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File: 57 KB, 484x600, William_Butler_Yeats_by_John_Butler_Yeats_1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18252643 No.18252643 [Reply] [Original]

Was Yeats the greatest poet of the 20th century?

>> No.18252715


>> No.18252730

Yeats more like Yeet(s)

>> No.18252747

No. He’s just one of the most accessible poets of the 20th century, and that’s why pseuds talk about him so much.

>The Second Coming? Wow, now THAT’S a poem. I mean ... the, uhhh, the prose of it is just so masterful! I’d say it’s the second best poem of all time, right behind Invictus!

>> No.18252751

What the FUCK is your problem?

>> No.18252772

He's sick of losers like yourself and that dickless cunt op sucking the dick of a mediocre poet.

>> No.18252787

What the FUCK is your problem?

>> No.18253686

He's angry that he got filtered by late Yeats, so he has to seethe and trivialize his earlier works.

>> No.18253696

In English? Yes.

>> No.18253711

In Penis? Yes.

>> No.18253764

Why project your failings and insecurities on others? Oh right, the whole dick chopping and shit. Sorry for your loss "maam", plz dont be so bitter.

>> No.18253787
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I think in English he is, his can find such beautiful concepts and also can use language in a really cool way. For example, in Are you content? The concept of death as causing a transcendent ability to judge life. Also the more still you are the more clear the picture.

>> No.18253796

Dude what the FUCK is your problem???

>> No.18253815

Nobody gets filtered by Yeats you fucking moron. That’s the point.

>> No.18253866

I'll litterally venmo anyone 5 dollars who can offer a good thoughtful analysis of Yeats

>> No.18253876

>Nobody gets filtered by Yeats
Demonstrably wrong

>> No.18253904

You did

>> No.18253918

He's best read when drunk.

>> No.18254025

I can't seem to stay hard long enough. I believe its due to the porn addiction which has caused my sensitivity to spiral downwards resulting in sex feeling lacklustre.

>> No.18254304


Because that idiot does not know the context and thinks Yeats is just a run-of-the-mill poet.

He killed the boring and outdated language in the English poetry and created it anew.

>> No.18254462
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Can't say if he was the greatest but I sure love his work.

>> No.18254469

He's one of the least accessible actually.

>> No.18254609

No, that is Pier Paolo Pasolini.

>> No.18254918
File: 30 KB, 335x548, F6B74FEB-5C72-4C47-A9F3-2939D150795C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was pretty good but the honor should go to an avowed fascist.

>> No.18254932

Yeats or Pound.

>> No.18254956

It was Eliot, dumb dumb

>> No.18254986

Man he had some sweat issues

>> No.18255006

I need more poetry, he's the only shit I've read of poetry

>> No.18255036

Yeats was pretty pro Blueshirts himself. He was just more private about his fascism.

>> No.18255187

He was the greatest poet of all time

>> No.18255207

Eliot bowed before Pound.

>> No.18255343


>> No.18256688


>> No.18256735

I'll POUND you.

>> No.18258154
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>Yeats is easy

>> No.18258199

Yes. As much as I love Eliot, Celan or García Lorca, nobody comes even close.

Just because he is accessible on a superficial level it doesn't mean Yeats lacks any depth, not to say the masterful imagery and craft of verses that embody the deep and universal human questions. You're a fucking retard if you think that obscurity equals quality.

>> No.18258214

Yes he is the greatest poet in English, but the best poet would be Pound, The Cantos is the 20th century Divine Comedy.

>> No.18258274

The more time goes on, the harder it is to argue against Eliot being the greatest poet of the 20th century. I’ve seen people in this thread say Pound is the Dante of modern times, but the honor truly goes to him, to Eliot. He reshaped poetry, popularized phrases and ideas into mainstream thought, and encapsulated an era which still is continuing to this day.
That’s not even to get into the difference in intelligence between the two as seen through their work. Yeats was obsessed with his pseudo celtic-mystic beliefs. Eliot’s poetry is lush with philosophy and theology on the contrary. There’s a reason James Joyce openly mocked Yeats while obsessively putting Eliot’s poetry, through distortion, in Finnegans Wake.

>> No.18258532

The second paragraph was meant for >>18252747

>> No.18258553

that joyce thought his own poetry worth publishing is telling

>> No.18258655

eliot is shit for academic eggheads

eliot is already fading into obscurity

>> No.18258658

Joyce loved Yeats you dumb fuck

>> No.18258913

But Pound also wrote in English

>> No.18258917

Eliot's stuff became cringe and pseud after he converted to Christianity

>t. Christian

>> No.18258923

The second coming is a God Poem

>> No.18258935

Yeats wrote his best poems in the 19th century though

>> No.18259316

Faerie yeats is worst yeats