ducklings, star child.
Would you like a dusty Pride and Prejudice or a prolapsed Tyler Perry's Transgender Palestinian invasion oh Western Man? WHICH WAY, WESTERN MAN?

>> No.18282801

>Tyler Perry's Transgender Palestinian Invasion
I got that back on Betamax before they went bust. Man! Shoulda sold it on eBay when I had the chance!

>> No.18282803

Meds, take them.

>> No.18282808

TPTPI DVD box set buy it

>> No.18282811

>talking shit about a popular series and its fans the day the author's death is announced
Yeah bro you're real mature, definitely above these shonen readers amirite?

>> No.18282827

I ain't. The dude said it hasn't been shit for a long time, I am just backing my claim that it has been for a long time.
Been browsing /a/ and was planning on pwning some retards in the cockslurping thread, but decided against it out of respect for Miura. But truth is truth nigga.

>> No.18282831

that you, rupi kaur? i can't think of anyone else that would indent like that.

>> No.18282848

>But truth is truth nigga.
What does your opinion about a manga you skimmed have to do with truth?

>> No.18282852

Sell it cuz you own it, tranny.

>> No.18282857

Lmao. Butthurt incoming.
Sure I have skimmed it, sure. Stick to that narrative, I won't break it today.

>> No.18282861

If you didn't skim it, how come you couldn't even remember the names of two main characters?

>> No.18282880

Ever heard of this thing called 'mockery'? Also
>main characters

>> No.18282896

>Ever heard of this thing called 'mockery'?
Ever heard of this thing called 'cope'?

>a character who has been in it since the early volumes and has played a part in multiple important events
>a character who was the main antagonist of an entire arc
>not main characters

>> No.18282942

You have no idea what main character means. Bet you think the simp little witch is a main character.
And none of my descriptions were wrong. Cope and cry about muh skimming.

>> No.18283006

In a story with 100+ (probably 200+) characters, it is completely reasonable to call the characters who receive special attention spanning volumes "main characters." But I already know you don't have a substantial argument to make which is why you're latching on to this ridiculous nitpick over words, so it doesn't make a difference either way what you think about what constitutes main characters. (And it's also still an indication that you just skimmed it since these characters got special attention in the story. If you didn't remember the names of characters like Jerome or the throwaways like Dante that would be understandable.)

And for the record, I don't think Berserk is anything more than a really good comic book series either. You're still full of shit though and your opinion sucks.

>> No.18283068

Holy shit! You are fucking retarded. Just because I chose to call the flying minotaur the flying minotaur, I have somehow skimmed the series? Is there some rule that you need to use character names to define them when mocking them? I am nitpicking but then what the hell are you doing, you retard. Absolute hypocrisy that you can't see this inconsequential nitpick from your side. Like Wtf are you doing on this board you are too fucking retarded even for this place!
>I don't think Berserk is anything more than a really good comic book series
Bull fucking horseshit! You are looking for confirmation for your midwittery and getting your fees fees hurt when somebody calls out your garbage manga. Couldn't be more obvious. You suck and so does your taste.

>> No.18283094

unfortunate death I suppose but I always thought berserk was shit and knew miura had no intention of justifying the scale of his story.

>> No.18283113

A character that lasts for 60 chapter arc in a series spanning 350 chapters (unfinished) isn't a main character, dumbass.

>> No.18283195

>Just because I chose to call the flying minotaur the flying minotaur, I have somehow skimmed the series?
No, that's not all. It's also the fact that your "mocking" wit resulted in nothing more than inane observations that someone who has never read the series at all could have made. You could have looked at 2-3 panels cropped out and posted here and come up with that worthless contrarian commentary.

>You are looking for confirmation for your midwittery
Why would I look for confirmation for things I enjoy, and on 4chan of all places? Today we learned that Miura died. God forbid someone defends his work from losers like you.

A main character isn't just a main protagonist or antagonist. You realize that, right? Berserk has many, many actual minor characters who do have names but either only show up for a handful of pages at most or have next to no influence on anything.

>> No.18283272

>It's also the fact that your "mocking" wit resulted in nothing more than inane observations that someone who has never read the series at all could have made.
Lmao. You have no idea how autistic you sound right now. What if I described the priest dude as the guy whose slab face was the cloth washer in a dream of the almost-horse-rape-victim? God forbid someone calls out garbage for what it is and all the weeb retards jump on him crying "SKIMMING". Keep believing whatever bullshit you want, you have invested way too much emotionally in this garbage that you will look at anything for cope. It is a violation against your little brain that somebody who has read your favourite series both hates it and has proper reasons for it.
>Today we learned that Miura died. God forbid someone defends his work from losers like you
Too bad retards like you are doing the defending who get caught up in the most inane bullshit and come out looking as dumbasses more than doing the actual defending.
But your definition of "main characters" already proves your mental level. Go back to /a/ btw. You are out of your depth.

>> No.18283324

>main character isn't just a main protagonist or antagonist. You realize that, right? Berserk has many, many actual minor characters who do have names but either only show up for a handful of pages at most or have next to no influence on anything.
This is the dumbest definition that I have heard. You have either read too much 2nd rate manga or just clutching at something for your nonsensical claim. Main characters are characters that are directly important to the main story. By your definition Berserk will have 50+ main characters which is just ridiculous. It doesn't even have that many characters for a manga. The whores from Conviction arc are not main characters by any definition.

>> No.18283333

Fuck, man

>> No.18283353
File: 65 KB, 734x754, bab6413df07586f37eac654c5cf908d4e5f578c5c9dd4618699927684ee82b0c_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18283455

>What if I described the priest dude as the guy whose slab face was the cloth washer in a dream of the almost-horse-rape-victim?
Nothing would change because that's just as worthless a comment as the rest of yours so far.

I don't see a point in continuing this. If you don't like how the series turned out, fine. An artist I grew up with and admired died today and he's a lot more important to me than anonymous who has nothing better to do than push buttons.

>By your definition Berserk will have 50+ main characters which is just ridiculous.
Probably more like 30-40. Is that really unreasonable in a story with the scope that Berserk has, and does this really justify not knowing the names of Zodd and Mozgus?

>The whores from Conviction arc are not main characters by any definition.
And? Zodd and Mozgus are more important in the story than the whores are.

>> No.18283472

berserk is for teenagers.

>> No.18283474

I can't wait for they day you pseuds all die. The world would be a better place.

>> No.18283490

>Nothing would change because that's just as worthless a comment as the rest of yours so far
Denial denial denial....
You never even addressed the actual critique. (Thank God. Less retardation, the better)
You have been crying for two hours in denial over somebody reading the series and not liking it and posting some complete logical nonsense (consistent with what you've shown). Pretty pathetic.
Your dedication and respect for Miura would be admirable if you weren't so pathetic.

>> No.18283494

Anybody over 21 should realize this or they have a problem.

>> No.18283506

>Probably more like 30-40. Is that really unreasonable in a story with the scope that Berserk has
I don't think you have read much of anything yet in your life.

>> No.18283518

Your "actual critique" is just "it's full of pointless fighting / scenes like in young kids' media." Which is obviously bullshit to anyone who has actually read the series. You might as well say the same about Beowulf.

>> No.18283539

Hamlet, the Ghost, Claudius, Gertrude, Polonius, Laertes, Ophelia, Horatio, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, and Fortinbras are considered main characters. That's 11 characters. Now compare the size of the cast and scope of the story of Hamlet with Berserk. How are you people this retarded?

>> No.18283565

>Which is obviously bullshit to anyone who has actually read the series
Buddy, don't even
You think spearing vapor with lightning sword while riding a minotaur isn't out of a shonen manga then you need to educate yourself.
You think that a human like Guts cutting off a fucking minotaur's arm with a le epic slashing technique isn't out of a boy's power fantasy then you need to educate yourself.
You think someone biting down on a demon moth's pincer to cut it in half involves no power fantasy then...
There is also the berserker armor. No matter how much you wish to deny it but miura was at the end a mangaka, not a serious writer/plotter. Berserk has tons of elements that qualify it as an edgy shonen.

>> No.18283584

Miura worked 14 hour days for decades. GRRM probably writes ten words a week.

>> No.18283588

Hamlet =/= Berserk
There isn't a standardized scale, you retard. GR has 400+ characters but still maybe 6-7 would classify as main (really only one is main). Berserk might have a dozen main characters (big maybe) but Nosferatu certainly isn't one of them, and Mozgus not in a million years. How fucking dense are you?

>> No.18283693

Between all these scenes (which are really just a few panels altogether among thousands that you're crying about), did you ignore all of the actual development of plot and characters? Are you really so sensitive that you get triggered by some action-focused scenes occasionally? What epic poem doesn't have these scenes? What makes these scenes even bad, especially when combined and balanced with all kinds of other scenes mixed into the overall story's pacing?

Saying that these scenes cumulatively mean that Berserk went to shit in the last 20 years means that you're just like the rest of the skimmers who don't actually pay attention to the details in each panel or who mistakenly think that the only plot is the direct rivalry between Guts and Griffith. Do you even understand how much time and effort is required to draw most of those panels? I doubt you do. I also doubt that you understand most of what happened after the eclipse. And I doubt you care.

Also, Berserk isn't "edgy." Tampa is edgy. Cannibal Corpse is edgy. Berserk has a wonderfully complex story with actual characters that took many painstaking years to flesh out with visually stunning artwork to boot, an effort that no actual edgelord would ever commit to.

>Hamlet =/= Berserk
Why even say this? Do you think I was comparing the merits of the writing between the two? I was just comparing the structure and scale. Look at how they differ in these respects. Saying there's 30-40 main characters isn't out of the question, it's common fucking sense.

>> No.18283702

Araki is next.

>> No.18283848

At a certain point, it ceases being just theirs and starts being everyone's, and that comes with a certain responsibility. Anyone going into a field where you have the potential to 'blow up' needs to be aware of that and make the choice to whether it's worth it or not.

>> No.18283864

>last two books
He wants to write three more, anon.

>> No.18283874

>3 more
what? TWOW and ADOS are the only ones planned

>> No.18283911

I could swear I saw a quote from him that he wanted to split ADOS into a two parter too, but I can't find it now so I must have dreamt it. I apologize.

>> No.18283915

Don't apologize, he could have planned 1 more or 1,000 more. We're getting zero more either way

>> No.18283932
File: 716 KB, 2592x1944, 1621024213395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's sold too many copies, it belongs to the consoomer now.

>It's your responsibility.

>Anyone going into a field where you have the potential to 'blow up' needs to be aware of that and make the choice to whether it's worth it or not.

So lemme get this straight yo, artists should be willing to serve the desires of the mass market before they create and cease before beginning if they don't care what I want since they owe me for their success, because I paid $19.99 for a paperback

>> No.18283931

no..... please

>> No.18283984

No, you're willfully misinterpreting what I'm saying. No, an artist is not required to poll their consumers for advice. Once a work becomes big enough, it becomes part of the public canon and public reaction is a responsibility that comes with it.

Imagine if GRRM said tomorrow "Fuck it, I'm not writing any more books and telling no one what will happen. I will sue anyone that tries to finish my work for me or create fanfiction set in my universe." You really don't think that any sort of public outcry would be justified? That's the responsibility I'm talking about. So why is it okay if he does it after his death instead of while he's still alive?

>> No.18283985

the only pseud is the one who thinks his murderfest schlock manga that tackles themes such as belonging and purpose appeals to anyone besides strictly young people.

>> No.18283994

>Why dont they just write out their summary of what they plan to do?
I imagine they have extensive notes. Trusting someone to finish your story is another matter entirely

>> No.18284035


>> No.18284047

All the way from Black Swordsman to the Conviction Arc, yes. No one gives a fuck about anything past that point anyways.

>> No.18284053

GRRM has been pompous since before any of us were in our dad's nut sack. He wrote letters to Marvel in the 70's about how he'd write the Fantastic Four better than them. He's always been this way. He has a massive fuckin ego from being an undiagnosed turbo autist. The only guy to geniuenly like him is that salty polish fuck Andrej Sapkowski

>> No.18284091

correct opinion.

>> No.18284100

Guts is a generic knight in sour armor with serious tsun vibes. He's easily the least attractive character in the series, so I went the hipster angle and aligned with the villain instead. I wasn't disappointed. True, Griffith does become a vessel for evil incarnate but he is inherently far more dynamic than the other guy who totes a giant metallic penis everywhere he goes and refuses to show his true emotions beyond slaughtering demons. I guess the rape backstory was supposed to make me sympathize with him but I'm rooting for the draconian underdog this time around.

As a whole, though... Berserk is the epitome of tryhard. It delves into gore and sex purely for the sake of shock value, and sometimes wanders so far off the beaten path that I lose track of the main storyline. Which is a commendable feat since Berserk's plot is as straightforward as they come when you get down to it.

>> No.18284143

Keith Richards is a vampire. Just look at the man. He killed Jimmy, Kurt, Lemmy, Peter Steele, probably Mama Cass, and God only knows how many others to sustain his UN-life.

GRRM learned the truth. He forced Keith to share his secret. And now he’s doing the same thing. Terry Pratchet didn’t have Alzheimer’s, he had Martin’s. Jordan too. And now Maura. Someone needs to stake GRRM’s fat ass before he gets another.

>> No.18284182

Murderfest to me means the author kills off characters left and right just for shock value. How many characters did Miura do that with? I can't think of any.

>> No.18284310

That's all boards.

>> No.18284315

really? think harder.

>> No.18284333

Can't think of any besides the old man and his daughter at the very beginning.

>> No.18284339

The closest thing to that would be the Eclipse, but that's supposed to be the defining moment, it's supposed to be maximally fucked up. An actual example of a murderfest would be Chainsaw Man

>> No.18284345

berserk is as reddit as they come

>> No.18284418

seems like cocaine and fresh pussy are better to your health than depression and idol games

>> No.18284422

Biggest excuse maker and back peddler on the planet right here.

>> No.18284429

Berserk is a straightforward story and it is no way complex unless that's all you have read in your life. Stop acting like you are the only motherfucker who has read it or understand it. Get Miura's dick out of your mouth.

>> No.18284449

>Saying there's 30-40 main characters isn't out of the question, it's common fucking sense.
Fucking retarded that's what you are.
Your Hamlet example is icing on the cake of your retardation.

>> No.18284468

you are a silly, boring person.

>> No.18284483

You're all fucking retarded.

>> No.18284497

Good. Based on how the show ended, the ending he has was fucking retarded.

I'd rather have Beserk than 6 more ASOIAF books, even though I did like them

>> No.18284498

Thats kind of something only authors who know they don't have long left do no? what makes you think he didn't? unless they specifically don't want anyone to pick up their work, i think any reasonable author who thinks they won't survive to the end of their story will write a plan for their assistants, unless they unironically been winging it the entire time and even they don't know how it will end.
I mean what are the odds a perfectly healthy adult author is suddenly struck down in a instant before they can finish their work?

>> No.18284506

>Last berserk chapter ever is isidro flipping the skirts of loli witchs, star wars references, and finishes it off with naked child final page.

>> No.18284511

No it wasn't, and bad Beserk is still amazing.


>> No.18284521

I think we can all agree that Miura was a fantastic artist (as in drawing), but his storytelling abilities were shit.

>> No.18284531

>as Miura grew older he started to contradict Nietzsche’s philosophy, particularly when the series moved to a more Fantasia and “JRPG” setting.
That's not really a contradiction, more like he just relaxed and started adding other things to it that he liked.

>> No.18284538
File: 2.71 MB, 2889x2129, Manga_E303_Skull_Knight_Ambushes_Femto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden Age and Falcon of the Millennium Empire had kino writing.

>> No.18284539

>Terry Pratchet didn’t have Alzheimer’s, he had Martin’s.
This is a fantastic post. You best write, anon.

>> No.18284585
File: 188 KB, 700x687, soyshelter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18284590

kill yourself you fucking nigger

>> No.18284716

>implying Beowulf is seinen and not shounen shit

>> No.18284722

He was going to write a satisfactory ending involving the use of the moon child to hurt Griffith. It was going to be poetic.

>> No.18284732

If he was a great visual artist then it doesn't make sense to say that he was bad at storytelling in a visual medium.

>> No.18284736

t.Shonen reading smoothbrain chuds. Find a busy road intersection

>> No.18284741

Fuck off from here

>> No.18284751

Berserk is for edgy 14 year olds. Anybody who thinks it is deep or complex needs either to read more or check themselves with a mental doctor

>> No.18284758

>What epic poem doesn't have these scenes?
None, you fucking retarded niggersperm. Stop justifying your manchild bullshit by making assumptions about things you never read.

>> No.18284770

>there are no epic poems with epic battles in them
are you serious right now

>> No.18284776

Even good Berserk is bad

>> No.18284788

>epic battles
shonen bullshit isn't epic battle. Even mahabharata's power faggotry is less cringe.

>> No.18284798

berserk isn't shonen you dumb bitch

>> No.18284811

Only retards still think it ever was more than shonen.
>muh seinen
>muh sex
>muh gore
No bigger dumbasses than weeb trash such as yourself.

>> No.18284825

it's seinen, not shonen. cope harder.

>> No.18284830
File: 756 KB, 2263x1600, shonenshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18284838

thanks for demonstrating your low iq for me. you can fuck off now.

>> No.18284848

This nigga crying ahahahah

>> No.18284851
File: 199 KB, 976x900, _101116396_beowulfsbattle_rgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay triggered at the fact that epic battles are an intrinsic part of epic poetry

>> No.18284854

I would be dunking your ass and the illiterate teenager up above who has no fucking idea what the word "main" means, but I respect Miura for his drawing ability.

>> No.18284856

>anime punch rush attacks while the monster yells out his technique is "epic poetry"
Haha okay.

>> No.18284857

Read an epic poem and not look at deviant art illustrations for a change, you low IQ ape.

>> No.18284858
File: 505 KB, 1100x594, Beowulf_and_Dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>internet tough guy chimes in
kill yourself

>> No.18284860

>limwrist teenager shaking
Jump off a building

>> No.18284861
File: 273 KB, 700x500, polyphemus-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope harder you delusional faggots

>> No.18284863
File: 168 KB, 999x749, Perseus-with-head-medusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18284882

Not even worth a onions nigger image but you are worse than that, apebrain.

>> No.18284884

Your picture displays the perfect amount of ingenuity found in warriors, utilizing an application of wit and skill rather than brute strength alone to overcome a powerful adversary.

Meanwhile in Berserk, Guts tanks every attack and swings around a 400 pound steel slab with ease.

>> No.18284888
File: 117 KB, 900x679, theseus-and-the-minotaur-at-tuileries-garden-paris-john-rizzuto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry more about a comic book lol

>> No.18284902

>impossibly mad that other people don't share his garbage taste
>hahaha no u
You have done enough crying for all of us in the thread, nigger.

>> No.18284904
File: 1.92 MB, 2211x3229, Wagner_-_Siegfried_-_Siegfried_and_the_dragon_-_From_the_painting_by_Delitz_-_The_Victrola_book_of_the_opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-you mad

>> No.18284943

I hate those too. You will never ever get rid of me, you are stuck with me forever.

>> No.18284949
File: 254 KB, 1200x690, epic-of-gilgamesh-fights-humbaba-wael-tarabieh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the uncultured swine is here to stay
at least you provide some amusement for the rest of us

>> No.18284962

No, amuse ME.

>> No.18284998


Why do scuba divers fall backwards off of the boat?

Because if they fell forward, they'd still be in the boat.

>> No.18285004

whats the story about why that was unfinished?

>> No.18285730

Who fucking cares, I'll only cry when an actual artist who matters like McCarthy kicks the bucket.

>> No.18285772

GRRM's wife is probably gonna get one of his friends to write the rest for him anyways.

>> No.18285822

>t. Didn't read it

Not surprised, opinion discarded

>> No.18285857

You must be fucking retarded, Ulysses was very specifically designed to outsmart his enemies, proving his ubris, meanwhile you take a look at other heroes like Hercules or Achilles and realize that they are just plain strong, meanwhile Ulysses was the master of "being crafty".

>> No.18285860

>inventing headcanon
You need your meds. Fuck the fairy garbage.

>> No.18285889

Since when has being 'complex' become some kind of virtue for a writing? It's entertaining and that should be reason enough to read a piece of work

>> No.18286307

Anime is trash, manga is the far superior medium

>> No.18286384
File: 226 KB, 1422x1626, so true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's entertaining and that should be reason enough to read a piece of work

>> No.18286397

Tell that to the Berserktards. They are the ones fapping over "muh complex and deep", "muh Nietzschean". Nietzsche would cringe hard at Miura's work.

>> No.18286417

>Nietzsche would cringe hard at Miura's work.
Why do you think so?

>> No.18286425

I surprised at how many brainlets ITT can't understand nuance or recognize high art. Why are they on this website?

>> No.18286442

we are fapping to the much more "youthful" aspects of Berserk anon

>> No.18286444

>4chan is for high art
Hi newfag.
>thinks GRRM and Miura are high art
Pretty retarded.

>> No.18286454

Fapping to shota makes you a tranny. End of.

>> No.18286460

Who said anything about him?

>> No.18286465

You stick out like a sore thumb

>> No.18286468

Miura has superficial understanding of Nietzsche's philosophy and his execution is the same. Won't be the worst thing Nietzsche would see though.

>> No.18286470

ITT: Anons who have never read Berserk.

>> No.18286475

Read the OP

>> No.18286478

Trip gods are with me, so kinda.

>> No.18286481

Actually it doesn't. Miura never trooned out

>> No.18286486

>Miura has superficial understanding of Nietzsche's philosophy and his execution is the same.
Did Miura ever even reference Nietzsche? Are you just making this up.

>> No.18286491

Why do you think that the anons you replied to, is OP?

>> No.18286497

Laughable. Not that Berserk is deep but he wore the Nietzschean influence on his sleeves, and that's about how much he understood him.

>> No.18286500

The fuck is that comma!?

>> No.18286521

Again, where did you even get the whole Berserk-Nietzche connection from? Is it referenced in the manga? Or did Miura ever say he was influenced by Nietzsche?

>> No.18286525

Ignore it. Now, Why do you think that the anons you replied to is OP?

>> No.18286529


>> No.18286537

Use google. Miura might have said it too (claimed on /a/). If you have read Nietzsche it is clearly visible.

>> No.18286543

I don't see why that matters at all. The thread was about GRRM and Miura, so I just slinged them together because his post was vague.

>> No.18286597

Nietzsche cringed at almost anything that wasn't his own books.

>> No.18286758

I think he talks about Nietzsche in interviewers. Since Nietzsche is one of the most misunderstood philosophers, maybe slightly less so than Spinoza and Hegel, it shouldn't be surprising if people influenced by his work don't reflect his philosophy perfectly. Anyhow, you can take an influence from somebody and still diverge from them. We can't assume Hegel misunderstood Kant because he is influenced by him but diverges from him, just as we shouldn't assume, as Plotonius does, that the Gnostics misunderstood Plato, they just disagreed with him.

Beserk is Nietzschean in that you have an amoral, or perhaps metaphysical immoral world. Guts' life is surrounded by warfare in struggle. We see nothing of positive super natural light in the first 2,000+ pages aside from Puck at the very opening, during the Black Swordsman. The world of man is dark and violent, with some bright spots of commradery and love. The supernatural world is wholly dark, a world of evil made manifest. This evil is caught up in causality. The only way to overcome this supernatural evil is pure force of will. Guts' will to power, or power drive, or elan vital is what keeps him going.

Of course, already in the Conviction Arc, and even a bit in Lost Children, the story starts to reject this Nietzschean overcoming. As Guts' pushes on, fueled by hate, he risks becoming a monster as he fights with them. The abyss also stares back into him.

His long term success and recovery is based on his finding meaning not just on struggle, but in struggle for others.

This isn't all unNietzschean either. Nietzsche had a humanitarian streak you can see in his pacificsm, and his abhorrence of anti-semitism that caused him to break with Wagner and his sister.

Still, the story remains Nietzschean. Everything is up to Guts. He must control his Dionysian passions of anger, and ultimately his struggle is against himself.

>> No.18286785

He would have no frame for enjoying manga, but if he did he might enjoy it.

Nietzsche had a habit of shitting on everything he didn't love. He was a /lit/ poster long before /lit/ and even overreached into pseud territory. That said, he had a deep appreciation for the arts, and I could see him on board with Beserk if the shock didn't turn him away. He tended to appreciate dark themes and wasn't as much of a dick about arts as he seems in his books, of letters and Kaufman's biography are to be believed. Dude was actually quite sensitive, his work is just a hard persona, the struggler. And I think the syphilis might have been effecting his self control by Ecce Homo.

He had the soul of a Dante of Petrarch, but was shaped by a much different realization about the world and God, as well as his early experiences with the start of industrialized war.

>> No.18286871

>claimed on /a/
Seriously? That's your evidence? Trying to associate Berserk with Nietzsche is something Berserkfags have been doing since forever.

>> No.18286882

He believed his own hype (justified probably). I can't see him enjoying it unless he has a boner for line arts. A life given to thought would need something rich to satisfy it, I don't think Berserk is cut for it. Miura is an artist first after all. Nietzsche had a big boner for Dostoevsky btw.

>> No.18286890

Have you read Nietzsche? And read my post again dumbass, I said that he might have mentioned him in an interview or two, with /a/ as my source.

>> No.18286970

>with /a/ as my source
That's what I'm saying, you idiot. Miura has literally never talked about Nietzsche. Unless you've the direct source, or have any reference of Nietzsche in Berserk, stop claiming/a/ as a reliable source.

>> No.18287194

I'm actually fairly certain that the "He who fights with monsters" line made its way into the manga somewhere, if paraphrased. Miura also said that the Conan the Barbarian movie was one inspiration for him, and that opens with a Nietzsche quote, so it's not out of the question that he knew of / read Nietzsche. Nietzsche also has a somewhat big underground presence in Japan.

But the bigger giveaway is the Idea of Evil which is just the will to power. The Japanese used for the word "evil" in the name translates more literally to something like "evil power" I have read.

>> No.18287257

>But the bigger giveaway is the Idea of Evil which is just the will to power.

i thought the idea of evil was influenced by Socrates´s thinking

>> No.18287300

relevant thread

Can Griffith be considered an Übermensch?


>> No.18287312

>Socrates´s thinking
How do you figure? The Idea of Evil first appears in "God of the Abyss" and is described as having been created by humanity to explain their insatiable lust. Sounds more Nietzschean to me.

>> No.18287321

the idea of good but inverted


>The definition of the Good is a perfect, eternal, and changeless Form, existing outside space and time, in which particular good things share.

>> No.18287381

Will to power could be described that way too. In Nietzsche's notes he also says that the supreme will to power is "to impose upon becoming the character of being." His world of becoming would also be, from the point of view of Socrates, a source of evil. But I suppose we don't really know what Miura was thinking of when he came up with it, and he could have had multiple ideas in mind.

There are a number of passages in Zarathustra that I feel relate to scenes in Berserk too, especially during the Golden Age arc. Nietzsche's philosophy in general feels really compatible with Berserk. Even the later stuff, like the magic / elves, aren't out of the question, since Nietzsche often referenced mythical beasts and supernatural entities from fiction as analogies for real life personalities and forces. For example, he called "dwarfs, fairies, centaurs, satyrs" examples of untermensch in The Gay Science.

>> No.18287425

>you are stuck with me
What? If you hate anime and browse imageboards you are stuck with anime, not the other way around.

>> No.18287672


>> No.18287730

Platonism rests on the Theory of Forms, the idea that absolutes exist outside the material world. That is, the material world is a pale copy of the universal mind/nous. One of Plato's letter uses the idea of a circle. A circle an an idea has many elements. It has a name, a definition, and a referent, something that is circular. However, it also has a form, that of all circles as a universal. No perfect circles exist in the world, but the form is eternal and changeless.

I'm probably saying shit you already know. Anyhow, Beserk is decidedly.not Platonist or Gnostic. The Law of Causality in the material world is key to fate in Beserk. The Godhand is decidedly a material evil that kills with material hands. Yes, they exist in another dimension, but exist there materially. Ghosts linger in the material world and hunger for it. As >>18287381 points out, the nature of evil comes from man's psychology and dark passions, not from a changeless form. That's the Nietzschean essence of Beserk. There is no Manichean battle of good versus evil, nor is there a Platonist/Gnostic revelation of truth. There is simply a brutal world populated with hellish forces, metaphysical evil in material form, that must be resisted through force of will alone, a will sustained by hatred, but which also must be sustained by love.if one is not going to become what one fights.

>> No.18287770

>There is no Manichean battle of good versus evil, nor is there a Platonist/Gnostic revelation of truth. There is simply a brutal world populated with hellish forces, metaphysical evil in material form, that must be resisted through force of will alone, a will sustained by hatred, but which also must be sustained by love.
Elemental spirits exist. Daimon exists. Also, idea of evil was technically scrapped. Miura said he wasn't sure it'll actually appear again.

>> No.18288308
File: 97 KB, 704x616, berserk_solitary_friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a number of images that I made a while back that I suppose I'll dump here. They're quotes from Nietzsche associated with random (though sometimes seemingly related) scenes from Berserk. I wanted to make a lot more but this is all I got around to doing. Hopefully someone will appreciate me sharing them.

>> No.18288319
File: 88 KB, 703x501, berserk_clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288330
File: 170 KB, 704x821, berserk_fountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288342
File: 151 KB, 704x921, berserk_friend_enemy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288350
File: 67 KB, 704x1142, berserk_slave_tyrant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288356
File: 113 KB, 702x541, berserk_friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288361
File: 76 KB, 704x726, berserk_belief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288368
File: 111 KB, 704x622, berserk_hatred_reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288375
File: 208 KB, 704x1375, berserk_precipice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288387
File: 148 KB, 704x1319, berserk_love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288394
File: 175 KB, 704x1426, berserk_mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288400
File: 33 KB, 704x430, berserk_beyond_good_and_evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288405
File: 36 KB, 703x417, berserk_giver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288410
File: 287 KB, 704x1273, berserk_suns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288414
File: 276 KB, 704x1380, berserk_wickedness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288426
File: 161 KB, 704x739, berserk_bestowing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288431
File: 217 KB, 703x1194, berserk_dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288442
File: 71 KB, 703x643, berserk_suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is Aeschylus instead of Nietzsche, but I liked the quote

>> No.18288450
File: 140 KB, 704x754, berserk_pure_will.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288460
File: 97 KB, 704x618, berserk_dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288470
File: 26 KB, 703x490, berserk_storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288481
File: 160 KB, 704x1228, berserk_elevated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288497
File: 151 KB, 704x693, berserk_gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288506
File: 312 KB, 701x1151, berserk_tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288514
File: 157 KB, 704x795, berserk_stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288522
File: 95 KB, 704x493, berserk_falconia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288529
File: 118 KB, 704x492, berserk_heavens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288539
File: 179 KB, 704x1032, berserk_world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the last one

>> No.18288616

This, it was unfortunate. The berserk people like was written by a dude in his 20’s. Nu berserk was just loli central

>> No.18288629

He spent his life working on loli garbage, which is why he had no wife and children

>> No.18288639

it should have been GRRM instead

>> No.18288660

Cool stuff

>> No.18288673

Nice. I've thought about doing these myself

>> No.18288676

Do you not remember Mozgus vs Guts?

>> No.18288719

The sword fight between Guts snd Zodd on the hill of swords was pretty shoneny too.

>> No.18288747
File: 769 KB, 1919x1079, 1475875727553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, there was good stuff all the way to the end, even if it was watered down

>> No.18288794

Last good thing was rickerts storyline and that hot witch mordo. Isidro and Pucks flanderization was unforgivable

>> No.18288810

Oh and berserker armor was cheap and an asspull. And that arc with the giant whale, mermaids and pirates was garbage. So garbage in fact that it makes elfheim look great.

>> No.18288827
File: 1.27 MB, 2133x1545, 1557982445580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading a fantasy series while not liking fantasy

>> No.18288870

>it’s ok that it’s shit, it’s still fantasy!

Mind you people had to wait YEARS in between these filler arcs.

>> No.18288885

The Kushan mythos was lame compared to the European stuff. But that’s more of a problem with Indians.

>> No.18288918
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, 1475877180729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Guts and Griffith share aspects of the Übermensch, like yin and yang, but Guts is the protagonist and his life as a human struggler against monsters who repeatedly endures pain in order to overcome himself and become stronger feels more at home with the concept to me. Griffith in contrast became closer to the classic metaphysical ideal that the earthly Übermensch is always fighting against, and this picture creates a sense of the Dionysian world of dual meanings and opposing forces that Nietzsche had in mind.

>> No.18288957
File: 3.08 MB, 1600x1141, 1565230941193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mind you people had to wait YEARS in between these filler arcs.
Yes, but that's the thing. The boat chapters get more shit than they deserve because of this. Since people had to wait through the constant hiatuses during those chapters they came to hate them a lot more than they ever would have. The chapters themselves aren't bad and not only have incredible art, but expand the breadth of Berserk's world. Plus, iirc Guts was injured by the sea god and we don't know if that injury would become important down the road.

>> No.18288969


yeah and look how fat he ist, gonna die soon. Season 8 will be his final legacy

>> No.18289077

Recent Beserk was still better than most Manga. I really like Blade of the Immortal and bad Beserk is still better because it's awesome itself.

I actually found the Golden Age dragging a bit, so in general the later stuff holds up better, although the peaks are far less high. Lost Children and Conviction are the peak though. That and the Eclipse itself.

>> No.18289089

GRRM teased chapters from a mostly finished WOW in 2012. 2013 was going to be the hear. He simply isn't writing it anymore. It is fair to say he's quit the series.

>> No.18289175

Well most opinions disagree with you, especially on the golden age. If someone asks you what your favorite arc in Berserk is and you DON’T say Golden Age, you better say Lost Children. Anything else is just bad taste and delusion.

>> No.18289232

Remind me why Berserker world has the Idea of Evil as the supreme deity and literal omnipotent devils doing whatever evil shit they want, but nothing approximating a benevolent God.
Oh, and George Rapey Rapist Martin has the same worldview. How come such blatant nihilism is even tolerated here.

>> No.18289239

>Remind me why Berserker world has the Idea of Evil as the supreme deity and literal omnipotent devils doing whatever evil shit they want, but nothing approximating a benevolent God.
Because such a god doesn't exist.

>> No.18289276

>GRRM teased chapters from a mostly finished WOW in 2012. 2013 was going to be the hear. He simply isn't writing it anymore. It is fair to say he's quit the series.
This isn't completely true as of 2020/2021. He reported that he put himself in a shed and forced himself to write up a storm.
That seems to have gone on another hiatus, however, as multiple of his friends have died from COVID and other old person related deaths.

>> No.18289335

It's fiction you cringe retard

>> No.18289624
File: 807 KB, 1920x1080, berserk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most opinions are also formed by people who don't really read literature or philosophy. I love the Golden Age arc myself, but later arcs don't get the love they deserve because the vision for them isn't as narrow as Golden Age's so most readers lose sight of the story. Golden Age just feels like the prologue to me.

>> No.18289648
File: 50 KB, 640x631, 4784308b92baf4f9e36496024274a113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whale adventure and the Black Swordsman arc are my favorite. These are the moments where Guts is out swinging his sword up to an inflection point in the story. My most personal connections to the story are in these arcs. I left everyone I know in a dangerous exit to a coastal city.

>> No.18289662

Because will stronk

>> No.18289676

Unpopular opinion but Black Swordsman is the only good arc in Berserk imo. Golden age reads like generic medieval fantasy with some shonen moments. The rest don't interest me much.

>> No.18289713
File: 597 KB, 1920x1080, lhzHuTO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Swordsman arc is cool. What about Lost Children? It's a continuation of Black Swordsman, both on the timeline and in tone.

>> No.18289797

So, angsty teen to nihilistic failure fiction. Checks out.
A pity such drawing talent was wasted on basically smut.

>> No.18289813
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1080, 1475875817996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice opinion m8

>> No.18289834

Must opinions are held by plebs. Conviction is the best arc.

>> No.18289858
File: 27 KB, 385x385, nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>author use big words so must be about nietzsche
Fucking retard. the Overman AFFIRMS the causality of the world, Guts is a gnostic avenger, the Manichaean First Man raging against the demons of primordial darkness, not the Übermensch who wills the closed circle of becoming fucking RETARDS

>> No.18289883

Miura is a pedophile, it's hilarious the dude wrote a story about a man fighting against demons but plasters the back quarter of the story with loli ass. Am I the only fucking person who sees this? Urboids can never be trusted to deliver on the goods and inspire real heroes

>> No.18289890
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>the Overman AFFIRMS the causality of the world
Nietzsche rejected causality as an absolute. Also, the sheer abundance of potential connections to Nietzsche suggests that there was at least some modicum of influence from him on Berserk. That said, of course it's not going to be a 1:1 representation of his or anyone's philosophy, since this is art we're talking about.

>> No.18289916

But he affirms immanence, which is the last thing Guts would ever do. Guts rages against the Law, against objective Evil, he isn't raging against morality you fucking goof, he has more in common with Shestov than anything coming from Nietzsche, but you don't know who Shestov because you're just another one of those YouTube video essay faggots who only read Nietzsche, Jung, and fucking Epictetus on repeat. Get out

>> No.18289969
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I know who Shestov is. Also, no one is saying the representation is exact. But the influence is clearly there.

>Guts rages against the Law, against objective Evil
The Idea of Evil influences him as well. He is part of the cosmic play of forces.

>> No.18290007

>The Idea of Evil influences him as well.
Yes, to the extent he is also raging against himself.

I also love how Miura makes hell look like some Jovian superstorm in that shot.

>> No.18290483

Godammit i didn't even know he was dead. I even posted a few days ago that he will finish Berserk because even if he is slow, he keeps on, and he seems fit (contrary to the fat GRRM).
Son of a bitch, by far the most interesting manga, what's more full gnostic. Call me crazy i don't give a shit, it's possible the illuminati killed him, because he was far into gnostic shit. And made it popular for the masses. I mean, his work is literally the apocalypse, and Griffisu the anti-christ. It's a popular manual for the end times.
Always the most interesting people die first. Always a coincidence. The cockraches, like queen england, or Bush senior, Roth, Rock, live up to 90-100 years.

>> No.18290579

I was thinking this too

>> No.18290586

What is this Loli you speak of? You mean the mermaid teen jailbait?

>> No.18290620

It's spelled Shartspantsman

>> No.18291138
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Fuck Berserk.
Fuck Nietzsche.

>> No.18291167

And most importantly, fuck frogposters.

>> No.18291179
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And doubly so, non-frogposters.

>> No.18291190

>it ceases being just theirs and starts being everyone's
There's no transfer of ownership.
>So why is it okay if he does it after his death
Because the work is his. Are you seriously arguing that GoT should have someone else write the ending for it, AGAIN?
Following your statement to its logical conclusion, any author who is getting too popular should sabotage their work, lest it be nationalized and they are enslaved to the public.

>> No.18291442

Reminder that aortic dissection, which Miura died from, happens in 3 per 100000 each year.

>> No.18291465


>> No.18291473

Yes or no questions. Are people allowed to be upset if George RR Martin said tomorrow that he will not be continuing the series and he will be issuing DMCAs to all fan projects? Do you believe that everyone should be totally fine with it and they have to just shut up and silently agree?

>> No.18291474

And theres over 7.5 billion of us. Miuras bad luck will never be witnessed by anyone on this board ever again. Kys statistics dog.

>> No.18291481

Now my statement. Its his work. He owes fans nothing.

>> No.18291503

The fact you answered that way is entirely my point. He certainly isn't forced to listen to that, but knowing that you will anger or upset literally millions of people with your decisions gives you a certain responsibility. Only a sociopath would be able to completely ignore that.

>> No.18291525

No. Its the state of the world. Its his intellectual property. He has no responsibility to anyone.
If i wanted it changed id fly to the us and terror bomb the cunts to enact change.

>> No.18291607

>intellectual property.
A jew term propagated by people that already make billions a year while contributing nothing except for sitting on copyrights. The original intent of IP laws was to encourage creators to produce. ASoIaF would already be in the public domain if not for Disney.

>> No.18291625

I honestly dont disagree. My statement is that this is the way things are though and if i had any metaphorical balls, id try to enact change to make reality more like the ideals you and i both agree are better and what was originally intended.

>> No.18291667

Cerebus is brilliant (at times) but it's nothing like Berserk apart from a few surface similarities.
Conan the Barbarian and Elric and Melnibone are closer to, and partly inspired, Berserk.

>> No.18291700

Being a sociopath isn’t a bad thing and the story doesn’t belong to you and never will. You can cry all you want but that’s that.

>> No.18291744

How's 8th grade working out for you?

>> No.18291747

>There's no transfer of ownership.
There is no ownership to begin with, nobody owns an idea or story. Intellectual property has literally zero ontological basis, only a legal one. It's 100% dependent on violent force.

>> No.18291805

>It's 100% dependent on violent force.
Which is why copyright is important in the modern world. Huge corporations have more force than any person can even hope to have.

If I come up with a story, Disney can copy it wholesale and shut me down. They can pay every publisher a million dollars a month to say "shut down anyone that comes up with a cool story and just give me the story to publish instead" and both people will still come out ahead. Copyright law has been warped to be a weapon for these huge corporations as much as it's a defense for the individual, but some level of protection is needed to avoid situations like that. There's plenty of incentive to create without some benefit, but almost none if a company can steal all your work and reap all the benefits.

No copyright law is an ancap fantasy. Without any law, Disney or whoever could take your book, change the author's name, slap their far more recognizable brand name onto it, and just publish it themselves.

>> No.18291852

Grrm doesnt know how it will end, he doesnt write like that, planning the story...he doesnt write at all.

Miura atleast trained a team and probably had a rough storyline.

>> No.18291865

>resorts to insults when backed in a corner

>noooooo you just can’t do whatever you want with your own intellectual property

Fucking commie

>> No.18292019

>ASoIaF would already be in the public domain if not for Disney.
For the record, fuck Disney.

Do you really want ASOIAF to be written by someone else?
If yes, fanfics are out there. They're arguably better than the only official third party continuation of Martin's work, GOT.
If no, then you think GRRM's labor is now the property of the public, with no contract saying so, just because his works became popular, which is insane.

>> No.18292041

False dichotomy. Faggots like you are a huge part of the reason why copyright law is required at all.

No, I don't WANT it written by else. What I wanted was GRRM's writing. But if he fucks it up or gets lazy and dies, then I do want someone else to be able to contribute it. This is where copyright law should shine. There should be some protection built in so the original creator can continue and finish the store before others get their hooks in it. Copyright should give some protection, but also be short enough that it gives the original creator an incentive to continue, lest he lose the rights to his works. But if he fails or dies, then others should have a right ot continue or fix it before 80 fucking years down the road.GRRM has no incentive to continue since copyright only begins to expire after he dies thanks to Disney.

The problem with faggots like you on sites like this is that you think it's all or nothing. Copyright either has to last indefinitely or never. Just because you can't point out where the line is doesn't mean there isn't a line at all.

>> No.18292139

Can you or anyone point to the line?

>> No.18292153

>Copyright either has to last indefinitely or never.
Am the >>18292019 faggot.
That actually is a good point, copyright should expire a reasonable amount time after an author's death.
Maybe the old copyright law before it became the Mickey Mouse Protection Act.

>> No.18292202

It’ll always be fanfiction, look at the wheel of time

>> No.18292405

Its realistic. Your cope is that fantasy

>> No.18293229
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Thanks for Guts