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1826131 No.1826131 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of feminism?

>> No.1826135

the only group of true revolutionaries that still exists

>> No.1826139

I consider myself one.

>> No.1826144

They're a bunch of faggots.

>> No.1826148

the reaction to feminism is larger than the movement ever gained, if it can be said that it is "movement" in the first place


inb4gb2thekitchen, make me a sandwich, show tits, etc

>> No.1826157

They are right, and my gf is one so I have to respect it.

But it is annoying nevertheless. Maybe because I'm a privileged man?

>> No.1826158

u kiddin me?
Compare women's status from a hundred years from now to women today.

Now, if you're just talking about the third-wave whining vaginas, you may have a point.

>> No.1826159

LOL, it must suck not to be a young white male

>> No.1826160

They're the best ones to rape.

also, /lit/-related?

>> No.1826162 [DELETED] 

>inb4gb2thekitchen, make me a sandwich, show tits, etc
>it is annoying

look! they can't even defends themselves!

>> No.1826166

well they're a kind of hypocrites...

>> No.1826172


I guess there's feminist literature...

Kind of a half-assed excuse though.

>> No.1826182

why do you say that

>> No.1826189

well you guys dont like men so you take it out on boys

>> No.1826197

I avoid every woman who claims to be a feminist or is proud of being a woman.

>> No.1826200

I think you just completely misunderstood feminism. I thought this board usually hated mainstream/ignorant bullshit?

>> No.1826201

all self proclaimed men who feel threatened by women are just little boys, like this one here

>> No.1826203

this is the funny thing about men

more men are "proud to be men" than women are "proud to be women"

but then it's just way too hard to be grown-up about things i suppose

>> No.1826207


>more men are "proud to be men" than women are "proud to be women"

And you're basing this generalization about roughly half of humankind on... what, again?

>> No.1826210

If you want to read some feminist nonfiction, I recommend Susan Okin's "Gender, Justice, and the Family" for a social democratic vision of an equal society, or Alexandra Kollontai pamphlets for feisty Marxist feminism from the world's first female ambassador.

As for fiction, I guess Chopin's 'The Awakening' is ok.

>> No.1826213


>> No.1826215

ugh at 4chan arguments.

>> No.1826218


>> No.1826219

funfems are terrible. no rigor or intellectual honesty. they exemplify the worst traits of modern academia.

radfems, on the other hand, are awesome. i don't always agree with them but i respect how careful they are in their thinking and their willingness to follow the arguments where they lead.

>> No.1826222

feminism had its day
its day is over

>> No.1826223

I'm not proud to be a man either... Being proud of your gender is as stupid as being proud of your ethnicity.

I like how, in the eyes of feminists, men who don't like this movement are either bad patriarchist pigs, or little boys feeling threatened by women.

I avoid them because I've know a bunch of them, and they ALWAYS come with an incredible amount of drama, agressivity/hatred and they talk about the evil patriarchist society 80% of the time.

>> No.1826233

you're wise

>> No.1826235

If you mean feminist in the sense of women and men being equal then I'm all for it. I dislike the hardcores as I do with every other group. The hardcores tend to paint the entire group in a poor picture, and contribute to the idea that feminists are a bunch of man hating dykes.

>> No.1826236
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its pretty much a variant of marxism in style, but not substance. What I am saying is it is a child of sociology, and it has the curiosities, liberties, and errors of that profession, who inherited them from marx. Mostly abuses of logic, vindicated by abuses of statistics.

Should it be taken seriously? For someone who engages with the culture, or intends for their progeny to be educated by the culture, yes. For a person who seperates themselves from it, or their children from its system of education, no. Because it has imploded the education system to a pedigree mill.

>> No.1826238


>> No.1826241


You've only spoken to hardcores. You'd be surprised to know that feminism is actually the belief that woman should be treated equally in society as men. There are plenty of women and men who would support this idea if you actually took the time to ask their thoughts on it. The problem is that these people aren't likely to go about spewing their beliefs because they possess some modicum of intelligence, and a sense of propriety.

>> No.1826243

>feminism is actually the belief that woman should be treated equally in society as men
Then why is it feminism? Why isn't it called egalitarianism?

>> No.1826249

are you retarded

>> No.1826252

Problem: most people think "Feminist" is synonymous with "extremist" or "activist."

Cumdumpster here, Feminist here, but I don't march or yell and I shave my legs. Feminism, to me, means not putting anyone, male or female, into stereotypical gender categories and/or restrictions.

Like, do who/what/how you wanna do it.

>> No.1826254
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What I always find perplexing is the amount of women studies major's who lament the amount of women in math or engineering, while themselves forsaking the opportunity. It's like they think we should devise an elaborate system of carrots and sticks to induce them out of their own chosen field.

>> No.1826255


because feminists believe that as a sexual class they are oppressed by institutions and structures that systematically privilege men at the expense of women. so yes, they call for equality, but they combine that with an empirical claim about the inequalities suffered by women in particular. their particular concern is to address those specific forms of inequality, just as the civil rights leaders in the 50s and 60s were concerned with addressing the inequalities suffered by african americans

>> No.1826257

Also, if women's studies pretends to impartiality, why are there no misogynist or chauvinist professors of it?

>> No.1826260

how is that feminism and not humanism?

>> No.1826264


Egalitarianism concerns all groups of humans including political views, social status, religion, etc. Feminism specifically refers to the equal treatment of woman and men.

In other words, a true feminist would believe that a middle class woman should be treated just like a middle class male. Whereas an egalitarian would believe that they should be treated equal, and that these variables should be disregarded.

>> No.1826265


see >>1826255

feminism is concerned with addressing problems that specifically affect women. these problems do not affect men, or all humans, in the same way. so it would be misleading to call it "humanism."

>> No.1826272

>>implying a woman could effectively use a sledge hammer.

cool story feminism.

>> No.1826277
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have you ever taken a history class?

>> No.1826298

You guys know there is more than one kind of feminism and, in fact, it is a whole slew of ethical philosophy.

I adhere to difference feminism, in which women should be considered on the same level as men and both genders be judged on their moral treatment of one another.

>> No.1826310
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I once asked to a friend at the university if she was feminist.
She told me that all the feminist women are insane and that they are all paranoic about the treatment to the women, and how the men and women should be complementary and not equal.
Wise woman.

>> No.1826311

"Women are considered profound. Why? Because we never fathom their depths. But women aren't even shallow. "

>> No.1826334

real feminists recognize the shitty deal that men get in our society as well, and welcome them in the dismantling of capitalist power structures

>> No.1826352
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>Whiny virgin faggots from the internet think they have a "movement."
Stop kidding yourselves. Men's rights activists can't even agree upon what they're fighting for. Half are rallying for equality, the other half are rallying for some idealized 1950s patriarchy that never existed.

>> No.1826358

I can't stand the majority of Feminists. Yes, I believe Woman should have equal rights, but so many of them are sexists that exaggerate everything.

>> No.1826364

why the fuck does this troll have to happen every day? I mean, yes /lit/ is now a troll board, but please come up with good ones at least.

>> No.1826369

Oh god, it's this faggot. Nobody thinks you're clever. Stop trying.

>> No.1826379


>> No.1826397
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I laugh at it every time someone mentions it.

>> No.1826402

I love being a woman. Especially in this day and age.

Finally, with the protection of the state, we can assume our role as the dominant gender. We can beat the shit out of our husbands, emotionally torment them, even cheat on them and there is nothing they can do about it.

For example, my husband filed for divorce a little over a year ago when he discovered I was having an affair. I wasn't even ashamed when he walked in on me fucking another man, because I was sick of him and his bullshit and his inability to satisfy me sexually. I continued to sleep with my lover for weeks after he found out, sometimes even while my husband was home. He had to listen to us fucking while he slept on the couch. He eventually lost it and smacked me, giving me just the justification I needed to press assault charges and file for a restraining order. Under advice of legal counsel, I cleaned out our joint checking account and froze it and froze our credit cards while he was in jail, to prevent him from being able to afford to hire a competent lawyer.

Yesterday, I was awarded full ownership of the house, custody of our children, 1,450 dollars a month in child support, 3,725 dollars a month in alimony and basically suffered no consequences for being unfaithful. All this for being willing and able to take a smack across the face.

He whined like a little girl to the judge, claiming he had to get a roommate now, because he can't afford to rent an apartment by himself and pay me what he owes me. So pathetic.

Clearly, we are the superior gender.

Keep on playing with your books silly boys...

>> No.1826405

your a man posting as a woman to piss people off.
I bet your a cuckold too

>> No.1826407

cool story bro

>> No.1826413

provided on the very slim chance this isn't a troll, i don't see anything that supports women as the "dominant gender" in that sentence. i see a parasite though

>> No.1826416


>> No.1826423

It's copypasta. I saw this shit on /r9k/.

>> No.1826425

What people (including me) think what feminism is:
>everyone should be equal, women are just slightly more equal and superior in all ways
What feminism probably is and what feminism advocates think they advocate:
>equality between sexes

I just don't care to find out what it is.

>> No.1826427



See with these summerfags you gotta explain even the most basic stuff.

>> No.1826428
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>I love being a woman.
Thank you. I was about to read the post.

>> No.1826434

/lit/ cannot possibly have enough turnover in its 10-person membership for it to make any sense that we have this exact same shitty thread every week

>> No.1826436

I've always found it foolish to be proud of something you did nothing to acquire, your sex is one of those things.

Sure, feminism had its role in the early 20th century and before, but now it only seeks to actively exploit men and raise themselves above them.

>> No.1826444

I'm cool with it. Male feminist = easy poon.

>> No.1826445

Femenism went from a legitimate movement for equal rights to ugly women desperate for attention and purpose for their worthless lives.

>> No.1826446

I don't care how trashy they are, I fucking love Newports.

>> No.1826450

I consider myself a feminist, but I don't like the direction that feminism has gone. Nowadays it's all about abortion, pop culture, and rape victims. It's all about doing everything that men do without any of the responsibility. Feminism use to be about breaking out of traditional gender roles, yet women still expect chivalry and men are still told to "man-up." We have women doing stuff like "slut walks" just because a policeman suggested that women would probably be safer if they didn't wear revealing clothing in dangerous areas. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with becoming the town cumdumpster because maybe she WANTED to blow every guy in the frat house. And anorexia is a life-threatening illness inflicted upon young women by the impossible standards of the media, yet obesity is just another kind of beauty and should be embraced. I'm sorry, but either we want mutual respect or we don't. Coddling and kowtowing will never produce responsible, independent adult women.

>> No.1826455

I can't tell if this is a troll or not. If so well done.I have a friend just like this. She is the biggest fucking idiotic hypocrite who thinks she wise for no reason.

>> No.1826459

my only comfort in reading this cowpie of a thread is that i don't really think this board gets enough traffic for this thread to be kept up at the top of page 1 for an hour through any means other than the same couple of reddit regulars posting over and over again as different people

>> No.1826464
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>I believe that life born out of rape is the only form of life that should be considered the legitimate.
>yet obesity is just another kind of beauty and should be embraced.

LOL!! Trying to troll so god damn hard! LOLOLOL!

>> No.1826467
File: 72 KB, 396x610, one_dimensional_woman1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone should read this book

"That the height of supposed female emancipation coincides so perfectly with consumerism is a miserable index of a politically desolate time."

Excellent work attempting to re-calibrate contemporary feminism, so that it's no longer just this bullshit catch all term for women doing basically anything, and linking it back up to critiques of capitalism.

seriously you might as well it's only like 67 pages long

>> No.1826468


>> No.1826470

I'm female and while I wouldn't call myself a feminist, equality between all genders is something that's really important to me. So as much as I love /lit/, some of the posts here (especially on this thread) give me the shits.

>> No.1826472

Still pretty critical and important, especially now that all the obvious signs of discrimination are gone and sexists can just say easily shift the blame onto other things (not to say that all things that can be construed as sexism are sexist.) At the same time, the discourse has to be a lot more nuanced. And...

You know what? No. I'm not going to write another one of these posts. Most of the internet isn't worth it. If you don't realize how expecting gendered behaviors influences your perception, how subconscious biases can influence your decisions and how easily these biases slip into place, then fuck you. You're an idiot.

>> No.1826476


in fact basically everyone in this thread should definitley read this, based on the amount of overwhelming misogynistic ignorance exhibited in 99% of the posts

>> No.1826478

And don't you DARE try to place that post in a "men vs women" narrative. What are you, twelve? Goddamn.

>> No.1826480


I suspect that this narrative that you describe links up with the critique of the current "slut walks" as being a benign entertainment for middle class white college girls, which ignores issues for women of color. Is this worth discussing, or reacting to?

>> No.1826483

I've never seen /lit/ so beta before. I am disappoint.

>> No.1826484

ITT: women blaming society for all their problems.


>> No.1826492

A large majority of the posts are probably the same four people. The dumbest are the loudest.
I stay out of the argument in these threads now, it's like attempting to quietly pacify an ape who learned how to use a megaphone. I'll look up that book, though, it seems interesting, thanks for the rec.

>> No.1826493

>misogynistic ignorance
>99% of the posts

That is hyperbolic.
Obviously you never were on /r9k/
The misogyny was exponentially more prevalent and potent.

>> No.1826498

/r9k/ was really, really above and beyond and was basically a cooking pot for another montreal massacre. this is just standard internet derpin' which is still turrible

>> No.1826501
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You think you're pretty controversial, don't you?

>> No.1826504

Oh God /r9k/ was the worst. Thread after thread of one sort of misogynist arguing with a different sort of misogynist.

>> No.1826505

>Also, if African American studies pretends to impartiality, why are there no racist or white supremacist professors of it?
Now do you see how retarded that sounds?

>> No.1826508

probably not

this is 4chan after all

>> No.1826519

What's wrong with that? Internet is a free fucken place. Women today (in the developed world) are far bigger shit heads than males. This likely due to their ingrained biological inferiority.

>> No.1826523

As a guy, I honestly feel my rights have been better championed by feminists than the MRAs.

>> No.1826541


whut? didn't fully get what you mean so i'll just post some stuff from the book...

"If we accept the argument that the division between ‘free-time’ and ‘labour time’ has become extremely blurred in recent years, there is something potentially revealing about what individuals choose to do in their ‘spare time’, especially in moments of ‘extreme’ leisure such as the American tradition of Spring Break, a kind of beach-based sex ‘n’ booze free-for-all, documented from time to time by the ‘Girls Gone Wild’ franchise, whose basic modus operandi is to visit college towns, filming girls in stages of drunkenness and clothelessness. When the ‘Girls Gone Wild’ team hand out hats or t-shirts in exchange for a shot of breasts, or the performance of a snog with another woman, the logic is right out in the open: we’ll give you something obviously crap in exchange for a kind of performance that reveals that there is nothing subjective, nothing left, hidden behind the appearance, that you simply are commensurate with your comportment in the world. You are your breasts.

All of this marks a very serious transformation in the relationship between women and their bodies. Far from flaunting their assets in the hope that the refracted attention will filter back to their person as a whole... it is the ‘assets’, the parts, that take on the function of the whole. The all-pervasive peepshow segmentarity of contemporary culture demands that women treat their breasts as wholly separate entities, with little or no connection to themselves, their personality, or even the rest of their body. All autonomous, organic agency of a moral, rational or egoic nature is dissolved into auto-objectivization.

>> No.1826542
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Thank God I live in a country where political correctness, feminism and homosexualism is not a big deal yet.

>> No.1826546


They, the breasts, and not their ‘owner’, are the centre of attention, and are referred to, with alarming regularity, as completely autonomous objects, much as one would refer to suitcases or doughnuts. Constantly fiddled with, adjusted, exposed, covered-up or discussed, contemporary breasts resemble nothing so much as bourgeois pets: idiotic, toothless, yapping dogs with ribbons in their hair and personalized carrying pouches. These milkless objects of bemused scopophilia... are described over and over as if possessed of their own will and desire.

What the autonomous breasts and the concomitant becoming-CV of the human means is that the language of objectification may not be useful any longer, as there is no (or virtually no) subjective dimension left to be colonized. The language of objectification demands on a minimal subjective difference, what Badiou quaintly identified in the realm of personal relations as ‘the intangible female right ... to only have to get undressed in front of the person of her choosing.’ In effect, this is what the world of work increasingly demands – that one is always contactable... that one is always an ‘ambassador’ for the firm (don’t write anything about your job on your blog), that there is no longer any separation between the private realm and the working day (Facebook amalgamates friends and colleagues alike). The personal is no longer just political, it’s economic through and through.

>> No.1826550


Perhaps a further sign of the death of the objective/subjective opposition comes in the form of a parodic historical inversion. It’s relatively acceptable for women to make general (usually whiny) claims about men, or to say that a man has a ‘cute arse’, even at work, because it’s so obviously a toothless parody of the sexism of decades past. Objectification implies that there is something left over in the subject that resists such a capture, that we might protest if we thought someone was trying to deny such interiority, but it’s not clear that contemporary work allows anyone to have an inner life in the way we might once have understood it."

>> No.1826556

On the other hand, you live in Poland. :(

>> No.1826570
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>you live in Poland

>> No.1826573

>This likely due to their ingrained biological inferiority.
This is what's wrong with it. You find fault in a certain group of women's behavior and conclude that all women are inferior to you. You're no better than a white supremacist who concludes that all black people are inferior based on the observed behavior of hoodrats and "gangstas."

>> No.1826607

You stupid mother fucker. I look at human beings as dog breeds (phenotypes/genetic proximity).
Each breed has its strong suits. And within a breed there exists dogs who have more brain power than others.

It's elegant, simple, and the truth.

I'm not racist, I think there are good genetic traits to be found in every race (even though I don't believe in such a thing as race, I believe in breeds).

Educated yo dumb ass.

>> No.1826616

a post like this is when you look through the "post your pic" threads on stormfront, filled with sunburnt, inbred-looking people, and marvel not so much at the fact that these people think that there is a master race as at their audacity in assuming that they're part of it

>> No.1826630


>> No.1826651

>You stupid mother fucker. I look at human beings as dog breeds
I see I hit a nerve there. So you ARE racist?
>It's elegant, simple, and the truth.
Yeah, people would be much easier to define if we could just categorize them like dog breeds

>> No.1826658

I would have to say that I do not care about feminism.

>> No.1826659

It's been thoroughly done already: and would have yielded fantastic and progressive results if publicly made available and acknowledged that is it still going on.

You do realize that massive assembly line universities that exist today have multi-causal effects: such as providing a eugenic breeding ground?....(if you think I'm stupid for saying this, you haven't thought it all the way though) (hint athletic scholarships)

I should stop. I'm doing too much thinking for people.

I feel like the older kid whom all the younger kids sit crossed legged and listen to his words of wisdom.

>> No.1826669

>I feel like the older kid whom all the younger kids sit crossed legged and listen to his words of wisdom.

Wow, you be rather young to use a such an example. No wonder you are so silly.

>> No.1826693

>You do realize that massive assembly line universities that exist today have multi-causal effects: such as providing a eugenic breeding ground?....(if you think I'm stupid for saying this, you haven't thought it all the way though) (hint athletic scholarships)

holy shit that is the stupidest thing to say

it's like, you had an interesting thought going there, how america is segregated along class and racial lines and universities, by concentrating people of similar economic backgrounds together, perpetuate that... and then, no, you're just a racist. you ARE a racist, by the way. your beliefs here are, like, the textbook definition of racism. you believe that race exists and that it exerts a significant, crucial influence on behavior. ergo, you are a racist.

>> No.1826711

Do certain dog breeds have highly predictable temperaments/intelligences/special traits?

Yes, they do.

Lr2read and get in tune with reality

>> No.1826714

Also, intelligence is highly genetic: scientific fact.

>> No.1826721

Whether or not they are correct, your views are racist. That's what the word means. You can claim that racism is right, but don't claim that you're not a racist.

>> No.1826723
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Most of all I hate two things: racism and negroes.

>> No.1826728

I believe every race can posess exceptional genetic qualities. That doesn't mean that I think one race (hate using this term), is inherently better than others. Depends on what you want out of your dog. The people who have bread for thousands of years in the kalahari desert chasing down antelope, posses super-human physical traits (running a marathon in 30mins).


Prepare your mind to be blown (as a runner I am greatly impressed).

>> No.1826738

>running a marathon in 30mins

Do you think about what you've typed before you hit that "submit" button?

>> No.1826741

>You do realize that massive assembly line universities that exist today have multi-causal effects: such as providing a eugenic breeding ground?
University campuses also pass out condoms and birth control and have a Planned Parenthood down the street. If they're attempting to provide a breeding ground, then the way they're going about it is certainly counterproductive (literally). Sure, people get married straight out of college, but even then, people with university-level educations end up having two, maybe three kids tops. University is one>>1826711
great way to encourage people NOT to have kids.
>I feel like the older kid whom all the younger kids sit crossed legged and listen to his words of wisdom.
So glad you feel that way, because I assure you, nobody else does.
>Do certain dog breeds have highly predictable temperaments/intelligences/special traits?
Most dog breeds are engineered by humans and purposely bred to exhibit certain traits, dumbfuck. In fact, the higher genetic variation of mongrels lends them to be smarter and healthier than purebreds.

>> No.1826748

Racism doesn't NECESSARILY mean that one race is better than another. In its simplest form, racism is the doctrine that races exist and that race controls behavior and therefore culture. However, this belief nearly always leads to a belief in the superiority of one race over another. If different races are good at different things, and behave differently, it's a trivial move to compare one to the other and judge one better. Further, to the extent that you value one activity over another, one race becomes superior. For instance, if whites are more intelligent and blacks less, while that does not necessarily imply a judgment, it leads to the conclusion that for affairs where intelligence is required - politics, for instance, and things above manual labor - whites are better. And this more or less is the notion that one race is superior to another.

You're a racist.

And people aren't dogs.

>> No.1826750

lol, typed so fast I forgot the 2hr before the 30mins

>> No.1826761 [DELETED] 

Why do Americans have such a phobia for being called "racist"? You only need to imply that somebody is a racist, and he will start excusing himself/herself.

>> No.1826760

I approve of feminism
But not of that dumb ass Slutwalk shit
I mean seriously what the fuck is that bullshit

>> No.1826763
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>People aren't dogs

>> No.1826765

Why do Americans have such a phobia for being called "racist"? You only need to imply that somebody is a racist, and he/she will start excusing himself/herself.

>> No.1826766

if people are dog breeds then whitey is chihuahuas

>> No.1826769

For one thing, if you admit you're a racist, or you're considered to be a racist, no one will listen to you. Everyone will just dislike you because they instinctively recoil from racism. They know its bad.

>> No.1826775

Because even racists know they're pieces of shit.

>> No.1826781

>they know its bad
That's what state propaganda taught them.

>> No.1826782

Ironically, dog breeds that are usually associated with a specific nation of origin, often say a lot about the nation.
English Bulldog (Useless and showy dog). Bordie collie (a truly amazing and useful dog). German Shepherd (A well rounded dog that can do everything well). Labrador Retriever (A great natured dog who loves to swim, eat, and be loved).

Such cases. Not an absolute rule, just an interesting observation.

>> No.1826786

I think its based on a good idea and that people blow it out of proportion. Its a nice departure from all the dicks. Everyone should just chill the fuck out, love some women, and ignore the fundamentalists.

yep. thats what i think.

>> No.1826787

People are not nearly so differentiated as dog breeds. And even if there are differences between races in general, there's no way to judge an individual unless you know them personally. That's why racism is stupid, and, coincidentally, why later waves of feminism are stupid. People are not reducible to their race or gender.

>> No.1826795

My family's mutt has outlived four of my aunt's Boxers and five of my grandmother's Gordon Setters.
Genetic variation > Eugenics

>> No.1826809

Celtic, Basque, Slavic, Germanic, Turkic, Finnic, Mongolian, Greek, Anotolian Bourbon, Latin, Persian, Kurdish, Arabic, Jews (Sephardi/Anasazi), Sub-Saharan(is the most genetically diverse area on earth and have too many migration groups to name), Oriental, Hindu, "Aryan" (northern Indians not hurpa derp nazi), and much more.

>> No.1826820
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Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it.

>> No.1826821

Pure-breds and mutts can both be fantastic dogs. Pure-breds are more prone to genetic diseases/defects due to all the inbreeding they do (people with blue eyes have a higher statistic of having eye problems).

Boom, your mind blown.

>> No.1826824

All of which are much more alike than a golden retriever and a shih tzu. The genetic variation among humans is just not that large.

>> No.1826828

wrongo bongo.

>> No.1826832


wrong stormfag

ask any scientist, they will tell you that genetic differences between humans aren't large enough to even warrant the use of the word "race". Deal with it.

>> No.1826836
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i am one.

>> No.1826837


I believe in how humans have migrated in groups, inbred, mutated, and eventually became better suited to their environments in the process through micro-evolution.

lr2Haplogroups. Fucken fool.

>> No.1826838

Yeah I think the thread has moved past actual feminism discussion

but i just want to reiterate that feminism is dope

>> No.1826843

that's what people mean when they talk about races in the context of human beings

so, you believe in races

>> No.1826847

They're taught that they deserve everything good and nothing bad. Holding the door open for them is your duty, so why should they praise you for it? You should have been doing it anyway. Most PUA materials make it out to be a game of proving your own worth to a woman and what you can provide for her, while disregarding what she can do for you. Most women's magazines have articles about training a perfect boyfriend and rarely mention that maybe, just maybe, you should have some sort of value yourself. Women are treated as if they have intrinsic value. Any slight against them is an international incident, and any gifts bestowed upon them are their due tribute.

>> No.1826848

I'm going to shit right in your mouth.

>> No.1826857

have you ever actually read a women's magazine

they're all about devoting your life to making yourself worthy of a man

>> No.1826860


I shan't believe that this thread exhibits /lit/ in a positive light. It is not even about literature. Why must it spiral out of control into a fight for no reason?

>> No.1826862

ITT: Semi-slaves/Slaves upset about contemporary slave-culture gender roles.

>> No.1826872


>> No.1826946

It's actually pretty reasonable. There was a cop who pretty much said that girls who dressed slutty were asking to be raped, and the slut walk was essentially responding by saying "no. The problem isn't the clothes. Don't try to put this shit on us." Which is a position pretty well-backed by the available data; the only real predictors of whether or not you get raped is if you look like you're too timid to resist. 3 out of 4 rapists don't even remember what their victims were wearing. Also, there has been shown to be police discrimination against women "impure" women in regards to whether or not they'll take a rape case seriously (i.e. virgins are more likely to be believed, while girls who have had multiple partners are not.)

It's stuff like that that the slut walk's about.

>> No.1826952

>Most women's magazines have articles about training a perfect boyfriend

You're kidding right? Most of the articles I've found in women's magazines have boiled down to "OMG YOU NEED TO GET HIS INTEREST WITHOUT LOOKING LIKE A TRAMP" and "HOLY SHIT YOU NEED TO KEEP HIS INTEREST!"

>> No.1826962

I support feminist ideals and would vote/argue for them but I wouldn't call myself a feminist. Partly because my views would drag down the movement (enforced sterilization for everyone!), and partly because everyone instantly assumes you hate all men but still expect them to pay for dates.

Also, I hate how if you defend your gender as a women you're "feminazi" but if you're one of those "women are all dumb, men are so smart and rational and awesome blah blah blah" men no one calls you "uber-masculinists."

>> No.1826968


fuck everyone who says feminazi

>> No.1826970
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>women are all dumb, men are so smart and rational and awesome blah blah blah

Because they are true.

>> No.1826973

There are no feminists any more, only feminazis.

Heil the pink swastika.

>> No.1826979

I mean, guys like that do sort of get called on it. But the people who yell at them aren't nearly as numerous. I mean, Tom Leykis is a bigoted person, but he's been fairly successful. A female version of him just wouldn't have enough of a base to exist outside of some obscure, special-interest website like A Room Of Our Own. 'Course most feminists I've heard speak on the matter disown AROOO, and I can't really say the same thing for masculinists and Leykis.

>> No.1826980

Men who call themselves "feminists" but then still treat women like shit are the worst. Loving vagina=/=feminist.

>> No.1826983

This discussion only bears the fruit of discord. Nobody is going to be dissuaded to change their minds with such arguments. I will not stand for a continuation of silliness.

>> No.1826988
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>implying the sexes are the same

>> No.1826995

jesus christ where do you people come from

if you (and the guy gung ho on eugenics) are being serious, the thing i can't stand about you guys is your cowardice, you'd never have the balls to say any of this shit to anyone's face, much less the people you degrade, snicker and scoff at. even if you could, you'd be so embarrassed in the process of doing so once people call you out on your bullshit the most you'd be able to do is laugh.

>> No.1826998

I agree. The guy is pic got taken down by a woman. His little sister even.

>> No.1827008

Aren't we in /lit/? Can we get some grammar in here?

>> No.1827013

are you fucking kidding me? thats pathetic bro.

>> No.1827033

Come at me, brah!

>> No.1827035

my bad

i was probably grinding my teeth as i wrote that

>> No.1827092

No kidding.

>> No.1827850
File: 40 KB, 180x180, suchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to think about Feminism.

But I know that gender roles and expectations are mostly influenced by societal pressures and not sex, and that makes me a lot more knowledgeable then some posters in this thread.

>> No.1827853


thanks for bumping this piece of trash 10 hours after the last post to tell us of your enlightened view of gender, shitbeard

>> No.1827862

Depends on what you mean by feminist.

If you mean "person who thinks that men and women should have the same rights and responsibilites" then I think feminism is great.

If you mean "person who thinks women should be given a hundred advantages to men in any imaginable context" then fuck feminism

>> No.1827882


Feminism is a joke as far as Western society is concerned.

It may still be relevant in other parts of the world like India however.

>> No.1828166

Equality of opportunity is fine.

Equality of outcome and such reverse discrimination is socialist nonsense.

>> No.1828210

you've definitely demonstrated your razor-sharp intellect and strength of judgment by resurrecting an old thread with a million terrible posts in it to say something completely unoriginal and shallow

>> No.1828230


>> No.1828232


>> No.1829432

Bump for rage

>> No.1829465


High testosterone women using the state to enshrine permanent sex-based privileges for themselves.

I say sex and not gender because most feminists are extremely hostile to male-to-female transexuals.

Basically it is a base power ploy that couldn't care less about fairness or equality.

>> No.1829762

Nietzsche was onto something

>> No.1829797

Feminism based on equal rights and opportunities is a good thing.
Feminism combined with cultural Marxism is a cancer.

>> No.1830020

The light has finally split the dark clouds!

Tell me, what do you think about the nuclear family?

>> No.1830246

Feminism is no better than any other dichotomy that exist of society. I view it on the same bases as political affiliations like Democrats or Republicans; a name that seems to try and group several split groups under one banner. Much like political groups you have the radicals, conservatives and so on. The problem with the term is it tries to give one specific definition of a concept when there are many interpretations to that concept, which no one (even women) agree upon.

For instance take the ideas of Betty Friedan (author of he Feminine Mystique) and Phyllis Schlafly. One argues for equality to gain social benefits while the other says gaining equality takes away certain social benefits. Different view points but after the same thing; social perks benefiting women.