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18274888 No.18274888 [Reply] [Original]

The next real literary "rebels" in this country might well emerge as some weird bunch of anti-rebels, born oglers who dare somehow to back away from ironic watching, who have the childish gall actually to endorse and instantiate single-entendre principles. Who treat of plain old untrendy human troubles and emotions in U.S. life with reverence and conviction. Who eschew self-consciousness and hip fatigue. These anti-rebels would be outdated, of course, before they even started. Dead on the page. Too sincere. Clearly repressed. Backward, quaint, naive, anachronistic. Maybe that'll be the point. Maybe that's why they'll be the next real rebels. Real rebels, as far as I can see, risk disapproval. The old postmodern insurgents risked the gasp and squeal: shock, disgust, outrage, censorship, accusations of socialism, anarchism, nihilism. Today's risks are different. The new rebels might be artists willing to risk the yawn, the rolled eyes, the cool smile, the nudged ribs, the parody of gifted ironists, the "Oh how banal". To risk accusations of sentimentality, melodrama. Of overcredulity. Of softness. Of willingness to be suckered by a world of lurkers and starers who fear gaze and ridicule above imprisonment without law. Who knows.

>> No.18274903
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>> No.18274908

What is he trying to say?

>> No.18274936


>> No.18275043
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Why did he leave us? We need him now more than ever.

>> No.18275066

yea dfw was literally cucked into Oblivion when he got boomerpilled by franzen

>> No.18275074

such unbearable horseshit. I like the guys writing but new sincerity is retarded

>> No.18275090

>risk the yawn, the rolled eyes, the cool smile
There it is right there.

>> No.18275139

but he himself was afraid of being melodramatic

>> No.18276566

Nice post, David.

>> No.18276656

He’s saying that ironic removal from society is fleetingly rebellious— like anything else so overly accepted, it becomes the norm. By this logic, this who will be rebellious in this conception of the world would be what we generally to be the opposite, if only because the snide outsiders have taken over and become entirely mainstream.

>> No.18276663

woah, it’s just like DFW said!

>> No.18276751

>say people won't like a thing
>people don't like it
>woah, what foresight!
pathetic. new sincerity is retarded because it doesn't engage with any of the philo problems DFW was interested in early on in his career, rather it just retreats and pretends those problems don't exist. it's like a bad reading of wittgenstein.

>> No.18276901

It feels like you’re trying to win an argument that doesn’t disagrees with your underlining truth and doubling down because being wrong every once n a while is a spook

>> No.18276936


>> No.18276937

>>say people won't like a thing
That’s probably the most inelegant reduction of the OP passage I’ve ever seen. Congrats on being a dense piece of shit.

>> No.18276945

lol cope and seethe

>> No.18276956

this guy is sincere
condescending and insincere ironists

>> No.18277010

I don't know what you're saying, bit tje prose is kino

>> No.18277042
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He was right and they're terrible.
Our only hope is that the insincere rebels become more sincere in their insincerity and Renzo Novatore their way out of this clown world.

>> No.18277069


>> No.18277105

Samefag pilled

>> No.18277149 [DELETED] 


>> No.18277183

which of his books are worth reading?
I’m going back to college and i just wanna feel motivated and attached to other people in a real way
Is infinite jest worth another try? I’ve attempted twice but only got >200 pages in. I trust you peoples opinion though

>> No.18277209

He has plenty of other good writings other than IJ. Consider the Lobster is filled the the most entertaining essays I've ever read. That is, if you want to warm up on Wallace before giving IJ another go.

>> No.18277362

thanks for the suggestion!
I feel like i’ve been grabbing some of more lukewarm pieces (second half of oblivion and hideous men) but consider the lobster could be the last straw before i break out the doorstopper.
I’ve got the audiobook kindle and physical so im REALLY hoping to finish it this time

>> No.18277384

My first exposure to DFW was discovering his recordings of CtL on YouTube. It's pretty fun to listen to him read too.

>> No.18277402

This guy is the epitome of a privliged white uppermiddle-class author. Do we really need another voice like that. I think he really had nothing of value to contribute to the literally landscape because everything he had to say had been said decades before.

>> No.18277540

> rebel
it's just Bolshevik garbage
the only people telling you to rebel are jews

>> No.18277552

isn't the rebel fetish just crypto-Christian indulgence??
jesus was a gay jew who acted gay and jewish
make a scene because you're a fag
he killed himself because of his repressed homosexuality

>> No.18277591

seeing how the suicide rate for uppermiddle white guys is sky rocketing along with a collapse of social support and cohesion probably
seperate the art from the artist though and its a reaction against irony and cynicism I think we all could use that

>> No.18277599

In a world of post ironic dullards who can only get excited for the latest flashy displays of hyper violence or pseudo pornography filtered through layers of cynical detachment, it is braver as a creator to create something sincere, something understated and true.

>> No.18277658

why is that better?

>> No.18279027

broom of the system is fantastic
it will unfortunately always live in the meme IJ colossal shadow

>> No.18279036

Truth is eternal anon. The only way to fight fear and lies is with the divine truth.

>> No.18279084

How is that bad?

>> No.18279231
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Developer commentary from the game Superliminal.

>> No.18279391


>> No.18279550


This isn’t twitter

>> No.18280814

truth is not eternal nor is it divine

>> No.18280819
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>> No.18280840
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Should have read Tocqueville.

>> No.18280846

i admire your persistance, tocquevilleposter.

>> No.18281435

He's right, Tocqueville's theory of literature said much more than Dfw here, and in much better form. Not to mention 200 years beforehand

>> No.18283483


>> No.18283573

Demons hands are over your eyes if you have no drive to seek the most of life, which is the truth

>> No.18283594

i have a drive to seek the most of life as I see it. it isn't transcendental truth

>> No.18283630

Nice digits, and I agree.

>> No.18283678

Return to monke.

>> No.18284680

I've been reading some short stories by DFW and watching a few interviews, which led me to go ahead and order Infinite Jest the other day.

The idea of irony and sarcasm winning a war against sincerity in all things in life (meme culture is the most distilled example of this, although one can look at deeper trends in life such as the "who cares less wins" aspect in modern relationships of all kinds) is an extremely pertinent issue as the trends that Wallace seemed to identify (human life as ultra-mediated by entertainment) have skyrocketed with the rise of social media.

In trying to get beyond the surface level "internet/social media is bad and like heroin and addictive and ruins your life!!1!" (not saying this isn't true, only irrelevant), I think the motivation behind the ultra sarcasm of human culture today and why these sorts of media are so powerful is pretty obviously tied to the aspect of meaninglessness and existential despair in modern life.

Two guys on this thread have already argued about /why/ authenticity matters in the first place, and the justification given was for the sake of "truth" (>>18279036).

But I think it is important to realize that, as a post-modernist society, the very notion of "truth" and its existence is void, or in a precarious situation at best. The modernist romance and authenticity placed in human progress became mangled and shattered somehow and somewhere along the way until today we have the stark, pessimistic acquiescence of personal, epistemological limits. (Somewhere along the way I'm not sure, but I would start investigating in the direction of the moral collapse of the American youth culture into excess at the late 60s+early 70s)

The question is why seek authenticity or "truth" in the first place when the human condition can only be "solved" with a wry smile and recursive sarcasm? These things are as meaningless as life appears. It's like Camus' Sisyphus without the joy or authenticity he envisions. Where is the incentive to care about these unsolvable issues, when we can just sit down and browse social media or masturbate or eat shitty food?

I guess what I'm trying to ramble towards is the idea that there is an extreme epistemological pessimism that appears unsolvable that really snowballed into the endless, recursive sarcasm and irony that pervades popular culture today. It is perhaps the harrowing realization of this (irreducible, in all likelihood) obstacle that makes the "too cool for anything" and "the lack of seriousness" attitudes so attractive and addictive.

But maybe I am just rambling. In any case, I can't wait to read Infinite Jest when it gets here.