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18275888 No.18275888 [Reply] [Original]

>Whatever the Bible says is true;
>The Bible says that the Bible is true;
>Therefore, the Bible is true and all debates surrounding creationism, the existence of God, and history are solved.

>> No.18275936

Look up Presuppositional apologetics

>> No.18275942

Not one person uses this logic except atheists attempting to build a straw man.

>> No.18275945

this was thoroughly debunked in the big book of reddit

>> No.18275952
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The Bible doesnt say the Bible is true as no author of any of the books of the Bible were alive when the Bible was collected into one book.

>> No.18275972

That’s no true though. See >>18275936
The idea is to start with an axiom, that is, the infallibility of God’s Word, and go from there, rather than using reasoning based on external axioms and principles to asses the truth of the Bible.

>> No.18275995

That is not presuppositional apologetics. If it was you could just say I don't accept that axiom. Presup is claiming that reality and rational argument relies on the axiom of God's existence. Which is stupid but can't you can't just disregard it like if God's existence was just some arbitrary axiom.

>> No.18276026

seems pretty vague. The Bible is a collection of many texts and ideas

>> No.18276032

That's not logic.

>> No.18276045

some retarded protestant theologian for sure

>> No.18276069

My question: Did Luther specifically endorse biblical literalism or was he simply suggesting that the Bible has all the truth in it required to get salvation

>> No.18276173

For that you just need to have trust the church fathers until the early 400's

>> No.18276363

It's been years since I watched it, but I am pretty sure that in this discussion Steven Anderson says he assumes as an axiom that the King James bible is the sole source of inerrant scripture in this discussion, and then tries to defend this as a valid position to James White who is a more conventional presuppositionalist who just assumes the existence of God as an axiom (and is also not a King James Onlyist):


>> No.18277289

The Bible doesn’t say the Bible is true.

>> No.18277300

holy crap im not clicking this heretical garbo

>> No.18277328

Study epistemology and this is basically the strongest position.

>> No.18278523
