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18255895 No.18255895 [Reply] [Original]

if God actually can give me strength, why does it make zero difference whether i put my faith in Him or not when i try to quit porn? praying to him doesn't seem to give me any sort of boost. and dont come with any "u just don't believe enough" crap, i've believed plenty

>> No.18255905
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because it's fake retard, stop being a gullible mong

>> No.18255940

>Be God
>Have to keep galaxies spinning, all the various atoms together, the fundamental forces of the universe in balance
>It's all very complex, takes all my focus and energy
>Some hairless monkey on mudball #34224, orbiting star #872332 keeps badgering me
>Wants me to focus on helping him to stop jerking his willy, instead of all the important stuff I need to take care of

>> No.18255981

don't put God to a test.

>> No.18256042

why is this board so obsessed with quitting porn.
Why don't ya'll just read and talk about books?

>> No.18256156

would an all powerful being who knows everything, can do anything, and is everywhere really see one atom as more insignificant than another?

>> No.18256208

On one hand, the damage that porn does to people is (in my opinion) vastly exaggerated, and the traditionalist bent /lit/ has only amplifies that. On the other hand, it is best kept under control, and porn addiction can be dangerous, especially when people start spending money on it.

I dunno. An all-powerful being is beyond my comprehension, I was just joking around

>> No.18256255


“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
- Karl Marx

>> No.18256306

>(in my opinion)
which is worth a pile of dung

>> No.18256307

You haven't figured out why you shouldn't watch porn. Abstinence for the sake of abstinence is just a stupid exercise, irrelevant to real faith.

> God is a healer in some video game that gives “boosts”

>> No.18256327

Karl Marx didn't say that you commie fuck; It was said by Epicurus, and Epicurus wasn't trying to deny the existence of God but change the way we saw him.

>> No.18256341

God can give you a path to redemption, but you're the one who has to walk it

>> No.18256369

marx, epicurus, they were all braindead

>> No.18256377

No, Epicurus wrote some very great things indeed. He was an excellent philosopher, and first and foremost and polytheist. He believed ardently in Gods.

In fact, I remember reading his metaphysical writings, they were some of the first metaphysics by a greek I read.

>> No.18256386
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As a Catholic, receiving the sacraments (communion and confession, to be specific) has helped me with porn. But that doesn't work as magic, of course. You need to do your part. You need to mortify your body in order to strengthen your will, because “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” And I recommend that you keep praying and fighting the good fight.

>> No.18256404

epicurus was so dumb he was literally a flat earther

>> No.18256436

I did it anon, so you should be able to do it too.
You need three things: determination, self-possession and awareness. Determination means realising the impermanent, false and meaningless nature of these impulses, then resolving to reject them. Self-possession means gradually tuning yourself for a different kind of life - if now your desire for women, for fun, for engagement, for distraction and even your own mind and will drive you towards porn, you want to change that so that only your erotic desires drive you towards porn. If you can turn those desires to actually women, it would be even better, although unnecessary for your purposes. Tuning yourself for a different kind of life will make you very resistant to the desire for porn. Finally, awareness means keeping all this in mind whenever you run across arousing material. If you are not aware, you will forget your determination and your desire will overpower you in the moment, allowing it to reassert itself more easily later. If you are aware, you will be able to guard yourself against it.
In my case, my religion helped me very much, since I truly want to bring my life in line with the ideals of my faith. This is no joke, though. It means giving priority to every spiritual ideal above everything that your "material" self wants. Everything. All the time. Religion will help you if you are willing to, at the very least, attempt to make that commitment. I do not think I would be able to do that with Christianity, since I do not like all Christian ideals, but if you wish to borrow the strength of Christianity in this issue you will have to devote yourself to it totally. You can't use religion as a power bank. Religion, if it is truly religion, is absolute and must govern every single aspect of your life.
>Abstinence for the sake of abstinence is just a stupid exercise, irrelevant to real faith.
Abstinence for the sake of abstinence if a perfectly valid approach, you don't need a "reason" to live your life as you wish to live it.

>> No.18256469

this sounds like good advice but i don't understand exactly what you mean by "tuning" yourself for a different kind of life. you mean changing my lifestyle?

>> No.18256492

This is poor bait, but for the kids who are reading this the Greeks discovered the Earth was a sphere and almost came close to the exact width of the earth down to just a few miles.

>> No.18256530
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it seems you should study more the flat earther epicurus

>> No.18256531

Literally just stop

>> No.18256545

Got me there anon

>> No.18256546

Imagine putting all those awesome, reputable sources in your paper and then finishing off with a Wikipedia citation.

>> No.18256574

Sort of. Bringing your external life in line with your inner life is a very important part of personal growth. If you can do that, you will solve not just this problem, but many others, too. However, I was referring to something else. I am not sure how to describe it, but when you engage with pornography regularly, certain parts of your inner self grow accustomed to it. Rather than a natural resistance, there is a natural affinity. Pay attention to your inner self and the feelings you get when you are aroused as you quit pornography - you will see what I am talking about. Initially, you will feel that it is just your will against the urge to watch pornography and a natural affinity for it. Later on, when you have broken the attachment to it, it will be your will and a natural resistance against the urge. I assure you that it makes a difference. It has been so long since I last masturbated that I have stopped counting. Even when I feel lust or sexual desire, I now no longer have any urge to masturbate or at least if there is such an urge, it is so massively outmatched that I can't sense it.
Religion is very helpful in that it adds its own force to that of your will for the purpose of this and many other struggles. However, religion is not something you "use". If you wish to borrow the power of religion, you have to concede primacy for it over your own life. Then you simply have to apply that primacy in practice. In that case, you will feel its power very distinctly. However, you must be resolute and determined to give it that primacy. If you can't even settle on what you want to govern your life, then do not be surprised if lust ends up governing it.

>> No.18256678

Dumb christfag, people who don't beat their dick aren't pious, they're busy.

>> No.18256754

>dont come with any "u just don't believe enough" crap, i've believed plenty
You continue to sin, so if you really had faith and love of God you wouldn't want to disappoint Him.
Anyway, you fail, your fault, you don't really care about offending God, He will find a way to teach you.
>Why freedom and why God doesn't force to stop what I want to do ?
That would be a contradiction, since it would not be you not doing it but someone else, a puppet of God, you must actually turn away from all sex and sins (since everything goes together)
Read the story of saint mary the egyptian, and you will see what is repentance.

>> No.18256771

Hume said it

>> No.18256781

That's it. I'm filtering the word "God".

>> No.18256808



>> No.18256816

How strong is your faith?

>> No.18256852

>thinks piety is a goal rather than means

>> No.18256854

God reaches out to you over and over and you respond by filtering him.

>> No.18256861

>On one hand, the damage that porn does to people is (in my opinion) vastly exaggerated
It really is not, that shit kills your soul, and I’m not religious. It really dampens your emotions in life.

>> No.18256865

'You shall not tempt the LORD your God.'

>> No.18257060

Because he’s not your personal genie. You won’t get some magic boost from out of nowhere and magically be able to stop, it’ll still be hard to do so. However, he will help guide you down the right path.

>> No.18257088

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