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18266830 No.18266830 [Reply] [Original]

How can one separate the author from their writings (should one even)? I want to read beyond order but how to take advice from a drug addict about life.

>> No.18266841

Pretend there is no author

>> No.18266844 [DELETED] 

I am a skinny loser who never once lifted and I can destroy this whore in a fight. Women are pathetic

>> No.18266855
File: 197 KB, 1024x1024, cryrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I read 12 rules of life and really affected me in a good way, not it just seems like lies

>> No.18266877

An author should be separated from their writings if they are writing fiction, or non-fiction (history etc, and to a lesser extent philosophy).
Self help books the authors works should be representative of their life. Imagine if Pythagoras was a dirty bum like Diogenes. Would he have been seen as Apollo himself? Fuck no.

>> No.18266880

> and I can destroy this whore in my dream

>> No.18266888


Judging someone's arguments to be shit because the author has some undesirable character traits is a logical fallacy.

You can start from there.

>> No.18266896

Just skip the parts about drug addiction.
Also "men" who are into "muscle girls" are homosexuals.

>> No.18266903

>get rejected for job as sponsor in rehab facility
>"wtf who cares if im an addict, thats a logical fallacy"

>> No.18266919


I mean you're pretty retarded if you deny what I said. If a drug addict tells you that the earth revolves around the sun, it's false because he's a drug addict ?

It's the same with any author. Just because an author doesn't have the power to guide himself by what he supports in his writings, it doesn't devalue the power of his writings.You have to judge ideas against ideas, not against the character of the person writing them.

If you care about the author's characteristics more than the arguments he makes, then that's just shallow thinking. I can't help you more than this.

>> No.18267010

Maybe it's gay if they're gigantic, unfeminine roided out ones with clitcocks, but girls like the one from OP are pretty sexy.

>> No.18267046

Not really, enjoy your cock sandwich, faggot.

>> No.18267061

>Also "men" who are into "muscle girls" are homosexuals.

How can they be homosexual when they like vaginas?

>> No.18267067

You are attracted to masculinity.

>> No.18267099

You are a homosexual.

>> No.18267101

If the same drug addict speaks about drug addiction or self improvement in general, I will take what he says with a grain of salt.

>> No.18267141
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Read easypeasy method or your brain on porn Seek help or ngmi

>> No.18267147

>Judging someone's arguments to be shit because the author has some undesirable character traits is a logical fallacy.
Are you insane? Would you read a cookbook written by an avowed coprophile who cruises public toilets for a meal?

Then why read life advice from people who clearly failed at life?

>> No.18267156


>> No.18267171

By your own logic, since you're a gay niggerlover, we shouldn't accept your argument either.

>> No.18267172

>Would you read a cookbook written by an avowed coprophile who cruises public toilets for a meal?

That's not the fallacy you retard. The fallacy is that someone is wrong simply because they are an "avowed coprophile who cruises public toilets for a meal?".

E.g: "Vegetarianism is wrong because Hitler was a vegetarian."

>> No.18267180

Have you considered that a drug addicted person may offer better advice on how to avoid addiction, due to direct contact with it?

>> No.18267208

Yes, because I am a man. You on the other hand will never be heterosexual.

>> No.18267222


>> No.18267229


>> No.18267239


>> No.18267240

>The fallacy is that someone is wrong simply because they are an "avowed coprophile who cruises public toilets for a meal?".
That's not a fallacy. If someone is insane enough to eat shit from a public toilet then the totality of all their decisions and opinions are suspect.

>> No.18267243

Muscularity is not an essentially masculine characteristic, and as I noted earlier, it exists on a continuum from toned and shapely (allowing preservation of breasts and a nice amount of fat on the hips and buttocks) to unfeminine mess. OP's girl has a relatively pretty face, prominent-enough breasts, and shapely thighs, hips, and buttocks. I don't see how defined abdominal muscles and toned, slightly-larger-than-average biceps cancel out the former points.

You have to go back.

>> No.18267249

>You have to go back.
Seek help or ngmi

>> No.18267250


>> No.18267255

sucking cock is the only form of heterosexual sex

>> No.18267256

I appreciate that she put failed even though she's fit enough to pass it off to normies that she actually did those things.

>> No.18267257


>> No.18267275

If you're into "muscle girls" you're gay—simple as.

>> No.18267284

You. Have. To. Go. Back.

>> No.18267288

>writing a thesis to justify being attracted to masculinity and being gay

>> No.18267290

>OP's girl has a relatively pretty face
She (?) looks like a literal troon.

Yeah, you're gay; seek help.

>> No.18267291

You keep saying that. If it's so simple, you'd surely be able to mount a counterargument, no?

>> No.18267296

No yuo

>> No.18267298


>> No.18267307

I don't need argument when I have apodixis on my side.

>> No.18267313

>Writing a thesis to justify being attracted to masculinity and being gay
>Muscularity is not an essentially masculine characteristic


>> No.18267322


I mean his "drug" addiction wasn't heroine or cocaine that people typically do. He reached this point because he was prescribed medication for depression since his wife was diagnosed with kidney cancer.

For me Jordan Peterson is neutral, so I'm not making it a point to defend him or whatever. He didn't start taking drugs because he failed at life, as is the typical case of drug users.

>> No.18267331

You do when common knowledge is itself called into question. Otherwise it's just dogmatism.

>> No.18267351


Yea, maybe.

But let me make a distinction.

You can give valuable advice about drug addiction, but fail to follow it yourself. That doesn't necessarily mean the advice wasn't good, just that reality is often more complex than just do X or Y. There are a lot of factors which can make the difference between someone that recovers from drug addiction and someone that doesn't.

I didn't read "Beyond Order" yet to be honest so I don't know the specifics, but I'm just saying that no single piece of advice will magically change you as a person. It's just a piece of information that you receive. What you make out of it still depends on you as an individual.

>> No.18267352

From my experience most guys who are into muscle girls are just nerdy closeted gays who got into fitness/lifting after leaving high school.

>> No.18267353

yes. she is queen.

>> No.18267359

What's her name?

>> No.18267360

>You do when common knowledge is itself called into question
Surely you'd be able to mount an argument supporting this assertion, no?

>> No.18267367
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>> No.18267373


>> No.18267376


I'm the guy you replied to.

We were talking in the context where you already decide to read something. You have the freedom to pick the books that you read, it's impossible to read everything anyway.

If you decide to not read a cookbook because it's written by a coprophible, that's totally fine. That's an argument against why you don't want to read that book, not an argument against the contents of the book itself (which might as well have nothing shit-related).

>> No.18267389


I mean, you're thinking in extremes. A person can be a coprophile and a genius in the same time. People can hold seemingly contradictory characteristics.

>> No.18267431

It behooves the defender of the aforementioned common knowledge to provide reasons for why something that they clearly hold not to be arbitrary isn't arbitrary.

>> No.18267444

>It behooves the defender . . .
Sorry bro, gonna need a source for this one

>> No.18267470

yeah, only faggots like girls

>> No.18267485

Guess I’m homosexual

>> No.18267497

Washboard abs and no tits, you guys are fags

>> No.18267504

Imagine if JBP got clean for 5+ years and spoke about addiction and self improvement. Imagine if JBP went past his need for medication to deal with extreme sadness. His words would have a lot more weight.
I said: take his advice with a grain of salt. I didn't say: dismiss it entirely.

>> No.18267514
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>> No.18267543

Bro, we've all read the Wikipedia article on the Münchhausen trilemma. It behooves you, not in some abstract, foundationalist sense, but from the practical, rhetorical point of view. If you want to be taken seriously by your fellows, you need to speak constructively and cooperatively with recourse to more than mere assertion and defensive dialectical tricks about the problematic nature of justification. Say your view is founded in healthy intuition or that it's a brute fact that femininity is A rather than B, it doesn't matter what, but say something. It is not enough to simply assert and when challenged challenge the challenge if you want to convince others that your view is in some sense worthy of the assent that you yourself give it.

>> No.18267548

It is you who are terribly insecure around the muscular woman. Your accusation is just wrong

>> No.18267554


Well, that goes with anything I guess. All advice should be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.18267557
File: 8 KB, 224x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read, sorry.

>> No.18267565

Nah he's right. They did studies showing that guys who are into muscular women are more likely to be gay.

>> No.18267573

I doubt you are a lesbian butters. Given you like overly muscled women. Maybe you should try a D to confirm. Maybe you're a lesbian for the social benefits that come with it. Not for the fact that you are sexually attracted to women.

>> No.18267576

Troll. Gays are into men not muscle women. You are insecure

>> No.18267584

Lol no human sexuality is way more complicated than that. A lot of gay guys use it as a mask.

>> No.18267597 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 1080x1080, 6FAA404E-A3E9-4E8D-9474-9B1913994B83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s no social benefits from being a homosexual, dork. And I like a wide variety. Overly muscular can get masculine looking, but there’s nothing wrong with this woman’s proportions.
Here’s another body type I love

>> No.18267604

You use anonymity as a mask so you can out and say it. They don’t look for muscle women threads, they go to /hm/

>> No.18267611

Ok butts. I concur.

>> No.18267629

Yeah I doubt they actively out seek muscle girl threads, they do however adopt the persona of appreciating muscle girls. Just read the studies lol

>> No.18267639

>There’s no social benefits from being a homosexual, dork.
imagine believing this while living in the west

>> No.18267643

Completely untrue

>> No.18267650 [DELETED] 

>2+2 is wrong because Hitler said so

>> No.18267652

>There’s no social benefits from being a homosexual
lmao maybe 20+ years ago, but certainly not today. Capital loves LGBT

>> No.18267662

I meant:
>2+2 = 4 is wrong because Hitler said it

>> No.18267666


>Completely untrue
>Proceeds to not give any reason for why it's untrue besides his simple belief on a whim

Low IQ

>> No.18267682

This is >>18267359 reporting back to say that I've sampled some more of this lass' content and come to the conclusion that I want her to beat the shit out me.

>> No.18267718

Seek help or ngmi

>> No.18267727

Are you the guy who was told to go back? Regardless, you have to go back.

>> No.18267743


>> No.18267834

Of course not. The author is the key to his text, it is basic hermeneutics. It is okay to take advice from a former drug addict on how he beat his dependency and how not to behave like him generally.

>> No.18267843

Not when the character is the point of the argument. If the bad character can't apply his own advice he is at best mistaken, and probably just insincere.

>> No.18267931

So, not here.

I don’t love capital.

>> No.18267977

Seek help or ngmi

>> No.18268030

Here I’ll solve the problem for you. What I’m about to say comes from Samuel Johnson (I’m paraphrasing).

Just because a man is a hypocrite doesn’t mean that what he’s telling you is incorrect, it just means that he’s incapable of living up to what he knows is right. What he’s trying to tell you may be valuable and correct, and at the same time he may simply not have the power to live up to it. The problem may lay with the man, not the idea.

>> No.18268184

Back you must go.

>> No.18268254

does not surprise me

>> No.18268303

post belly

>> No.18268325

>Also "men" who are into "muscle girls" are homosexuals.
she ain't no musclegirl, she's athletic.

>> No.18268342

>OP's girl has a relatively pretty face, prominent-enough breasts, and shapely thighs, hips, and buttocks. I don't see how defined abdominal muscles and toned, slightly-larger-than-average biceps cancel out the former points.