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/lit/ - Literature

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18269510 No.18269510 [Reply] [Original]

Why are seemingly all the respective great authors of each nation protestant?
>both John Milton and William Shakespeare
>Johann Goethe
>Hermann Melville
>Dante Alighieri (widely regarded as a precursor to Luther)
>Cervantes left the catholic church

Marcel Proust and Joyce are the only ones I can think of that were chatholic. Why is the very peak of western literature so non-catholic?

>> No.18269583


>> No.18269590

>Why are seemingly all the respective great authors of each nation protestant?
>names authors from only five nations
>three of which were majority protestant to begin with
>one author wasn't even protestant
OP. . .

>> No.18269606

The Greeks were protestant because they weren't catholic.

>> No.18269611

Cervantes never left the Catholic church. He joined a Franciscan order and remained a member until his death. And Dante was very much a catholic, he just didn't like the pope which isn't even that uncommon among Catholics.

>> No.18269612

Shakespeare and Cervantes were Catholic, you retard. Dante? Seriously?

>> No.18269622

The Catholic Church would frequently hold trials reviewing religious challenge to their canon, if the lit was accepted it became canon, if it was rejected the author was guilty of blasphemy and was excommunicated.
The history of free will philosophy in the Catholic Church is an interesting one. Most were excommunicated.

>> No.18269635

goethe sucks nobody reads him unless they have to for a class

>> No.18269646

Joyce was also opposed to the Church, Proust wasn't a deeply religious person but acknowledged the importance of religion in society.
As Nabokov once said, Religion is too narrow for an artist.

>> No.18269657

Balzac was a catholic as well

>> No.18269666

all the best authors in scotland were catholic or non-religious apart from George Buchanan who was the greatest Latin writer in history

>> No.18269667


>> No.18269668

Nabokov was obviously completely wrong and even the first arists themselves prove him wrong

>> No.18269683

Cervantes was protestant as well, he was a quacker. Bocaccio and Petrarch were also known to be persecuted by the Inquisition for their Protestant ideas. Luther's Bible, he translated it from Bocaccio's famous translation in his native tuscan dialect.

>> No.18269690

Well that just like your opinion man, as well as his.

>> No.18269691
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Because Protestant nations had higher literacy rates because every child was taught to read the Bible.

>> No.18269726

ever heard of homer, vyasa, david, vico, girard?

>> No.18269738

yeah, some of them, so what?

>> No.18269801

What would have happened to their writings if they weren't Christian?

No, that's putting the cart before the horse, they wouldn't have even been allowed access to the education necessary to write literature.

>> No.18269822

Melville was an atheist.

>> No.18269883

Ah yes, there wasn't literature before Christianity!! Hahaha!

>> No.18269898

I've also noticed that Protestant supportive literature (particularly Calvinist/Reformed) VASTLY outnumbers Catholic literature.

>> No.18269956

There literally weren't books before Gutenberg (a christian fyi) you spastic

>> No.18269965

I fucking hate this board. I think I'm leaving forever.

>> No.18269989

hah triggered

>> No.18270043

>literature only exists through the medium of 'books'

>> No.18270178

>Why are seemingly all the respective great authors of each protestan nation a protestant?

there i fixed it for you

>> No.18270515

Nabokov was a seething midwit

>> No.18270516

>tribal chanting and banging a drum is literature

>> No.18270546

Well it's hard to be creative when slightly straying from the accepted dogma of a central church gets you ostracised.

>> No.18270577

- Palestrina
- Hadyn
- Mozart
- Liszt

- Bach
- Handel
- Mendelssohn
- Wagner

Who comes out ontop?

>> No.18270589
File: 75 KB, 960x643, 20210210T0845-POPE-AUDIENCE-DAILY-PRAYER-1164671 c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*blocks your path*
