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/lit/ - Literature

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18257114 No.18257114 [Reply] [Original]

fellas can i skip reading the idiot? i want to be litty

>> No.18257116

we don’t assign homework retard. Read whatever

>> No.18257117

It's really fucking boring

>> No.18257197

pretty much this. People will tell you a lot of shit is "essential" but nothing really is. Read whatever you like. It's not like someone is gonna expect you to have read it. If you just want to come off as well read, read summaries and articles written about literature, you'll sound ten times smarter than anyone who read the book and do it in less time. But, no one is here to test you on knowledge, so read what's fun.

>> No.18257638

kys shithead nerd. no one is a christian anymore.

>> No.18257752

Yes, in fact you can skip all the books

>> No.18257771

>you just want to come off as well read, read summaries and articles written about literature, you'll sound ten times smarter than anyone who read the book and do it in less time
This works until that one time some has read the book and quizzes you on details that you'd only know if you'd also read it, inevitably coming out looking like a fool and a fraud.

>> No.18257777

Watch the Kurosawa film if you're too lazy to read the book, it's fantastic

>> No.18257883

If you like Dosto, Dont. You can clearly see his evolution compared to his later works. If you just want to be litty just read Brother Karamazov or C&P and say that you liked either one of them better.

>> No.18258488
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i made a discussion video about it. i think it's a genius book, but it could have been shorter


>> No.18258498

Why would skip Dostoevsky's only comedy?

>> No.18258512

No, it's a mandatory read.

>> No.18258859

You can do whatever you want. But if you ask me, you shouldn't.

>> No.18258866

Have you started reading it? It is worth your time. It had the same impact for me as Demons had. It is a good book, although slow

>> No.18258902

My favourite Dosto, and it's the one that includes many of his own personal beliefs that were otherwise not relevant to his wider work. Even though he admitted its flaws, he still liked it the most because it was the most of him that he'd put into any of his works.

>hasn't read Uncle's Dream, Village of Stepanchikovo, the Crocodile, nasty anecdote, or really paid attention to most of his work.

Dosto was a funny guy.

>> No.18258926

i liked it. i'll probably get a lot more out of it when i reread it in 10 years, but i got enough out of it to feel it was worth the read.

>> No.18259354

It also has one of the best written characters in all literature, that being Nastasya Filipovna.

>> No.18259637

>If you started and are asking this
Skip it
>If you have not started reading and are asking this
Skip it, retard.

>> No.18259648

>failed my /lit/ homework
>anon says i have to read infinite jest in detention
any books for this feel?

>> No.18260254

should i read the idiot before or after demons

i am a dosto completionist, i have to read it either way

>> No.18260420

I read the Idiot first. I don't think it matters what order you choose since they explore different themes. Just read both before TBK.

>> No.18260442

Correct. I plan on finishing the rest, but I've only read Notes, C&P, Brothers, Demons, Idiot, House of the Dead and Poor Folk.

>> No.18260443

if god doesn't exist, everything is skippable

>> No.18260565

Demons is funnier

>> No.18260622

Hard disagree. I'd say it's the least funny of what I've read of his. Maybe it's cause I was a lefty at one point and all the characters felt so spot on.

>> No.18260880

>lefty at one point

>> No.18261689

Infinite jest

>> No.18261693

i loved it

>> No.18263006

Not by the literal definition of comedy given the ending results. But yes, far more comedic elements barring the ending.

>> No.18263030

> Maybe it's cause I was a lefty

I read this as "I used to be lefthanded", and was flabbergasted. Is this it? Am I free of the direction brain?

>> No.18263031

??? Manic pixie sexually abused dream girl? I found Aglaya to be a much more well written depiction of a teenage girl. Even her ending makes perfect sense. Nastasya has the misfortune of interacting with Rogozhin who is not even a real character but a force of nature.

>> No.18263879

the new big thread on on /lit/
>can i have permission to not read this book?
thans for your contribution, OP.

>> No.18264060


>> No.18264076

everything he wrote was comedy

>> No.18264289

Unironically this is really true. The way he writes his characters as just full on personifications of different ideas and concepts makes them all really funny, especially when you get different ideas/characters clashing with each other (which is pretty much every book). Once I told someone that I thought C&P was hilarious though and they looked at me like I was retarded

>> No.18264867

if you have to ask then you deserve to read it, dumb fuck

>> No.18264903
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I have a fun story: I was 16 and I was reading The Idiot at my summer job at a law firm. I was working the reception and one the lawyers walked by and asked what I was reading. "The idiot," I told him; and in his very thick African accent he said "Ah, the idiot is always the idiot." I thought maybe he was referencing something in the book so asked him if he read it and he just said "It is that the idiot, is the idiot, yes?" I said I didn't get it and he just repeated himself so I just laughed to get him to walk away. I didn't read anymore of the book and I jerked off at the reception desk for the thrill of it to a music magazine where girl had her tits out—also someone defecated on the law firm's doorstep a few days later

>> No.18265201

You can't skip The Idiot. It's required to understand C&P as well as TBK. You'll be crippled if you don't bother reading it.

>> No.18265221

Someone on /lit/ once talked about how Rogozhim is purely aesthetic desire for Nastasya, Gánya as ethical desire, and Myshkin as religious desire.

>> No.18265740

Nastasya's only desire is her abuser. The men in her life are valued according to how much shame her union with them would bring her abuser. Ganya never had a fucking chance, he was set up to be used for ridicule and scandal. What little sincere desire Nastasya possesses is wholly eclipsed by her passion for revenge. There are many like her, just find yourself a bpd girl for the Nastasya experience.

>> No.18265991

>is the idiot skippable?
I don't know, are you?

>> No.18267479

Imagine not choosing the loli Russian princess. Myshkin deserved everything he got.

>> No.18268316

I don't need to find one.
> t. mom is currently in month five of a meltdown

>> No.18268605

Then maybe you shouldn’t act like you’ve read shit you haven’t. Dont be ashamed if you haven’t read shit, like no one can read everything just stop trying to read to impress people. Most people don’t care and those who do probably are at least as well read as you and probably more so since you spend time on here instead of actually reading. Read what you want and fuck the rest

>> No.18268628

>??? Manic pixie sexually abused dream girl?
Everything can be made into a caricature, the difference being is that she actually has quite a bit of character depth, also the fact that Dostoevsky excelled at writing female characters, which I don't mean in the waifufagging sense.

>> No.18268657

It's the best novel written off the dome.

>> No.18268800


>> No.18268830


>> No.18268847

there's a reason Kafka, one of the funniest writers, called doestoesky his blood brother. id put doesto on that same level. crime and punishment is funny

>> No.18269582

What depth? She is attractive, was fucked by her father figure who groomed her, and constantly plots his downfall by staging public scandals. Congrats, you've described the 19th century equivalent of Paris Hilton. Depth would imply any deviation at all from that playbook.