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18244070 No.18244070 [Reply] [Original]

thanks to this book my wife has had an orgasm every night for the past three months and she's becoming more bossy and demanding thanks to our "improved communication" . today I googled the author and apparently she runs a pyramid scheme sex cult. thank you Nicole Daedone, i love books my life has never been better

>> No.18244079
File: 367 KB, 220x165, 1594026934855.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the waymen meme

>> No.18244093

yeah but does your wife cum and also tell you what to do? i didn't think so loser

>> No.18244102
File: 157 KB, 882x536, fat booty kings_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18244153

I love women. They deserve orgasms

>> No.18244238

lol just get a bull and let him worry about your wife's cummies

>> No.18244363
File: 1.07 MB, 1048x1570, male circumcision sexual enjoyment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women can't orgasm with mutilated dicks

>> No.18244364
File: 121 KB, 785x960, maimonides on circumcision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18244368
File: 213 KB, 1818x1012, Isaac ben Yedaiah Circumcision and Premature Ejaculation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18244373

"Cant" and "more likely" are different things, anon.

>> No.18244390

this. no point in shouldering orgasm responsibility with harpies over-conditioned by canines

>> No.18245135

I'm always worried an orgasming uterus will grind up my Johnson like a haunted garbage disposal

>> No.18245240


kek. this is one of the primordial fears, anon

>> No.18245247

That’s hot, I’m really happy for you anon

>> No.18245266

>CIRP note: The authors of this article have written a book entitled Sex As Nature Intended It. The book has a website at www.sexasnatureintendedit.com.
Sounds like a completely unbiased source.

Here are some better ones:
>Only 2.9% (13/455) of women reported less sexual satisfaction after their partners were circumcised; 57.3% (255/455) reported no change in sexual satisfaction and 39.8% (177/455) reported an improvement in sexual satisfaction after their partner’s circumcision. There were no statistically significant differences in sexual satisfaction before and after partner’s circumcision by age, religion and education status.

>> No.18245383

Women evolved the twerk to expel the penis after the uterine jaws sever a bite

>> No.18245395

>needing a book and a pyramid scheme to cum

You will never have this issue with another man

>> No.18245964

I hope you and your wife live an unhappy life and die lonely deaths.

>> No.18246109

>and also tell you what to do? i didn't think so
can someone explain to me why this is a meme? Why do you people all the sudden lose the ability to speak?
It takes the slightest nudge to get her talking to and working with you if she doesn’t do it automatically.

>> No.18246218


>> No.18246279

I'm only good at sex when I'm stoned.

Any books for this feel?

>> No.18246410

My wife has come every time we’ve had sex since we started dating I don’t get it, do people really not know how to sex?

>> No.18246413

Making one woman orgasm isn't the same as making every woman you sleep with orgasm. Also every woman is different so you can't really compare.

>> No.18246446

Ironically the only woman I've ever fucked that didn't coom easily was the one I had an actual relationship with.

>> No.18246474

only virgins do

>> No.18246502

The Bible, you double sinner.

>> No.18246515

What’s the method?

>> No.18246525

why is the onus on the man to provide the orgasm. takes 2 to tango but patriarchy presumes the woman is just a saddle

>> No.18246539
File: 18 KB, 657x356, charman lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kek at troll post
>google nicole daedone for shits and giggles
>tfw the sex cult thing is real

>> No.18246735

W*men do not like clarity especially on that topic. Verbal, propositional expression, even more so with direct terms and phrasing, is a male preference. They like to rely on bizarre "signals" that they consider more refined methods of communication. Of course it doesn't work, but the w*man will transfer the blame on the man for not reading her mind.

>> No.18246826

So how do I join this sex cult?

>> No.18246838

>please cut off your dick skin honey
>wow it feels better now!

whole lotta bias in this one. Not that there exist any valid arguments for snipping off a functioning organ of an infant in the first place.

>> No.18246949

There is nothing ironic or unexpected in this. Basic blackpill.

>> No.18246968

I know.

>> No.18246972


>> No.18246977

A little beating here and there will teach her to talk.

>> No.18247008

why would your wife be more bitchy if she's cumming every night?

you're full of shit because if she was, she'd babying you. this is how women work.

you have no wife, and you have no life. otherwise you wouldn't have made a shit thread.

>> No.18247042

>you're full of shit because if she was, she'd babying you. this is how women work.
I've a girlfriend and despite making her come multiple times every morning (both clit and vaginal) she bitches about small things.
It seems to be a woman thing to take things for granted as soon as they're not novelty anymore.

>> No.18247046

>becoming more bossy and demanding
How is this in any way beneficial? I don't know, sounds like an endless headache to me

>> No.18247148

Sounds to me there needs to be an end to this relationship. In my experience, the guys who complain about their partner being to bossy just want to be miserable or don't know how to express themselves.

If there is something that annoys you, tell them.
If they are unwilling to compromise, leave.
If you're going to tell me these problems stem from her orgasming regularly, you sound like you're not mature enough for a relationship.

>> No.18247164

Why was this my experience as well hahaha, fuck,

>> No.18247173


>> No.18247201

Women are whores. If it's an exciting quicky with a tall, dark and hansome stranger they cum instantly. If it's with a loving/caring long term bitch boy, they don't.

>> No.18247239

Can confirm, identical experience here. Used to hate myself because long-term gf wouldn’t cum (strongly implied she did with fuckbuddies she had) with but previous random flings had several orgasms with me. Turns out, women are just whores. The more you learn about them, the more despicable they become.

>> No.18247262

>If you're going to tell me these problems stem from her orgasming regularly, you sound like you're not mature enough for a relationship.
Please read my post more comprehensively if that's what you gathered.

>> No.18247268

>date a whore
>hate yourself because of her whore-ish requisites
Nigga i can smell your pathetic pasty ass through the screen goddamn, yall need some self respect and to stop settling for wack bitches. Hoe don't make a housewife. You fuck the slut on the side when you feeling promiscuous, and have that gorgeous good girl at home. Simple arithmetic. Jeez.

>> No.18247285

Dude I was 18-19 at the time and didn’t know any better. Fucked few more femoids afterwards and went volcel, these bitches ain’t nothing but hoes and tricks.

>> No.18247305
File: 126 KB, 1100x733, photo-1484791984053-c4abb3fd681b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only erogenous zone that matters

>> No.18247340

My friend gave a foot massage to a girl on a train and fucked her on the same day.

How do you get to give a random girl a foot massage?

>> No.18248164

sure a hand positioning or grip changing or adjusting herself differently is a signal to read but all i meant is like one word indications. I know one (so some must too) would not say shit, but that is not normal

>> No.18248259

Okay half based. Just find yourself an ugly woman who isn't cracked, life is good with a loyal lady, knowhatimsayin?

>> No.18248446

If you aren't compensating for some deeply rooted insecurity then why do you talk like such a brain-dead mongoloid?
Black pilled anon is right and you're whole personality reeks of cope.

>> No.18248562

>first sentence is the verbatim reddit line about ending the relationship
>takes offense at being labeled bossy
100% a woman wrote this

>> No.18248722

Shit bait, sage

>> No.18248735

You shouldn't talk about black people like that anon

>> No.18248757

>you have no wife, and you have no life. otherwise you wouldn't have made a shit thread.

this man knows

>making her come multiple times every morning (both clit and vaginal)

she's faking it, retard zoomer

>> No.18249074

Fuck off niggerbrain

>> No.18249128

When women have casual sex its usually with a super attractive guy, and as a result they are super into it. The guys they can get for long term relationships are never as attractive, which is why women don't enjoy sex in relationships. I quit dating after seeing both sides of this

>> No.18249209

>i shall convince them they're wrong by posting a hunna karat seethe
There is no race more fragile than the white one, lmao

>> No.18249657

reddit-tier argument, go back

>> No.18250689

they really don't, any other answer is a cope

>> No.18250748

>Has to spell it out for you
Nigga I just unzipped my katana and started blasting
Worked me gramps worked for me
Simple as

>> No.18250763

Ahahaha.. that's great.