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File: 58 KB, 620x775, The judge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18244479 No.18244479 [Reply] [Original]

Halfway through the book. Is it safe to aspire to be like the Judge or will I be punished for doing so by the end. He's just so fucking cool and good at everything.

>> No.18244488

you want to throw puppies off bridges and rape kids?

>> No.18244627

I think his Faustian will to kmow everything is inspiring.

>> No.18244829

He has admirable qualities!

>> No.18244870

He's an entirely fictional character. If you want to aspire to be imaginary, i'd say youre off to a good start by cutting your dick off. Kys to really make those aspirations a reality.

>> No.18244909

The judge isn't a person, you can't aspire to be like him. He's more like a concept or philosophy given mythological features.

Glanton is probably the best example of someone who has followed his teachings. Do you want to end up like Glanton?

>> No.18244932

Seems silly to bother saying

>> No.18245211

Fictional dicks exist. Suck it

>> No.18245216

>an entirely fictional character
>he doesn't know

>> No.18245587

The character the judge was based on wasn't at all like the one in the book though.

>> No.18245646

the guy literally drowns puppies for no reason lol, i just thought the guy was hilariously edgy

>> No.18245665

>wasn't at all like the one in the book though.
He quite literally was. Except for being cowardly and with hair, everything else was the same.

>> No.18245704


>> No.18246448

It was his property, maybe the kid should be blamed for believing he had the right to sell life.

>> No.18246476

Read Faust. It's a slippery slope into self ruination, the desire to know everything. Be careful what you wish for anon.

>> No.18246800

you're not selling life when you sell a puppy, only the right to take care of it

>> No.18246870

The judge is a sink or swim kind of guy I guess

>> No.18246931

That's not true for savages. I also don't get why people make a big deal of Judge throwing the pups in the river. These guys were slaughtering babies and innocents left and right.

>> No.18246960

Drowning the puppies was an entirely profitless act whereas the wanton cruelty at least had the financial motivation of the value of a scalp bounty. It was just another episode to highlight the judge’s habit of acquisition and then erasure.

>> No.18247174

What does this emply, do you really believe there are innocent people? I think you mean people who won't defend themself if they think they can't win.

>> No.18247631

Interesting. I always thought as if the Judge was testing the gang. Whimpering pups are metaphors for pity and sympathy, or atleast that's how they seem to be perceived. The Judge wished to test the gang on how far has he strayed them from the good book.