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/lit/ - Literature

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18261201 No.18261201 [Reply] [Original]

Give me a literature character who does not fit into any of these archetypes.

>> No.18261224

Des Esseintes

>> No.18261233

An actual 3-dimensional character fits in to more than one of these, and therefore, none of them

>> No.18261252

Name one

>> No.18261270

Do Raskolkinov or Ahab fit into just one of these?

>> No.18261339

Hercule Poirot

>> No.18261359

Is there an online quiz which gives you one of these? I want to affirm that I am a Magician Rebel.

>> No.18261373

Raskolnikov was a failed Rebel. i don't think the list is meant to be exhaustive though.

>> No.18261397

I had a look through OP's image and 4 stand out as applying most strongly to me. Creator, Sage, Orphan, Explorer.

>> No.18261450

Raskolnikov is a Caregiver.
Ahab is a Hero.

>> No.18261460

ahab is satan bro

>> No.18261483

Ahab is that which turns the apple into wine. Ahab is the snake upon the pyramid of gnosis.

>> No.18261507


>> No.18261519

Floyd Knowles

>> No.18261697

Source on these 12 archetypes “by Carl Jung”?? Looks like something out of a some click bait self help new age site for women.

>> No.18261703

most generic doomsday villains
yes, some of them would fall under "magician" or "creator" or "rebel", but a lot of them just want destruction for the sake of destruction.
their goal would be "destruction", which is not on the table

>> No.18261781
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>Give me a literature character who does not fit into any of these archetypes

>> No.18261810


>> No.18261909

katniss everdeen

>> No.18261930

Those archetypes are so good at separating people that i fit into all of them lol

>> No.18261958
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Post results.

>> No.18261969

Your views on Raskolnikov proves his point

>> No.18261995

Wow your a timing wasting perfectionist? A too trusting cynic? A pleaser of all who needs to fight?

>> No.18262016

The characters of story of the eye?

>> No.18262023

I have been a cynic for a long time, now i am much less. And yes, I am a time wasting perfectionist and a pleaser of all who needs to fight.
In fact if you ask anyone they will fit into most of those archetypes at the same time as well

>> No.18262027
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>tfw failed sage

>> No.18262028

The explorer looks to be superior out of the lot.

>> No.18262052

>repeatedly answer that I work slowly and that I am lazy
>get Hero

>> No.18262057

Save me, I'm the innocent :D

>> No.18262084

Astrology for men: the thread

>> No.18262124

Innocent = bugman
Hero = SJW
Caregiver = cuck
Explorer = well adjusted
Rebel = nigger
Lover = cuck
Jester = coomer
Sage = NEET
Magician = schizo
Orphan = doomer
Creator = autist
Ruler = fascist

>> No.18262133


>> No.18262237

(You) = faggot

>> No.18262278

Bob Arctor
Now kindly fuck off

>> No.18262300
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>barely talk to anyone, anxious all the time, neurotic as fuck, huge downer whenever I decide to talk
>Light hearted, sociable and fun to be around.

>> No.18262304

They hated him because he spoke the truth.

>> No.18262318

Created by this person building on the ideas of Carl Jung, but not by him himself.

>> No.18262347

not really good examples for a counterargument, anon.

>> No.18262365

this a thread about Jung, anon

>> No.18262370


>> No.18262373

Any garden variety psychopath doesn't fit. "Transforming" is just vague enough to omit inclusion because psychopaths are not necessarily creative or interested in transformation choosing instead to operate using established and proven methods.

>> No.18262378

Seconded. Stoner is a strange amalgam of the everyday man and some virtuous traits.

>> No.18262413

Well, when you think about it, destruction can be seen as a type of transformation, so i think magician gone bad could apply in this case

>> No.18262466
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>> No.18262504

> Carol S. Pearson is an American author and educator. She
Into the trash it goes

>> No.18262526


>> No.18262529
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Literally me

>> No.18262540

By using these you are simply reducing everything you read to match it to random stereotypes
You may think it makes you look smart, but you are the poorer for it

>> No.18262545


>> No.18262550

shinji's flaw isn't cynicism

>> No.18262558

Holden Caulfield and don't say The Rebel

>> No.18262566

Nigga, you posting a corrupt interpretation, not what they represent

>> No.18262567


>> No.18262579
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>Ruler = fascist
So all roads lead to it then, huh?

>> No.18262581
File: 666 KB, 740x1481, character_archetypes1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's chart sucks ass. Shinji definitely fits the orphan.

>> No.18262609

oh, definitely fits in that version

>> No.18262620

well wait, Shinji doesn't command respect at all, and he isn't a "survivor" either. he's incredibly weak and falls apart all the time. he's also not particularly empathetic (other than a few key moments). Maybe he's just the orphan without any strengths

>> No.18262633
File: 391 KB, 1600x787, The Darkness THat Comes Before.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anasûrimbor Kellhus

The Darkness That Comes Before is true literature. On the one hand epic fantasy/sci-fi of the highest tier, and on the other an exploration of Blind Brain Theory that makes it a solid philosophical work. Nothing else in the genre comes remotely close.

The biggest success is having such an utterly alien character/villain/hero in Khellus and the other Dunyain.

The internal monologue of The Survivor is like reading Hegel while on LSD.

>> No.18262667

Lord Sepulchrave

>> No.18262671

Why does this image have the Sepirot when the high tiers are all secular existentialism and Eastern traditions popular in the West?

Where is the Kabbalahic, Gnostic, Hermetic tier with Jung and Plato leading upwards to the Gnostics on to the Zohar, Eckhart, Hegel, and Boehme?

>> No.18262717

zodiacbro....I kneel

>> No.18262723

I dunno. The word 'orphan' makes me think of Oliver Twist; he and Shinji are definitely akin.

>> No.18262742

because its all about the monomyth, so it picks from different traditions, parts like a puzzle.

>> No.18262814

>On the one hand epic fantasy/sci-fi of the highest tier

>exploration of Blind Brain Theory that makes it a solid philosophical work
His takes on the mind are dogshit, his only good philosophical insight concerns language, structural symbolism, and sociological insight about idolotry

>Nothing else in the genre comes remotely close.
The Engineer trilogy, The Wizard Knight, The Dying Earth, King of Elfland's Daughter, and Phantastes are all at least as good or b etter, though you can argue that the last 2 aen't in the same genre.

Ruler fits best I think

>> No.18262859

Lookin’ cool!

>> No.18262913

Khellus isn't motivated like a ruler though. The rule is a tool he jettisoned when he no longer needs it.

>> No.18262921

Frodo Baggins.

>> No.18262935

what would be Meursault?

>> No.18262948

Innocent rebel

>> No.18262997

no shit. Jungian psychology is just as much pof a pseudoscience as Freudian lies.

>> No.18263029

Guy Mannerling

>> No.18263057

The archetypes were never meant to be personality types for people.

The self posseses images of multiple archetypes. Every man has the Shadow and the Anima. Tests like that aren't what Jung had in mind at all.

>> No.18263318

>Des Esseintes
>Bel Ami
I'd add the narrator of "hunger" by Knut Hamsun.

>> No.18263369


>> No.18263402


>> No.18263414

>Raskolnikov is a Caregiver.
did we read the same book?

>> No.18264271

both contributed significant theories to psychology and their ideas resulted in a wealth of art in western culture. I doubt there's very many people in 20xx who choose to study Freud and Jung who also don't realize how fringe their ideas are in modern clinical settings. You're not saying anything that hasn't been said before

>> No.18264406

>Des Esseintes
Definitely Creator archetype in my opinion

>> No.18265779


>> No.18265810

>Self: Joker
>Persona: Hero
Which literary character is like this?

>> No.18265846
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>> No.18265851

only if you ask someone with little self-knowledge

>> No.18265910

Jesus Christ (PBUH)

>> No.18265983

The fuck is this picture? Is there some Carl Jung book I didn't read that this pic is based on? Excuse my ignorance if I happen to be wrong but:

This pic seems to imply there are only twelve archetypes according to jung which is flat out wrong. There is "theoretically" an infinite number of archetypes, although the major ones have been defined and explained by Jung and not a single of these appears in any of his works. The closest are the Jester (that being called "The Devil" in Jung's works) and the Innocent (that being called "The Child" in Jung).

>> No.18266083


>> No.18266096


>> No.18266208
File: 36 KB, 681x409, old child.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I hate Jung.

>> No.18266212

he's making fun of Jung you absolute mong

>> No.18266216

>both contributed significant theories to psychology
psychology is bunk.
>and their ideas resulted in a wealth of art in western culture.
muh japanese video games, muh "everything is freudian if you narrow it down"

>> No.18266223

This is some Satanic black magic bullshit.

>> No.18266437

Just curious, how so? I've read similar lit to Stoner like Notes from the Underground, part of Confessions of a Mask, and Confederacy of Dunces but none of the protagonists display traits I can apply to a virtuous life. I pity them but they don't inspire me to action. Been staying away from doomer core so I wasn't planning on reading Stoner but you got me curious.

>> No.18266938

we live in a society

>> No.18267510

Everyone that has ever lived have behaved in accordance with all 36 of the attributes mentioned at some point.

>> No.18267539
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>> No.18267808
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Kek, sup fellow grandpas

>> No.18267841

>on a bike
>off a bike
>>>Give me a literature character who does not fit into any of these archetypes.

>> No.18267846
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>> No.18267871


Not really a good counter counter argument, double anon.

>> No.18267899

Thanks for the (You)s suckers!

>> No.18267939


Judge Holden


I'll engage: why?

>> No.18268474

Yossarian is the orphan

>> No.18268613

gay shit

>> No.18268665
File: 76 KB, 797x457, Screenshot 2021-05-18 11.27.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good day old boys

>> No.18268697

I was wondering the same thing, I think he fits into the rebel, although it’s not a perfect fit