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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 530 KB, 597x591, 1620869549152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18266606 No.18266606 [Reply] [Original]

Questions That Do not Deserve Their Own Thread: Part two

>> No.18266615

I miss the days when this general had an anime in the OP pic. Those were the golden days of QTDDTOT. Not this farce.

>> No.18266619


>> No.18266621

Should I become a muslim?

>> No.18266628

If it helps you in your spiritual path

>> No.18266633

How much of a "full-of-myself-asshole" would I be if I kept notes while reading a book?

>> No.18266635
File: 29 KB, 480x360, 1618905948577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go back to those halcyon days, instead of this OP faggot putting a frog in the OP pic. .

>> No.18266667
File: 178 KB, 282x257, DK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't watched anything pornographic for years, and yet I still couldn't stop masturbating.
Is there any /lit/ recommendations that might help me with that matter (or with my discipline in general)?

>> No.18266672

Read Naked Lunch. You’ll be turned off unless you’re a faggot.

>> No.18266680

>being this much of a newfag

>> No.18266682

read Evola, you will gain motivation from his books

>> No.18266762

Favourite nordic noir book that's not shit?

>> No.18266847

You can't "become a muslim" or "become a jew" or "become woman" or "become Russian". You're born with some identity and you can't change it.

>> No.18266850

Is there a name for the trope when a powerful character (vampire, wizard, monster, etc) tries to live with regular people or a regular human character tries to live with super powerful characters? Not even secretly. I started noticing this in a bunch of random weird places. It's usually comedy and most of the "comedy" is derived from awkward situations the super powers create or how the main character has to live with all these weirdos who could crush him/her. I see it in warhammer 40k comic strips, pixar/dreamworks animations, cartoons, anime/mangas do it a fuckton, etc.

>> No.18266934

Islam is a religion, retard, not an ethnicity

>> No.18267007
File: 80 KB, 625x493, baczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polish bros, who do we think was the best poet out of the generation of Columbuses?

>> No.18267031

Anyone have that massive infographic of how the jews run the publishing industry?

>> No.18267054

Can anyone post as many pictures of that shit frog and that autist fuck as they can? They make my insides warm.

>> No.18267063
File: 2.57 MB, 3952x5048, jews in publishing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotcha covered my man

>> No.18267074

Anyone else feel like they just can't focus on lectures or seminars anymore? I would honestly rather read a transcript instead of sitting in for ninety minutes, losing track of the whole thing after the prof again restates his position to the text or book and to the author, asking rhetorical questions no one cares to answer, and answering only what sums up to highly specific bugmen questions or dumbing his material down, answering generally only in his system of terms which only ought to be used because --- everything else can only be wrong.

I feel most should just write books again explaining their thought, instead of writing piecemeal papers for what appears to be only their immediate academic circle. I would rather read a published lecture, series of lectures, than sit in on any of them. It's such a huge waste of time, especially now with everything being online and only online.

>> No.18267535

I noted this too

>> No.18267545

Any advice for a newbie writer? What helped you the most, besides writing and reading a lot?

>> No.18267574
File: 837 KB, 1280x1685, 1280px-Van_Gogh_-_Trauernder_alter_Mann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can someone with aphantasia be a good creative author? Is it a fundamental impossibility? Not being able to visualize things in my head has me teetering on the edge of giving up.

>> No.18267612

Aphantasia is bullshit. You're just a retard.

>> No.18267637
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I can barley grasp the books I read if they are just basic rehashing or a reconfiguring of the concepts I've already dealt with. Nothing I make is clever or original, and even if it was it would be done better later by someone else. I don't think I'm cut out to write anything when there are so many people better epuipped to do so. Part of me wants to give up and go mindlessly plow fields and enjoy the warmpth of the sun on my back and the cool sweat on my brow, but in the image of me living that life i'm always haunted by my choice to abandon my obsession....
Books to help me unbothered by giving up, or books to help me not care about sucking?

>> No.18267665

Is there a good hub where I can look for literary criticism relating to a certain book?

inb4 google, it mostly brings up trash discussions from reddit or random newssites writing a few sentences on it.

>> No.18267675

"Book" -reddit -newssites

>> No.18267779

This is not an encouraging reply.

>> No.18267803

What do you mean by aphantasia exactly? Whenever I see someone mention it, it turns out they have something else in mind.

If you mean being completely incapable of imagining a scene, say two people talking in a kitchen, then it's gonna be a major pain in the ass and will have a marked effect on your style, but I don't think it would be completely impossible. You'll probably have to use lots of aids for descriptions (scenes from films, paintings, other writings or just reality itself) and focus on the non-description parts of writing, but it's still doable. Books with a very heavy focus on dialogue should be possible for example, provided you don't have problems with imagining conversations.

>> No.18267826

Who is the whore on the right?

>> No.18267833

No me :(

>> No.18267890

My girlfriend

>> No.18267918

thanks for the reply, will check it out
on an unrelated note, are these threads getting archived with so few replies like the last one?
is the board really this fast and vacuous?

>> No.18268001

>enough self-discipline to get off porn
your libido is just high. jack off when you feel like.

>> No.18268157

But you will never be treated as muslim by real muslims who grew up in muslim culture

>> No.18268165

You would just be someone who wants to remember what he read.

>> No.18268315
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>> No.18268439

At what age is cringe keep posting anime pictures?

>> No.18268641

It's only cringe you're under 18

>> No.18268682

If you're up to it, sure.

>> No.18268715

As a white guy, all muslim girls will like me

>> No.18268717
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What are the best books on Vegas and gambling? Preferably if it was from first person experience

>> No.18268729

Said who? They will treat you even better actually because they will try to make you attached to it.

>> No.18268736

>Whitey's delusions

>> No.18268773

Do you have any piece of evidence that shows Muslims treating new Muslims with derision or disgust?

>> No.18268824

I didn't say derision or disgust so don't put words in my mouth
They will "accept" you, but you will always be treated like an outsider and you will never integrate fully. There are certain things that you simply don't do, like trying to enter communities you won't ever understand. It's like going to the jungle to dance with savages and unironically think they treat you like one of their own

>> No.18268829

and by "savages" I don't mean they're worse btw. Just a name for tribal people

>> No.18268890
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Are the works of Stalin worth a read if I'm not interested in the history of communism?

>> No.18269039

what's that meme called with the female like that.

>> No.18269083
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Why don't audiobook makers do it in the style of old radio dramas/plays? Where people voice different characters. I mean, I just don't understand why it's one narrator reading every character every time, except that it's way cheaper and simpler. Surely that can't be the only reason, though.

>> No.18269152

Be honest, you are just hating because a white man wants to become muslim.

>> No.18269183

They do it sometimes, but other than the cost thing, I read somewhere that most people actually prefer a single narrator. I only have an issue with it if the narrator is bad at voicing people of the opposite sex. That's why female narrators are not my favorite, men in those audiobooks usually just sound like they are tired or completely uninterested in everything. I wonder if that's how we sound to women.

>> No.18269238
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Does anybody knows who and from what book is this green guy?

>> No.18269242

Incel’s fever dream.

>> No.18269288

fever? why would it be fever?

>> No.18269318
File: 105 KB, 680x360, 2yn9t854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is more annoying?
1) Incels
2) People who complain about incels

>> No.18269341

if u think about either you should shut the fuck up

>> No.18269359

hard not to with comments like this in every thread >>18269242

>> No.18269433 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 850x645, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having sex before marriage
>having sex before age of 35
>having sex with another species
>having sex at all

>> No.18269445

I got a collection of works by the greeks to get me started but a friend and I just read the symposium together and I've discovered that my translation is pozzed and highly censored
Fuck me, it was a fresh buy and like $40. I don't even want to continue reading it
Should I just tough it out and read it or say fuck the greeks meme and move on

>> No.18269461
File: 27 KB, 405x563, wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know a good book to explain Wittgensteins concept of the Mystical? Specifically I want to know how much it remained and changed in his later work after the Tractatus.

>> No.18270267
File: 5 KB, 102x121, magee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would bet money that the "hermetic Hegel" book guy posts here, no one else would be that autistically obsessed with the subject. Glenn, if you're reading this write a sequel, preferably with pop-ups.

>> No.18270282
File: 222 KB, 1024x1271, 1615937706895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love apu and his girlfriend

>> No.18270317

I don't.

>> No.18270350

Converts need to act twice as pios too be taken seriously by other members of a religion. This is true for all of them.

>> No.18270362

Why would anyone draw this

>> No.18270413

You say this stuff like you have a personal experience with it, what happened to make you formulate such an opinion?

>> No.18270430

They would want to act pious because they're still learning about the religion and want to immerse themselves into it, sometimes even deeper than those who were raised by Muslim parents.

>> No.18270435


>> No.18270537

Lots of practice, and writing smaller projects that I care about that aren't some juvenilia attempt at a magnum opus at age 23. Short stories are golden, read old short stories and learn. Learn how to write something "just okay" and not take yourself so seriously.

Learn how to get ideas out because you care about the ideas, not because you want to be seen as an aesthetic virtuoso first and foremost. Most aspiring writers are assholes saying the equivalent of "I want to be a famous composer" before they can even play an instrument. This is stupid for various reasons but one of the most important is that most literature is not like music, it is not pure aesthetic play where you can be admired for channeling raw emotion into raw ineffable form, such that the actual intellectual content of the work is secondary.

Most great and competent writers wrote to get ideas out. For example, a "scene" that gave them a frisson for some reason they can't fully express intellectually. Maybe they are fascinated by aspects of the weird and otherworldly, and even though they couldn't quantify this or express it philosophically, they somehow just know that certain dynamics and ideas and confrontations "hit upon" the thing that fascinates them, whatever it is deep down. Then they write those scenes, and vehicles for them, with varying levels of success, perhaps one day achieving a single magnum opus, perhaps not. But along the way they are honing their craft and reaching greater heights they could not have conceived without those years of groping.

That's why it's also important to care deeply about it. Again, don't aspire to be an admired aesthete. That's like wanting to "be a celebrity," without caring how you get there. If you are passionate about expressing or sharing certain ideas you will be willing to suffer for them and for their slow perfection in your work. Someone who just wants to be a big famous guy like David Foster Wallace is not going to torture himself for 20 years churning out flawed masterpieces like Wallace did. And Wallace's first book was embarrassing and bad, another useful bit of insight into the process of finding your voice and finding your ideas. Sometimes you will flounder for 20 years before you have enough failures and embarrassments to stand upon to see what you really meant to be saying all along.

Learn to love pulp. Learn what short story authors felt when they got published and received fan mail on a story that wasn't perfect, that wasn't a perfect work of crystal they had polished for a thousand years and perfectly expressed on paper, but was just a pretty damn good presentation of something they passionately wanted to say.

Learn to find your voice and your quirks. Some people are Flannery O'Connor, some are Dickens, others are Frank Herbert or William Gibson or PKD or Greg Egan or Dan Simmons. Some people want to write real gritty human beings, others are autistic asexual barely human freaks and that's okay too.

>> No.18270554
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I've read Heart of Darkness but nothing else by Conrad. Is Nostromo a good pick?

>> No.18270560

Garver, Complicated Form of Life is a good starting point. Check the index for mystic.

>> No.18270653

Is there any way to interpret the Bible without falling back on tradition? I mean it is a 2000 (at least) year old document that was practically made in a different world than the one we have today. If you look at the Bible by itself, would you be able to figure out what is really meant by anything in there?

>> No.18270676

I need short occult works, such as "The Hermetica", please.

>> No.18270714

Want to be acknowledged as writer, where should I start?

>> No.18270772


>> No.18270831

the one you hear more often

>> No.18270907

Any good books about Jeanne D'arc? I want to listen to one on audible while I'm at work.

>> No.18271284

Bump for this

>> No.18271296
File: 74 KB, 1080x1056, 120840837_671405947139040_8607343160746611520_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If barnes & noble says an item isn't currently available online, but will be all the way in August, I'll definitely get it in August if I buy it now, right?

>> No.18271338

what was that essay on walking? the schizo core one that made up a story on the history of strolling as a saintly activity

>> No.18271343

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.18271527

Did Plato write anything short? Don't have a lot of time to go through the Republic.
By short I mean, less than 200 pages more or less.

>> No.18272009

Thank you very much!

>> No.18272043

ignore this faggot.

>> No.18272045

not op but thnx

>> No.18272052

Okay twitter transvestite.

>> No.18272063

Darkness was way better than Lord Jim is all i can offer

Write good stuff. Send it to as many lit mags as you can and as often as you can. Its a numbers game. Then once you have a lot of small publications, try for a full length book.


>> No.18272151
File: 8 KB, 228x221, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other good stories about cucking other than Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina?

>> No.18272164

Lola By Zola has a lot of that

>> No.18272169

I meant Nana

>> No.18272410

/lit/ Bros I gave up porn but can't seem to control masturbation. Any lit to help me control it.

>> No.18272431

What do you mean by "control"?

>> No.18272537

Anyone know good sites for downloading free books

>> No.18272575

Have you even read the Quran you spineless faggot

>> No.18272592

Complete Works of Shakespeare... Oxford or Arden? Or is there any reason I should buy individual titles instead?

>> No.18272733

Is it worth to read into psychology? if so what should I start with

>> No.18272964

It’s not that big a deal. Freeing yourself from industrialized sexuality is far more important than not touching yourself.

>> No.18272967

Why does the on my Kindle battery randomly drain? Sometimes I'll turn it off at night fully charged but when I wake up it might be at like 85%.

>> No.18272997

>Don't have a lot of time to go through the Republic.

>> No.18273291

I usually just start masturbating out of the blue, almost got beaten up at a funeral yesterday

>> No.18273306

/lit/ wiki has some listed, I went through them and these are the ones I got bookmarked:
https://gutenberg.org/ (books with expired royalties)

>> No.18273398
File: 108 KB, 946x1360, 613mEX2EEwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The novella reflects Dostoevsky's own addiction to roulette: he completed the novella in 1866 under a strict deadline to pay off gambling debts

Why the fuck did they use a Mussorgsky pic though?

>Is it really not possible to touch the gaming table without being instantly infected by superstition?

>> No.18273417

Based Beheritto

>works of Stalin worth a read if I'm not interested in the history of communism?
Uhh, I'm not sure... Why would you read them if you're not interested in history of communism in the first place?
I found Questions/Principles of Leninism very interesting and relevant.

>> No.18273441

>Is it worth to read into psychology?
It really depends if you're interested in it, not much else.
>if so what should I start with
Freud, whatever book of him is higher in the bestseller list. Probably the one about dreams, I guess.

>> No.18273587

Is this the new "I am a Buddhist" meme

>> No.18273669

does anyone have that british apu

>> No.18275284

>Why would you read them if you're not interested in history of communism in the first place?
Because they were written by Stalin, one of the most of the important figures in the 20th century.

>> No.18275292

Just find a bitch to stick your dick in.

>> No.18275437

I need help remembering a word I can't think of, so this is a good opportunity to flex your verbal intelligence. I think it's used often in maybe biology that means an agent is affecting something, doing its characteristic thing that it normally does, like gene expression. The closest definition I can think if is something manifesting its effects. Pretty sure its basic form is a verb. Example "The never ending darkness allowed bob's depression to [express itself even stronger]." Please help me I don't even know if this word exists anymore. I may have heard JBP use the word but I'm not sure on that.

>> No.18275568

>an agent is affecting something, doing its characteristic thing that it normally does
Is it Pseudomorphosis?
You didn't make very clear what you're looking for.

>> No.18275622

I don't know about other people, but I can't stand it when they do, "voices". I just want the whole book read the same way.

>> No.18275644

Because technology is gross. Read paper books comrade

>> No.18275758

I'm sorry but it's not that. I don't think it's a technical word, just often used in a scientific context but you might here it occasionally in speech. The closest concise description is that it means something which, by extension of its essential properties, produces an effect on something, or, in other words, expresses itself in a context where it influences the characteristics of something else

>> No.18275774

Pseudomorphosis wasn't very close to what I mean. It has to involve an agent and an object on which it does the thing described by the word I'm looking for.

>> No.18275791

How modern is the down-on-his-luck protagonist device? I'm reading a ghost story from the late 19th century and its surprisingly funny and reads like a very modern piece of writing

>> No.18275893

I've read some of the books that are often posted on here: Portrait of the artist as a young man, Dubliners, Heart of Darkness, Blood Meridian etc.
What are some similar good books that came out in the last 20 years?

>> No.18276232

Can't help you directly; but I've asked in another thread for help.
Anon... I... There aren't good books made in the 21st century.

>> No.18276282

not really sure what you mean but from your example certain words popped up in my mind, so I'm just gonna list them anyway

>> No.18276297

If any good books came out in the past 20 years, maybe our grandkids will have the pleasure to know

>> No.18276340

if you wsnt to read a new chapter but are tired and dont know if youll finish it. do you quit halfway through it? or dont even bother starting ig?

>> No.18276371


>> No.18276386

The Regent by Benito Perez Galdos
My First Love by Turgeniev
The Swann's Way

>> No.18276413

Does anyone remember the name of a book series I read when I was younger? I remember that it was like Harry Potter, the main character had a strange name, wizards had clouds always hanging over their heads and I think the first book had the main character feed people frozen in time by sticking small bits of carrots up their noses. There was also a sequel where he fell down a big hole, and one where some guy had a big garden that was behind a door with the word "Jardin" on it

>> No.18276530

Depends on a book
Books have different structures and different lengths of subsections. If I know that chapters are short I will finish it, but if I know chapters are long I will just quit somewhere in the middle

>> No.18276612

Does anyone know a book about some plane that crashed in the ocean where half the crew died and rescue missions were sent out, but eventually a pilot flying his last mission found them after they held up a flashlight to help?

I think it was called The Rescuing of ______ or something along those lines.

>> No.18277668

Are you thinking phenotype? It matches some of your description but you cant use it in the sentence you provided.

>> No.18277673

Bumping this question.

>> No.18277866

The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde

Both are good dystopian novels.

>> No.18277878

give me a better way to say "the fact that", I overuse it to hell while writing

>> No.18277946

Novels with depressed or suicidal protagonists?

>> No.18277950

You don't need to use it at all since whatever you are stating ought to be implied to be true or at least honest.

>> No.18277952

Is it the Bartimaeus Sequence?

>> No.18277958

The tunnel by Ernesto Sabato
Notes from the underground
no one writes to the coronel.

>> No.18277975

What are some works that have more on the concept of the relationship between the man and his dog in The Stranger? I don't want an analysis of the relationship itself, just more works that have similar relationships and the relevant themes.

>> No.18278837
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The face is the "enbies are heckin' cute and valid" one, you will never turn those attention-seeking whores into cute tradwives who will unconditionally love you

>> No.18280133
File: 162 KB, 838x820, Screenshot_2021-05-20 Critique of Pure Reason - kant-first-critique-cambridge pdf(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me understand Kant's proof of the antithesis of his third antimony? I'm not sure what he means by "Every beginning of action, however, presupposes a state of the not yet acting cause, and a dynamically first beginning of action presupposes a state that has no causal connection at all with the cause of the previous one," It seems like he's saying that actions beginning outside the causal chain can't exist because because they aren't caused, which is circular. Why can't an originally uncaused action combine with a normally caused action to produce another caused action?

>> No.18280147

clarification, its not actually circular, what I meant was that it seems like he is assuming everything must follow causal law to show that uncaused actions can't exist

>> No.18280150

Al-Qanun (The Law)
I learnt to read the arabic script

>> No.18281108

The guy from notes from the underground wasn't suicidal, just cynical

>> No.18281118

Good books on writing short stories?

>> No.18281155

Any recommendations for good "journey" style fantasy novels?
I'm talking about things like Belgariad or LoTR aka the whole "kid goes out of his town and travels through the various lands, encountering other races, fantastic creatures and probably some magic shit"

>> No.18281394

Any good secondary sources on Dante's Divine Comedy that you guys would recommend? Books, podcasts, youtube lectures etc. I want to really appreciate the greatness. I have prepared by reading the works of Homer + Virgil + The Bible (kind of), anything else I should check out?

>> No.18281427
File: 81 KB, 474x700, Newman and Eastwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have The Mutineer by Hunter S. Thompson? I tried to find it in Libgen but it's nowhere to be found.

>> No.18281440

Books with a protagonist that suffers due to the absence of virtue in himself?

>> No.18281504

Why is enbie accepted as a thing now, did the troons win?

>> No.18281510

That's aspie dumbass

>> No.18281857


>> No.18282584


>> No.18283145

enbies are cute though

>> No.18283164

I’m looking for stories that inject just small elements of fantasy, mythology, whatever into its story. I don’t think there’s description for this so I don’t really know how to describe it. I’m aware of magical realism but magical realism is too much of fantasy. Basically, I’m looking for stuff that’s 99% realism but 1% fantasy, if that makes any sense. Hopefully someone knows what I mean and can recommend something.

>> No.18283191

like alternate history stuff?

>> No.18283197
File: 154 KB, 1833x263, his.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the board's sticky? Why is there no sticky?

>> No.18283203

wrong board?
or are you asking about /his/

>> No.18283239

That could fit but it’s not exactly what I mean. I’m sorry but I’m having a really hard time describing what I’m looking for. To give you an idea, I recently read a book that is 99% totally realistic but there’s a few pages dedicated to an occurrence that’s basically supernatural. The story as a whole isn’t supernatural. There’s just that one supernatural occurrence. I’m looking for stuff between magical realism and realism basically.

>> No.18283264

I hate these memes so much

>> No.18283268

Did you really expect much from incels?

>> No.18283280
File: 599 KB, 960x1200, 89772750_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cannot cringe at me because i do not allow myself to be cringed at
go ahead, cringe at this post. i won't accept it. you can just keep cringing and hoping for me to be embarrassed, and it'll never happen because i will simply never let myself be embarrassed on your behalf. why would i? you're probably a nigger anyway

>> No.18283357

Orson Scott Card's Lost and Found might be what you're looking for. The plot is basically that people have superpowers but they're all really underwhelming and trivial

>> No.18283370

Have sex

>> No.18283408

I do

>> No.18283447

What happened with the guy that made threads about Moby Dick with an e-mail and links to read Moby dick? I just finished this book after avoiding to click on his threads and now he is gone, that's not fair, bros.

>> No.18283928
File: 8 KB, 251x201, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Nietzche means by over-going/down-going?

>> No.18283945

You can only be a Jew if your mother is a Jew, you can't just become a Jew, as opposed to becoming christian.

>> No.18283963

Why do you want that?

>> No.18284041

no i was asking about lit. maybe i dont see it because ive inadvertently filtered it