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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 62 KB, 848x707, tedkaczynski2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18263204 No.18263204 [Reply] [Original]

>highest iq in america
>can't do better than sending mail bombs
>fails ro recognize the weakness in his brother
>let emotions control him
high iq people are retards

>> No.18263228

Everyone outside the norm are weird and should be put down

>> No.18263236

You should read his books, desu, they're pretty good.

>> No.18263249

>high iq people are retards
true, low iq people are the true geniuses

>> No.18263376

Judging by his midwit writings I cannot believe he had/has an high IQ.

>> No.18263400

t. Oversocialized leftist

>> No.18263725

He's virgin loser.

>> No.18263756
File: 49 KB, 404x600, 8be0c4e0ff05b9d4860f773582e1b99c47a9cb4b-00-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always thought he was a meme but it turned out he's unbelievably based.

>> No.18263772

He was wrong. We're too deep into it now to go back, the only solution is to create a computer where all of humanity's consciousnesses can be uploaded, so that everyone can live in their ideal world. That way, we can return to a pre-industrial life.

>It won't be real
If you can't tell the difference, if you don't know it's not real... does it matter?

>> No.18263778

She just needed to transition.

>> No.18263785

I'm not uploading my consciousness into shit. That's how you get your mind put into a simulation of hell.

>> No.18263792

Of course, there are flaws. I wonder if that uploaded version of your mind would actually be your mind or just a copy, with the real you being deleted in the process of being uploaded.

>> No.18263796

I agree. If the day comes where we’re offered a situation where anime can become real, we should take it.

>> No.18263808

He wrote it so laymen could understand and apply its ideas.

>> No.18263820

IQ isn't really an applicable measure of intelligence, and was mostly only used for large populations. Trying to infer something based on IQ is like trying to infer someones sexual success based on their height: its one factor, but there are different, more important ones.

>> No.18263832
File: 771 KB, 1080x1175, Screenshot_20210517-165702_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18263849

>single handedly forces his ideas into the mainstream despite living in a cabin in the woods
Has any man in history ever done anything so based?

I can't believe that it took them so long to figure out his psychological profile. He spends several pages ranting about academia and how much studying (and in particular studying science) sucks, and the ONLY people who number their paragraphs are either mathematicians or logicians, who for some high IQ reason always seem to do this when they write (see Witty for an example). It should have been obvious that he was a math major from p. 3 ,but the US gov is so incompetent that they had to wait for his brother to come forwards.

>> No.18263939

>>can't do better than sending mail bombs
I bet you couldn't send a mail bomb faggot.

>> No.18263944

He simply fails to recognize that nothing can stop evolution. You cannot grasp the world and bend it to your will. Everything fades with time. He was far too worried about society and never made his own life better. He made very good points, but most of the world is out of one person's control.

>> No.18263982

>He was far too worried about society and never made his own life better
Nigga what the fuck do you think the cabin was for?

>> No.18264011

classic clean your room nonsense

>> No.18264205

>Highest IQ in america
>Nobody understands him

Color me surprised

>> No.18264235

There are different ways IQ manifests. He was a whiz with maths no doubt. That doesn't mean he has a mind for philosophizing

>> No.18264327

The real you has been deleted by the alterations I am making in your mind by transmitting you this idea.

>> No.18264341


>> No.18264372

Would it be ironic if he used the internet to learn how to build bombs?

>> No.18265179

he started back in the 70's

>> No.18265189

>high iq people are retards
You must have felt very smart typing this

>> No.18265198

t. someone who has never produced any philosophical content of note.

>> No.18265203

Only because they were co-written by a guy who actually has a philosophy degree.

>> No.18265240

Except he was right about everything. Keep coping by going back to your vidya, BLM chanting and cuck porn, you sub human

>> No.18265288

iq is as useful as astrological signs

>> No.18265306

>Divide and conquer! Divide and conquer!
You’re the feds best friend.

>> No.18265310
File: 627 KB, 2518x1024, virgin ecologist chad transhumanist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except he was right about everything.
Technology would just return eventually even his retarded anti-technology revolution happened

>> No.18265317

His brother constantly betrayed him.
He also got him fired from his factory job after he wrote a mean poem about the roastie that dumped him.
Just a reminder that your family will always be your weakness.

>> No.18265328

>everybody I don't like is a tranny and/or some fort of leftist
are you okay? why is every /pol/fag schizophrenic?

>> No.18265336

Was Ted just Eliot Rodgers with no internet and 40 extra IQ points?

>> No.18265409

>but the US gov is so incompetent that they had to wait for his brother to come forwards.

Have you ever taken the time to consider that the authorities are just as retarded as the population is?

>> No.18265417

It's ok anon that's why cults are named as such.

>> No.18265446

/lit/ should write him a letter while he's still alive. We need more OC around here.

>> No.18265451

>He spends several pages ranting about academia and how much studying (and in particular studying science) sucks
Which writing? I'm dealing with finals and feel like I can relate

>> No.18265454

I make OC all the time and nobody cares to follow it unless it gets put on knowyourmeme or some other bullshit. I don't care anymore.

>> No.18265584 [DELETED] 

He singlehandedly debunked the iq meme outside of subhuman skills like calculations because his written works are 14 year old with a diary tier insights and ontological base

>> No.18265632 [DELETED] 

>>Nobody understands him

>> No.18266467

based butter

>> No.18266499

Counterpoint reading list or gtfo

>> No.18266507

>let emotions control him
Good. Better to die an honest man than live a life of quiet suffering.

>> No.18267560

This. IQ is not real. Evolution stops from the neck up.

>> No.18267958
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 19343493676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all zoomers. There's an entire tradition of luddite writing which is very rich and Ted never engages with it beyond making Ellul into a cringelord.

There's so much delusion in his Manifesto. It's clear this is a guy who only saw the tip of the iceberg.

If you like Ted you're an idiot who isn't well-read. Simple as.

>> No.18267962

>than live a life of quiet suffering.

What do you think he does in the supermax prison where he's isolated for 23 hours a day? Tedfags are such cancerous little shits.

>> No.18268687

>kill everything that isn't human
>not using advanced technology to set up nature ecosystems protected by benevolent advanced humans or AI created by advanced humans
I don't understand why Transhumanists think like this, even if this is their strawman view