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18246359 No.18246359 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books that destroyed western civilization

>> No.18246367

It started it actually

>> No.18246372
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>> No.18246376
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Cucktholics always blaming Luther when it was them that failed to maintain the unity of the Western Church.

>> No.18246384

protestant countries are rich and honest, in catholic countries you can’t flush your toilet paper

>> No.18246406

Imagine being this materialistic

>> No.18246412
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Western civilisation destroyed the world, written language and thus books helped perpetuate that.
I guess it wasn't really the "West" that invented agriculture though, but you get my point.

>> No.18246420

yes, imagine

>> No.18246428

>if you want working uncorrupt society you are a materialist
C-catholichads.... I kneel at your reasoning

>> No.18246430

I'm thinking banking destroyed the world by perpetuating the need for growth to pay for debts at all cost.

>> No.18246441

the US constitution

>> No.18246469

Midwit take. If you go back far enough you'll see it all started with the invention of agriculture. Before that, the human population and their technological advancements were pretty stagnant for over 100'000 years.

>> No.18246483
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For what purpose? To earn money to buy useless things? You should only "work" to sustain yourself which isn't working but living, and no, earning money to buy food at the supermarket isn't sustaining yourself.

>> No.18246522

The most morally bankrupt and corrupt nations are those that succeeded from the Church in the 16th century. The UK has public sex programs on tv you're forced to pay for by the government, the Dutch have notorious red light districts, Germany has the largest gay population in Europe, Swedes now have a rape culture due to Saracen migrants, and don't even get me started on the empire of filth that is the United States.

With the exception of France (largely due to the French Revolution), the EU countries with the most atheists are those that are nominally Protestant. Meanwhile, those that are either Catholic or Orthodox have the strongest faith, such as Poland and Italy. It's clear Prots aren't able to keep the faith.

>> No.18246535

this. It's not like Luther came out of nowhere. The Catholic Church only has itself to blame.

>> No.18246587

Luthor himself was a loyal Catholic, but the church was so autistic it alienated him.

>> No.18246603

larp =/= faith

>> No.18246618

Exactly, they followed Calvino to their capitalist minded faith.

>> No.18246644

>evolutionary larpology

>> No.18246651

If you pretend all literature is made by whypipo you create a dystopian Huxley world of numbness and pleasure seeking.

>> No.18246666
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>> No.18246672


>> No.18246729
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>> No.18246804

You're so full of shit. Nothing stops you from living from hand to mouth to just sustain yourself. Nothing stops you from moving to Africa where you can "just sustain yourself".
And catholic countries have corruption, prostitution, closeted gays, and mafia. Catholic church has been happy toaccept migrants that bring problems here into Europe. Don't get me started on the Vatican, that is filthy as it gets, and has been for a very long time. You get very one sided view of the world from tradlarp memes.

>> No.18246849
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>> No.18246854

>he thinks he had an argument

>> No.18246876

There is still tons of Protestant faith in the SE USA.

>> No.18246934
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All of them

>> No.18246942
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Martin Luther's "On the Bondage of the Will" is what actually kick-started western civilization. Western civilization is a thought-process based on doubt. If Luther had not doubted his own ability to save himself from hellfire with penance and good works, and had not re-interpreted Romans 1:17 in the tower at Wittenberg, then we would still be obsessing over works-righteousness no different than the Hindoos and and Muslims.

Without Luther, religion would have filtered humanity and you would be living in a mud hut, worshiping your Pope, no different than how the Hindoos worship their Brahmins and cows.

>> No.18246995
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>> No.18247000
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>The UK has public sex programs
they're beyond that, actually

>> No.18247022
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>Western civilisation destroyed the world, written language and thus books helped perpetuate that.
he says browsing a literature board

>> No.18247035

*it was they

>> No.18247066

no there isn't
there are people who hang 'only God can judge me' signs
most are not actually religious

>> No.18247070

Or I could be in Pax Romana instead of debating Sand Nigger Chronicles and comparing myself to niggers

>> No.18247077
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>> No.18247079

Luther didn't come out of nowhere, but the protestant reformation wouldn't have gone anywhere without political motivations either. In the 9th century the catholic church was facing similar problems pertaining to corruption, until Pope Gregory VII reformed it, which ignited a power struggle with Henry IV, who wanted a new pope who would let him whatever he wants. This is just one of the many struggles between popes and monarchs who were only nominally catholic.
The protestant reformation had more to do with the princes not wanting religious authorities to tell them what to do and the invention of the printing press.

>> No.18247080

Explain what they should've done differently considering the Council of Trent.

>> No.18247081

interesting take nontheless unlike your low quality posts

>> No.18247084

I guess that's just why every Sun the church parking lots everywhere around here are overflowing with people having to park in the grass.

>> No.18247795
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>> No.18247812

first time seeing someone display contradictory behavior? i'm sure he'd like to escape but doesn't know how

>> No.18247872

>Pax Romana
Trust me, they'd have enslaved you first since you have shit for brains and still believe shit liberal memes from Edward Gibbon. The Roman world was not great; it was economically designed to fail. They could have easily built a steam engine and started the industrial revolution, but nobody cared cause they had slaves.

In short, they were just like the Italians today; dumb, lazy, indolent mafiosi, obsessed with bling.

>> No.18247886

Society neither works nor is uncorrupt, directly as a result of your protestant world.

>> No.18247907

Yes, apparently it was materialism that made it so.

>> No.18248034
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Not in the way conservatives might say it did, but because it's an extended, sourceless, opinion piece masquerading as a history book which woke teachers take at face value.

So many 'progressive' sorts of teachers have incorporated this propaganda tome into their curriculum to try and set themselves apart.
If they had a shred of respect for their job or students, they'd at least use Chomsky instead, who's actually serious about giving references to back up his lefty positions (also much better articulated than Zinn's ramblings).

This thing damaged thousands of young minds with the ridiculous amount of questionably sourced bullshit it uses to prop up its idiotically reductive narratives. (aka "America always bein rayciss n shit")

>> No.18248050
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>> No.18248074

>jewish lies

>> No.18248766

I'd trade Sundays going well with the family in an honest life over "good" Christian suburbs with trains.

>> No.18248801

Was it satire?

>> No.18249150

A good answer, nominalism is the secular root of modern evil which is at the foundation of Protestantism, to be combined with the neoplatonism of the Alexandrian school and the esoteric doctrines of the Kabbalists whose rediscovery founded humanism.