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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 261x381, It_(Stephen_King_novel_-_cover_art).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18253529 No.18253529 [Reply] [Original]

my ex told me the girl gets gangbanged in the books and she thought that made king a pedophile for even thinking about putting that sort of stuff in his book.

I said that just because its in a book doesnt mean the person likes it.

She then said "would i let stephen king be alone with my daughter". and i said no because i wouldnt let any man be alone with my daughter.

She's such a dumb bitch

>> No.18253533

you're a retard

>> No.18253542

ebin thread :DD

>> No.18253547
File: 297 KB, 1242x1910, 91a5601b1cf175a02ad84b263fe3bbce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish they filmed this scene for the movie, the chick who played Beverly was fucking cute

>> No.18253554

Your ex is smart, no one writes that kind of fucked up shit unless they are turned on by it, just look at Bataille

>> No.18253562

Wasn’t King doing a bunch of cocaine when he wrote this? Never trust a drug user

>> No.18253565

Have you even seen steven king?

>> No.18253585

Why are you even arguing with women? They're barely sentient fuckholes, just tell her whatever she wants to hear and save your genuine opinions for fellow /lit/ intellectuals (males).

To be fair though she was right about IT, the sewer gangbang with 11 year olds is sick and completely out of place.

>> No.18253586

Reptilians are always pedophiles. No wonder she dumped you.

>> No.18253592

telling women what they want to hear is even worse than arguing with them

>> No.18253605



>> No.18253616

I hate women so god damn much

>> No.18253625

>transgressive fiction is the same as fetish porn
brainlet take.

>> No.18253655

The orgy scene in IT serves absolutely no purpose other than shock effect and perverted degeneracy, it is filth and people should rightly be suspicious of the author

>> No.18253658

all women and most men in [current year] are functionally illiterate and can only form opinions on fiction by mental workarounds like "would i want to be friends with who i imagine the author to be". cue books not being really "read" but rather combed over for evidence of thoughtcrimes.

>> No.18253661

He's literally probably a paedophile, his initials were marked in Epstein's "lolita express" logs. And even if he's not, how fucked up in the head must you be in order to write these kinds of things?

>> No.18253671

>muh transgression
Story of the eye is just fetish porn and no amount of pseud posturing will convince anyone otherwise

>> No.18253678

that's just you repeating the same statement that i already called a brainlet take.

>> No.18253710

>And even if he's not, how fucked up in the head must you be in order to write these kinds of things?
about as fucked as the greats like nabokov, pynchon etc that use taboo sexuality in their writing

>> No.18253723

those aren't great writers they are post-modern degenerates whose work will not stand the test of time

>> No.18253731

>they are post-modern degenerates
yawn. are you posting from 2016?

>> No.18253737

No, why?

>> No.18253749

The scene itself was badly written in every way. Even if you assume some kind of time-link, it's incredibly jarring, it could've been a completely disconnected porn scene between professional actors thrown in the middle of the book and it would have the same effect.
It dumps the characters in favor of some drug fueled sexual nightmare. In fact the whole alien spider shit is just badly constructed all around, but hen again King fucking up the ending isn't something new. His creative potential is almost nonexistant.

>> No.18253758

because your memes have not stood the test of time.

>> No.18253775

My beliefs are based on the eternal creator and the Christian religion, they will still be here long after you have turned to dust

>> No.18253784
File: 310 KB, 705x535, ruins your board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My beliefs are based on the eternal creator and the Christian religion, they will still be here long after you have turned to dust

>> No.18253798

See? You're worthless, can only communicate in memes and stereotypes.

>> No.18253825

>The scene itself was badly written
i'm not calling king "great" there, i'm calling the use of taboo sexuality a valid literary tactic that has been used to great effect elsewhere and shouldn't be the basis of retarded witch-hunts about who is or isn't "fucked in the head" in real life. the reduction of literary discussion to gossip about authors is the tactic of the worst simpletons.

nah you just repeat memes about "degenerate postmodernity" that you learned on youtube and then you wipe your retard mouth with christ. fuck you.

>> No.18253839

Shouldn't you get on your knees and suck dick when someone slaps you? Pretty sure that aggression isn't advised in your meme scriptures. Then again, I understand why childfucking is a triggering topic for a christcuck...

>> No.18253860

>i'm calling the use of taboo sexuality a valid literary tactic that has been used to great effect elsewhere and shouldn't be the basis of retarded witch-hunts
But it's no witch hunt, it's an imageboard, even if I'd very much like to see King burn at the stake.

>> No.18253924

>But it's no witch hunt, it's an imageboard
well this has been a productive conversation.

>> No.18254235
File: 175 KB, 1125x987, 88F12CBC-923B-4967-A168-62C0622CC5E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King is a massive coomer, I struggle to read anything he writes because his characters just don't seem like real people when they start talking about how much some old woman likes to fuck. I don't think it's outlandish to say that King has some weird fixation on sex. With regards to It, isn't the explanation that by having a gangbang they cement their brotherly bond or some shit? Who even thinks like that?

>> No.18254254

This is peak midwit.

>> No.18254300

I read this book when I was those kids age. Beverly gets gangbanged, and its graphic. King was absolutely 100% I am certain typing with a raging dripping boner. He's a disgrace. Your ex was correct. That was a dumb hypothetical tho.

>> No.18254409
File: 205 KB, 1200x1099, 1620068334281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have an ebook? Somebody post the scene.

>> No.18254427

There's nothing wrong with kids having sex with whomever they want to, as long as it's consensual and informed. And obviously there's nothing wrong with fantasizing about anything at all, even raping children. I haven't seen a good argument against it—it's always nothing but normalfag appeals to emotions or "common sense."

>> No.18254436
File: 95 KB, 400x370, 1576082658101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in.

>> No.18254541

>that pic
oh man this made me realize...how many of these trad zoomers aren't a reactionary rubberbanding from Obama tumblr social liberalism but merely the first generation digital natives of the millions of loser ass dweebs that have always grown up in religious households. Millennial trads were either too normie, tech illiterate or bound to facebook. Now every little John, Paul and Peter little squirt has a Discord about anime and theology before they even finish high school.

>> No.18254600

Wasn't he tripping balls for a good chunk of the 70s and 80s?

>> No.18254611

high on coke and beer, yeah. and probably harder shit.

he doesn't remember writing cujo, i wouldn't be surprised if he wrote a gangrape scene and submitted it to the publisher and forgot about it.