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/lit/ - Literature

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18257488 No.18257488 [Reply] [Original]

What's on your mind

>> No.18257501


>> No.18257506
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>> No.18257510
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large resolution

>> No.18257511

What do you do for a living?

Do you hate it?

>> No.18257519
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>> No.18257549
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>> No.18257621



>> No.18257622
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Hope is harmony. A just heart moving towards the light. Despair is hope's polar opposite. It is messy and confusing. Despair swallows up love, hatred and everything else. Because not knowing where you will end up is despair. Despair is not what you cannot predict.
Only despair's unpredictability can save you from a boring future.
I love the cute pics. Especially this one. Cute!

>> No.18257626
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I'm thinking about killing myself because of intense guilt over abusing a family member when I was younger and because I'm borderline retarded. Where do I go from here?

>> No.18257630
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>tfw gaining weight but losing body fat

>> No.18257649

The only word I can use to describe Spengler's writing is ballsy. He obviously knew his systems and ideas weren't all correct or even mostly correct but he presents them in the boldest way possible because anything else would be a disservice to both the ideas and the reader. I wish more of academia were like that, at least when dealing with more macro-scale topics.

>> No.18257654

Is apologizing to the family member not an option?

>> No.18257691
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If things keep going wrong as they have for the last 4 years, I will kill myself. I'm not even depressed anymore, just a bit tired, and I've rationally thought about it.
The only reasons I haven't committed suicide yet were that my family would suffer, because I had some great long term goals that I wanted to achieve, and because of fear of a possible hell.
About my family, that's pretty much solved: my sister is giving birth to her first daughter in a month, and I know that my parents have always wanted to be grandparents, so that should be more than enough to ease their pain. Plus, I know that I could never give them grandkids, so I would be saving them from the disappointment. Aside from that, it would be benefitial for them, since they wouldn't have to waste anymore time and money on me, they would be able to enjoy more free time and could actually save money.
About my long term goals, I used to think that I could achieve great things which would benefit others, but turns out that I'm not as great as I thought, and everything I had planned to achieve them has turned wrong, be it because of me being too useless, or because of things out of my control.
I'm not fully convinced about the existence of hell, or of some sort of divinity. I've always had a complicated relationship with religion, but now I think that it is unlikely for such a thing as hell to exist, and if there is a God, I don't think he would even care about me.

>> No.18257701

I'm a mental health therapist. No I don't hate it. Though, some days are hard.

>> No.18257710

>Where do I go from here?
Start by getting some help for the suicidal ideation. Then work on improving yourself. The past is solidified snd cannot be changed. But you can start by giving back to the world and make up for what you took.

>> No.18257713

Recently became a neet


>> No.18257719

You have a purpose to fulfill. Stick around and get it done and stop wasting your time feeling sorry for yourself.

>> No.18257722

I'm a ZOGbot and I hate it.

>> No.18257727

Like reading a journal written by my shadow or something...

Anyway, don’t you think it’s more that your suicide would put a damper on the birth of their grandchild rather than the grandchild somehow take the edge off your suicide? That doesn’t make much sense to me.

>> No.18257748

>pretty pussy, walkin down the street

>> No.18257750

Hell to me, isn't real but a state of mind. Killing yourself will put your parents in that frame od mind for the rest of their life. Even if you write a suicide note. It won't answer all of the questions. So what you cant give them grandchildren. The time and money they spend on you is a far less strenuous situation than thr hours they'll lay awake at night in misery over their own flesh and blood stripped from them like some sixk twist of fate. Work on bettering yourself not on whether the people who want you around will be happy or not if you are gone.

P.S. they won't be happy

>> No.18257765
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what did apple mean by this?

>> No.18257772

I have an okay relationship with them now but I don't think apologizing would really do anything to make up for it. Though they haven't brought what happened up since and maybe I'm just hoping we can both forget about it if neither of us ever mentions it.
I don't really want to seek help. My problems are almost entirely my fault and I don't want to go burden someone else with them.

>> No.18257778

Tech consultant at Deloitte, I hate it

>> No.18257788
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>> No.18257792
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I unironically fell in love with a girl on discord

>> No.18257794

It's perfectly okay to be normal . Not being as great as you thought is not a sin, it just makes you normal. All good deeds count regardless of their impact , you threw one star fish in the sea good while it didn't make a world shattering difference it made a difference to that one starfish. It is okay to feel happy for doing little things . Share a kind word or two with your sister or help her with the crib or blah blah . While it probably wouldn't help the socitey it did help your sister. And be happy with that, because today your sister had to carry a little less burden.

>> No.18257844

Are we being raided by a discord group?
I feel like posters are intentionally dumbing down the board.

>> No.18257851

is working at one of the big four hellish? do you often work around bitchy accountants with big tits?

>> No.18257852

if someone wanted to derail /lit/ wouldn't they start by actually posting about literature

>> No.18257860

I've recently realized that I'm quite lonely

>> No.18257880
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I like this painting

>> No.18257885

I posted a thread the other day about the new Murakami book and it got removed after 3 posts. Jannies don't even let you post legitimate literature threads anymore.

>> No.18257905

It’s crushing knowing I’ll never come up with ideas like my favorite author(s), let alone write books like them.

>> No.18257909

>about the new Murakami book

Is it any good? I like Murakami but it's fairly expensive

>> No.18258008

The playful imagination I once had when I was younger has gone. I am becoming pure text, without memory or images, only a dot connecting from line to line. I have lost all emotion--what it feels like to spontaneously lose one's self in laughter or in another person, or in pure raw experience is all distant now. My memory has become only a repository for other people's stories, the imagined vistas of a person with no genuine experiences.

>> No.18258021

After much serious consideration, I have decided that I'm gonna start trying grow breasts.

>> No.18258037

I can't help but feel pity for my parents. Why did they marry? Are the faults in people you "love" unnoticeable for decades and decades? From them I have learned how NOT to behave rather than what attitudes and actions will have a positive influence after implementing them. And that, at least for me, is the biggest sign of bad parenting. I made a promise to myself: If I end up like my father in ten years or so, physically and mentally, I will kill myself.

>> No.18258202

I don't want to hate women but they keep on making it really, really difficult not to.

>> No.18258205


>> No.18258260

>Where do I go from here
>I don't want to go burden someone else with them.
Ok anon explain something to me. You asked what to do. I told you what to do, I'm a mental health therapist not that you'll believe me. But, I wanted you to know. Then you respond with a comment refusing to acknowledge that my original suggestion might actually help you. So why are you asking for help, if you don't try what people sugges?

>> No.18258267 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18258286
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>> No.18258304
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>> No.18258336

It's alright when you learn basic /g/ stuff, I look like genius at work for writing basic python scripts

>> No.18258423

First there was the animefag, then the drama between his supporters and the schizo who wanted to make the new threads as early as possible to defeat him. We had two separate wwoym threads with 100+ replies once. And now this cat anon emerges. I'm not even annoyed. These levels of 'tism are only possible on 4chan.

>> No.18258440

Thanks, now I can see all the depth of field blur clearer.

>> No.18258450

just submitted my poem for a color-themed online poetry contest. hope I win the 2k so I can buy a gun

>> No.18258777

Posts like this almost makes me wish that we had a /lit/ thread for date stories. Partly because tfw no lit gf/bf, but also because it feels like I seldom meet well-read people my age in real life, so reading about anons here meeting people like that is cozy.

>> No.18258785
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>daddy took the t bird away

>> No.18258817

I woke up today and immediately had to shit. It was a short, greasy turd that filled my apartment with the smell of sulfur. My cat normally likes to come in and hang out while I shit, but this one gassed her out. She stood up immediately and looked at me with wild eyes and literally sprinted away. I'm never getting burritos from that place again.

>> No.18258880
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>> No.18258908


>> No.18258949

i want to tongue your bratty asshole baby, let's fuck

>> No.18258953
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Did you like the song?

>> No.18258961

yes, now give me your address so I can come pick you up in my mustang and drag race on the freeway on ecstasy with your lips around my cock

>> No.18258992

I'm 20 but I consume alcohol like an adult and I fuckin hate it because as far as clandestine drinking goes—I drink a lot, and so despite consuming a moderate to low amount of alcohol I look/feel like some sort of out of problem child. I used to joke about enjoying my last yr of illegal drinking, but once I learned to not get wasted it's just an annoyance that produces uncomfortable social dynamics. I also feel this same way about marijuana and LSD but theres about no chance of me feeling good about the former when I turn 21, and pretty close to zero chance of me feeling good about the latter before I'm 40.

>> No.18259104


>> No.18259117
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28 and feelin gr8

>> No.18259302

“The child who is decked with prince's robes and who has jewelled chains round his neck loses all pleasure in his play; his dress hampers him at every step. In fear that it may be frayed, or stained with dust he keeps himself from the world, and is afraid even to move. Mother, it is no gain, thy bondage of finery, if it keep one shut off from the healthful dust of the earth, if it rob one of the right of entrance to the great fair of common human life.”

>> No.18259317
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if you can't apologize find some way to repent without hurting yourself. Volunteering or just trying to be a good and kind person was the only thing that helped me let go of the guilt I had about the past.

>> No.18259364

I don't think that a grand child would really be able to just fix the pain of a loved one dying I still feel a hole for when my sister died and that was over 10 years ago at this point. I don't really know if a text post can really change how you feel about this but I sincerely hope you can find something that gives you happiness in life.

>> No.18259375

Poetic language only works when with it comes a solid sensation of rhythm and flow. It's not just the words you use. It's the way the words you use flow into and out of one another.

>> No.18259390

this guy actually got a nobel for this book, it's Tagore.

>> No.18259449

glad to say that i think i am growing out of this place. feel profoundly sorry for those who will never mature beyond this fairly juvenile level

>> No.18259464

If he didn't write in English, which it looks like he didn't, I'd blame that on the translator then.

>> No.18259478


>> No.18259501

he did. he wrote this first in bengali, then he was told by I think it was Yeats that if he would translate this book (Gitanjali) to english it would have a great impact on the west. So he did, and the next year he got the nobel. This is 1913 I think.

>> No.18259503

grow up cunt

>> No.18259510

Growing out of 4chan is growing out the internet at this point

>> No.18259514

Yikes. Maybe I need to reevaluate my own tastes.

>> No.18259530


>> No.18259645

I have a fetish for listening to girls take nasty gassy dumps; not scat, just the *sound*, the sensory experience, the plucking of the nervous system's strings. It starts with their shuffling feet, scurrying to their porcelain savior and my ears trying to judge what their gait looks like, their shoes, their body - finer details in the noise if you are a deep listener - the anticipation heats up as the stall door *clicks*, then in a sublime moment, a timing, neither too quick or fast, you get the nice thump sound of their ass slamming the seat, summoning a faint detection of the bowl's shape and the plump thighs wrapping themselves securely and *sensually* around it - before they relax and unleash an unladylike, cathartic avalanche of waste. Mud, putrid mud, waste; such a disgusting and meager thing, but it is coming from her. If you're lucky, you can hear them moan or sigh after recoiling from their gas and crude bowel eruptions, their voice can be arousing as a clearer image of a cute face can emerge in your mind; an obscure stripe of innocence, beauty, or cuteness, found curiously not in some alert social vista of tired modern life, but a quiet bathroom, beautifully contrasted by gross flatulence which they cannot control through any capacity of will power. A ripe opportunity to revel in natural imperfection and embarrassment of a woman, of whom her midst is without you in any dimension - at least to her. There is no prolonged ache of a relationship, relating, chaotic sympathy and pain, miscommunication; this is for you, a perfect erotic experience rapidly and carefully accounted into the brain, by the elite stenographer of your steady senses into your brain. No one may pry this rich memory from you, and no one got hurt. Tell me, can another fetish provide as much auditory feedback and information for your mind to crunch down on? I thought not.

>> No.18259653

I spent too much time on /lit/ today and didn't get any writing done. It's not even that I'm out of time to write, it's just that I know I won't. I end up feeling so beaten down and zoned out by looking for good discussion in the cracks between the endless litany of 100% worthless phone shitposting that I'm entirely spent. All I want to do is hide from the genuine idiocy which characterizes all uncurated groups of humans. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.18259678

BACK OFF, she's mine. she already promised to fart on my face.

>> No.18259684


>> No.18259692

ahhhhh fuck, just power washed the crusted shit off my hemorrhoids with the shower nozzle, felt sooooo good. my asshole's so clean butters could eat ice cream out of it

>> No.18259792

post farts

>> No.18259857

I was a freshman two and a half years ago, now I'm an old man to the freshman today. Feels weird but if it gets me pussy I'll age gracefully

>> No.18259970
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>Still not over my ex after nearly 2 months
>moved to the city to try and fix things and got shitty job
>Lost my job and only have 3 months rent money left
>no word from places I've applied to
>no hope

>> No.18259994

you can move in with me

>> No.18260039

I don' want to die anon

>> No.18260048

we all have to someday

>> No.18260052

3 months is plenty of time to find a job

>> No.18260085

I don't know man, some jobs are traps and you'll be stuck in them for the rest of your life, I want to have a job where I at least won't want to kill myself anymore than I already do.

>> No.18260114

>some jobs are traps and you'll be stuck in them for the rest of your life
This has not been my experience at all, but ok. Even with a shitty job, you got enough cash to cover rent and presumably other essential expenses for 3 months. Just get another shitty job and quit if you can't stand it.

>> No.18260119

I think the guy meant more that you'll be able to get a shitty part time job within 3 months at least to cover the bills

>> No.18260212

Engineer. Some days I like it, many days I'm bored. Pays well, so I can't complain too much.

>> No.18260248

still adriana

>> No.18260282

This version is cool too

>> No.18260470

Engineer, I’m a glorified penny pincher. It’s also a step down from what my actual degree was in but I didn’t work hard enough to get a position that was more fitting so.

I don’t hate it, it’s hard to hate it when I can work from home and read all day instead of working, pays pretty good. But I find nothing interesting about the work, I have no want to learn anything to be a better worker, and I would see getting fired as an opportunity. Only reason I havnt quit is because working from home makes it bearable and I have student loans to pay. Also dumb to quit a job when I don’t quite have a backup plan and they are literally paying me to read all day so.

>> No.18261038

That's so close to my name it made me jump a little

>> No.18261043

Hi Adrian.

>> No.18261087
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What do women talk about with each other?

>> No.18261114

Whats the psychology behind crossdressing? Is it simple fetish or something more? Seems like it existed since the ancient times.

>> No.18261116

Their families and relationships. Pure drek.

>> No.18261122

Based Monster Magnet poster
Been there man, don't fucking do it

>> No.18261127

Beautiful words.

>> No.18261147

People that always support the oppressed over the oppressor are childish and are extremely harmful to the long term health of society. Often the best outcome can only be found by allowing the oppressor to completely crush their victim.

>> No.18261197

putting your unsheathed dick in a sloppy pussy is one of the best feelings in the world unironically

>> No.18261198

My mind is bursting eith ideas. But I always procrastinate and don't write. I know it'll be shit for a while and I'm cool with that. Yet, every night I sit down and do not write a fucking word.

>> No.18261267

Whereas we men of culture discuss important stuff, like cryptocurrency and being a knight of the faith

>> No.18261268

This post reminds me of an absurd video of this gay nigga harassing a karen who cut him off while merging on the highway or something. The gay nigga followed her to her home, got out, and recorded her on his phone including her licence plate and started saying "hey Karen why did you flip me off?" And started going on about how she is racist toward all black people because she was rude to him. Then The woman in turn had an absolute meltdown and just started wailing uncontrollably rambling incomprehensibly about how she has a black husband and asking for repentance in the most abject and humiliating way.

The gay nigga goes on playing the race card, and then walks away for a bit while the white woman is on the ground gibbering. Then this most obnoxious looking lesbian woman walks up to the gay nigga and patronizes him excessively, talking about how the woman on the ground crying was a "damn karen" and generally radiating an aura an absolute annoyance.

It was this whole childish episode in which everyone behaved like a petty little kid and played out stereotyped roles of liberal victim mentality and white guilt in a farcical ritual . Liberal identity politics is infantile in every sense of the word. It was pathetic.

Then you read all the insufferable comments of these absolute sheep supporting the black guy as if the woman had all but lynched him next to a burning cross. Absolutely pitiful .

I found the video if anyone wants some cringe fuel.


>> No.18261272

>Often the best outcome can only be found by allowing the oppressor to completely crush their victim.

>> No.18261276

The video isn't the full clip, but that's a good thing. Don't think so little of yourself to subject yourself to it like I did.

>> No.18261289

If I had a gf I would make her read out loud to me

>> No.18261323

>sunnis rise up against Hafiz al Asad
>Hafiz cracks down hard
>20k dead, whole affair over in a couple of months at most
>sunnis rise up against Bashar al Asad
>Bashar knows that if he goes hard he will be Saddam'd
>doesn't go hard
>several hundred thousand dead, massive destruction, conflict almost 10 years old and ongoing
a case can be made

>> No.18261324
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I can't read anything at all since my little brother's bass practicing is the most annoying shit in the planet.
If I heard that faggot Muse riff one more time I...

>> No.18261326

Meh it's overrated. I read to my wife instead. When she reads she does it all wrong.

>> No.18261365
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I've been lying to my mother about my studies for a long time, today is the day that I'll finally tell her the truth.

I honestly don't know why I didn't tell her ealier, because I've waited for so long the consequences I will face will be much greater and painful. It's amazing that I still continue thinking that I'm a smart person when I commit mistakes as dumb as this, especially since this isn't even the first time I've done something like this.

>> No.18261382

But why are the sunnis rising up? You can't just ignore the conditions that led to it

>> No.18261394

You failing all your classes or something?

>> No.18261407

switched from stem to humanities without telling her?

>> No.18261420

Yep, I've been telling her I've been doing great for 4 months now.
I don't think she'd be angry as that to be honest.

>> No.18261419

I'm gonna punch someone in the face and it could be you.

>> No.18261429

You can catch up on 4 months of slack.

>> No.18261438

Oh no, it's completely fucked, I'm already past the point where anything could be fixed even if I tried. But the thing is, I don't think she's gonna be angry at my failing my classes, I think she's gonna be angry about me lying to her for 4 months straight.

>> No.18261447
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How mentally one has to be to use RYM?
Why are all these people so obsessed with bolded titles and the position of their favorite albums in the charts, what in the actual fuck.

>> No.18261470
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why does my boyfriend get so angry at me,,,also should i read chris mccandles sister's book?

>> No.18261474

Amazing, inspiring anon. I'm proud of you. Keep it up.

>> No.18261476

My body is falling apart and I’m only 29. I don’t think I’ll see 40

>> No.18261477

That’s okay. I’ve been lying to my mother about quitting my job. She thinks I work from home everyday. I’m just living off (modest) savings while I spend everyday reading.

>> No.18261480

I used to use RYM because it was a good music forum and some reviews were good. I stopped using several years ago when they started to only care about negro music.

>> No.18261486

Not every girl reads all wrong you know

>> No.18261487

I'm an English teacher.

I love it. The only thing better than teaching is learning. There's so much joy in my job. I can't explain how wonderful it is to see kids believe in themselves, feel cared for, and begin to gain confidence in themselves and appreciation for the literature we work with, Only complaint is that I'm poor.

>> No.18261492


>> No.18261497

You seem to have a good head on your shoulders anon, I hope you take care of yourself and things turn out well. Doesn't sound like you're doing terribly rn anyway :)

>> No.18261503

Big tittied middle-eastern escort with a nice butt hasnt been scheduled to work in two weeks. Haven't fapped in those weeks in anticipation of blowing a fat load on her chest. Im not sure I can hold out much longer.

>> No.18261536

I just broke up with her, but when I had a gf I preferred reading to her as well, rather than being read to. After I left her she would send me messages saying she missed my voice and wanted to hear me reading aloud again. It made me sad.

>> No.18261542

Why did you left her

>> No.18261578

I use RYM. It is a good way to catalogue the music I listen to and what I plan to listen to. Otherwise you lose track. I have been doing this for many years now.

>> No.18261603

What's happening anon?

>> No.18261622

.....thanks I know this. That's why my comment was limited to my wife. Notice the absence of "all women" akin statements.

>> No.18261626

I'm sorry anon. That's rough.

>> No.18261634

their body is falling apart

>> No.18261635

The relationship wasn't working, she refused to change, and I wasn't happy. She demanded attention 24/7, disrespected me frequently and took out her mental instability on me, expected way too much sacrifice and for me to run her life for her, and way more. She would throw fits and start fights over small and stupid stuff like if I wanted to watch a movie with a friend, or if I went to work instead of randomly cancelling because she wanted to sit around and cuddle all day, She also wasn't very thoughtful and couldn't hold interesting conversations.

>> No.18261711

>read that you have concentrate on what you want to be
>have had a slightlest idea who i'd want to be

>> No.18261899

Then you should concentrate on nothing at all (i.e.: meditate).

>> No.18262056

The EU has apparently recently introduced a law that results in YouTube now requiring you to post your credit card info or your ID in order to watch 'age restricted' videos. Sadly, this includes a lot of interesting content. Neat little glimpse of what awaits the Internet in the very near future. Fuck this gay earth

What's a good website for mirroring YT videos?

>> No.18262085


>> No.18262092

Thanks anon, things definitely aren't too bad, I'm almost done paying off my loans and I'm taking steps to get into a job which I think I'll enjoy more and trying to develop a backup plan either way.

Appreciate the kind words, have a nice day.

>> No.18262102

Which country are you in. This might just be Google using the EU as a front. I did not have to deal with this at all (Germany).

Still, the old internet is slowly being gentrified and the old guard such as us will have to retreat more and more.

>> No.18262118

Concentrate on being someone who knows what they want to be?

(I think that’s terrible advice btw)

>> No.18262178

This is very recent, like the past couple or weeks. Are you sure?
Anyway, yeah, it's entirely possible too that it's not actually mandated and YT is just using it as an excuse, I could see that. Makes little difference at any rate.

Do you remember when YouTube had warnings on it never to post your real name or your personal info on it? Wasn't even that long ago. Then they did the whole G+ thing and tried to get everyone to use their real names. Things are changing quickly these days. The old internet is circling the drain

>> No.18262190

you can become something in the meanwhile and keep floundering. I think accountant is a fine in between career choice.

>> No.18262207

My left hip/leg is totally out of balance. The thing is there are so many muscles involved im not sure which ones need to be strengthened and which need to be stretched. I’ll probably have to do physical therapy.

>> No.18262563
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I've told her and it actually went a whole lot better than I thought, she's disappointed but she is nowhere near as angry as I thought.

>> No.18262597

The truth will always set you free.

>> No.18262890

I've been having dreams that felt very real lately. Could that be a sign of something, besides it being cool?
Almost feeling like my brain is making up for my boring awake life.

>> No.18262904
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burping. I ate like home-made sriracha cheese pancakes for dinner with watermelon for desert. not bad, not great. pretty chill day today, I'm a little bit ahead on uni and I was tired. Derry Girls is pretty good. I want to play more vidya but I'm working my way through Brothers Karamazov and I feel like I have to put my time into that if I'm ever gonna make it through. I'm tired of it desu, I have like 180 pages left, I'm barely following all the details which I think the book wants me to really keep track of right now. We're coming up on the trial. I'm in a work-group at uni which is working really well, people are nice and sincere, they're smarter than me so I can learn from them. Fuck man I just want to sleep. I can sleep soon.

>> No.18263144
File: 67 KB, 512x628, Lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related would have been all over dark academia.

>Obsessed with academia despite never attending university.
>Narrators are almost always academics or writers. Or at least some of the characters are.
>Loved writing about folklore and classics despite not knowing much about the topics.
>Loved libraries

He would have been all over it.

>> No.18263148

could've been worse anon. stay well

>> No.18263328

I sort of knew a guy who killed himself. his family reached out ot me to let me know (maybe he felt we were closer than I did, I don't know) and I decided to go to the funeral for their sake. After the funeral, at the wake, I ended up at a table with a lot of people I hadn't seen in a long time and I was sort of socially uncomfortable. I ended up with a kind of rapport with one of them and I just went with it to have some way of handling this social situation. I remember I ended up laughing quite a lot. When I left the wake the father asked me how I had known his late son. I think about this a lot. For some reason I assume that he asked because I laughed at the wake of a young man who killed himself. I am very ashamed of this, I think it was an unbelievably awful thing that I was party to. I laughed at his sons wake, and I laughed a lot too. I've actually posted about this here before to get it off my chest but it's still on there.

>> No.18263380

>I don't think I'll see 40

>> No.18263426

It's probably best to get professional help with that soon. At least get examined by someone who can figure out the reason. You are still 29, you can still recover from pretty much anything at this point.

>> No.18263498

Report from my walk:
>thin russian mom with big tits
>eastern euro PAWG mom pushing a stroller in sweatpants
>dog walking woman with huge tits in tanktop and huge ass in flowy pants

Conclusion: this is the best time in human history to get a white woman pregnant.

>> No.18263499
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Regret agreeing to watch my buddy’s house in a bum-fuck nowhere. Was fine at first and he’s throwing some cash my way in addition to unemployment, so there’s some upside, but goddamn I have to be here another 45 days.

No restaurants, no bars, no young people. Jesus fucking Christ. Reading, movies, and vidya help but how the hell can I make this go by faster??

>> No.18263525

For phones, android has newpipe

>> No.18263562

I'm an assistant teacher right now, didn't get into teacher's college this year so I am treading water now. Job market sucks where I live too, kind of unsure what the future holds. Not looking forward to teacher's college should I get in either honestly, but I have to do it so it is what it is.

That said, I really do enjoy my job, sure there are a couple bad kids, but I generally enjoy them and the regularity and rigor of the work is good for me

>> No.18263567

I STRONGLY suspect that every powerful man on Earth is a sexual submissive. Xi Jinping, Putin, Biden? All subs.

>> No.18263570

The ideas of others

>> No.18263657

>I STRONGLY suspect that every powerful man on Earth is a sexual submissive
Imagine spending time thinking sbout people who will never know nor care that you exist

>> No.18263678

Hey, it came to mind. I felt the need to share it

>> No.18263764

Usually that means you have homosexuality of the penis

>> No.18263789
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I am a big question. I fear the world. I dissociate often and imagine people before me who did not have to go through this whole ordeal. The answer as to why I suffer will never be answered. I must grow up. Acquire some personal self-responsibility. Attend to what is needed. My friends taught me how to laugh. My loved one taught me how to love. Now they are not with me. They will not come. Those people are gone. No longer can accompany me in this journey. My heart is broken. That laughter. That love. Those were always mine. I lend them for a while. We shared those things. I will draw strength from them. I fear of pain and sickness. Yet I will not look away. I may not be able to make it and just get halfway from where I want to go. People may not accept me. It will hurt a lot. To look at the eyes of a person knowing beforehand you are not worth it. Yet you need them. I may sleep under the snow. Answers might never come. But I will.

>> No.18263801


I wish I would have never stopped learning the guitar.

>> No.18263834

Don't worry about it man, not your fault and honestly what you did is not that bad

>> No.18263840

what's on your mind

>> No.18263848

Get plastered

No way, he seduced Hillary Clinton in the early 90s

You can always pick it back up

>> No.18263871

You did nothing wrong. This culture likes to shame death especially in a suicide situation. With his death he brought more life to you through reconnections with old friends. It's ok to laugh at funerals the same it is to cry. Learn to let this go. If you feel really bad about it then call the dad up and explain the situation and how you feel sorry for what you did (again you did nothing wrong).

>> No.18263877

i think im in love

>> No.18263914


>> No.18264006
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>> No.18264012

>With his death he brought more life to you
I generally agree with your sentiment but this is cringe

>> No.18264027

It's a fairly common experience to laugh at funerals, don't beat yourself up too much about it.

>> No.18264073

Life keeps throwing lots of mini disasters at me. Nothing which on its own would be too much to bear, but it's the frequency and lack of any break between them that wears you down. I guess this is adulthood.

>> No.18264079

Yea I guess it is ha

>> No.18264081

>I guess this is adulthood
It's not. Get help. Multiple instances stacking up is what I see most commonly start a depressive episode in people. Reach out. There are people who can help.

>> No.18264087

You're not my mum

>> No.18264102

Thats right I'm not. So swallow your pride and realize as an adult when it's time to reach out

>> No.18264122

What do you mean by 'reach out'?

>> No.18264161

because of money from Zio-wahhabi dogs

>> No.18264167

Talk to a counselor/therapist

>> No.18264183

Talk to your friends.

>> No.18264189
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Turned down sex cause I don't want to be disappointed again

>> No.18264193

Am I falling for bait?

>> No.18264202

What bait would that be? If someone is depressed then get help from a professional.

>> No.18264213

How do you even tell a girl you're into GFD without her looking at you like you're a piece of garbage?

>> No.18264223

This is a very American thing to do. Not sure if I'd recommend.

>> No.18264229

>You can always pick it back up
Yes. One day...

>> No.18264242

I'm a therapist myself, why wouldn't you recommend seeking professional help?

>> No.18264263

Learn to enjoy being treated like garbage so you have a backup.

>> No.18264296

Costs lots of money with questionable results. For some reason Americans always turn to therapists as the first thought. This somewhat of an idiosyncrasy. Ultimately, people find other means to reach out, vent, and seek help outside of their immediate circles. Therapists may just be one instance of that.

>> No.18264302

You ever feel like you can’t be a novelist because you don’t have the look, or the voice, or the manner of speaking, or the disposition?

I do. All the time. I constantly feel like a fraud. Not just with novel writing, but everything really.

>> No.18264311

how do I learn to cope with not feeling inspired or interested?

>> No.18264322

going to write a letter here

to mb

you left your stuff at my house, and the crafts we’ve made together are here too. reminders of my mistakes i suppose. how to deal with regret?

>> No.18264367

Technical writer. Work has picked up a lot lately. I enjoy it, but if it stretches on like this for more than a month or so, the burnout is going to be pretty bad when it's through.

>> No.18264387

>Therapists may just be one instance of that
I agree with this but disagree with your notion that thr first thing Americans do is turn to therapy. Much of my client load consists of individuals who have started therapy for the first time after decades of suffering. The original anon I responded to normalized their feelings by stating this must just be how adulthood feels, which isn't true.

>> No.18264388

I keep writing letters that won't be sent again. I still can't banish thoughts of a particular woman from my head and heart. We spoke for a few hours last week, and that may not have been good for me in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.18264435
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Like I'd tell you spook. This thread is an op

>> No.18264483
File: 29 KB, 300x452, feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

write an ode to her feet in iambic pentameter

>> No.18264514

Looked like Arabic first glance.

>> No.18264525

mira mira toes so sweet
can i have a bite to eat

>> No.18264609

What is GFD?

>> No.18264691

omegle has started throwing really obnoxious captchas at me after every single skip
i love the premise of omegle so much but the website is such a massive pile of shit and there can NEVER be a fucking alternative to it because nobody would bother
i wish i could beat the owner with a shovel

>> No.18264692

>read Confessions of a Mask
>I understand completely
Oh no

>> No.18264758

At what point in my original post did I say I was depressed

>> No.18264804

i don't have the energy to do anything, even stuff i enjoy like reading, playing games, playing music, anything that isn't braindead sitting on youtube/4chan is too much for me
i think i may have adhd as i've fit the bill since childhood, i can't bring myself to get myself seen for it though, so i'm just left here to rot
i want to make a change but i just don't have the energy

>> No.18264911

Didn't sleep much last night and very tired today. But not that fried kind of tired, the more pleasant type of sleepiness where it feels like you could just drift off at any moment. Still, not particularly conducive to being at work. Around 1 or 2AM I could hear somebody screaming bloody murder for about 2 minutes straight. A man's voice, very gutteral screams, like something really bad was happening. But I was pretty groggy and can't say for sure whether or not I dreamed it. It sounded like it came from a few blocks over, so if it had been somebody in trouble I wouldn't have been much help to them anyway. Still I wonder what happened, if it did happen.

>> No.18264915

My friend recently came out as a tranny, and has started to wear women's clothes in public and asked me to call him by a woman's name. I absolutely can't bring myself to go along with it, but on the other hand I'm afraid of what he might do if I'm upfront about my disapproval. Either I tell him to his face that I don't think he'll ever be a woman, or I keep lying to him in the hope that he'll snap out of it. Either way our relationship is ruined.

>> No.18265024

Some days are really bad. Today is going to be really bad. But that's ok, you can get through bad days.

>> No.18265043

just ghost him lol he'll be a ghost himself soon anyway

>> No.18265126

Dew and specular reflection bokeh.

>> No.18265152

Normalfag problem coming in: I don’t know if I love my girlfriend enough or not.

We moved in together a month ago and I honestly miss having time for myself. It’s also getting increasingly clear that she isn’t “the one”. She is an incredibly loving, faithful and selfless person, but we have different ideas for what we want for our lives. All she wants is to be cozy, safe, and comfortable, while I have ambition. She also eats a lot of snacks and doesn’t exercise, which means she is gaining weight. I don’t feel very attracted to her anymore and constantly look at other, prettier girls in the street. It makes me think about what I’m missing out on.

But now she got way too attached and I don’t have the guts to break up. What makes things interesting is that we now have to look for a new place, which means that I have to make a decision: continue living with her, hoping that my feelings return, or use this opportunity to live separately again. I’m afraid we’ll both be lonely if I choose the second option, since we wouldn’t be able to meet at each other’s places due to new Covid restrictions. I also feel bad about breaking her heart, since she is such a genuinely nice and caring person.

>> No.18265415

memorize the ywnbaw copypasta and say it out loud in conversation

>> No.18265453

Rue is human as development. First consider that you're not the same asshole you were then, secondly that conscience is an improvement, thirdly that empathy and foresight are two aspects of memory's compass. Morality more strenuous than that is self-defeating all-round (except for actual psychos & such) and that includes whatever notion you have about burdening someone else with faults, as if life were that short, and others too weak to share the load for the time remediation takes.
This, by contrast, is a gift more apropos to the sublime trolls--paid or volunteer--that throng this place of late, apparently by administrative design. I'm thinking of The Lord Of The Flies re-imagined as a self-segregating archipelago where 1000 boys are shipwrecked, the all the Jacks end up on the same island and slaughter eachother. Happy ending.
Yet one can also operate on the meta level, and Muse a glowie with the dubious distinction of having to think in abysmal terms for pay. The Spy Who Came In From The Sewer. It must be awful to never have the kind of experiences that lyric poetry refers to and recalls.

>> No.18265466

Stop talking to him and that's it, no need to waste your time

>> No.18265489

Ligma Debussy

>> No.18265500

Went through this recently, she instead broke up with me and I've regretted not being closer to her than anything else.

>> No.18265575

I have so little energy. I have to pump in the caffeine just to function at the minimal level.

>> No.18265597

I don't know I forget after a few minutes what they told me because they only say insignificant stuff

>> No.18265603

That happens in the world's first superpower, no wonder if we live in a clown world

>> No.18265656

>now requiring you to post your credit card info or your ID in order to watch 'age restricted' videos
The funniest thing is that I saw a video on YT yesterday about Uyghurs mass surveillance program in Xinjiang to "prevent terrorism" and European countries installing surveillance cameras made by Chinese companies (blacklisted by the US) who were able to access them in any moment and they are forced by Chinese laws to do it whenever the Chinese gov' requests it.
The entire reportage focused on "muh China bad regime" which is true, China is a despotic place, but conveniently didn't say anything on the fact that the EU is passing laws such as that one and putting on measures such as anti-terrorism barriers, military personnel and cameras in cities because it's the new normal.
We really live in interesting times.

>> No.18265735

That's old news anon.
The new mood is cheering on a huge black man punching a 77 year old man to death for presumably saying the word nigger.
Or a black man knocking out white women for being 'karens'

>> No.18265744
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I was interested in trying it. Why is it a pile of shit? Trolls and zoomers?

>> No.18265750


I'm just sitting in front of my work laptop doing nothing and this stresses me the hell out.
This is my first month in this new job where I got hired as a trainee but eventually I'll have to be the only front end dev in the company. And I've already pushed my code my mentor said yesterday that he'll look at it but now I don't have any task so there is nothing to do - but because I'm coming from a job where you had to work continuously from 8 to 5 this just stresses me out because I feel like there should be _something_ to do but I'm not doing it. And also I'm stressing out about turning from trainee to the only front end dev at the company in three months time.
I don't know what to do and I just become more and more depressed with the situation.

>> No.18265778

Video or chat?
I've been doing the video portion often lately and it can be interesting. No captchas for me though

>> No.18265870

Talking about the "one" sounds like you have a quixotic idea of love and finding the perfect relationship, which is sort of endearing for 4chan. You seem like you have a good heart anon.

>moving in with her
DON'T. Moving in together again will be seen as confirmation you think she's the "one" to you and want her for the long haul. You're going to make her more attached, which will break her heart even more. And what if you two break up before the lease ends? (Devil's advocate: Living with her is the best way to determine genuine compatibility and who she TRULY is... so you could use it as an opportunity to gauge if she might actually be marriage potential.)

>hoping that my feelings return

Let's call a spade a spade. She'll continue to grow fatter, looks will only continue to decline, her unhealthy lifestyle is a character trait you can't fix. How will these issues disappear and rekindle your attraction to her?

>All she wants is to be cozy, safe, and comfortable, while I have ambition.

If you even have a slight chance of marrying her and wanting kids, this makes her sound like a catch. Why'd you want a career-driven women?

>constantly look at other, prettier girls in the street. It makes me think about what I’m missing out on.

This is sorta natural but the way you put it makes me think you don't want to settle down until you try more options. Consider if your feelings come down to FOMO. Do you feel like you'd regret not having more relationships and sexual "experience" before settling down? Wanting the thrill of hook ups and hot flings to relive youth is the biggest reason many women cheat after their marriage grows stale and they can't cope with aging/a boring life. Your gf probably has a pure soul so at least you know she won't feel that way. But if you do, it'll always bother you especially the more your attraction fades. If you want to get married but want to try more options first, I strongly recommend using the stopping rule to the SR/SM Dilemma, it's perfect.

>> No.18265888


>Talking about Omegle in 2021
It's still a thing? I thought that died in 2013

>> No.18266039

The days are never long enough, there's not enough time for all the things I have to do and want to do so I end up doing them at night and going to sleep at 2 am. The next day I'm so tired.
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.18266097

Why do Western artists have to corrupt everything? Look at that avatar in your pic related. Ugly! It's atrocious. Western porn art is the worst example of this. Everything is grotesque and disgusting. The East Asians still retain their monopoly on attractive stylized art.

>> No.18266138

you're the one ruining the relationship retard

>> No.18266168
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>> No.18266174

Why are you such a lazy fucking millennial? Do you think you're making your ancestors proud?

>> No.18266188

I used it from 2011 to 2013. It was okay at first but became mostly bots and scams for horny men. Checked it out for the heck of it last year and only found two people after spending an hour. It's a shithole.

>> No.18266190

I own a house, a car and I am engaged. I am 25 and work as a Psychologist with young offenders in the community.

I am exhausted and miserable. I am aware that subconciously I am sabotaging myself but manage to divert course at the last minute with charisma and some sort of preternatural luck/intelligence.

>> No.18266258

weird reaction

>> No.18266304

You have worked for nothing.

>> No.18266317


>> No.18266379

>I am exhausted and miserable

>> No.18266385

Pretty sure he was being ironic. Even if he wasn't why are you so vitriolic? Had a bad day, forget to take your meds or something?

>> No.18266417

What's making you miserable, your job or something else? Can't tell what's wrong from your post, honestly your life as you describe it makes me jealous - home/car/fiancee and a comfy job. How are you sabotaging it?

>> No.18266419

I don't know. Maybe it's all I have has came to me with the minimum amount of effort and I know I don't deserve any of it.

>> No.18266432

how tf do youget those at 25. your ennui is cause you won the game already and reached the end. gj

>> No.18266435

Nice triples
Omegle had a bit of a bump from shock people trolling the video chat.
I use it only when bored, you meet some odd people on certain tags (BLM/LGBT/Anime)

>> No.18266476
File: 3.47 MB, 4032x3024, 20201224_105512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have everything I could reasonably hope for but find joy in sparse moments and only when I am alone.

I sabotage by spending what little energy I have on useless escapist things which I don't actually enjoy.

I barely read anymore I have spent about a year crawling through Nostromo

Pic related was my view Xmas eve.

>> No.18266582

>work as a Psychologist with young offenders in the community.
What was the weirdest case?

>> No.18266589

I also have this urge to self sabotage.
I used to quit my job and live off of the benefits I earned by working, usually a month or 3/4.

Now I'm in a more serious job and I can't just up and go as easily as I could. I like the job but on multiple occasions I was very close to giving up and going to bed for the next 4 months.

>> No.18266591

you have to skip a lot to find somebody you can actually talk to
the time of mindless skipping it takes to find people like that is getting longer and longer these days, though
i think this is because there's been a huge influx of normals and zoomers due to corona
i only use chat, video seems just unpleasant to me
it might as well have

>> No.18266602

>Either way our relationship is ruined.

I suppose I’d put in a small amount of effort to keep up the charade (refer to him how he likes) but not hide that I think it’s bizarre and stupid. Ultimately, I’d probably distance myself from someone like that anyway.

>> No.18266616

Probably the kid who stays up all night roleplaying as a ISIS fighter on Roblox whilst dressing up as a Ninja and an SS Officer during the day. He came down to an appointment in a metal helmet/mask which he wore for about 20 minutes then when he finally agreed to take it off he had a balaclava under it.

The ones who shit in strange places are pretty fun.

I have a nine year old who I am fairly confident is a psychopath which would be the first i've dealt with.

>> No.18266657

>call him by a woman's name. I absolutely can't bring myself to go along with it
Even if you think it is fucked up I think you should call her (?) by her woman's name. If you use the male name you + the tranny will be uncomfortable, if you use the female name you will still be uncomfortable but not the tranny. You will suffer in both cases, so you might as well comply with what your friend is asking you for and not make life tougher than it already is for them. If you no longer enjoy hanging out with that friend, do like >>18265043 says and ghost 'em.

>> No.18266708

Are psychopaths made or born that way?

>> No.18266731

>friend recently came out as a tranny
this would be fine, you'd be a faggot to ruin a friendship over some reddit meme you read here
>has started to wear women's clothes in public and asked me to call him by a woman's name
fair enough

ghosting is cuntish. if the relationship is ruined anyway you might as well try and talk him out of it, or at least directly explain why you don't want to be friends anymore

>> No.18266742

Live in a small town? Very easy there but your life is boring.

>> No.18266777
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>He came down to an appointment in a metal helmet/mask which he wore for about 20 minutes then when he finally agreed to take it off he had a balaclava under it.
please tell more stories

>> No.18266788

>when he finally agreed to take it off he had a balaclava under it.
fucking legend

>> No.18266853

I wish I could just get fired but I think I’m unfirable.

>> No.18266857

In my opinion born.

Nearly all the kids we get have absolutely awful childhoods. This one was particularly bad but not the worst i've seen.

It's hard to know what's interesting as i'm a bit desensitised.

>> No.18266860

is there any literature or philosophy on the "so beautiful it makes you want to die" feeling?

>> No.18266861

Bs. I live in a small town. I’m broke and my net worth is negative from student loans debt. There’s no jobs here. There’s especially no good jobs.

>> No.18266870
File: 154 KB, 1001x823, BD07C6D4-E544-47C3-9B06-AC4BEB6DD7C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad was diagnosed with throat cancer about two months ago. He started chemo and radiation a little over a month ago and is already almost done. He’s going to be okay. I was hardly sleeping at night but I have been getting much better rest now these past few days.

>> No.18266900

That's great anon, remember to not take him for granted, we can all be guilty of that

>> No.18266907

It is definitely much easier to accomplish what the original poster did in a small town. I can't help you with your personal life decisions, sorry my man.

>> No.18266920

No, it’s not. There’s almost no one in this town even approximately his age who did what he did. Everyone who’s here and young works a dead end job and is broke. The people who own homes moved here from somewhere else.

>> No.18266965

i'm drinking an oatmilk java monster energy that i got at the dollar store. it tastes like drinking sunscreen.

>> No.18266975

I live in a fairly large town/outskirts of a mid sized City. My house is worth around 200k.

I only got the deposit as I used to work in finance/banking and was able to cane 20hrs + a week of overtime for about 8 months. My fiance was also able to contribute to deposit also.

That was on top of 40hr work week and doing an Msc on the side.

>> No.18266981

> her unhealthy lifestyle is a character trait you can't fix
She has actually been trying to fix her diet. It’s hard for her and I can see that she doesn’t like it, but she still goes through with it because of me. She loves food (good food, never fast food) and knows how to cook amazing dishes. She is not even “chubby” by American standards, but just happened to gain some weight because her metabolism slowed down recently and her diet hasn’t caught up. She was quite thin in the recent past while still eating anything she wanted. Now she knows that she has to change, so maybe this is a transition period.

>Why'd you want a career-driven women?
I want someone that can entertain at dinner parties and has had a good education and achievements. Someone who will fix my tie while I help with her hair before we go to a fundraising event, where she is able to stand her ground. I know 4chan romanticizes “trad” wives and dreams of a quiet life with a loved one, but that’s not the kind of partner I want.

> the way you put it makes me think you don't want to settle down until you try more options. Consider if your feelings come down to FOMO
That’s true. I know it’s FOMO. I’m with an amazing girl, but I still feel like chasing and experiencing more before settling down. My girlfriend might be open to threesomes, which could partially solve that issue.

>> No.18266989
File: 1.14 MB, 1508x2048, Ilya_Efimovich_Repin_(1844-1930)_-_Portrait_of_Leo_Tolstoy_(1887).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call center employee, i don’t hate it but by the end on the year i want to make art for a living

>> No.18266995

meth fuck I need meth.

>> No.18266998

spastic cuck

>> No.18267012
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>unironically fell in love with Russian girl who was using tinder passport

>> No.18267014

You talked sbout being overwhelmed by multiple events. This can trigger depression so it's good to head it off if possible.

>> No.18267020

this is why I keep it turned off
people from other countries still show up once in a while, but I swipe left to avoid this

>> No.18267037

Some of them are horny a fuck though

>> No.18267089

I'm not sure what my issue is. I read very slowly, extraordinarily slowly, and I'm not particularly thoughtful or imaginative so grand tapestries of imagery or elaborate trains of thought sparked by something I read don't sidetrack me when I read- but anyways, reading so slowly, where novels of 100-150 pages take me about a week or two to read, I still find myself finishing them. I'm not sure why it takes me this long to read at all, considering I enjoy what I'm reading and find some of it insightful. Maybe a health deficiency of some kind.

>> No.18267094

>spend night with girl
>become infatuated
>it meant nothing to them
>don't follow up, it will end poorly
>the pain remains
Why do I have to be a retarded romantic? In theory all I have to do is choose one as passionate as me. How do you solve this problem

>> No.18267112

Young lad about 12 has majorly shitty relationship with majorly shit mother. She refuses to let him have poptarts for breakfast. Big fight, he storms off.

Police called, he's taken into custody/child protection. Mother adamant wants him in care in morning son understandably upset by this.

Finds out mother has disclosed something about him which he disputes as untrue.

He now wants to go into care. Mother refuses to sign paperwork. Son claims he will get her done for neglect.

It became like the sectioning episode of Peep Show where they try and get each other sectioned. He was ultimately taken into care 2 weeks later without eithers consent.

We also have a Consultant Psychiatrist who is an absolute chad.

>> No.18267228

>who is an absolute chad.
In what way?

>> No.18267282

I want to get fired so badly.

>> No.18267340

How frequently do you see this person? If they are a really good friend than you should realize who they are hasn’t changed, just how they’d like to present themselves. I think it’s worth following along at that point, but if more signs of mental decline start to show then maybe you need to have a talk.

If they’re just an acquaintince, just make it clear youre uncomfortable and having trouble understanding, need some space from them.

>> No.18267358

Trade wagie. Mostly to do with heating/climate and water.

I like it better than the office slave job I had before but it's physically hard. Maybe I'll do it for the next 10/15 years and work in the same area but then at the office.

>> No.18267369

Getting fired is the easiest thing in the world. It's like wanting to get arrested, just go up to a cop and push him. Just say the N word or something.

>> No.18267370


>> No.18267411

Relax, simply ask your mentor
>hey, what should I do in the meantime? Is there a small project I can start to look into? Maybe something regarding the company to research?

You’re new man, you can ask those kind of questions. You’ll be fine.

>> No.18267412


>> No.18267430

I believe human beings find the most meaning in struggle. Or at least the most satisfying meaning. You can find meaning in other things, but surviving and overcoming suffering is what drives the soul to new heights. It’s the same reason you feel good after a hard workout, finally pay off your debt after having to work 2 jobs, etc. What in your life do you have to struggle for? If you can’t think of anything, then come up with something.

>> No.18267511

The philosopher Mike Jagger once said: "You can not always get the man that you want, But if you try sometimes, you just might find, You get what you need!"

>> No.18267529

I just feel depressed. Not even drinking helps.

>> No.18267617

He gives no fucks.

Yesterday in a meeting with our boss he described probations approach to be 'More Autistic than I am'.

When in a multi agency meeting with other agencies he casually explains that he 'Is not a very nice person' and not to worry if he comes across cold or blunt.

After a different meeting he said to me and another Psychologist, "This boy has no chance. He is a hopeless case. And he is extraordinarily fat."

When discussing why a child who shouldn't have any internet access has a PC in the garage he questioned whether the father was "stupid or merely incompetant". Then after the meeting described the social worker as useless.

>> No.18267924

How do people manage to get fired? If I just stopping showing up that will be considered quitting.

>> No.18267933

I can’t do anything too egregious because I will need a job in the future.

>> No.18267954

I got fired from my last job for being too quiet.

>> No.18268112

I guess being in a kind of repose is natural state of mind of those who are artistically inclined. Not to be sanctimonious but know that this kind of melancholy is exactly the form of sloth that constitutes one of the seven deadly sins. While I'm not pressing you to become religious, know that sloth is, even beyond a Christian context, a mortal sin. One of the simple philosophies of Ancient Greece, including that of Socrates is that the good life is to know good things and therefore live morally. Camus was misled to think that one must imagine Sisyphus happy. We must imagine Sisyphus to be good instead.

>> No.18268163

I write summaries of books. Unfortunately they're political books and I never meet anyone new since I do it from home but it's comfy enough

>> No.18268180

In the mood to read something comfy after some heavy classics, something lovecraftian or a multi generational family story.

>> No.18268222

100 years of solitude

>> No.18268298

Damn. Unfortunately, I don’t think I could get fired for that.

>> No.18268302


>> No.18268409
File: 77 KB, 890x466, la-belle-epoque-cagliari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Search of Lost Time

>> No.18268428

>multi generational family story
The Eighth Life

>> No.18268460

Read these and just finished the second part of this >>18268409

This looks interesting, thanks.

>> No.18268548

Why not?

>> No.18268554

I just think it’s pretty hard to get fired where I work so that wouldn’t cut it. I’m already really quiet.

>> No.18268637


>> No.18268905


>> No.18268985

God loves all people. now I ain't saying that I'm God, but I am saying that if I look down on something that God himself loves..

>> No.18268993


>> No.18269037

when my mom told me she was marrying her boyfriend I felt like a great sorrow came over me and showed on my eyes. He was in the room. I didn't know I could feel so negatively about him. His worst flaw is that we're different. I assume they both noticed. It would make sense if he treats me strangely for this reason for life.

>> No.18269064
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Nobody listen to this cuck. Therapy is garbage. I tried it when I was quitting drugs and alcohol. It's worthless. You're better off talking to a hobo than one of these charlatans.


>> No.18269115

You’ll get used to it but my advice to you if this is your first parent re-marrying is not to get particularly close to this person unless you find you really have an affinity for them (which is unlikely). I made the mistake of letting my step-father have an influence on me and I think that was confusing and in the end, not the best thing.

>> No.18269165

someone post a new wwoym thread

>> No.18269175

>candace newmaker
u went to a "rebirthing" therapist to get help with drugs and alcohol? lmao

>> No.18269300

>had a bad experience with therapy
>all therapists must suck


>> No.18269380

It’s crazy how lonely and touch starved I am.

>> No.18269519

Any book in particular?

>> No.18269567

my point, dumbfuck, is that results vary wildly between therapists and you're better off paying a shaman, because there's no quality control.

more like
>most people have mixed results with therapy
>don't waste time with this bullshit

>> No.18269577

>had a bad experience with chiropractors
>chiropractors are hacks

>> No.18269941

>there's no quality control
But there literally is. There is evidenced based therapy. You can't go to a holistic healer that uses non evidenced based medicine, not get cured, then say all doctors are shit. Results vary yes, but less so if you go to a therapist that practices evidenced base techniques. Also we don't hsvr any info about what was discussed the therapists notes etc. Who knows if it was the therapist or you. Also chemical dependence is tricky because because the mechanisms within the brain. AA only has a 30% successful rate by itself. I'm sorry you had s bad experience. As a therapist that upsets me when I have seen so many benefit from therapy. But your bad experience doesn't mean it can't be helpful or that it is bullshit.