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18256022 No.18256022 [Reply] [Original]

Literature for this life?

>> No.18256031
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>> No.18256081

Have fun guarding DFACs in Kuwait faggot.

>> No.18256082


>> No.18256124

But Ill be working for the chinese mercenary organization that mainly works in Africa.
what else did I waste that time learning chink for?

>> No.18256196
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cascas cool

>> No.18256360

The Dogs of War
Those Mad Mike Hoare books
Old Soldier of Fortune magazine issues

>> No.18256385
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King of the Hill Season 6 Episode 2, Soldier of Misfortune. Unless you already have 5+ years as a Marine or French Foreign Legion, it isn't gonna end well for you.


>> No.18256399
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>> No.18256563

Die and go to Valhalla

>> No.18256584

No Joy by David Rose

>> No.18256616

There is nothing in life I desire more than to usurp my unit and become a Warlord in Africa.

>> No.18256807

The Manual of the Mercenary Soldier, Paul Bowers.

>> No.18256815

Cringe LARPagan

>> No.18256832

Cringe soulless atheist
Shame upon your ancestors

>> No.18256840

Zoom zoom

>> No.18256899

Not even the correct insult, you mislabel me

>> No.18257884

what organization

>> No.18258734


>> No.18258749

Enjoy being reincarnated into a hummingbird you fru-fru faggotola

>> No.18258995

Living with PTSD for beginners.
So now you're a war criminal, what next.
The "government" is "paying me" in its own "currency," the economics of hyper inflation for war criminal murderers.

>> No.18259011

>working for chinks
i sincerely and genuinely hope u get boiled alive by a rabid african

>> No.18259067

Thanks for your input, Schlomo. Aren't you on duty for the BBC threads?

>> No.18259251

I have a friend who joined the FSG and is mainly in Africa. I dont know exactly what he does but it is certainly a lot more boring than people might want to imagine.

But I am not serious about that. I said the chink thing just cause its one of the few I personally have heard of. These plans are still far out in the future. There are plenty of these groups though especially from South Africa.

>> No.18259551
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>> No.18259583

I hate to break it to you, but in this climate nobody really gives a shit about average Joe. I'm prior service infantry with two deployments at the height of OEF and even right after I got out nobody wanted to look at me. I wouldn't even get declined, just ignored. Why? Because I was just infantry, and just an E-5. Even at that point the contracting market was incredibly saturated by SOF guys who were SEALs or SF or batt boys to the point where contractors just didn't need guys like me. The dynamic has only intensified ten years later. I don't know why you think you're going to come in straight off the street and live out your rhodieboo fantasy. Nobody you'd want to work for will put you in that position because completely irrespective of how well you sell yourself, the people hiring you will know that you are completely untested and unproven. The guys who don't care about this will send you out and literally leave you to die when convenient. There will be no air support thundering across the horizon, no arty to call in, no reliably actionable intelligence. If they send someone like you downrange it will be because the assignment is a milk run or because it's a suicide mission. You'd have to be an idiot to put your life on hold for either.

>> No.18259633

This desu. But you're mistaken if you think they don't take infantrymen. Maybe they don't take Amerikaner infantry

>> No.18259760

I appreciate your post.Thank you.
I already assumed the things you said would most likely be true.
I hope things will be more optimal for a trained sapper/pionnier.

>> No.18259769

Thank you in advance for your service.

>> No.18259813

are you me? I’m also a former 11b with 2 in oef. even back in 2013 I got an offer in Libya, but the pay wasn’t big enough to entice me out of attending college. I think 11b-s with decent experience can find something still. op however might be relegated to pulling gate guard with the ugandans.

>> No.18260033

Israel is partnering with the Chinks for Belt&Road. Blackrock is now deeply embedded in their financial system. Mao was funded by Jews.

They have no problem with Chink imperialism. It's their next civilization to loot.

>> No.18260045

Israel is a lot less powerful than you imagine them, faggot.
At best it is like with black rock and simply also american jews doing what americans do best.

>> No.18260055


Based and Fash The Nation pilled

>> No.18261082

Less than a third of people in wars ever develop PTSD, usually less

>> No.18261937
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>Less than a third of people in wars ever develop PTSD, usually less
>Less than a third, usually less

so less than less than a third?

>> No.18261973

>to loot.
China is not exactly the West, that won't be easy

>> No.18261989
File: 113 KB, 642x960, DialecticsBitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, how'd you get in? Have toyed with the idea of applying to enlist in the PLA as they have no citizenship requirement but I don't know Mandarin which I presume is a requirement for all this. Can you elaborate on how you are getting into this and what to know?

>> No.18262000


>> No.18262009

>PLA as they have no citizenship requirement
That's sort of bs. If you fight in the Chinese army you ought to be considered a Chinese citizen

>> No.18263266 [DELETED] 
