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/lit/ - Literature

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18264715 No.18264715[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Don't mind the Ayn Rand, it's obviously there to troll

>> No.18264721

My IQ is 89

>> No.18264727

too much vidya anon

>> No.18264731

anime and video games have converged with the invention of isekai/cheatcode rebirth style light novels. they're the same drug for your brain deep down

>> No.18264874

Sorry mate sportsball belongs between genre fiction and anime

>> No.18265421

> "genre fiction - average IQ of 70"
> freaking slaughterhouse 5 as genre fiction
> dune
> asimov
this is such bullshit

>> No.18265456

this has been debunked before

>> No.18265465

genre fiction subhuman detected

>> No.18265488

>Sports - 113 IQ
Isn't it an entire stereotype that sportsfans are idiotic meathead boomers? There's just no way they can be that smart, especially when gamers are apparently less than half of that.

>> No.18265533

Don't forget alcoholics

>> No.18265542 [DELETED] 

Video games will be the most powerful medium in world history. Love seeing the hordes of poser midwits climbing ontop of eachother to shit on it in an attempt at signaling shallow sophistication

>> No.18265545

You say like being the highest on that chart is bad

>> No.18265546

>researched used
> bbc
fuck you all
there are some great animes out there

>> No.18265551

>Beethoven under 100
>films in 115

>> No.18265556

Am I the only one that didn't like The Stranger? The entire book was a setup for the last 4 pages of the book. I'd give it like a 7/10 but not on the best books of all time like /lit/ always puts it.

>> No.18265560

that’s the joke

>> No.18265561

Have you never heard of Quentin? He’s only read like one book, The Great Gatsby. He was a very anti video games tripfag who was underage and would make shitty comics about weed and shit. He went to prison or something because he made a school shooting or bomb joke and /v/ ratted on him, or maybe he was just expelled and permanently banned because he was in highschool. I’m about to go to sleep zzzzzzzz

>> No.18265578

My IQ is 142 and I think Gatsby is a piece of shit novel good for nothing other than wiping my ass.

>> No.18265668

does not even add up statistically
too many video game fans for them to be in such a small minority of low intellegence
sources are bullshit

>> No.18265694

I read those high IQ books, I read genre fiction, I watched the Kino and the theatre, listened to the music, watched anime and played video games, and my IQ is around the median
You are all just lazy and the chart is silly

>> No.18265713

My IQ is 93 and I read Deleuze

>> No.18265721

my iq is 90 and I share the exact same worldview with you

>> No.18265873

my iQ is 95 and can confirm

>> No.18265884

/lit/ may be the only board so dumb to reply to this without reporting it

>> No.18265922

He didn't make any joke, it was a rouse to get him banned from school.

>> No.18267057

it was an overall solid book but sure a bit overrated

>> No.18267068


>> No.18267079

My IQ is 200 and I read Roald Dahl

>> No.18267088
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>tfw anime and literature

>> No.18267090

I like music the most. I guess I am peak normie.

>> No.18267103

>philosophy - 170 IQ
Why yes that’s me, I love reading Derrida, Heidegger, and Hegel, they’re my boys

>> No.18267127

IQ is 137

I burn myself making cheese toasties.

>> No.18267128

Gatsby, Camus and Ayn Rand should not be defining books for this category

>> No.18267454

IQ probably around 60 and I agree with you, Great Gatsby was such a let down absolute garbage though everyone in my class loved it for some reason

>> No.18267507

Tarkovsky and Parajanov are seriously much better than Ayn Rand and are certainly no worse than Camus.

>> No.18267533

I tie my shoelaces like I'm 5 years old. It takes me at least 5 seconds to tie one shoe.

>> No.18267577
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I have a mid-wit IQ but I read big books so I can LARP as someone with a high IQ.

>> No.18267601

What's the difference between literature and fiction?

>> No.18267619

>spaces after memearrows
>liking dune
exquisite bait

>> No.18267630

One is is concerned with plot, the other with themes.

>> No.18267634


I play wow and read brothers karamazov, where do I situate ?

>> No.18267658

It’s been rebunked after an independent audit

>> No.18267693

Fiction is a form of literature so this chart makes no sense

>> No.18267713
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>sports is a form of theatre so this chart makes no sense

>> No.18267736

Pretty psyched to return for the sylvanas raid this summmmmerrrrr

>> No.18267774
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>BBC link
Article about cannabis users testing lower IQs. No mention of any of the activities in your pic.

>source #2
Pic related

>source #3
wrestling video.

Fuck off with your clickbait infographic.

>> No.18267800

ayn rand in literature and vonnegut in genre fiction. butter me up and serve me whole why dont you

>> No.18267822

Retarded comparison that doesn't hold up. Saying literature is better than fiction is like saying fruit is better than apple

>> No.18267947

The Fall is a good movie

>> No.18268065

sports practicioner =/= sports fan

>> No.18268075

complete and utter BS fuck off now

>> No.18268106

Lmao most of these are not even hobbies.
Reading is sort of a hobby, video games are sort of a shit hobby, PLAYING sports is a real hobby
Watching movies, plays, sports, TV shows, etc. are not hobbies, they are just entertainment

>> No.18268219


Same bro. I'm hyped that we get Sylvanas as a boss, let's see how it ends up.