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File: 3 KB, 524x24, Screenshot_2021-05-18 lit - Can we get a lit humor thread - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18265585 No.18265585[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18265591


Butterfly is very entertaining and this would be a duller place without them.

>> No.18265594

fucking cuck

>> No.18265596

Let's ban you instead

>> No.18265644

I didnt say she was good, just that she is an interesting figure.

>> No.18265660


>> No.18265670

I would lay down my life to bring about the death of everyone involved behind this pseudonym.

>> No.18265684


Why though?

>> No.18265705

Nobody likes you and chances are you don't even read

>> No.18265706

Censoring faggot

>> No.18265761

>chances are you don't even read
I read more than most of you. And that wasn’t an answer.
Never mind. Let the thread die

>> No.18265763

I lurk here all the time but I must have mist this. Is this the same poster with the butterfly? I see different codes like ...ketj but I don't know if that is the same poster or not. Are they just a thread derailer?

>> No.18265776

Kill yourself

>> No.18265879

I'm the one telling OP to fuck themself for arguing on FUCKING 4CHAN to censor an anon. Granted this particular anon is an attentionwhore tripfag, but I am staunchly anti-censorship. I don't like butters, but even she makes a great post once in a while. I'd miss her contributions even if I don't agree with or enjoy the vast majority of them.

>> No.18265902


>> No.18265940

Hi, is this the thread where the unwashed plebs congregate with their pitchforks, and torches?

>> No.18265948

okay cool, I just wanted to know if these different trips I see are one poster or not. Very tired today, fucked up muh spelling.

>> No.18265974

Some are her, some are not, many imitators trying to force her to be anonymous by mimicking her. It is fairly easy to spot the imitators, they do not put much effort into it.

>> No.18265979

I find it strange there are so many strong opinion about one prolific poster. I have run into the same posters on multiple threads when they reuse a phrase or a reaction image or something. I never see anything so strong from any other board.

>> No.18265987

Butterfly is the love of my life and you shall not harass her any longer!

>> No.18265988

Most likely it is the incels since they ignore all other trip fags, even the obnoxious pedo. We have a small but militant group of them that do everything they can to eradicate woman and talk of woman from this board. They are fairly ineffectual and mostly just annoying.

>> No.18265989

isn't butterfly a woman?
regardless, she makes every thread better with her posts. why would you want to remove her?

>> No.18266124
File: 837 KB, 2178x1440, 1620047421795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 Land threads
>moldbug thread
>capitalist realism thread
>2 Deleuze threads
>2 China threads
Can we ban Butterfly's son?

>> No.18266253

What's the story behind Butterfly? I know she is a Marxist (the good kind apparently who read Marx). Is he tranny? A real women?

>> No.18266286

Yeah, because only one person is interested in these topics
Get over yourself, schizo

>> No.18266298

I bet beanie anon loves that he posted his photo. Imagine being immortalized on /lit/ with one low effort post.