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18249845 No.18249845[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Marxism and Leftism sweeping the world through social media and likely to dominate this decade
>But this is the Marx they're using

So did he win or not?

>> No.18249851

lefty here, we never cared about marx, we were just in it for the rimjobs.

>> No.18249860
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>So did he win?

>> No.18249878

Whatever 'leftism' actually means, who knows. The win condition for Marx would be the emergence of the stateless, classless society. Obviously we have not seen that, and self-identified Marxist countries like China appear to be moving in the opposite direction, the CCP is a strong state and they have a huge capitalist class now(they do a better job of reining in their billionaires than the West but there is no sign that they plan to liquidate the billionaire class itself).

>> No.18249928

>Marxism and Leftism sweeping the world through social media and likely to dominate this decade

>> No.18249940

They are Neo-Marxists/Neo-Leninists/Neo-Maoists
It only retains the very base structure of Marxist thought.
What we are seeing now has spawned from Antonio Gramsci, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, and most recently Kimberlee Crenshaw.
True Marxism is deeply flawed and generally wrong, but its logical outcome is not inherently violent (theoretically).
This Neo-Communism is, however, genocidal. Its outcome can only be the genocide of the White race.
It is the single most evil ideology ever concocted. It is an ideology that absolutely has to be squashed out entirely or else it will kill civilization. It is a societal metacancer

>> No.18249943

its progress I guess

>> No.18249954

Who is going to carry out this genocide exactly?

>> No.18249970

I doubt whites will be killed in any kind of genocidal way, their numbers will just keep dwindling and most likely become further ghettoized and possibly demonized, an almost worse fate

>> No.18249983

Autogenocide like the Cambodians probably desu

>> No.18249998

ie. commie shit, not genocide. I suppose the Walmart-Americans are somewhat at risk for a culling, if we can consider them an ethnicity. They better hold onto those guns

>> No.18250003

I’m not saying that it will necessarily happen, just that if you allowed this ideology to go unchecked in a vacuum it would necessarily result in the elimination of whites

>> No.18250004
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They don't give a shit about Marx, every idea and person is a tool for their continued hold over powr.

Marx was a racist who disliked Jews and Blacks. There's no way he'd like the current "Marxism" of today.

>> No.18250006

idk what that is, but i know 99% of all lefties are unemployed, so no.

>> No.18250131

>their numbers will just keep dwindling and most likely become further ghettoized and possibly demonized,
This IS a form of genocide.

>> No.18250142

>if we just blast propaganda to ruin their lives its not genocide because we didnt pull the trigger

>> No.18250253

This is your brain on Dugin

>> No.18250266
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>> No.18250273

>This Neo-Communism is, however, genocidal. Its outcome can only be the genocide of the White race
>scientific socialism is timeless
>extremely temporally contingent "white race" is in danger
> shiggy diggy

>> No.18250291

whites will definitely be burnt in the streets and humiliated with their women being brutally raped with Arab/Indian cock. Just accept it.

>> No.18250325

... So, Marxism isn't sweeping the world? What is your point?

>> No.18250342



>> No.18250358

always think back to the meme where the roman chad is like "what the fuck is a white race"

>> No.18250366

>the white race doesn’t exist but white supremacy is the biggest threat to society
Jewish talons clickity-clacked this post out

>> No.18250374
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>he win or not
The FBI agent that wrote the meme?

>> No.18250378
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>> No.18250398

Hey! You were replying to some called (You)! I think (You) never mentioned anything about white supremacy, so many anon should stop projecting his own fears onto us!

>> No.18250420

no races exist, yet the fiction of race oppresses people. Those who are called white get to live normal and others (POC) have it harder (some more than others).

>> No.18250436

>no races exist, yet the fiction of race oppresses people
this but unironically. if only you knew...

>> No.18250458

He didn't win anything
>everything is Marxism if I say so
>every struggle is a class struggle if I say so
It is funny how people keep projection their own worldviews onto a 17th century man
>modernity never heard of it
> post-modernism never heard of it
Marxist are stuck a few ages behind the rest of us
>ideology retardation

>> No.18250479

>17th century man
underage b&, not allowed on this website

>> No.18250490

do you unironically think marx lived in the 17th century? How can you possibly be this badly informed

>> No.18250497

>modernity never heard of it
his writing are foundational to the understanding of modernity