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18273831 No.18273831 [Reply] [Original]

Is Ran a butchered adaptation of King Lear like people say? I thought it was pretty good.

>> No.18273840

First of all, Ran is not an adaptation of King Lear. That's a misconception.

>> No.18273863

>judging film adaptations by how close they are to the source material

>> No.18273866
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>> No.18273923

Ran isn't a butchered version of Lear.

It is enhanced.

>> No.18273982

Kurosawa mentioned in an interview that Ran wasn't based on King Lear, but rather a japanese legend or myth that closely resembles it.

>> No.18273991

Stop extrapolating your anglo shit to the whole world.

>> No.18274042

Ran is Kurosawa's best, can't convince me otherwise

>> No.18274094
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Is King Lear a butchered adaptation of The Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande by Raphael Holinshed like people say?

>> No.18274271
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>he hasn't seen rashomon

>> No.18275540

Rashomon is no Dodeskadan

>> No.18275570

Why don't you read the wikipedia before starting a thread?

>> No.18275666

Nobody says this

Ran is a masterpiece

>> No.18275683

Throne of Blood is the best filmed version of Macbeth.

>> No.18275716
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Ran is raw kino

>> No.18275978

Throne of Blood is incredible.

>> No.18275999

To any anons who have not seen Ran, go watch it now

>> No.18276066
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It is according to The Globe Guide to Shakespeare.
Provide a reference to the interview or, even better, the specific legend Ran is based on.

Either way, it deals with the same archetypes and themes using a similar narrative framework (you'd be arguing against the current to say Kurosawa wasn't at least significantly influenced by Lear). It's held up as one of the best films by one of the most highly regarded greatest filmmakers of all time. For that reason alone, I'd question whether I'd been filtered if I believed it to be "a butchered adaptation of King Lear" as said by...who exactly?

>> No.18276112

I haven't seen most of his filmography, but it's my favorite too.

Dreams, Maddaydo, Dersu Urzala, Dodeskain, Rhapsody in August, Kagemusha, Red Beard I all have to see

>> No.18276394

Ran is beautiful and has an epic scale but I think someone could argue it's stilted theatrical approach neuters any emotional impact of it's universal themes. Something like High&Low is also a masterpiece of technique and many people prefer the touching humanism of Ikiru.

>> No.18276498


It absolutely is King Lear but he decided to make it when he was learning about the Mori clan or some shit. It's not one or the other.

>> No.18276513

High & Low really caught me off-guard when I watched it. First half is this tense kidnapping drama, then it morphs into the most meticulous police film I've seen. Almost no silly theatrics; just depictions of intelligent police work.

>> No.18278054

Ran is fucking great
Thank you, I came here to ask if Throne of Blood was a good movie.

>> No.18279270

Nigga who cares about Uma? I'm a Kurosawa completionist who knows moonspeak and I've never cared to give that film a watch

>> No.18279292

Fuck, I wasn't expecting a reply that fast. Not even me to such a degree, hence why I wasn't gonna bother with that post. I'm just curious about it, unless I'm misremembering, being the earliest film he's credited in. I've watched all the rest of them so I figured why not.