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18272229 No.18272229 [Reply] [Original]

>Houellebecq is able to give such a convincing portrait of incel-thinking because at some level he seems to share its core assumption, representing sex as something that women owe men. This misogyny can make reading Houellebecq an ordeal, and he ought to be read with the suspicion and resistance that his ideas deserve.

>> No.18272277


>I had no desire to say I'm sorry. Because I was not *smirk*

>> No.18272389

>At some level
Seems a legit argument, most certainly presented in good faith

>> No.18272434

sex is a human right

>> No.18272447

It might as well be.

>> No.18272538

another kike completely missing the point because of his butthurt

>> No.18272548

can I exercice my right of having sex at your expense?

>> No.18272559

no because homosexuality is wrong

>> No.18272795

>share its core assumption, representing sex as something that women owe men.
>women owe men sex
that's some entry level incel shit. Houellebecq, and the incels, believe that the world has been changed, by free love and free markets, so that it's harder for the losers to have sex.

>> No.18272841

Chad quote but why is he so fucking sweaty in this?

>> No.18272852
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>This misogyny can make reading Houellebecq an ordeal, and he ought to be read with the suspicion and resistance that his ideas deserve
No he oughtn't to because hypergamy and 80/20 rule are solid scientific facts and denying them in 2021 brings you down to the level of a flat earther or creation "science" believer and should exclude you from any civilized intellectual debate. That being said, acknowledging that incel science is correct and irrefutable is far from supporting the measures some incels have proposed to mitigate ramifications of sexual revolution and rampant hypergamy.

>> No.18272867
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>incel science
>Professor Rodgers, at the Institute of Women Suck, has proven conclusively that women owe him sex

>> No.18272888

I could rape you mom?

>> No.18272905

Some people are schediosexuals: they want graphs more than they want women.

>> No.18272921

>In a parallel universe where modern feminism doesn't exist and men dominate academia and blame all of societies I'lls on the inherent misandry of female professions like nursing or daycare. Where matriarchal norms are taught to children from birth.

>> No.18273211

He's French.

>> No.18273344

>>Houellebecq is able to give such a convincing portrait of incel-thinking because at some level he seems to share its core assumption, representing sex as something that women owe men.
But does he though? Does the author of the article actually provide any examples to make his case?

When reading Les Particules Élémentaires I never got the sense that the male character's struggles were framed as being caused by the simple fact that "women didn't want to sleep with him and that's bad because women owe men sex hurr durr".
The book was mostly amount the death of love in a society obsessed by youth, and it showed how both these things can be traced back to the sexual revolution. The same sexual revolution that was way more perverse and exclusive than it's usually thought of as. Houellebecq shows how 60's "free love" is not the liberation of sex, but the commodification of sex. And once sex is commodified, it starts to be monopolized by the beautiful and the young, leaving everyone else frustrated and alone. Reducing all this down to "he thinks women owe men sex hurr durr" is a way of ignoring the much more complex characterization of society that Houellebecq provides.

>> No.18273374

I just read The Elementary Particles and I'm in full agreement with you.
At some point people simply lost the ability to read critically. If a character does or says something bad, most will assume that the author shares their views and condones their actions. See: people on goodreads giving Stoner 1 star because Stoner "rapes his wife"

>> No.18273462
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All women who write about “incels” are projecting their insecurities onto a vague group of men who don’t really exist to the point of being able to mount a rebuttal.
It’s really ironic, because the “incel” mindset is that women see them as worthless punching bags, and that’s exactly what “incel”-obsessed women like this writer are doing when writing thinkpieces about incels.

>> No.18273665

Bestiality is also wrong

>> No.18273666

ultimately women do owe men sex, but they should get married first

>> No.18273676

>tfw Satan advises traditional monogamy
Looks like the modern world got too satanic for Satan

>> No.18273708

>And once sex is commodified, it starts to be monopolized by the beautiful and the young, leaving everyone else frustrated and alone.
Is it bad? To me it seems like the nature of things. Why settle down for a medicore man when you have an opportunity to have a brief but intense affair with a handsome lad? "Ugly people also need to be loved" is a ressentiment based on a hopelessness of competition.

>> No.18273713

>representing sex as something that women owe men
it is. a sexually frustrated man will eventually become either useless or detrimental to society. women are obliged to have sex with men. women just become insane cat ladies if they never get any dick.

>> No.18273737

>women just become insane cat ladies if they never get any dick.
They'd rather become cat ladies than have sex with anyone who is not a top 20% Chad

>> No.18273743

>Actually, I think he is not misogynistic enough

>> No.18273787

Why live a fulfilling life where you build a career, home, family when you can just drink beer in your underwear and live of unemployment money?
Because that shit gets old really fast and if you spent your 20s jerking off and being unemployed odds are you already severely hurt your chances of living a life you can be proud of when you're 70. Same goes with riding the cock carousel.

>> No.18273803

>drink beer in your underwear and live of unemployment money?
don't knock it until you try it

>> No.18273839

>Because that shit gets old really fast
Everything becomes old with time, in all senses of the word. In fact, many people become disillusioned with their career, spouses and kids in their 40s or even 30s. Maybe not so fast but still they do.
>are you already severely hurt your chances of living a life you can be proud of when you're 70
A woman can be proud in her 70s that she has spent her 20s riding the cock carousel. Also riding it doesn't neccessary lower your chances of having a career.
Also this >>18273803

>> No.18273846

I've pretty much tried that lifestyle in university. Im glad i don't live like that today.
Its one of those things that if you do it for a year when you're 20 it doesn't matter but if you do it for 10 years you have fucked up massively.

>> No.18273907

>A woman can be proud in her 70s that she has spent her 20s riding the cock carousel
that's almost never how it turns out. hedonism always fucks you up in the long term

>> No.18274025

Women unilaterally extract resources from men via taxes (which is essentially theft under threat of violence) while providing nothing in return. In an ethical society men would indeed be owed sex by women.

>> No.18274145

his fucking translator saying that lmao

>> No.18274959

Oddly based

>> No.18275191

women become useless as worst without sex. starve a man of sex for long enough on the other hand and he will burn your village down. women are therefore morally obliged to fuck incels. QED

>> No.18275200

Women owe me sex

>> No.18275236

kept his parka on inside

>> No.18275255


>> No.18275262

wish I could interview this man so I could ask him if being unbelievably ugly is integral for his writing process

>> No.18275309

Of the dozen-or-so women I know well, this seems to be the case. Their personal insecurity is directly proportional to the amount of time they spend complaining about incels and how horrible men are (not talking about how extreme their actual views are here, just how much energy they dedicate to it). However, I'm sure the exact same trend exists with men and crazy radfems. People in a good state of mind do not spend their time searching for things to get angry at

>> No.18275361

the whole "incels think women owe men sex" is a retarded meme. It doesn't mean anything. It's an effort to try to attribute malicious intent to a victim.
Happens to manlets all the time.
"Oh it's not their height, it's their insecurity" sure

>> No.18275399

>the whole "incels think women owe men sex" is a retarded meme. It doesn't mean anything. It's an effort to try to attribute malicious intent to a victim.
This, it's a completely nonsensical talking point yet it pops up everywhere in normieville when the incel issue is discussed

>> No.18275491

>malicious intent to a victim.
>Bruh you're victimizing me by not having sex with me right now
>Not that I'm entitled to it or anything, that would be a strawman b-baka

>> No.18275503

>Bruh you're victimizing me by not having sex with me right now

>> No.18275521

A volunteer roastie task force should be made to go door to door and have sex with incels

>> No.18275577

whats funny to me is that any sort of "incel" thought is rooted in equality / equal opportunity, the sort of root which is precisely what most liberals / progressives are in favor of. and of course most incels seem to balk at the idea of equality when we take into account that most incels also identify on the "right" of the political spectrum

>> No.18275660

Bluepilled liberals have their cake and eat it too by pretending hypergamy isn't real. Incels span across political spectrum. If there really are more right leaning incels its probably because the left leaning ones will usually just become gay/ tranny. The right leaning ones are reactionary and blame sexual liberation and are less likely to want to implement sexual communism, even if the end goal seems the same

>> No.18275831

Charles Fourier typed this post

>> No.18275880

>Houellebecq is able to give such a convincing portrait of incel-thinking because at some level he seems to share its core assumption, representing sex as something that women owe men. This misogyny can make reading Houellebecq an ordeal, and he ought to be read with the suspicion and resistance that his ideas deserve.
sounds word-for-word like something you'd read on reddit.
mainstream media needs to die.

>> No.18276061

laughed out l0ud

>> No.18277510

What a silly thing to say, a society where sex is not subject to market forces is still not "equal" because "equality" is a spook, there will always be incels.

>> No.18277604

Amazing post

>> No.18277651

point out to me where that post is arguing for equality

>> No.18278743


>> No.18278958

>and of course most incels seem to balk at the idea of equality when we take into account that most incels also identify on the "right" of the political spectrum
You ignorant buffoon. How can one man type so confidently despite being so wrong?

>> No.18278964

It is certainly an essential part of being, but rights can be demanded, sex cannot.

>> No.18278968

Women provide domestic hours of unpaid work which enable men to then go out and do their jobs. If women weren't looking after kids and organising the household chores, married men would not be as succesful in the workplace as they are. The tax is justified.

>> No.18278978

>sex cannot.

>> No.18278980

Do you really believe married women to be the sole beneficiaries of men's tax money?
Do you really believe married men to be the sole providers of said tax money?

>> No.18278994

Love is an exclusively male phenomenon. Gays have their brains hardwired like woman.

Love can only be had between man and god, god is dead, we are left as widowers. The grief will come and go It's over.

>> No.18279032

The best lack all conviction and the worst are full of passionate intensity.

>> No.18279305
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>> No.18279480

This phrase (women owe men sex) never made any sense to me, doesn't self-sufficiently convey any meaning but seems strictly performative (though I suppose that goes for all female verbal communication). When reading it I imagine a woman speaking in a certain tone of imagined superiority, perhaps directed at the idea she might have to settle for a "lesser man".

>> No.18279638

Going to play devil's advocate here, since I often frequent Reddit where incels are reviled.

Many of the people who speak out against incel ideology say that one of the big issues is that incel spaces produce misogynistic attitudes towards women due to creating echo chambers of resentment.

Without memeing, what is the best rebuttal to this? I personally think it's stupid, but it's one of those statements that get normies nodding their heads in agreement and I'd love to dash it to pieces.

>> No.18279648

The worst is that, while that is not at all what incels say (if we can even define an incel ideology), it is true.
At some fundamental level, women owe sex, if only for procreation. Try and argue that women have the "right" to extinguish humanity, or just their tribe, by refusing to have sex.
It's only because we live in complex societies with millions of people and possible threats of overpopulation that the responsibilities of having children are so spread out, so that the individual woman thinks she needs not have some. But women as a whole do. Men can compensate by doing other useful things at considerably higher rates than women.
Selectively enforcing hard individualism on the topic is out of the question. We live in a society where people are being robbed by taxes to fund the bottom half if not more of society, and it is considered a good thing by many (and like 97% of women, only honorary trannies like Ayn Rand ever saw past that). It is certainly infinitely less of a social duty than having children.

>> No.18279691

>incel ideology
It's just Marxism applied to the sexual domain

>> No.18279743

Not Marxism, but some form of socialism, yes.
Turns out women are like everyone: individualist with what they have, socialist with what they don't.
Since women basically only have sexual value over men, this means they develop an ideology of communism for everything except sex. Trade, industry, legal forms, finance, administration, services, independent speech, independent force and protection, etc. Women systematically more collectivist than men. But comes the question of their pussy and they spontaneously expose the purest form of individualism. Should they have more capabilities for logic they would develop it all from the non-aggression principle. Except even anarcho-capitalists are just interested in being left alone with few hard feelings, women openly despise the sexual plebeians.

>> No.18279750
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>> No.18279855

Anonymous Alcoholics produce AA spaces that produce anti-alcoholic attitudes yadda yadda.

ANYONE who believes there is some sort of problem in a society will create "space" where anti-X attitudes are spread. Communists, conservatives, prohibitionists, anti-gunners, antisemites, positivists, all of them. The argument is completely insincere, because it comes from insincere basis - a dogma that you cannot construct qualitative comparisons between beliefs etc. that is Christian fanatic is the same as Islamic fanatic or incel is the same as a ex-porn star raving about how men are all pigs and don't want commitment. Especially on the basis of certain hierarchy - as in arbitrary preference towards some particular groups over the others. They're just insane people with opinions that somehow dare to not be 100% accepting of everything that exists and happens in the world, or you're just supposed to think like that.

In reality however - and this is the insincerity of the whole ordeal - women are valued higher than men in the society(however you want to define it). Men being critical to women is therefore bad and no matter what argumentation is being used incels are bad t. society. There's no point in trying to argue with this because it's just hierarchy enforcing itself. The rationalizations about supposedly producing hateful attitudes or anything else are just that - a formal explanations for why are the malcontents put down, not a refutation for their beliefs.

>> No.18279888


This guy's second paragraph gets it. Stop trying to apply rationalilsation to woman's hatred of incels (and those adjacent), the action is not based on a rational calculation, but is merely a exercise of will-to-power. They're merely picking on the weakest, most pathetic group they can. That's it! Don't waste time thinking about it, just file it under your mental 'the weak should fear the strong' file.

>> No.18279896

I think it's funny how these left-wing/liberal women turn into boomercons as soon as this issue arises.
>Any kind of minority group has some kind of widespread problem
Clearly this is the fault of the system! We need to take a step back and assess what factors could be contributing to this at muh systemic level!
>Men don't have access to relationships and can't start families

>> No.18280398

>Without memeing, what is the best rebuttal to this?
Incel places show you true female nature without all the cultural bullcrap, nothing more nothing less. If finding out about true female nature compels me to misogyny then that's women's fault not mine.

>> No.18280417

Is this pronounced "well, bros"?

>> No.18280428
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>how is that a problem?

>> No.18280535

>In reality however - and this is the insincerity of the whole ordeal - women are valued higher than men in the society(however you want to define it).
no. women are only valued in society for their sexual attractiveness

>> No.18280668

powerful and brave

>> No.18280672

And they end up being pretty high up there regardless. What's the point then?

>> No.18280686

Based men with the perfect bell curve

>> No.18280718

>more than one quarter of men are basically 0/10
>only 6% of women, LESS than the proportion of morbidly obese ones (not just obese)
Women see more than one quarter of men, including some healthy working men that happened to be a bit short, the same way we look at genuine mart sharters.

>> No.18280792

buttblasted retards

>> No.18282037


>> No.18282283

I'd say the incel sphere is one of the few occasions throughout history where bottom of the barrel men have gathered together to share their stories and experiences. Sharing their stories they realize they are not alone in their suffering and they see how society is stacked against them for just being autistic/short/ugly etc; unsurprisingly this results in immense resentment (fully warranted imo given that this society prides itself upon being "fair"). Being a short/ugly/autistic male is not just a death sentence on a sexual level but it crosses over into other domains and severely impacts one's potential to succeed in life.

>> No.18282306

Is there any recommended book to begin with him, or is it just pick and choose?

>> No.18282348

How does one read something with "resistance"? Why does it "deserve" resistance, and why should the author care that she read it in a particular way?

>> No.18282353

might as well start with the elementary particles

>> No.18282850

Many left wingers are in favor of legal sex work.

>> No.18284292

I recently read the Possibility of an Island without having read any of his other works, and I was able to enjoy it but also pick up on a lot of the themes which people discuss when commenting on Houellebeq.

>> No.18284319

It was a rebuttal to the claim that men's tax money going to women is unjustified.
A: Women do unpaid labour in the domestic context.
B: This domestic labour benefits men, because they have more time and energy to focus on work.
C: Men having more time and energy to focus on work benefits their wages.
Therefore: taxation on men that goes to women is not theft, because they contributed to the wages being taxed.
>Do you really believe married women to be the sole beneficiaries of men's tax money?
They're not the only beneficiaries, but when they are, it is not unjustified.
>Do you really believe married men to be the sole providers of said tax money?
Of course not, but in a complex society, like ours, your bosses wife doing his laundry actually benefits your ability to do your own job because your boss is better able to do his job - and you extrapolate this over the whole of society to say that, women doing domestic labour in other houses benefits houses where women do not do domestic labour.

>> No.18284324

I wonder if Goffman's book Stigma will touch on any of the things you talk about in your post. It's currently on my to-read pile of books.

>> No.18284332

Problem: men can't access relationships.
Solution A: Increase funding for mental health services and community programs to faciliate social engagement for marginalised men.
Solution B: Encourage/force women to have sex with unnatractive men.
Which fits better into a rights-based framework of ethics?

>> No.18284823

I started with "Whatever" which was good because it's relatively short and it contains most of the themes that get discussed in these threads and used in his later books. If I were just starting out now however, I would start with his manifesto "To Stay Alive" which may be found for free online.

>> No.18284898

The way shitlibs think you can just "give money to program dis will fix all broplems" is amazing. State bureaucracy is not going to fix this situation. You need to address the problems that lead to these outcomes not just pretend that sending grown men to therapy is going to change anything about the widespread misery and alienation.

>> No.18284910

Life simply will suck for some people, and there is nothing they can do about it. That's a social fact. But if we're shit talking on our thatching board about solutions to problems, why not propose more effective solutions that are palatable to the normies?

>> No.18284944

>Understanding social ethics through "owing" and "rights"
Liberalism: not even once

>> No.18285140

Minus the terrorism he's the Ted Kacynzski of critiquing the misery created by the 60's counter culture, called the May '68 revolution in France iirc. Right about almost everything and pushing back on what the pompous French "intellectuals" assume is a given (woman's liberation is an unquestionable success) but still has a veil of resentment visible in his work and probably some screws loose too.

>> No.18285261

Did you come up with that yourself? Good job!

>> No.18286522

this made me laugh, thank you anon

>> No.18286527

You should turn to books to be challenged, this is literally the kind of shit we should be telling high school students. There's no reason to read to impose your own view, especially if it's a totally unformed one.

>> No.18286538

lel no.
subhumans with trash genes like incels should not breed. They're genetic information must die out and should not infect the gene pool.

>> No.18286561

t. average woman

>> No.18286564


feminism and women empowerment was the cure humanity needed for eradicating genetic subhumans and the plan is working quite well.
The only problem that still persists is although subhuman men could technically be wiped out clean,subhuman women would still be able to pass on their genes and hence make the problem still present.


>> No.18286578



>> No.18286625

>representing sex as something that women owe men
This is a dishonest framing of how incels feel. Really you tell these kids all their lives that someone is going to love them for the beauty inside them or that people will like you if you're nice to them and then you expect them to not feel resentful when it turns out that's total bullshit and really there's nothing about them that a woman would be attracted to.

>> No.18286757

I know this is bait, but the fact that "subhuman women" can and still do breed makes the whole exercise pointless. You are right though, because this is what is happening, men suffering without any eugenic effect on the population, pointless suffering, even if one supported eugenics.

>> No.18286797

It atleast makes sure that the children born would have a lot better genes(although still inferior to their dads thx to the mother) if their dads were chads .

>> No.18286845

Then how come in this feminist eugenic utopia, people have never been weaker and dumber?

>> No.18286863


>> No.18286888

It's never a pointless suffering nigga.Those genes that make it alive have a higher chance of discovering the reason why anything(including itself at the fundamental level of existence say planck length or even smaller dimensions) even exists ,from the cosmos to the individual suffering.Who knows if technology from assassin's creed or jurassic park could be a real deal in the future where those animals's genes that were preserved or passed on could be resurrected back to life and bring back it's conciousness.

All of this is obviously in the realm of crazy science fiction or just retarded, however why take a chance to die out permananetly from existence and get blown away by the winds of time and entropy without having something of u to survive. In olden times,people thought statues or great artworks or some other pursuit would ensure their immortality however it's somewhat stupid when viewed pragmatically. hell even this guy tries his best to survive and the only thing that would be left of him is the memory possessed by the protagonist.


>> No.18286897


>> No.18286938

Average IQ is dropping. Feminism is dysgenic.

>> No.18286941

>No he oughtn't to because hypergamy and 80/20 rule are solid scientific facts and denying them in 2021 brings you down to the level of a flat earther or creation "science" believer
god kek
when you say this to a lefty or some other (god have mercy for uttering this word) subhuman, their screeching is strong enough to shatter ear drums

>> No.18287152

It's a lot more than that.
the average iq has dropped because :

1.Many low iq people have immigrated to the first world and the first gen low iq immigrants come with many children or have them there and thereby pulling the average iq down.Mind u that this problem will immediately resolve itself or atleast improve the situation when the second gen women decide to date only caucasian guys.

2.High iq people like whites and ashkenazi jews are having relatively lesser children than the immigrants.Even this trend will reverse as a lot of politicians are agitating about this and u do see some good looking couples having 3 or 4 children.But the other problem of couples not having adeqaute and healthy children could be attributed to pollution(plastics,pthalates and the entire shanna swan thing) .The state of the economy also does play a role in this.

3.Bad nutrition(even though food is available en masse),horrible public education(in US of A obviously), perhaps easy access to useless enetertaiment and social media thx to bad parenting and yes having children at a later stage thx to feminism and women empowerment as u had stated.Women will have a kid when they're older than 30 or even 40 in some cases even when they know very well that they're child is going to be born retarded because that's how selfish they're when it comes to passing down their genes.

4.Women got tangled up with all of this nonsense of feminism,lgbtq,sexism,race equality ,etc. in the first place because
they were brain washed into thinking that supporting this was good(they're also susceptible to this thanks to their personality traits).This shit gets even more amplifie when u bring in the female nature which is virtue signalling and lying.I don't know if this is due to lower testosterone or just an inherent nature to women as it might serve a survival advantage when u can manipulate an enemy or a foe stronger than u.

>> No.18287274

In my opinion Houellebecq should be read chronologically.

>> No.18287311

There are a couple of problems with this line of thinking. For starters, you ignore the issue of unmarried women: if some woman is spending her life slutting around with random men, doing no domestic labor, then why should she be entitled to skim off the wages of some unfortunate STEMcel? And as for married women, their labor is paid for by their husband; there's no need for them to double-dip.
Beyond that, though, your view on taxes has some interesting consequences: namely, that anyone who has ever increased productivity for some people deserves to be rewarded with money taken from all those who were able to be more productive, even slightly so, no matter how indirectly, because of that person. Let us put aside the impossibility of calculating things like "Joe the Janitor earned 1.3% more in 2021 than 2020, 60% of which increase is attributable to increased productivity someone somewhere in the corporate hierarchy because his wife started helping out more around the house", which calculations are necessary to ensure that this redistribution scheme is actually fair. One undesirable logical endpoint is that poor people, whose lives were made marginally more productive by the founder of some cashless banking app or something, would have taxes increased on them in order to reward this (presumably rich) founder. Is a society in which money goes from the poor to the rich like this one that you'd want?

>> No.18287386


>> No.18287392



>> No.18287397



>> No.18287404





>> No.18287421



>> No.18287458


>> No.18287486

They're not effective, they're not even solutions

>> No.18287520
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>fulfilling life
>you have fucked up

>> No.18287538

How do you avoid ressentiment as an incel though? You're right in theory, but when you've been lonely your whole life and see beautiful people around you being happy together, it's impossible to not feel bitter at what you can't have yet what everyone else considers normal, healthy and natural.
MGTOW is a huge cope and reeks of sour grapes, so that's obviously not the answer.

>> No.18287554

I manage to reconcile my inceldom, neetdom and racism just fine by saying politics are a spook and only my self-interest matters

>> No.18287563

what I'm about to say is a retarded solution for the coming incel crisis. U're essentially going to get a situation like this guy describes if this problem grows.


or this guy


U can't solve the incel problem as long as women have even the smallest right to choose and men backstabbing each other,so just forget it.However u can ensure that thesen genetic subhumans get btfod in case they try to rebel en masse against the system. All u have to do is hire the top 10-15% of the men in intelligence and physical fitness in the military secretly and promise them with wealth and money and order them to enslave the genetically inferior humans.
In that wayu're destined to have a genetically fit population in a 1984 fashion (except here the top 15% men are intelligent, hardworking and morally right) .For the sake of common good the incels should not breed and have children.

>> No.18287568

Men would rate men that way too. We're hideous

>> No.18287571

>Being a short/ugly/autistic male is not just a death sentence on a sexual level but it crosses over into other domains and severely impacts one's potential to succeed in life.
The winning move here is simply not to play. Incels that cope by telling themselves they'll compensate by focusing on their career or whatever still don't understand, they're still playing the game.
When society is against you, complaining about it while still playing its game is retarded. The only viable answer to inceldom is dropping out of society and becoming a parasite.
If nobody owes you anything, then you don't owe anybody anything either.

>> No.18287581

it's a big club and u ain't in it

>> No.18287594

As a person who has read all of his books, I can confirm this.

>> No.18287670

Actual sublime beauty is scarcely achievable. Scarcity is what makes it desirable and the destruction of it is even more delicious. These pedestals were built to be demolished. Beauty is nothing without the potential degradation and defacement that may follow it. Excitement and discharge. Only lasts a minute. It won't last. We kill ourselves everyday. Death is an ocean and we swim freely.

>> No.18288253

Men not being attracted to men is a good thing.
Besides, it wouldn't at all change the description of the "hypergamy" at play.

>> No.18288348

Why, thank you NYT, I only read book reviews to know what moral stance to adopt when reading a book.
Bunch of illiterate morons

>> No.18288358

Based and deep take, anon, thank you
I've only read Sérotonine, tbf, but your account seems to line up with Houellebecq's position 100X more than this moralfagging journo's

>> No.18288372

I must admit that the fastest way to get me to support your position is to show me a New York Times disparaging it. It's not very intelligent but here we are. I remember the Uyghur situation, and while I think it's a real issue, the fact that the New York Times reported on it made me doubt the whole thing. I don't do this with any other media source, but the NYT earned my ire.

>> No.18288374

this is the truth, in the end its just females pushing for their self-interest, picking and choosing what they want and what they dont want.
Thats the reason why I unabashedly and shamelessly stand by my incel viewpoints, I have recognized that I have a right to follow my self-interest in a society where everyone but me does so, even if not conciously.

>> No.18288424

>It atleast makes sure that the children born would have a lot better genes(although still inferior to their dads thx to the mother) if their dads were chads .
breh thats not how genetics work

>> No.18288693
File: 415 KB, 1024x681, few times I been.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18289029

>global incel war
What we're likely to see are civil wars.

>> No.18289101

Extremely based

>> No.18289112

Probably no maquillage and the lighting was too warm

>> No.18289192

Gotta say I don't see much support of prostitution from the left. I've seen a poster posted around town by our native (Swedish) antifa which called for action against pimps and sex-buyers. Maybe this is just our insane Swedish gynocratic despotism though, I remember reading a while ago about a proposal (I believe it was) to criminalize Swedish men buying sex abroad

I think if one's intent is to achieve recognition then violence is the only answer at that point, you will get more recognition this way and it's probably much more satisfying. All school shooters I've looked into have similar stories of being ostracized by their peers, it's one of the most traumatic events a man can be put through and it's pretty much the norm for certain types of people (e.g. autists).

this. white incels, being at the bottom of society, are among those who most strongly feel the pressure of the invading underclass, just takes a good movement or leader to channel their immense resentment. Just hordes of young angry men betrayed by their society and with nothing to lose

>> No.18289207

>I think if one's intent is to achieve recognition then violence is the only answer
If enough men drop out of society, violence won't be necessary, though it may come as a byproduct of economic instability.

>> No.18289208

You deserve to be raped

>> No.18289246

Because cute men (think kpop idols or other boybands) are the main acceptable archetype besides retarded Chads & Tyrones.

>> No.18289263

i aint no houellebecq girl, i aint no houellebecq girl
now that makes so much more sense.

>> No.18289689

what are your solutions to those, as you say, scientific facts?

>> No.18289728

>Encourage/force women to have sex with unnatractive men
forcing women is one thing, but if women genuinely want to have sex for money (if they aren't forced by anyone), what exactly is wrong with that? i could understand being against men doing this since for a man to have sex he needs to get an erection which won't happen unless he finds hot the woman he's with
women, on the other hand, can give sex to men they find ugly since they just let the guy stick a dick inside them, it doesn't make it more difficult or borderline impossible for them if they find someone ugly

>> No.18289789

>females that could not be aroused by rape (ie provide vaginal lubrication) would be injured in the process and often died from infections
pure bullshit written by a pseud
1. the dick itself is not that strong that it can tear the vagina
2. even if 1 was true it still wouldn't happen because a sexually excited male produces precum which acts like a lubricant
this image is pure cringe

>> No.18289795

You have never had sex have you?

>> No.18289798


>> No.18289804

Honestly, I think this has more to do with women's weaker mathematical abilities and stronger emotional reactions, than any real pareto chads get all the sex situation.

>> No.18289817

>this has more to do with women's weaker mathematical abilities and stronger emotional reactions
what do you even mean by this? are you seriously claiming that they rate men lower because they can't get a basic grasp of a numerical rating scale? and how would stronger emotional reactions favor a stricter rating scale? why would they even get a stronger emotional reaction when rating men's looks? what does "emotional" even refer to in this context? do they get angry, sad, or is it something else?
are you a brainlet?

>> No.18289821

Not really but try reading the news once or twice and you will see that its not uncommon that women who are raped suffer injuries to the pussy. Sometimes quite serious due to bloodloss.

>> No.18289945
File: 30 KB, 338x678, 1617367955701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not submit to the pleasures of the flesh satan, begone demon.

>> No.18289972
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Who said sole you massive faggot? Men are the only group that pay net taxes. Every dollar a woman pays in taxes will be repaid to her with interest.

>> No.18290274

>Who said sole you massive faggot? Men are the only group that pay net taxes. Every dollar a woman pays in taxes will be repaid to her with interest.
You asshole, I'm on your side. They're rhetorical questions. The answer to both is "no", which is why it's wrong to say that the tax gap (as you posted) is simply a way to reward married women for unpaid domestic labor.

>> No.18292177

30 day bans for Twitter screencap posters and for people posting MSM articles

>> No.18292243

u're seeing that already with antifa. On top of that lib men tend to be the most depressed and virtue signal just women .

>> No.18292283

hahaha sperm banks rings this in my head.The caucasians are truly the master ethnicity.




>> No.18292380
File: 132 KB, 1080x1350, Instagram @teddybearosito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already see it, the most disgustingly obese macacas, the bottom of the barrel of the female genetic pool who can't attract even the most desperate of men are the ones demanding mutt sperm because basically any sperm would be an improvment to the fitness of their lines.
Make no mistake white boi, all the meninhas gostosas are out there looking for BBC.

>> No.18292633

lel no.

>> No.18292634

This, but unironically.

>> No.18292648

>Be me
>Assume "Submission" is a genuine prediction about the future of France, use it to help frame my thinking about Europe
>Talk to Frenchmen on /int/
>Apparently no one sees it that way and Houellebecq is seen as a glorified erotica writer
What gives?

>> No.18292650

>women just become insane cat ladies if they never get any dick
But women do have sex. Just not with you.

>> No.18292671

Is that really true? Sounds more like you're trying to console yourself by believing that hedonists will get their just deserts (at least in the form of regret later on in life). I think I've met many older people who used to be hedonists and don't regret anything; they actually try to keep being as hedonistic as possible even in their later years. Viagra is a thing; cougars are a thing.

>> No.18292679

>Women provide domestic hours of unpaid work

>> No.18292725

women are the truest parasites of society and mankind.They'll do whatever it takes to preserve and propogate their genes even in cases where they're fully aware of the fact that having a child after 35 is dangerous for the health of the child. They steal all the resources from a man's hard labour and cheat and backstab him and worse even drive him to suicide or even murder him.

Mankind must find a cure for this disease and parasite called "FEMOIDS"asap.They do almost nothing and manipulate simps and other ugly men to steal their time,attention and money. In nazi terminology,they're the jews and in communist terminology they're the Bourgeoisie.Mankind can get rid of this disease if it can devote resources into developing artifical wombs and female enslavement or better female eradication.

>> No.18292793

Reason he's based is because he allows himself to be serious. An American celeb (i.e. far leftist) would be giggling and smiling to try to soften his message.

>> No.18293107

Reproducing is the most fundamental part of being an organism. If anything makes modernity wrong, it’s when it gets in the way of a species staving off extinction. Same way the mass extinction of living things throughout the earth through environmental consumption is the greatest refutation to the supposed uphill progress of technological innovation and economic growth, the increasing inability of Homo sapiens to reproduce is proof that modernity is toxic injury inflicted upon it, not an adaption or an evolution to a higher state but a mutated deformity and a crippling maladaption. Modernity in its current form must be destroyed or it will destroy humanity.

>> No.18293143

houellebecq is out of vogue and a chud now according to many people who previously sucked his dick. he's 2015core.

>> No.18293221

Have you ever fucked a woman who wasn't fully in the mood? Your precum won't do shit in a dry pussy you retard. That's why foreplay is important, or you have to lick your fingers and knucklefuck em for a sec, or spit on their pussy or get them to suck your dick a little bit first. But great job letting everyone know you're a virgin who doesn't understand how getting laid works lmao.

>> No.18293433

Not an argument

>> No.18293856

>aren't you hot?

>> No.18294188

Hypergamy is a retarded incel meme, change my mind

>> No.18294362


>> No.18294419

Thanks, very scientific

>> No.18294438


or u could just read the selfish gene and see its references

>> No.18294483

mind u that this paper does not dive deep into the looks side of mate preference in humans and just illustrates things from the financial and resource acquiring side of things.

>> No.18294511

This seems to be a paper on what criteria men and women use to evaluate potential partners. What you need to demonstrate is that women nowadays prefer to get different chad cock every week from dating sites rather than going for a more long term relationship.

>> No.18294581

oh something like fidelity?

>> No.18294614


>> No.18294688


men tend inflate their numbers as they don't wish to be seen as losers or weird and women tend to say a lesser number as they don't wish to be seen as sluts

>> No.18294731

Do you have anything that shows that women get lots of cock and men dont get any pussy or not

>> No.18294768

that can easily be determined using this>>18294688
and the average matches a man gets on online dating.


>> No.18294783 [DELETED] 


>> No.18294831


>> No.18294846

>because at some level he seems to share its core assumption, representing sex as something that women owe men
Why do women always say this?

>> No.18294916


>> No.18294917

>that can easily be determined using this>>18294688
That shows that UK men have sex with 6.4 people on average and women with 7. That doesn't really help us to determine how many virgin women and men they are, it just gives us the average.
>and the average matches a man gets on online dating.
Most people don't use online dating sites. So that doesn't help us either.

>> No.18294949

god i thought /lit was the only bored safe from this kind of drivel. its all so dull.

>> No.18294984


in that case even this would be highly inaacurate as a lot of men simply don't wish to report that they're virgin and a lot of women don't wish to report that they've had several partners.But even these ultra conservative constraints u can easily see that women are way better off than men(the ones below a certain percentile in terms of SMV) .

u can only rely on things like the ones mentioned here.

>> No.18295072

Imagine living in a country where women are not put in their place.

>> No.18295131 [DELETED] 


>> No.18295165 [DELETED] 


>> No.18295183


>> No.18295184
File: 61 KB, 888x894, Eu70rcIXUAALAza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women owe me sex for existing
Anybody cares to try to refute this? You can use any philosophical framework you like and I will dismantle your arguments

>> No.18295189

>he hasn't taken the herbivore, NEET, hikki-pill

>> No.18295192

*and MGTOW-pill

>> No.18295302

women will not have sex with faggots and beta men with trash genes .Many men will be forced to get vasectomised by the government if they plan to support women's rights and by extension eugenics.

>> No.18295314

shitlibs know deep inside that the system is bunk. They have stopped trying to fix things that are relatively deep

>> No.18295332

Feminism is dysgenic.

>> No.18295341

solution c:storing the gametes of every men and women and ensuring that every man and a women has atleast one child.

solution d:developing artificial wombs and other fancy genetic engineering technology and eradicating women completely.

>> No.18295470
File: 1.66 MB, 2231x2286, Prof-Richard-Lynn-7635-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks women rights support eugenics
>meanwhile average IQ in native european population crashed by 1 SD in 100 years
>genetic diseases and alergies are getting more and more common
>actual eugenic traits like conscientiousness are on decline
>people are physically weaker and mentally more feeble each generation
Great eugenic project you have there buddy, keep it up and you will soon live in mudshack like crippled niggers

>> No.18295553

that's because whites are not having enough children and are just playing around meanwhile first gen low iq immigrants have already breeded like mad and have brought down the average iq of ur country.Fear not because the 2nd gen men of the migrants are going to suffer a worser fate than whites.Since the population and demographic time bomb has become a lot more mainstream it would not be suprsing to see iq levels coming back up and having a higher average compared to the ones seen b4 immigrants started arriving to the west.
If that were to fail,the government will step in and incentivise chads and women to have children.However such policies will notwork when majority of the male population are seen as inferior beings by women as in the case of east asian countries(the state of ur country's economy also matters).

>> No.18295598

I specifically said native because that decline happened even without immigration
The biggest causes of dysgenic fertility are welfare, womens rights and immigration in that order, and without adressing all three humanity will continue to degenerate

>> No.18295605

shit I didn't read,my bad anon

>> No.18295645

but wait a minute,wasn't there a population boom right after the world wars thanks to insane advances in agriculture that was able to fuel that growth where food was cheap and people in lower classes had lots of children?

>> No.18296019

Youre delusional or baiting if you think that current female mate selection is eugenic unless your gold standard of eugenic individuals is Terry Meeks, people with cluster-b personality disorders and criminals.

>> No.18296025

meant Jeremy Meeks

>> No.18296269

seething pseud

>> No.18297324

So a lot of men must suffer for a fantasy that is nothing more than mental masturbation?

>> No.18297346

Your common good is nothing more than mental masturbation that you watched on tv

>> No.18297894
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Good poast. I haven't read any Houellebecqn but this recurring strawman about incels demanding "sex as a right" is just so ludicrous. The very idea that incels (remember when this was a term of self derision and not a hate group?) have some sort of shared ideology based on resentment toward women is completely false.

>> No.18297919

>MGTOW is a huge cope and reeks of sour grapes, so that's obviously not the answer
there's no satisfactory answer but mgtow might make the most sense, because if it's true that the amount of love that woman can give you depends on your physical looks, then it's a waste of time to be in a relationship with a woman if you're ugly, since what she feels for you will never be sincere (even if she herself might say so, but i think that she would have to lie if not to you then at least to herself)
if you aren't beautiful what's the use of being in a relationship? it will never be sincere enough because of your looks
then again, people get old and ugly, but i think that the past can chain you down whether you want to or not, e.g. imagine having a wife which had a fair amount of sexual experience when young because she looked attractive and you didn't have any because you were ugly - is that marriage really going to be smooth? the husband could feel resentment which would make it hard for him to make a good connection with his wife

>> No.18298001

If a man can only rationally expect to get with a woman that would be an insincere net negative in his life, there is no reason for him not to "go his own way". There might (but not necessarily) be some coping at the realization, but it is transitory and does not change the situation.
Seems like some anon take the cope meme seriously like normalfaggots. As if you couldn't be right to cope, which is just cutting emotional losses.

>> No.18298080

>Without memeing, what is the best rebuttal to this?
That online self-radicalization is not unique to incels, but to any woe-is-me circlejerk, with feminism serving as a modern progenitor template for hating the opposite sex when it comes to incels.

Not really a good rebuttal as that's mere whatabautism in the end, but at the same time the crux of what's happening.

>> No.18298258

>I think I've met

>> No.18298290

>becoming a parasite
> Because I can't get women, I should become a burden to other men.
Yeah, no. they are still men and so comes the inclination to create and achieve.

>> No.18298940

physical attraction is not the same as love. Desire and love are two different things. Get it?

>> No.18299219

haven't men always been on the losing side for millions of years?
If u truly wish to seek justice and perhaps revenge u better figure out a way to completely replace women and snap them out of existence cuz afterall they've always manipulated men and have stolen their resources to ensure that their genes survived at the expense of the majority of men's genes.

>> No.18300129

The so called patriarchy mitigated the situation by a lot (when it was monogamous of course). In practice it was good enough for the typical cases so the issue was contained in tolerable margins.

>> No.18300140

>sex as something that women owe men
They do owe it, otherwise humanity would go extinct.

>> No.18300292

I have, but it's not satisfying in the long term

>> No.18300294

It's other men's fault if they choose to participate in this clusterfuck of a society. I have no compassion for wagies.

>> No.18300566


>> No.18300976

>some coping at the realization, but it is transitory and does not change the situation
>Seems like some anon take the cope meme seriously like normalfaggots. As if you couldn't be right to cope, which is just cutting emotional losses
yeah, it seems they look at it like "cope=denying the truth", when it doesn't always have to be so

>physical attraction is not the same as love
i agree, but when it comes to love of certain other things, e.g. abstract concepts
a love between a male and a female where both are heterosexual is pretty dubious and seems more like the rationalization of a desire to have sex or sex with extra steps, however you want to call it

>> No.18300980

>I have no compassion for people who want to earn money so that they can live for themselves
get a load of this imbecile
what do you want them to do, leech off their parents until the parents die and after that leech off someone else?

>> No.18300995

I have only disdain for society so I don't care what they do and I don't care if my behavior is aggravating to them. Blame the game, not the player.

>> No.18300999

>what do you want them to do, leech off their parents until the parents die and after that leech off someone else?
yes, leeching off of the government is especially preferable

>> No.18302098

>okcupid is real life
you need to unplug

>> No.18302231

You are right. The coomer/"incel" character in elementary particles is portrayed in a värt negative light throughout the book as well. The old sterile Woman and the chemist volcel are the ones you feel bad for. The liberation that comes from eliminating sexual expectations, attraction, procreation and desire from the human experience is the point of the Book. You'd have to be retarded or an ideologue to think otherwise. Journos tend to belong to both categories.

>> No.18302353

>so that they can live for themselves
you never live by yourself, that is just a myth. on the contrary, working is a promotion and acceptacion of codependency.

>> No.18302747

>from eliminating sexual expectations, attraction, procreation and desire from the human experience is the point of the Book
>sexual expectations
what? the point is that sexual liberation did not eliminate these at all

>> No.18304174

women not wanting to have sex with you runs on the same fundamental script like you wanting to eat tasty things
good things are good because they are experienced good
inceldom is just a very peripheral version of materialism

>> No.18304218

Based and truth-pilled post, recognizing clear phenomena without going off the deep end in response. Keep at it anon you are doing the Lord's work.

>> No.18304241

the biggest brainlet post on /lit/ currently

>> No.18304259

Great post. Very accurate summation of the great theme underpinning most/all of Houellebecq's work.

Elementary Particles was pretty devastating to read desu. Very good, and very sad.

>> No.18304608

More context from those lines:

>And it is in this sense, as diagnosis and evidence, that Houellebecq’s novels are now more urgent than ever. The portrayal of hatefulness is part of fiction’s mandate to give a truthful account of the world; there are characters in Dostoyevsky as revolting as anyone in Houellebecq (perhaps more so, because Dostoyevsky is a better writer). Houellebecq is able to give such a convincing portrait of incel-thinking because at some level he seems to share its core assumption, representing sex as something that women owe men. This misogyny can make reading Houellebecq an ordeal, and he ought to be read with the suspicion and resistance that his ideas deserve. But all the same, he ought to be read.

Kirsch on the whole seems pretty pro-Houllebecq desu senpai.

>> No.18304970

are you retarded?

>> No.18306022

Some other lines:

>For the last 25 years, in novel after novel, Houellebecq has advanced a similar critique of contemporary sexual mores. And while Houellebecq has always been a polarizing figure — admired for his provocations, disdained for his crudeness — he has turned out to be a writer of unusual prescience. At a time when literature is increasingly marginalized in public life, he offers a striking reminder that novelists can provide insights about society that pundits and experts miss.


>This sounds like a familiar kind of reactionary pessimism. But it is not quite accurate to call Houellebecq a reactionary, since he does not believe that it is possible to return to the sexual regimes of the past — in particular, arranged marriages — which he suggests did a better job of providing mates for undesirable men. In his novel “Submission,” Houellebecq mischievously toys with the idea that such a return could be accomplished by a mass conversion to Islam.


>Houellebecq likes to cast his novels as the testimony of the present before the court of the future: To understand why we were so wretched, posterity will have to read him.

The article is far more nuanced and appreciative of Houllebecq in general than OP's quote suggests. It is not unapologetic fawning over him, but it is certainly not pure reactionary criticism of him either.

>> No.18306209
File: 70 KB, 506x432, 1605556220481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who complain about being a virgin make me sick.
I have one thousand and one problems in my life and being a virgin isn't one of them.
In fact if that was my only problem or even just my biggest problem I would consider my life to truly be blessed by the heavens above
Just have sex... or don't it doesn't fucking matter and you're gonna spend your whole life obsessing over it just to realize that?
For hundreds of generations your ancestors managed it without fail and you can't? That's pathetic no it's beyond pathetic to the point that it can only be explained by something other than what is obvious.
The reality is you can't have sex because you don't actually want to.

>> No.18306551

Wellbeck is a great humanist, his descriptions always come from a sense of symphathie. The women in his novels are victims just like the men. If women weren't retarded they'd realize that.

>> No.18306566

Protip: incels don't crave sex, that is the physical act of penetration, but what leads to sex, that is physical attraction, love, relationship.

>> No.18306613

unfortunately it is. 40% of women found their partners via online dating and this was back in 2017 and social media is giving more power to women when it comes to mate selection.

>> No.18306946
File: 110 KB, 772x293, wellbeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post brah

>> No.18307120

it better be a top priority bro or ur ngmi.


BTW every living organism that exists today is constantly trying to fight for survival at the genetic level.

>> No.18308224

you wont be the same after 4 generations and the definition of you exists in various very similar copies around the world because 4 generations before you people were very different from you as well

>> No.18308322

>American celeb (i.e. far leftist)

>> No.18308347


While this is definitely true, there is some real resentiment very clearly in Houellebecq's work against his parents, his mother is basically the mother in Elemetary particles, and he is a combination of the two main characters. It is obvious that his viewpoint comes very well after the 68' generation has become old and shrivelled.

However the 60's were very much propelled by a youth movement and it way more inclusive than current trends and events. The culture, the aesthetics and the exploration of new horizons in consciousness were very authentic, even if they were commodifed like everything under the sun later in neoliberal crapitalism.

>> No.18308469

but a a part of u lives on till the the species or ur future progeny dies.

>> No.18308492

>The culture, the aesthetics and the exploration of new horizons in consciousness were very authentic

fucking lol,the french intellectuals were a bunch of losers with STEM envy.


>> No.18308506


>> No.18308568

Hypergamy was refuted by Simon DeDeo. Unfortunately he deleted the article because of incel threats.

>> No.18308582

Can find it here

>> No.18308601


>> No.18308684

It's pretty simple. Incels are just males who have been selected out of the breeding pool on the basis of poor genetics. Height, muscles, facial symmetry? All indicators of genetic health. Women are VIGOROUS eugenicists, though they're completely unconscious of this and would categorically deny any attempt to label them as such. Ultimately incels are completely justified in feeling like shit about their situation. They're the genetic (and/or social) chaff. They're defective. Conversely, women are completely justified in not wanting to fuck them if they're given the option. Self-proclaimed incels need to understand that their awful situation isn't their fault, while women need to understand that incels don't deserve to be treated like garbage just because they're gross and unfuckable. Incel men can and historically have been valuable members of society in other ways.

>> No.18308711

Anyone know any good theory-based incel lit? I've already read The Blackpill Theory.

>> No.18308900

the sources mentioned here:

>> No.18308908

not really the truth is it when lower castes breed like mad regardless of how they look, women mostly select on aggressiveness. they are all butt ugly and assymetrical and the trash doesnt seem to mind it

>> No.18308943

breathe in more copium my nigga.
Why do u think women line up for someone who looks like ted bundy or richard ramirez rather than choosing some other equally horrendous criminal who just happened to be ugly. That ugly looking criminal infact has the same chance if not lesser as that of an equally ugly looking guy who's not a criminal.

>> No.18309089




(page 486)

>> No.18309184

ypu dont do a very good job supporting your argument with this comment. the fact is: the so called incredible eugenicists often pick men whose physical features offer no signifiers of genetic health. you dont see low caste women getting impregnated by chads left and right do you? they all mostly have kids with equally dysgenic males.
i never denied criminality being attractive to low caste women caused by a misplaced instinct.

>> No.18309311


>the fact is: the so called incredible eugenicists often pick men whose physical features offer no signifiers of genetic health




>you dont see low caste women getting impregnated by chads left and right do you

women will almost always get fucked by men who are above their looksmatch unless until she lives in a hyper strict monogamous society. She'll try her level best to attract the chad obviuosly but the chad can fuck only so many women and he can only stoop so low in terms of female's looks.

>they all mostly have kids with equally dysgenic males.
as i said b4,that happens mostly in monogamous societies . That can also happen whe the chad is just so darn attractive that the women would use an ugly rich guy as a backup.


>i never denied criminality being attractive to low caste women caused by a misplaced instinct.
i don't think i've accused u for denying criminality being attractive.


>> No.18309542

Genes this genes that it almost sounds like a religion desu

>> No.18309595


because genes are precious coded information that dictates the way u function from the microscopic cellular level to the macroscopic cooming level.

>> No.18309648

why does it matter if it's in monogamous societies? aren't pretty much all modern socieities by and large monogamous?
instinctual desires are one thing, reality is another. i've never in my life seen or heard of a case of some low class dysgenic monstrosity getting impregnated by a "chad" male.
they were all impregnated by equally ugly and dysgenic, borderline criminal men.

you seem more keen on proving to me that being good looking means you are privileged. you arent saying anything i dont already know.

but i dont agree whatsoever that women are these infallible eugenicist machines whose instincts are precise and correct every time and if they made a mating choice, it must make sense. it mostly doesnt.

>> No.18309715

>why does it matter if it's in monogamous societies?
Because monogamy doesn't allow the mid-tier woman to get with the alpha chad, and instead she ends up matched with her equivalent beta male. Whereas in a free-love society the alpha male will fuck the top tier women *and* mid-tier women. Now the beta men need to go for the low class women or simp for the mid-class woman; this pushes the low class guys (the insecure incel group) out of the 'market' entirely.

Hypergamy is absolutely a thing, even if it's not universal. https://claremontreviewofbooks.com/a-woman-in-full/ is a good literary-based description (focusing on Tom Wolfe's works). A society that actively encourages it (as much of western popular media does today) is bound to create some discontents at the bottom.

>> No.18309735

low caste women often reproduce with equally dysgenic, almost entirely physically unnattractive males that almost as a law, abandon them and leave them with a dysgenic child.

on the other hand, look at regular women and their physical preferences. they are all attracted to boyish, slightly feminine looking men. not brutes. not bears. but guys like di caprio, depp, justin bieber, alex from targer etc.
even the black guys. asap rocky, Michael b jordan, trey songz - these three guys have undeniably boyish, girly features. women lose their minds over them.

how does that play into eugenics of women chosing the strongest, most genitically healthy appearing man?
how do these infallible eugencists dont see michael b jordans double chin or his girly prey eyes and think: yikes, dysgenic!

how do incels explain this shit?

>> No.18309754

>on the other hand, look at regular women and their physical preferences. they are all attracted to boyish, slightly feminine looking men. not brutes. not bears. but guys like di caprio, depp, justin bieber, alex from targer etc.
>even the black guys. asap rocky, Michael b jordan, trey songz - these three guys have undeniably boyish, girly features. women lose their minds over them.
>how does that play into eugenics of women chosing the strongest, most genitically healthy appearing man?
>how do these infallible eugencists dont see michael b jordans double chin or his girly prey eyes and think: yikes, dysgenic!

Because man isn't just a physical animal, he's also a social and political one. There are genes that make it easier for some men to be more sociable or influential, and for the last 4000-5000 years or so being sociable and influential have been highly correlated with being successful. 4000-5000 years is more than enough to influence evolutionary psychology and sexual desires/preferences.

>> No.18309797


>why does it matter if it's in monogamous societies?
that forces men and women to not have multiple partners or cheat each other and thereby maximising the chances for everyone(especially men) to find a spouse.

>aren't pretty much all modern socieities by and large monogamous?
no.It used be the case but things have changed way too much and is only going to get worse and have massive political,economic and cultural consequences.

>instinctual desires are one thing, reality is another.
instincual desires exist because they are built for dealing with ground reality which is ensuring genetic survival no matter what. What's not real is having a massive population and suddenly throwing them into a "free sexual market" aka giving everyone the right to choose .

>i've never in my life seen or heard of a case of some low class dysgenic monstrosity getting impregnated by a "chad" male.
they were all impregnated by equally ugly and dysgenic, borderline criminal men
U can't expect someone like henry caville to bang an ugly niggress but u will for the most part find a person who's a little attractive than that ugly woman settling down with her.The situation u've described happens only in monogamous socities or situations where a woman is in a dire state(say poverty) where she has no other choice but to settle down with a man who's below her looksmatch
but also happens to be richer than her and could hence ensure her immediate survival.

>you seem more keen on proving to me that being good looking means you are privileged. you arent saying anything i dont already know.
I don't know what u mean by priviledge.If u'd meant it as natural advantage for genetic survival then yeah. But hey all's fair in life especially if u view it as a game genetic survival.

>but i dont agree whatsoever that women are these infallible eugenicist machines whose instincts are precise and correct every time and if they made a mating choice, it must make sense. it mostly doesnt.
Their behaviour in dating apps and social media can be a good place to start observing that pal.U can also observe that in marriages,divorces,high schools,colleges,work place ,etc.

>> No.18309821

it still doesnt explain why women clearly ignore these physical deficiencies

>> No.18309832

It absolutely does. Fame is an attribute every bit as much as a double chin or "feminine eyes" are.

>> No.18309853

still doesn't make sense to me. these women know that it's almost a given that they will be abandoned soon after impregnation. why not do everything in your power to get impregnated by a henry cavill? this is a possibility and im sure they are aware of it.

it doesn't because eugenics are mostly based on physical appearance and according to incels women prioritize physical looks. why would they ignore these deficiencies for fame only?

>> No.18309869

>women prioritize physical looks
Everyone prioritizes physical looks. That doesn't discount that people *also* prioritize things like sociability, fame, success, etc. As I noted, man is not just a physical animal, he is also a social and political one; and he has been for thousands of years.

>> No.18309900

because they love their facial bone structure eventhough they may appear like a pretty boy who looks like a teenager.




>> No.18310155

>still doesn't make sense to me. these women know that it's almost a given that they will be abandoned soon after impregnation. why not do everything in your power to get impregnated by a henry cavill? this is a possibility and im sure they are aware of it.

what ?who said that they'll be abandoned by the man .If the man decides to abandon her,where will he find another one given the tough competition men face coupled with the fact that he wouldn't be able to see and protect his one or two progeny.Nigga, it's the woman who wields more power in this situation(especially when the law and society favours women).As I had said b4 the henry cavills or the johnny depps can only bang so much and maintain a facade of "casual relationship" or only stoop low enough to bang an above average looking women.

Moreover the case that u had said that is woman getting banged by a way better looking guy and then getting abandoned does happen a lot and these women finally settle down with a guy who can provide her with financial security all thx to the guy just being desperate as he might have run out of options.iirc,that's the case with joe rogan and I think u can see a lot of examples where a man without any past relationships settles down with a 30 year old single mom . I some other extreme cases a woman would've deliberatlety cheated her husband and would be carrying the child of another man while still being married by pretendinf that it's the child of her husband and not someone else's especially in countries where paternal testing requires the consent of both parents.

But fear not as the usage of sperm banks is gaining a lot of traction .The only obstacle here is balancing between children and work but even that can taken care when labour laws such as mandatory maternity leave ,state funded child care,etc. gets implemented.

>> No.18310230

So true

>> No.18310242

Don't blackpill me bro...

>> No.18310275

You have exposed yourself as a femcel

>> No.18310301

Why does this site and other academic retards studying "incels" obsess over reproduction. You realize a lot of sexually unsuccessful men probably have zero desire to be a father and just want intamacy, human connection and to fucking coom.

>> No.18310322

remove negroisms from your vocabulary

>> No.18310327

Holy shit there's an incel wiki?!

>> No.18310421

gtfo redditoid

>> No.18310887

That article is very misleading. I'll pick at it later today.

>> No.18312497

>Women are VIGOROUS eugenicists, though they're completely unconscious of this
Refuted as early as Charles Darwin in his chapters on sexual selection. Criterion of sexual attraction are themselves a randomized attribute. The only "optimized" result is fulfilling sexual impulse. The idea that women "must" have a magic radar for some strange general criterion of genetic quality (how would it even be defined, using criterion of reproduction/survival is just begging the question) is unfounded. It's a strange cope to make women look good.
Besides, what are "vigorous" genetics here? Men with low impulse control, lower IQ, high intragroup violence, narcissism? Because all of those improve your chances.
Last but not least men would have to follow the same argument (even if 90% of men weren't sexual selectors, it would work with Chads). Yet you never hear how all the bizarro fetishes of men are secret optimization of the sexual quality of the women involved.

>> No.18312927

This post stumps the normalfag.
WTF Bro how could they not want to reproduce?? Everyone wants that! Wanting a GF and love ALWAYS means reproduction.

>> No.18313802
File: 22 KB, 700x460, 0619-hot-dude-mug-shot-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the number one things women look for without fail? Height and facial symmetry (ultimately bone structure), strength and fitness (testosterone levels). All those negative social traits you listed can be overlooked, so long as the genes are good enough. Remember pic related? Remember the viral storm of wet pussies (despite him being a low IQ violent mutt criminal)? “no bro it's completely random" is 1000% cope.

>> No.18313922

> Love is an exclusively male phenomenon
I would not be surprised if that's true. It certainly seems that way.

>> No.18313955

What are you arguing, exactly? You seem to think the only traits with a genetic basis are bone structure and facial symmetry, and that all the things listed by that other Anon are unrelated to genetics. obviously, you're wrong.

>> No.18313976

Yes, women select men for r-traits. Men select women for k-traits.

>> No.18314316

I don’t think white incels are the bottom of society, in fact white incels are the most uncommon of all incels despite perhaps being over represented online
Minority non-black incels are the bottom
I think we’re likely to see a leader who takes advantage of minority men with no hope for families and no connection to the state due to media influence who forms a stalwart political block based off of racial equality and ending white supremacy
Throw in some shit like shrinking demographics in an increasingly minority majority first world and sparks start to fly
Although even incels live comfortable lives despite the lack of sex so I doubt we’ll see any true revolution

>> No.18315147

hm. this seemed relatively convincing as a case study, but the claim of 2 bisexual nodes when in fact there were 5 bisexual nodes and 1 gay node put me off the author a bit. maybe he just doesn't know the difference between nodes and edges, but that could even be worse if he's drawing his article from a graph

>> No.18315323

Yep, examining the hookup network of a 2004 high school in a conservative area of the united states is definitely a good way to disprove the concerns of incels and also relevant to the experiences of a 50 year old frenchman.

>> No.18315338

I don't read the Jew York Times, that entire paper is loaded garbage with full page advertisements for the ADL and Israel on every other sheet.

>> No.18315346

>makes small critique of Islam
>is taken to a court and tried for inciting "racial hatred"
lmao I hope a nuclear bomb explodes in every single cosmopolitan hellhole on this gay earth.

>> No.18315628

So female spontaneous sexuality brings about unsapient apes. That's an argument for not respecting female preference. Where's the magic eugenic radar now?

>> No.18315653

stop seething christshit

>> No.18315713

and looks especially in men are positively correlated with healthy genes,high testosterone and intelligence

>> No.18315805

Based. I have no sympathy for incels and neither does nature. God hates the ugly

>> No.18315866

God is not dead bro. You just haven't had a peak experience yet. They don't happen to everyone. You have to actively search for who you are and what you want to do. ITT I'm in a five year relationship with a woman. I can leave her and be fine because I have God and my purpose.

>> No.18315921

>sexual frustration, misanthropy and pessimism are "inceldom" and "misogyny" now
God, I hate j*urnos.

>> No.18315934

>Gays have their brains hardwired like woman
Lol no. Fags fuck like rabbits because they're men, that's what all men want but only fags can have sex on demand.

>> No.18315951
File: 685 KB, 1145x815, chess savants and high functioning autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for fuck sake, it's just a never ending cycle with you guys. At least anon above admitted it's not about this.
>positively correlated
Unless the correlation is extreme and stable it wouldn't be an argument.
>healthy genes
It has been proven that health robustness has fuck all to do with attractiveness (which doesn't count already crippled and terminally ill people).
>high testosterone
Genetic predisposition to high test makes you look like a turbo autist, it is not attractive to women at all. Also makes you shorter all other things being equal (we all know how women love that). Note that we are comparing genetic disposition, not bodybuilding looksmaxing which isn't genetic (and women don't care much about it anyway). Behaviorally testosterone is linked to both positive and negative traits as judged by women.
Not really. Full retards are filtered but high IQs also are.

>> No.18315955

>Love is an exclusively male phenomenon
Read some evolutionary psychology it's closer to the opposite. Just because no women love you doesn't mean they don't love at all


>> No.18315962

these chess players all have very nice skin.

>> No.18316030

Correlation not causation. Intelligence and Looks, Height correlate to a certain degree since theyre all influenced by childhood nutrition, good childhood nutrition also being a good indicator for a decent upbringing (focus on education for example).
Beyond that facial bone development into a "attractive" face is highly dependent on the enviroment via nutrition. See nutrition and physical degeneration by Weston Price.
And thirdly the study you refer to had teachers rate the attractiveness of their 7 and then 11 year old students. Thats prior to or at most very early into puberty so sexual dimorphic traits werent even present at that time and as we know from hollywood child actors being an attractive child doesnt make you an attractive adult.

>> No.18316032

Actual female comment.

>> No.18316347
File: 376 KB, 900x1200, 483909D7-668F-448C-9518-F82CA784FC2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At some fundamental level, women owe sex, if only for procreation. Try and argue that women have the "right" to extinguish humanity, or just their tribe, by refusing to have sex.

How would you feel if you were told you owe this woman sex for larger societal considerations? You wouldn’t be best pleased would you? Thankfully it’s not an issue for future generations because you’ll choose to have children with someone you find attractive.

The unforgiving elitism of unbridled human sexual selection is what made us the highly developed species we are. It’s a great blessing women our choosey, it’s not in the interest of our species’ future for women to dilute the quality of our shared gene pool by accepting angry chimp cum.

>> No.18316357

Inb4 are choosey* I slept badly last night.

>> No.18316360

Millenials and zoomers don’t use fucking okcupid, they use tinder bumble etc

>> No.18316388


>It has been proven that health robustness has fuck all to do with attractiveness
Plz tell me what copium u inhale.

>Genetic predisposition to high test makes you look like a turbo autist, it is not attractive to women at all. Also makes you shorter all other things being equal

fucking lol,bone development and bone density is highly dependent on testosterone u dumb nigger.Why do u think men with wide jawline,wide shoulders and tall stature have very high testosterone . And as for "autism",




The correlation between abnormal levels of estrogen and autism is much higher than that with androgen and autism in the foetus.The stupid ,"manly" behaviour exhibited by autists is not at all manly but rather a sign of fucked up brain.The potential reason as to why autism is more prevalent in boys than in girls could be because of the shorter Y chromosome that's suseptible to more damage compared to the X chromosome or it could be because of something else that we haven't found b4.


most autists are unfortunately on the lower functioning side.

>Full retards are filtered but high IQs also are.
not a lot ,only a few and it would be great if women were to select men primarily on the basis of their intelligence,Conscientiousness,stress tolerance and good moral behaviour.

>Beyond that facial bone development into a "attractive" face is highly dependent on the enviroment via nutrition
U can only provide so much nutrition and environment to ur child to help him develop a masculine,symmetrical ,hunter like face.
If u happen to be east asian,u're genetically predisposed to have a feminine face.Even in the case of caucasians,if u're mother happened to be an ugly women with an unsymmetrical,u'll most probably develop something like her's .

>And thirdly the study you refer to had teachers rate the attractiveness of their 7 and then 11 year old students. Thats prior to or at most very early into puberty so sexual dimorphic traits werent even present at that time and as we know from hollywood child actors being an attractive child doesnt make you an attractive adult.
Assuming nothing goes wrong in say boys during that stage or later say not ingesting pthalates,estrogenic substances and all other shitty chemicals modern men have been consuming or exposed to,that kid will almost certainly develop a good looking face if he was good looking when he's good looking at 8 .Here good looks refer to symmetric and harmonic face.



>Weston Price
yes that is true becuase ur lower face is the one that's subject to a lot of stresses .But u also inherit assymetries from ur parents.

>> No.18316396

>evolutionary psychology

>> No.18316406

Incels are slave moralists so I don’t like them.

>> No.18316416

they're just acting like straight people who's unconconcious desire (lust) is ensuring their genes survive.

>> No.18316456

literally astrology for men

>> No.18316816

Wouldn't mind. Turn out the lights and a hole is a hole is a hole.

>> No.18317052

absolutely no sources, the post

>> No.18317083

You do know two modern humans created that? So much for a woman being 'choosey' if thats the goblin output

>> No.18317156

Bumping for later

>> No.18317402

Some women aren’t choosey and many can’t afford to be, that’s the problem. Anomalies happen.