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18262456 No.18262456[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the cause of this?

>> No.18262468
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Low T and religious adherence to a book written by a dead white guy.

>> No.18262472

neo-marxism in universities

>> No.18262513

a significative amount of persons are unable of distinguishing a character position and what the author was proposing. also,



>> No.18262524

btw, this is satire and bait, but i know people who think in this way

>> No.18262555

I've always found it weird how even villains need to be adherents of progressive dogma.

>> No.18262568

I hope he's being ironic.

>> No.18262571

Who cares about that asshole?

>> No.18262637

People instinctively cleave to power and imitate the powerful. There was never in history a rebellion of the weak against the powerful, only one powerful group usurping the dominance of another, using the weak as its mob. The salient feature of modern history, the democratic era, is the occultation of power, the groups responsible for revolutions and the actual governing of the state hide behind fictions of popular sovereignty. Everyone still knows instinctively what the powerful want though, everyone knows what you are supposed to say and what you are not allowed to say, even if the relation of these ideas to the structure of power is unclear. People don't like to admit that they are slaves who are terrified to even think things they are not supposed to, so they frame their beliefs as being the product of their own rational deliberation and moral strength, and they viciously attack any fellow slave who contradicts the dogmas, which allows them to sort of believe that their beliefs and actions matter, that they are participating in history, which is much more appealing to their egos than the reality, which is that they are cowardly slaves helping their slavemasters contain any would-be revolters.

>> No.18262666


>> No.18262673

The hyperpolitization of society means that retards have lost the ability to separate the art from the artist.
They have to frame everything in regards to politics because politics is their identity, therefore it must be the identity of everyone else as well. If a politician says something, it can be considered his political position. Therefore, if an author says something, that must be his political position too.

>> No.18262682
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>> No.18262693


>> No.18262694

even if that was orwell's views, he'd be right

>> No.18262695

>womanlet tries to hike in high heel flip flops

>> No.18262800
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>daily activity
>scale a mountain

>> No.18262817

t. a fucking moron

>> No.18262821
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>> No.18262829


>> No.18262830

You’re dishonest filth

>> No.18262848

It’s an astute observation (what Orwell writes) Take a look around, nothing but women virtue signalling and making sure everyone knows they are good idpol adherents.
Why do you think the Soviet Union dismantled the gender roles when it came to the party. Not even just Orwell’s observation, read Bulgakov’s Heart of a Dog.

>> No.18263001

Replacing your own identity with a political ideology many such cases in the cesspool of twitter

>> No.18263014

The Death of God meant that new religions had to be made manifest. Neo-Marxism filled that void in peoples hearts. Its why most people walk around as blind fanatics, everything is black and white, there is either a "RIGHT" or "WRONG". Nuance is dead.

>> No.18263032

I don't know why you guys insist on calling it neo-marxism or cultural marxism. The revolutionary ideology of equality predates Marxism. Indeed it makes more sense to view communism as a variant of this older ideology, rather than the reverse.

>> No.18263041

Okay I can call it gay if you'd prefer.

>> No.18263064

Why care? This system is only going to survive for a few decades more, and when climate change hits it in full force, it will collapse, liberalism dying with it. Time is not on their side.

>> No.18263092

This unironically sounds like the best possible future to me. The alternative seems to be a "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" future.

>> No.18263093

Calm down high schoolers, you'll read better literature soon enough

>> No.18263098

brainlet got filtered its true women tend towards the extreme adherents much more than men do

>> No.18263132

It's what their favorite YouTube thoughtleaders call it. You're not gonna mount your revolt against degenerate modernity or whatever with the backing of these fully neoliberalized fatherless children.

>> No.18263140

It's a grim future still. I imagine most of the world falls into anarchy, with wide swathes becoming uninhabitable. Hopefully no nations fall into nuclear conflict.

>> No.18263167

Good post.

>> No.18263335

schizo overthought post
accurate simple post

>> No.18263340

significative of my balls in your mouth

>> No.18263349

Neo-marxism is a conspiracy. There are valid criticisms of marxism but let’s not be conspiracy theorists.

>> No.18263465

The same women with blm in their bio today would be handing white feathers to men during WW1.

>> No.18263485

Left Wing incel >>18262637 vs Right Wing Chad >>18262673

>> No.18264022

Its the form those who adhere to it have chosen.

>> No.18264467
File: 19 KB, 311x403, 179007345_515441509487329_7336979008114665637_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neo-marxism is a conspiracy. There are valid criticisms of marxism but let’s not be conspiracy theorists.

>> No.18265196

Excellent post.

>> No.18265205

Please take down this VERY anti-Semitic post

>> No.18265230

>when climate change hits
Any day now

>> No.18265244

>Can’t check the records.
Climate changes aren’t a storm coming one season. It’s a permanent increase in temperature that’s going to take a generation or two to happen

>> No.18265276

CO2 isn’t the cause of warm periods, the sun is the cause. Resource scarcity is the real threat to global peace, especially when a country like China falls behind in development to the US once they reach their resource scarcity limit.

>> No.18265302

neolibs will flip out not just at author's views, but the views of the characters unless they're ridiculously explicitly are made "villains"
they think in black and white
the good should win, the bad should be condemned

>> No.18265358

This is another cause for concern, true.

>> No.18265460

We have absolutely no idea what the cause of the warm periods is. I don't think people understand the impassible gulf between the sort of verifiable experimental science that gives us certain results in physics because we can control every single last physical factor and repeat the experiment endlessly and the absolute fucking meme archipelago of speculations about the global climate, a system we can never hope to even accurately model let alone perform experiments on.

>> No.18265480

Lazy mods not deleting all twitter screenshots and banning the poster.

>> No.18265970


>> No.18266034

Why is the truth so "problematic" to them? Basic knowledge of history proves that women are an inherently reactionary class. They like to yell about "muh fascism and orange man" when it's safe to oppose "fascism" but back when Europe had to combat actual fascism they spread their legs to Nazi officers en masse f.e. in France (read Jünger's memories from Paris). Women never ever formed a substantial part of any partisan or revolutionary force.

>> No.18266051

why do rightoids love to cocksuck orwell so hard?

>> No.18266120


>> No.18266468

Even during Hitler's germaby, literally all women loved him as if he was Francisco Lachowski