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18272877 No.18272877 [Reply] [Original]

any books about being ugly?

>> No.18272880

the temple of the golden pavillion

>> No.18272882


>> No.18272897

re: picrel, if he puts on some lipstick and a little vest top, he'd have at least half of reddit gushing over him

book? Bukowski's acne problems play a big part in Ham on Rye

>> No.18272937

>he'd have at least half of reddit gushing over him
as if that means he isn't nauseatingly ugly.

>> No.18272947


>> No.18272952

everything by Houellebecq

>> No.18272960

Could becoming /fit/ save this poor lad?

>> No.18272961

a book about elephant man dont remember the title

>> No.18272965
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>> No.18272968

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame?

>> No.18272974

If he lost weight, hit the gym, got a new haircut, read like a maniac, and got an okay job then he could find some roastie for sure as long as he has some degree of social skills.

>> No.18272978

My diary desu

>> No.18273069

this is so delusional i dont even know where to begin.

>> No.18273107

Yet I have seen people looking almost like OP's pic in real life holding hands with women. Often very fat women, but still women.

>> No.18273134

kafkas metamorphosis

>> No.18273178

Mogs me

>> No.18273187

My upcoming autobiography

>> No.18273220

Just be white proven right again...He has a girlfriend.

>> No.18273313


>> No.18273337

It's not delusional, you need to go outside. Ugly men find women just not attractive women. He is ugly enough that he would also need some measure of power and influence for it to work but it could work.

>> No.18274260

ugly women don’t count

>> No.18274304

he's just fat and has bad skin. All easily fixable

>> No.18274318

If he lost a LOT of weight, trimmed the pube beard, got a better haircut, fixed the acne -- he would look normal. Almost always, someone's ugliness is because of a lack of self care for their body.

>> No.18274375

Cyrano de Bergerac

>> No.18274385

You can't move the goalpost like that. The questions should be "Can he get a woman", not "can he get a women who according to some random dude on the internet is said to be above an arbitrary number on a hotness scale".

>> No.18274404

Did you even fucking read it?

>> No.18274405

WTF! I didn’t know Socrates was still alive!

>> No.18274412

Agreed. >>18274260 you are moving the goalpost.

>> No.18274419


>> No.18274425

ugly women don't pick ugly guys. They pick below average guys, who still look "normal".

>> No.18274506
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here ya go
if you want fiction, precious bane by mary webb

>> No.18274508

What is even ugly for you?

>> No.18274694

This guy is beyond ugly though, he is arguably deformed.
You are right there is probably someone else of a similar look he could potentially form a bond with, but considering the anxiety and shyness both of them probably have, a little unlikely.
Let alone considering all the poisonous coomer media that will have totally warped their perceptions of what is normal.

>> No.18274828

>he is arguably deformed
We cannot rule out that lens distortion and the moment he was photographed did not affect his look

>> No.18275914

Somethign between awdf-34 and sadu-11

>> No.18275967

Yes fuck ugly people manage to get partners. The point isn't that it's impossible. It's that simply being ugly makes it so difficult to do so (and really, to live at all). His problems are lifelong. No matter how hard he hits the gym, styles his hair, takes care of his skin he is going to immediately repulse 90% of people that interact with him.

Also I've seen a video of him at some point and I'm pretty sure he has an IQ of about 50 so there's that.

>> No.18276056

I never claimed that his life would be easy, that would be delusional for sure. I simply stated that he *could* get a partner if he did the things described in >>18272974

But if his IQ is 50 then yeah, he is fucked.

>> No.18276089

>just take a shower bro
Will this meme EVER die?
All self-improvement only allows you to move on the numeric scale from say 5-9 (assuming SD). 10s are blessed by the gods and 1-4 are cursed.

>> No.18276097

he's joking

>> No.18276204

He's a bit charming.

>> No.18276222

Not really a fan of personal hygiene, are you?

>> No.18276243
File: 962 KB, 3000x3000, Henning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think if he looksmaxed he could reach something like what Henning Wehn looks like. Losing weight and clearing up his skin would do a fucking lot.

>> No.18276245 [DELETED] 


>> No.18276785

He's ugly but handsome

>> No.18277284

write one and we'll find out anon

>> No.18277500

I was born with a cleft lip and palate. Had it fixed as a baby but I’m still ugly. Have a scar on my lip and a crooked nose.

I’ve made out with girls and felt them up before, but never had sex. Pretty sure they didn’t really like me.

>> No.18277538


>> No.18277854

Yes, the protagonist of Temple of the Golden Pavilion is an ugly schizo. It's a weird book, I didn't really understand it. There are frequent passages about beauty and what beauty is and how it affects people but it wasn't very coherent, which may have been the point.

>> No.18277868

Umberto Eco - On Ugliness

>> No.18277871

I’m a girl and I have a fetish for really ugly guys

>> No.18278572

Why? Are you narcissist?

>> No.18278576

>I’m a girl
You will never be

>> No.18278634

a cucking fetish eh?U woman are truly parasitical and evil.

>> No.18278740
File: 41 KB, 413x648, 2021-05-20-08-55-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one, my man

>> No.18280095

Survival of the prettiest

>> No.18281450

when you meet the buddha...

>> No.18281482


>> No.18281489


>> No.18281496

>They pick below average guys
maybe in the 90s that was the case. in 2021 you're either 7+/10 or NGMI

>> No.18282976

He could move to Japan and star in Kimomen films.

>> No.18284025

I thought the themes of the book were straight forward
Second this

>> No.18284046

>Ham on Rye
I was going to say this.

>> No.18284080

>as long as he has some degree of social skills.
You know by looking at him that he doesn’t. Also the standard for “social skills” is extremely high and extreme ugliness forms a positive feedback loop. Not that it needs to be justified, but being slightly awkward justifies someones life ending up in complete shit to all normies.
>Mentally fucked from a lifetime of living looking like a mutant troll creature?
>ah he just has a creepy personality

>> No.18284106

I didn't realize people like this existed

>> No.18284112

He could probably get a morbidly obese woman

>> No.18284295

Ugly women exist too.

>> No.18284433

Just don't be Irish

>> No.18284509

>I thought the themes of the book were straight forward
Maybe I'm just retarded. I also read and enjoyed the Sea of Fertility but the ending absolutely filtered me and I have no fucking clue what Mishima meant by it.

>> No.18284517

>Maybe I'm just retarded.
No, but I think you have to read it from the right perspective. A bit of prior knowledge on Japan's history/culture helps but (imo) most of the themes were universal.

>> No.18284542

What would you say those themes were? I took from it ideas and themes such as
>having a physical deformity or an impediment like a stutter can become a focal point for the disabled person in question and act like a tumor on their identity, in some ways they become their disability
>coping with the absurd and inexplicable elements of life beyond human understanding
>exploring different forms of beauty (semi-permanent types like statues and architecture vs fleeting beauty like music or dance)

>> No.18284549

The positive canthal tilt saves him. He is unironically more attractive than people with clear skin, and less bulbous features who have negative tilts because he doesn't give off the aura of weakness and being a prey animal.

>> No.18284550

Oh yeah, and of course, the theme of being haunted by expectations and creating fantasies to cope with shattered expectations. Such as when the protag (frankly I don't even remember his name) expects the Golden Temple to be larger than life, then sees it and finds out that it's just a building and some grounds, but then ends up with this specter mutating and hanging over him, constantly disrupting his life and becoming a focal point in his life.

>> No.18284564

I’d suck him off. I bet he has a big ugly monster dick

>> No.18284629

Just my perspective but seems everything was interwoven into the theme of duality which is a strong theme of Zen.

Beauty of the sublime (Mizoguchi's idea of the temple) versus his first encounter with the temple where he considered it an ugly disappointment. His preference for the model of the temple compared to the temple itself, as the model would be closer to the sublime (the ideal image of the temple that could never exist).

Mizoguchi's hope that the temple be destroyed by the war despite his admiration for it. The beauty of the temple was that it was an evancescent entity. When it was spared by the war it became a permanent entity but was observed to become less of an entity.

Mizoguchi's enjoyment of the feeling of flesh that causes the taking away of flesh (the incident with the prostitute and the American soldier at the temple)

The postwar period being more evil than the war itself.

The duality of the relationship between Mizoguchi and Tsurukawa, where Tsurukawa was the positive filter to Mizoguchi's negativity.

The Zen superior's humanly traits of vice (sex, cigarettes, food). The ideal superior would be someone that is removed from all those human vices and practices austerity

The light of the city revealing its darkness (Mizoguchi seeing and reflecting on the city illuminated by light for the first time after the war)

Probably some other examples but that's what sticks out

>> No.18284635

Nice post. Thank you for sharing anon

>> No.18284729

I think the other lens would be the historic one.

The destruction of the temple in a fire is perhaps symbolism for the destruction of Japan during the war, a lot of which burned during the bombings. The phoenix at the top, a symbol for resurrection, is the rebuilding of Japan during the post war period.

Perhaps, the temple stands for the traditional history of Japan, and its destruction may symbolize the destruction of traditionalism and Japanese culture. Japan lost the war and was rebuilt under the modern soulless strong arm of the foreign enemy. The phoenix, perhaps the spirit of the Japanese, is what survives and is reborn despite the destruction of the building.

Mizoguchi as a character seems to also be central to this historic lens. He's strong armed into hurting his own by the foreign enemy (prostitute incident) for which he feels pleasure. This may very well be pointing at the population of Japan that was compliant to the wishes of America/Allied powers in the rebuilding of Japan. Perhaps a criticism of those displaying compliance to the postwar conquest.

Additionally, he is the one that ofcourse sets fire to the temple, essentially a symbol for Japan until that point, and after conflicting emotions is satisfied with the result at the end of the story. The chilling final phrase of the story "I will live", may be the collective voice of a post war Japan, watching the burning down during the war, and contributing to the fire through complacency in the post war.

>> No.18285216

good rec

>> No.18286013
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my twisted world

>> No.18286035

Skylark - Kosztolányi

>> No.18286066
File: 19 KB, 255x390, PerfumeSuskind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grenouille is ugly as sin: scabs, scars, a club foot, incel like personality, etc...

>> No.18286358

in my experience reading isnt attractive at all.