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File: 341 KB, 1173x1600, eternal frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18244996 No.18244996[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

World War Two was a French plot to destroy German philosophy, in particular, Marxism. Think about it. Why is that the philosophers of the 20th century have been such names as Lyotard, Foucault, Baudrillard, Derrida and a hundred other unpronounceable Gallicisms?

The problem with Hitler (a Catholic and therefore a spiritual Frenchman!) was the obsession with Lebensraum completely ignored Germany's own ideal heritage - a sad fact that makes Nazism inconsistent insofar as it returns to materialism and consumerism. It has taken at least a century or so for Hegel, Schopenhauer, Stirner and the Big M to resurface.

World War Two was a French, Papist/Catholic, Eternal Frog plot to destroy German philosophy or set it back for tens on tens of years and it has been wildly successful. Dirlewanger shouldn't have been deployed on the East, he should've been sicced onto Paris.

>> No.18245002

Based correctposter
Faustian civilisation IS German.

>> No.18245003

This is impressively retarded, this must be how my posts read to people who actually understand history

>> No.18245027

the real reason marxism died wasn't because of french pomo bros but because it turned out the soviet union sucked to live in, material conditions determined super structure shall we say

>> No.18245062

> The City of London Corporation has deposited two pounds in your account.

>> No.18245069

I'm a philosophy PhD student and I'm 90% sure OP is right, especially considering that we know for a fact that this the CIA pushed so much Foucault on American academia in order so limit the spread of Marxist philosophy).
I also agree with OP that the heritage of Leibnizian-Wolffian, Kantian, Idealist (Fichte/Schelling/Hegel), Marxist, Schopenhaurian and Husserlian philosophy (and I'd add even Heidegger's philosophy, even though he was a nazi) is fully incompatible with Nazi ideology and their politics.

>> No.18245075

Based and frogpilled

>> No.18245076

Dunno, I'd rather live in the Soviet Union than being a non-rich American.

>> No.18245081

>I'm a philosophy PhD student
So your opinion is worthless.

>> No.18245094

Change marxism to phenomenological rationalism which is in fact profoundly cartesian and you are correct.
France is intellectually at war only with itself.

>> No.18245097

You realize we wouldn't have any of those if it wasn't for either the Catholics or the French, right? Husserl's manuscript notes were smuggled through Catholic monasteries, bringing them to France and Belgium.
Jesus fuck you guys are retarded.

>> No.18245235

It's actually worth something, sorry
What does this have to do with my claim, namely that the philosophical heritage of pre-nazi germany, which includes Husserl's phenomenology, was incompatible with nazi ideology?

Also I haven't agreed with OP regarding the Catholic-French connection, instead I framed it as a US-French connection (where the US is in the dominant role and France is just a pawn - Foucault, for example, was unaware of the fact that he was being used by the CIA), which had, among its aims the complete neutralization of German philosophy.

>> No.18245248

How are Fichte and Hegel incompatible with Nazi politics?

>> No.18245268

Are you asking me how the two philosophers who grounded their idea of state on the idea of freedom, and explicitly introduced critiques of antisemitism in both their texts and their practice (Fichte destroyed his career defending Jewish students, Hegel did the same but managed to retain his position due to his fame at the time) were incompatible with national socialism? They also both rejected a priori every possible racial theory (Hegel is the most autistic of the two, see the srction on physiognomy and phrenology in the PoS).
What are the point of contact with nazi ideology you're thinking of? The fact that they both placed immense value on the State?
Also regarding Fichte, he surely was a nationalist in a time of war, but as soon as it ended he rejected once again his theory of national characters (which became again an expression of the Not-I)

>> No.18245273

>Hegel is the most autistic of the two, see the srction on physiognomy and phrenology in the PoS).
Hegel has quotations about how blacks are less evolved than whites.

>> No.18245274

>French philosophy
>fuck children in North Africa and die of AIDS
Uhhh cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.18245295

Post them here. Until then I'll remind you that spirit is not a bone

>> No.18245302

So does Marx.

>> No.18245342
File: 113 KB, 1198x798, daf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hegel seems to come out against such inequalities:

Descent provides no basis upon which to create a justification or invalidation of the freedom or supremacy of a people. Human beings are
implicitly rational; therein lies the possibility of equal rights for all people
and the nullification of any rigid distinction between members of the
human species who possess rights and those who do not. (My translation.)
This statement is consistent with Hegelís emphasis on equality under the law.
It may be an attack on noble privilege but, in the context, would appear to be
an attack on racism as well.

However, Hegel holds that the biological distinctions which exist among the
races are part of the rational scheme of things. Immediately following the
quotation above the claim is made that racial distinctions, being natural distinctions, are seated in the natural soul. Hegel maintains that the natural soul is that
biological moment of the soul which is determined by its natural surroundings.11
The surroundings which produce racial distinctions are the geographical differences of the continents. These latter differences Hegel holds to be necessary,12
and so, by implication, therefore rational.


>> No.18245374

>The fact that they both placed immense value on the State?
Not him but this is literally the only thing the Nazis did right

>> No.18245377

>The surroundings which produce racial distinctions are the geographical differences of the continents.
unclear whether this means over long time frames altering the races themselves(as in an individual would have given characteristics regardless of his environment, were he transported to another env), or that racial characteristics are wholly determined by the env of the individual.

>> No.18245666

>The surroundings which produce racial distinctions are the geographical differences of the continents
This is where you lose me. I don't have the encyclopedia at hand and I'm on my phone so I can't check, but is this passage actually supported? I'm asking because it simpky contradicts the claim that Hegel refutes in the PoS, namely the one for which the exterior is a manifestation of the interior, or vice versa

>> No.18246506

I like your theory