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18242927 No.18242927[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How or why is this not seen as idolatry?

>> No.18242937

idolatry means that the actual trinket is god.

>> No.18242939

I think the thing is that they see that God saw fit to use Jesus' body as a vessel. It was fine for God to be represented by Jesus. I think that's what christians think.

>> No.18242940

It is!

I've the very same lacknace bought on amazon for like 10$

>> No.18242949

no graven image kind of goes against this reasoning

>> No.18242952

this. it’s not that difficult to understand.

>> No.18242955

>Unironically trusting the KJB "translation"

Kill yourself. In every other Bible translation it's translated as "idols of other gods"

>> No.18242981

I read it from the Jewsih Study Bible but it was a long time ago. According to my memory the authors agreed with the KJV version but I'm too much of a lazy bum to get out of bed and double check now

>> No.18242993

>Although no single biblical passage contains a complete definition of idolatry, the subject is addressed in numerous passages, so that idolatry may be summarized as the worship of idols or images; the worship of polytheistic gods by use of idols or images; the worship of created things (trees, rocks, animals, astronomical bodies, or another human being); and the use of idols in the worship of God (YHWH Elohim, the God of Israel)

>> No.18243005

>It's not idolatry when we do it!

>> No.18243010


>> No.18243025

Idolatry is when you worship something that is not God as if it were God. Jesus is godly therefore it is not idolatrous to view his crucifixion as a symbol of the divine

>> No.18243026

nobody worships their fucking jewelry you midwit fedorafucks

>> No.18243035

John 10:30, “I and the Father are one.”

>> No.18243036
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Tell me, let's say you have a cherished picture of your family. Now answer this question, do you care about the photo itself, as in it's physical self, or do you care about what it represents, in this case your family? Sure you might hold some esteem to the picture itself, but it is vastly overshadowed by your love and appreciation of your family
And beyond that, like a previous anon said, idolatry means that your believe the thing IS God or have some explicit rules like how muslims prohibit ALL graphic images

>> No.18243039

Here a take few know: the hebrew translations we have about the OT are actually much, much earlier than the greeks one

Catholic and Orthodx OT comes from the Septuaginta, a greek translation made by 70 Alexandrine jewish sages at the order of the Ptolemaic Pharaon. Hebrew was already a dead spoken tounge by that time, so the Jews who translated it in greek were greek-speaking themselves

The protestant and modern jewish OT instead are based on a medieval translation of the greek septuaginta version by medieval Rabbis who not only didnt knew greek well, but likely had a worse grasp of the ancient hebrew languange compared to the hellenic sages
Jusaism also developed a lof of "heterodox" beliefs in the long centuries between the two versions, and injected some of these in their translations of some passages (ancient kikes werent so against images as medieval kikes, their temples had human-animals hybrids statues for fuck sake)

It's basically if a text originally in english was translated in italian by bilingual experts, and then centuries later it's re-translated from italian to english by non native english /italian speakers. Whick version would you trust more?

>> No.18243041

>Physically graven image that is a representation of your sacrificial God vessel

You bet your ass it's fucking idolatry you lying deluded Christcucks.

>> No.18243044
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Now THIS is idolatry something earthly and corrupt (soda) is used to embody the divine and thereby tarnishes it.

>> No.18243049

>it isn't idol worship because my idol is real!
tell that to the muslims or the jews, who both consider you insane to view someone who ate and slept as "godly"

>> No.18243051

The ancient temples of the Hebrew faith had litterally golden statues of angels and other animal-men creatures. Try again judaized proties

>> No.18243052



>> No.18243060

This is just garish and vapid
Blasphemous perhaps but not idolatry

>> No.18243073


Catholicism is the poster child of Christian idolatry you fucking faggot

>> No.18243088

Say the kikes workshipper. Go die in the name of your "older brothers", like the evangelicals like to preach

>> No.18243091

I can't imagine anyone worshiped any of them. the difference is saying that it is God

>> No.18243110

He knows that, he is just saying that having a image of Jesus on a cross like how Catholics and Orthodox do is not idolatry

Funnily enough, copts, caths and orthos (the oldest dominations) all agree it is okay but protestants for some reason have a stick up their arse because of that

>> No.18243114

What about saints' relics?

>> No.18243165

Iconoclasm is not a personality.

>> No.18243170

It’s a human thing, proddies wouldn’t understand it.

>> No.18243177

Saints are intercessors
The way it works is how, for example, some people ask other's to pray for them or on their behalf. Catholics and orthodox believe that because saints are well, saints, they can and probably will pray for you even in death.
Relics are believed to help one get a better "material" connection to the saint and can also help a person in other non-christian related ways like relaxing or bringing hope

And beyond that, caths/orthos do not believe that relics have power by themselves. Instead they merely work as a vessel through God (not the saint himself) power can be manifested in some way

>> No.18243184

Based positive valuation of hallowed people.

>> No.18243186

It's based on Thor's hammer necklaces, christianity is more pagan than it likes to admit

>> No.18243193

icons good
idols bad
simple as

>> No.18243210
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>That religion that was been historically extremely mediterranean-centric and came much before actually stole muh deep whyte master race religion!!! Those darn kike-workshippers stealing my grorious goat-fucking viking shit hut farmers traditional Thor (Disney trademark) neckless, uhhhhhhh makes me soooooooo mad >:(((((((((((((

>> No.18243223
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Because most Christians believe in feels over reals.
For me the biggest issue is it is blatant Nestorianism because these images are only capable of depicting one of Christ's natures.

>> No.18243279

Most people believe in feels over reals

>> No.18243370

I'm an atheist, I consider them all insane. I was just playing devil's or rather angel's advocate. And I would imagine that it's up to God to decide what attributes he confers to his temporal avatar (Jesus). There's a mainstream school of Christian theology that views Jesus as a "Hypostatic union" of both Man and the Divine, combining both as one. Because God wished to breathe humanity into Christ as a way to bridge the gap between regular humans and the divinely inspired. Christ's human needs and capacity of suffering are required of him to serve as the redeemer of mankind. He needed to know what it was to be human to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

>> No.18243389

>tell that to...
A man being the word of God is insane but a book being the word of God is ok and so is a burning bush, got it. Great /lit/ thread, what book are we discussing?

>> No.18244507

Read the Bible.

>> No.18244577

No it doesn't.
1. That's clearly not what idolatry means outside of revisionism.
2. No one thinks a material item itself is a god in any religion, this is nonsense. Why define it in terms of something that doesn't exist and never did?

>> No.18244603

He's the Word of God or the kalimatullah in the fact that Allah said a word (kalima) "Be!" and he was. It's simply an honorific like Abraham being the khalilulah "Friend of Allah".

"Lo! the likeness of Jesus with Allah is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, then He said unto him: Be! and he was." 3:49

>> No.18244608

You just had to read the first post, retard

>> No.18244616

Thank you anon, really appreciate this response. Peace be with you friend.

>> No.18244628


>> No.18244651

Is this supposed to imply that I am an atheist?

>> No.18244660

Jesus is God, cuck

>> No.18244665

Jesus was incarnate on earth and became a living icon, therefore he is a graven image allowed because he became an image on earth himself.

>> No.18244668

The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that there was divine power inherent to the statues and that this was idolatry. Hence them leaving offerings out for statues. The idea was that the statues themselves had power.

Christians believe that the statues are representations only, and have no inherent power. They might occasionally be the vessel of some miracle, as when statues of saints and angels will be made to weep. But this power does not have anything to do with the statue itself.

>> No.18244670

Not him but also if you're interested, look up Latria. Latria is the actual worship due for God and God only. This is different from dulia and hyperdulia, which is the veneration (not worship) that we give towards Mary, saints, etc. At least for us Catholics

>> No.18244689
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How is this not idolatry?

>> No.18244693

>be god
>let puny humans crucify you

>> No.18244701

>protestants don't realize this was already answered in the early middle ages

>> No.18244714

So there should be no problem with using a cross as a dildo?

>> No.18244735

Would you spit on the true cross anon? The Ark of the covenant? If they are just meaningless images maybe. They are not God itself, but they should be respected/venerated because they are objects/images that God has selected in his plan.

>> No.18244738

Thanks anon.

>> No.18244752
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It never occurs to any fucking Millennial or Zoomer that their ideas aren't original. They were taught all their lives that they are "gifted," that they are "special," that they are "unique." It never dawns on any of them that, maybe, the questions they have about Christianity are questions people had decades, centuries, even millennia ago, and that those questions have been debated and answered before their father's father's father's father's father's father's father was born.

>> No.18244773
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Exactly. The hubris of "via moderna" has corrupted us away from "via antiqua."

>> No.18244961

Idolatry is something of the old testament. There are only two rules to follow. Stop making Christianity so complicated.

>> No.18244972

God didn't change His mind on what He does and doesn't "like". Being more or less "permitted" to do something in the sense that it's not an immediately damnable offense or such doesn't make it totally fine and great.

>> No.18244995
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If you actually care and aren't just being a retard look into the Iconoclasm in Byzantium in 726AD. A good book is "On the Holy Icons" they even had an Ecumenical council on it to tell people like you to go fuck yourself.

>> No.18245008

It was considered graven in the old testament because God had not yet revealed himself,
Deuteronomy 4:15–18:
>“[S]ince you saw no form on the day that the Lord spoke to you at Horeb out of the midst of the fire, beware lest you act corruptly by making a graven image for yourselves, in the form of any figure, the likeness of male or female, the likeness of any beast that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged bird that flies in the air, the likeness of anything that creeps on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the water under the earth.”

God became man. It is no longer considered graven to make images of him.

Catholics don't worship statues.
Council of Trent identifies idolatry as: “by worshipping idols and images as God, or believing that they possess any divinity or virtue entitling them to our worship, by praying to, or reposing confidence in them” (374).

Examples in the bible of making statues or other images showing how it isn't intrinsically wrong:
>Ezekiel 41:17–18
>1 Chr. 28:18–19
>Ex. 25:18–20
>Numbers 21:8-9

>> No.18245011

>700 years later
>they had a council
So what year was it that Paul warned that as soon as he was gone, Satan would be coming to mislead the sheep

>> No.18245019

Who cares

>> No.18245026

anon, the Nicene Creed wasn't made until 300 years later. Arianism wasn't officially condemned 300 years later. Your point?

>> No.18245051

My point is that you are a pagan

>> No.18245064
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>is it is blatant Nestorianism because these images are only capable of depicting one of Christ's natures
Agreed. This was the position of some of the Reformers and is a truth that is conveniently ignored by most Christians.

>> No.18245090
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>The intercession and veneration of the saints?
Pic related

Mary is not a god nor is she worshiped. She is our mother (John 19:25-27) just as Jesus said and blessed among women just as the Holy Spirit has said (Luke 1:40-42).

>"Pagan" Philosophy?
Perennial, and John makes reference to Greek philosophy in literally the first chapter of John.

Clement of Alexandria (150-215)
>There is only one way of truth, but different paths from different places join it, just like tributaries flowing into a perennial river. Solomon adds that there are plenty of righteous people and plenty of routes for them. He explains this as follows: “The paths of the righteous shine like light.”

>> No.18245152
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>John 19:25-27
>our mother
>this applied to everyone
>and not just John

>> No.18245181

Yeah you're probably right I'm sure you have the answer.

>> No.18245183

>Theotokos - Mother of God (a denial of this is basically Nestorianism btw)
>not our mother

>> No.18245196
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I'm Protestant but I agree with the people who practice Marian devotions. It's a good thing to ask Mary to pray for you, and to honor her as the Queen Mother of Christ's Kingdom.

>> No.18245202
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you're alright

>> No.18245677

Finally some protie with good sense

>> No.18245691

Early Catholic priests couldn’t read very well.

>> No.18245692




>> No.18245697

I like you Anon

>> No.18245702

Don't even waste your time...

>> No.18245737


No, it doesn’t. He clearly made this thread for the shitstorm. What is genuine though is his inability to understand how it isn’t idolatry.

>> No.18245765

If he made it strictly for a shitstorm then he would not have worded the question in a manner that encourages an answer.

>how or why

You’re saying: “His question is to create a shitstorm and because he wants the answer.”

And I am saying he is probably - firstly curious.

>> No.18245787

>God didn't change His mind on what He does and doesn't "like".
Jesus was telling some porky pies if that's the case.

>> No.18245801

Sit down and breathe, son.
The cross as in the OP didn't originate in the mediterranean.