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/lit/ - Literature

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18258862 No.18258862 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't men read fiction?

>> No.18258947

>A mother gave her children Aesop’s fables to read, in the hope of educating and improving their minds; but they very
soon brought the book back, and the eldest, wise beyond his years, delivered himself as follows: This is no book for us; it’s much too childish and stupid. You can’t make us believe that foxes and wolves and ravens are able to talk; we’ve got beyond stories of that kind! In these young hopefuls you have the enlightened Rationalists of the future.


We have no time for your stupid fucking childish fables.

>> No.18258951

Men are generally worse than women

>> No.18258952

"Literature" is code for fiction.

>> No.18259037


>> No.18259062

we do

>> No.18259070

Men only account for 10% of fiction sales.

>> No.18259072

wow this is refreshingly cringe

>> No.18259112

Modern men are impatient and want spectacle more than substance. Most young women read trash fiction which isn’t even worth reading. I think the main issue is that we are slowly sliding downhill from the pinnacle of culture that was the turn of the last century into a barbarism and stupidity that will collapse our society. It’s the little things like this that contribute to a big picture problem.

>> No.18259120

Another problem to consider is the democratization of culture. If everyone is considered equal (in more than just the moral sense) all high culture is obscured due to the influence of a mediocre mass culture that does not promote the reading of classic literature or philosophy. This is another reason men are not reading: a culture of mediocrity has replaced the true culture of civilization.

>> No.18259122


>> No.18259127

90% of sales are Harry Potter and cheap erotic

>> No.18259130

I 've seen the kind of fiction women read, don't try to talk down to us.

>> No.18259177
File: 267 KB, 1644x1178, 1620905348258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, i know this would belong more to /tv/, but this makes you understand how shit the avarage woman's taste is

>> No.18259185

Take solace in the fact you now have access to everything beautiful our civilization produced.

>> No.18259187

Only because men are capable of using their mind to read.

>> No.18259223

~d440 Rashomon | Brokeback mountain.

Brokeback mountain was good, but it wasn't Rashomon good. And Rashomon is a story about a woman being raped and murdered and people talking about her so it should be right up women's alley.

>> No.18259238

they read fiction just select fiction not just any garbage YA

>> No.18259325

Only women would incorrectly waste money on something you could get for free

>> No.18259422

Why is the water flying of him, yet merely gliding down her? Is his autism projecting a field or something?

>> No.18259428

This picture really is misleading because clearly a lot of men also find certain "female" movies good too, and vice versa.

>> No.18259451

Men pay for sex while women can fuck for free

>> No.18259469

das boot ? dangal ? rashomon ? taare zamen par ? what the fuck are these ? As if the highest movies ranked by men weren't blockbusters. Obviously this ranking was made by an incel.

>> No.18259483

Fuck off French cunt.

>> No.18260120

>taare zamen par
Movie about a dyslexic soulful artistic kid getting stomped by soulless crushing bugman education system and no wagie bugman teacher understands his condition. Then an art teacher comes along who helps him to uncover his potential.
Story about the daughters of Phelwan(wrestler) who got fucked over by corrupt subhumans. He dedicated his whole life on the wrestling training of his daughters.

Now what is wrong with movies?

>> No.18260215

Because they want to get to the point. They have less tolerance for ambiguity while women love to be led along without knowing exactly where they are going.