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18256605 No.18256605 [Reply] [Original]

itt: uncancelable authors

>> No.18256614

What was his cat’s name again?

>> No.18256627
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>> No.18256654
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Its amazing that some lefties still think he was on their side.

>> No.18256661
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>> No.18256662

It's not about thinking he was 'on their side', it's just that some leftists admired his critiques. Are you 13?

>> No.18256668

Read Nietzsche and Philosophy

>> No.18256674
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>> No.18256679

The fact that boardgames/shows/whatever continue to make money off his legacy while constantly reminding he had no taste in choosing name for his pets is quite annoying.

>> No.18256687

el gato Negro

>> No.18256703


>> No.18256938

You can only get canceled if you put yourself in the moral high ground the left usually stands in. If you never cared then no one will ever care either assuming you're not a rapist and just say le bad words

>> No.18256944

He didn't name the cat, his family did. He simply inherited the pet.

>> No.18257007

It's ironic, but I think the fact that so many French leftist intellectuals adopted Nietzsche is the reason he wasn't canceled.
Nietzsche is reactionary and deeply conservative, but Foucault and Deleuze love him so they can't really just dismiss him.

>> No.18257053
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Not even the muzzie-ruled French courts could take this man down. Not even joking, look at every single advocacy group which told them they had to prosecute.

>> No.18257191

lovecraft is pretty popular in france.

>> No.18257202

Based Michel. Do you think he only gets away with it because he's old? Like they think "he's edgy but he'll be dead of lung cancer in a year so give him a pass"?

>> No.18257213

It is rather fitting that HP Lovecraft’s cat had an unspeakable name.

>> No.18257218

>discussion about abstract concepts
>discussion about abstract concepts contained in particular books
>discussion about the content of books themselves
>discussion about the author and the context they wrote in
>discussion about the author and the name of his cat
^ we are here
>discussion about obtaining books
>discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of reading books
>discussion about the physical quality of particular editions of particular books
>pictures of books you've read
>pictures of books haven't read but plan to read
>pictures of books you don't own and don't plan to read
>pictures of the physical quality of particular books
>discussion about fonts and typesetting
>discussion about archival inks and paper pH values
>pictures of bookstores
>discussion on how to best arrange your bookshelf for the purpose of impressing women

>> No.18257219

He literally wrote a book about how Islam will lead France to economic greatness and a rebirth of French imperial ambitions. How the hell is he anti-Islam?

>> No.18257227

That's just a feature of French culture, if you do something stylishly you can get away with it, no matter what the thing is. This is how that petition to abolish the age of consent came about, a bunch of stylish Frogs just jabbered their way into a meme scenario and nobody questioned it because it would be a social faux-pas

>> No.18257240


>> No.18257255

is this really true?

>> No.18257408

You really missed the point if you sincerely read it that way. The actual view of Islam as presented in Submission (not Platform, kek) is indeed pretty ambiguous (obviously intentional).
For me, the book really boils down to the seemingly absurd, yet very resonant message that to somebody who is drowning in present-day impotence, putting one's entire reputation on the line to embrace a system even as depraved as Islamism might feel like a welcome escape from the de-vitalized prison of life in Western modernity.

>> No.18257500

I mean, people like Zizek also get away with fairly cancel-worthy things (at least by the standards of the mainstream left), so I think a lot of it is people going easier on those with seniority and/or obvious achievements under their belt.
But when he released Platform though? From what else I know of the reaction to it, he quickly turned into one of the most controversial writers alive, that still being years before he was accepted as a "respected" cultural figure by most. I imagine it was just a couple steps below having a fatwah declared for a little while. Hence why he's clearly uncancelable.

>> No.18257515

African-American man

>> No.18257520

I think his dad had a cat named nigger man. when he got a cat he also called it nigger man

>> No.18257548


>> No.18257555

Reading through Jordan peterson’s hate, all i see is double standards, resentment and shallow excuses

Is getting popular inherently means everyone would want to rip you to pices?

>> No.18257640

they only "cancelled" him after his death. which is a pretty pussy move.

thankfully, his mark on horror is so strong, you would have to kill every one of his fans to pernamently remove his presence.

>> No.18258457


>> No.18258704

Unironically JK Rowling.

>> No.18258738

It's not rocket science that he would make enemies with his political stance (pretty based for a leaf, and the leftist mindset hates self-help for some reason), it's just that, since he is in favor of classical liberalism and virtue, his political enemies are usually morons, to the point where he only got taken out by completely unrelated misfortune.

>> No.18258781

Dude that's so funny you heard that one on twitter?

>> No.18258856
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Not a JP fan but yes, popularity of any kind invites the envy-mad vermin of the world

>> No.18259299

Love viewing an explicitly anti ideological philosopher through the lens of contemporary American politics

>> No.18259480

fucking underrated

>> No.18259485


>> No.18259497

It is
Stop coping, Islamic France literally brought in traditionalist family structures and became the successor to the Roman fucking empire, that book was definitely meant as a jab at the Front National retards who kept embarrassing him by citing him as one of their own.

>> No.18259516

it's amazing that your whole brain performs no other function than sorting everything into two bins

>> No.18259518

Give it some time.

>> No.18259524
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But Anon, you say, he was a literal Nazi that collaborated with the German occupation force of France. Yes, true, I say, but you cannot cancel what the cancellers do not read. Which applies to so much. If you stopped obsessing about retarded idiots, you could just enjoy works for what they are.

>> No.18259536

He critiqued leftism hardest of all though

>> No.18259537
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Samurai Shakespeare

>> No.18259546

he literally calls islam stupid and dangerous in interviews and hopes that capitalist rot will destroy it from the inside

>> No.18259552

No one outside of twitter cares about cancel culture
You are all phonebrain illiterates

>> No.18259585

Dr. Seuss of all things was removed from the curriculum because of these racially motivated cancel culture people. People have had their books removed from Amazon, like Jared Taylor, Tommy Robinson, Kevin MacDonald, not because of any one thing, but their reputation with these mobs.
You are so far behind in seeing the problem that you'll only care when it bites a fence-sitter like you in the ass, and then it will be way too late.

>> No.18259608

>Dr. Seuss
>removed from curriculum
Was this at Clown College?

>> No.18259621
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>> No.18261050
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A true patrician

>> No.18261118
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nice one

>> No.18261790


>> No.18261791

zizek is banned from contributing to the guardian despite being a regular authour due to what i believe was his criticism of a trans-issue

>> No.18261842

Based beyond comparability

>> No.18262136
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>> No.18262152


>> No.18262410

i bet you think naming your dog zeus or rex is smart, retard faggot.

>> No.18262426

Zizek's semi-cancellation was because he said the influx of migrants into Europe might cause some problems. He framed it in some Zizekian commie manner, rather than a conservative perspective, but it was still a basically pessimistic view of the migrant situation.

>> No.18262720

yes, and? do you think that people like foucalt and deleuze where unaware of this?

>> No.18262750
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>> No.18262759
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