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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 265 KB, 750x907, Walter_Benjamin_vers_1928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18264094 No.18264094 [Reply] [Original]

First, some background:
I watched a lecture on Russian literature and the professor talked about Leskov. He cited, and suggested us to read, The Storyteller/Die Erzähler by Walter Benjamin while explaining how close it is from a dying genre of oral stories that used to be common in my country when I was a kid.
So, I decided to read The Storyteller and I was blown away. I like to avoid everything that isn't fiction, but this essay was so good.

Now, the questions:
Is everything Walter Benjamin wrote this good or I just got lucky?
What else from him would you suggest?

>> No.18264136

Walter Benjamin was a wonderful writer and a smart essayist, it's a winning combination.
Read The Work of Art in the Age of its Technological Reproducibility. That's what he's most known for.
If you want to drive off the deep end, check out Arcades Project. It used to be shilled here quite a lot a very long time ago.
He had a tragic life.

>> No.18264148

And he deserved every bit of it.

>> No.18264151

What do you mean?

>> No.18264155
File: 16 KB, 645x770, 1601951674883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And he deserved every bit of it.

>> No.18264159

I will take a look. Thank you very much.
I remember to see threads about him here 2 or 3 years, but I used to ignore because I'm a fiction guy. I regret that now.
>If you want to drive off the deep end, check out Arcades Project.
What a coincidence! I was checking his works and this one called my attention too.
Have you read it?

Read The Storyteller/Die Erzähler and you'll change your mind.

>> No.18264172


>> No.18264180
File: 8 KB, 364x81, feeblepossum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18264206 [DELETED] 

>Have you read it?
Good lord no, it is about 1000 pages long. Which of course isn't 'terrible long,' I mean I've read War and Peace, but 1000 pages of slightly schizophrenic observations on architecture and consumerism is quite a lot to digest. Though what I have read so far, which is roughly 60-70 pages, has been very interesting.

>> No.18264228

>Have you read it?
Good lord no, it is about 1000 pages long. Which of course isn't 'terrible long,' I mean I've read War and Peace, but 1000 pages of slightly schizophrenic observations on architecture and consumerism is quite a lot to digest. Though what I have read so far, which is roughly 60-70 pages, has been very interesting.

You're not 'unveiling' anything here, guy. Everyone knows Benjamin was Jewish. If you're not going to contribute anything worthy of discussion and are instead just going to chimp out over Jews, do us all a favor and go back to /pol/.

>> No.18264363

hehe the edition I saw is 1752 pages long divided in 3 tomes.
>1000 pages of slightly schizophrenic observations on architecture and consumerism is quite a lot to digest.
B-bro, I think I'm falling in love.

>You're not 'unveiling' anything here, guy. Everyone knows Benjamin was Jewish.
What amazes me is that a /pol/fag needs to check the early life section on wikipedia to discover a German critic is jewish. I know they only read memes, but some things are learned by osmosis.

>> No.18264978

pls actually kill yourself

>> No.18265889

Leskov is a great writer portraying uncommon common people miles away from the capital, and their uncommon common language. Ideological non-alignment cost him the contemporary critical praise, and in Soviet times he was excluded from the greats, or reduced to the author of le hilarious tales with ethnic linguistic bells and whistles.

A handy reference:

Benjamin has enough essays for you to start with before reaching for thick collected works volumes. Sometimes they just look easy to read, and there is a philosophical idea to stop and think about in almost every sentence. One might say that Nabokov's “Speak, Memory” is a longer version of Benjamin's “Berlin Childhood”.

>> No.18267003


>> No.18267051
File: 13 KB, 200x200, spinningpoltard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off /pol/

>> No.18267071

Science should be a package deal. Don't like jews? Sorry, we are out of internet.
Stop posting on a /jew/ made network

>> No.18267073

holy shit epic memerino got eeeeemmmm

>> No.18267076

honestly that looks pretty similar to old nazi caricatures of jews. look at the side profile lmao.

>> No.18267087

Marxism is christianity in decay.

>> No.18267117

Go back to Haifa you dumb slob.

>> No.18267238

Said /pol/ack while
>using jewish made technology
>which was made with jewish invented math
>probably while located in a jewish controlled country
Goy, be nice to your superiors.

>> No.18267348

>jewish invented math
No, really, you do need to go back.

>> No.18267382

The absolute SEETHE and COPE

>> No.18267990

He good?
He based.