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/lit/ - Literature

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18242824 No.18242824 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s discuss literature with SR themes. What books do you know that focus on this subject? I’ve read Coiled Serpent, which I think is good for beginners, and the Bible includes many secret references to it, as in the Garden of Eden, for example.

>> No.18242832

What supposed benefits are there? I felt the exact same during my two-month no fap streak as I do when I coom thrice daily

>> No.18242834

Yeah the story with Onan justifies not wanking I think. Also Paul admonishing those who are sexually immoral

>> No.18242871
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The conversation of chemical energy, prevention of excessive prolactin in the body, and healthy regulation of dopamine are reasons enough.

>> No.18242886
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>> No.18243253


>> No.18243292
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>> No.18243335

All semen retention does is aggravate and create a false sense of elitism.

>> No.18243341

I feel fantastic after cumming idk what people are on about

>> No.18243464
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>All semen retention does is aggravate and create a false sense of elitism.

>I feel fantastic after cumming idk what people are on about

>> No.18243472

this chicano is unable to bust a fat nut inside a filipino slut

>> No.18243845

you haven’t tried nofap seriously

>> No.18243898

Cumming makes me tired and lethargic. As if I’ve lost all my energy, which is why I avoid it during the day. It’s hard to fall asleep though without rubbing one out. Is that why I can’t wake up on time in the morning? I’ll literally sleep through alarms or be so groggy and half asleep I don’t even realize I turned the alarm off. And this is while trying to get 6-8 hours. Should I pop a melatonin instead of jerking it?

>> No.18244085

Convince me nofap isn't an auto-homoerotic attempt to remain prepubescent.

>> No.18244215

I find it hard to wake up on time after an evening of wanking. The intense feeling of self-disgust and post nut clarity doesn’t help either

>> No.18244256

I do whatever I want, the world changes to accommodate me.

>> No.18244673

My confidence has increased significantly since practicing SR, even with relapses every now and then. I also feel like absolute shit when I relapse, and this isn’t just a product of guilt, but physically I know I’m weaker. I don’t know I adapted to daily cooming in my teens

>> No.18244737


>> No.18244838
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I felt tired almost all the time when I fapped daily. That "mission accomplished" feeling after a nut is great but if im not actually achieving anything im only celebrating failure rather than true success.
I used to think that masterbation kept me in check, like i was keeping a nature within me under control but now I understand that the nature im suppressing is what drives life energy. Im therefore not truly alive when I cum to make believe things. The French call it the "Little Death" for a reason I suppose.
We can all do it bros. We call all become powerful again as we once were. Day 4 of nofap is imo the hardest to pass but after that you see enormous change, especially on day 7.
This is all very real. You just need to start.

>> No.18244913

I get fucking antsy and edgy after day 3 I could fuck anything. I stopped counting however and it’s doing the trick

>> No.18244943

I jacked off 1-4+ times a day from like 14 to ~27 along with sex every few days for the periods I wasn’t single. I was single and I decided to try nofap and after a few false starts I went a little over 4 months. I noticed no fucking difference except I had a little more free time.

Now I’m working more hours so I only jerk once every few days. Whatever, I call shenanigans on this garbage.

>> No.18244982

your body was probably trying to recover from years of self-abuse. What you’re doing is not natural

>> No.18245040

What else is there to gain though? Stable relationship for 9 years now, stable career, workout 4 days a week, just doing what I need to do. I’m not shooting it down completely despite how I worded my previous comment, but the prospective results of retention do strike me as a bit overblown. I can understand it being a worthwhile endeavor for someone who has no sense of control over any aspect of their lives to gain a little more footing, though.

>> No.18245077

How is that possible? You have low t levels or what?

>> No.18245198

Your confidence is up because your agitation is up.

>I also feel like absolute shit when I relapse
Either you're fapping too hard or you should have a doctor look at your levels.

>> No.18245239

It feels "moral" and thus ill convince my body and myself that its doing me good, which will bring some benefits

>> No.18245284

>I can understand it being a worthwhile endeavor for someone who has no sense of control over any aspect of their lives to gain a little more footing, though

This is really the only explanation I can conceive of for the whole thing. No-Fappers seem to have no consistent core reasoning for what they do, and seem to basically get off on the 'virtue' of denying themselves pleasure, in the belief that this makes them stronger and more worthy people. Some of them will say that 'semen retention' is what matters, for various reasons (some say it's nutrient loss that matters, but then can't explain why supplements wouldn't work to counter this, other say hormones), but then can't explain why having sex in a relationship isn't problematic. So others will that that the goal is to "gain discipline so you have the confidence to get a woman", with having sex being an actual for them, despite this being completely counter to the semen retention crowd. Others will say that it's "getting over porn addiction", that matters, and that sex and masturbation are both completely ok as long as you aren't jacking off to other people, though many are ok with using their imaginations.

There is just no fundamental reason to believe that this is 'good', as so many different goals, both secular and religious, are proposed, most of which have little similarity in their reasoning or motivation. This is not to say that this *can't* be beneficial to anyone, and many people may have developed bad habits and psychological dependencies that may be best resolved through self control, and so it may well be good for them. But the idea that it's a universal good that *must* result in great benefit to anyone who undertakes in in all these ways is just completely incoherent and supported mostly by random blabbering.

>> No.18245290

isnt being horny all the time a sign of high t

>> No.18245296

Or just a sign of addiction to orgasm

>> No.18245625

Take my advice asshole

Stop eating before bed, cold room, dim lights hours before bed, no screens before bed

>> No.18245629

Mental fluidity. It feels good being sharper than all humans

>> No.18245654

What are some interesting points that the coiled serpent points out?

>> No.18245676

Please stay on topic. Why does this always happen. If SR didn’t work for you, we don’t need you to tell us. Not what this thread is about

>> No.18245808

You might have fat on your heart, lack of blood, anemia, or hormone problems, eat healthier and get some exercise, your body is fucked.

>> No.18246257

Thank you anon, solidified my thoughts here

>> No.18246277

>If SR didn’t work for you, we don’t need you to tell us.

But that is useful information, which you should take into account if you want to be honest about the potential benefits.

>> No.18246318

It seems to improve mental sharpness. It could be a placebo of course, but until said is replicable under any conditions, noting this in itself is worthless.

>> No.18246395
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You mearly adapted to the cooming, I was born of it.

>> No.18246401

Giving up porn pretty much removed the overwhelming desire or pressure to masturbate. With a discipline or focus on something else, no longer need to fap.

>> No.18246403

what does this mean

>> No.18246407

>Drives life energy
Go read you i cheng faggot, your trading one set of chains for another, be free and do as you like. If this is how you want to live, good, but do it because you want to not to appease some etherial metaspiritual concept.

>> No.18246415

Thats like being addicted to pooping. Just stop pooping.

>> No.18246447

Coomer cope

>> No.18246468

You never enjoy a good poop, you don't feel light and satisfied after, you only do it alone, unless you are sick you shouldn't "need" to poop.

>> No.18246486

The cumbrain meme truly is real

>> No.18246726

The longer you wait, the better it is, the more satisfying, more to clean but worth the effort. Diet plays a role, a contributing factor to the overall experience, working out can enhance the pleasure. More muscle, less effort.

>> No.18247005

You've got POIS. Google it up.
I have nearly cured it

>> No.18247109

>Let’s discuss literature with SR themes
no, thank you.

>> No.18247195

No we are talking about BOOKS that discuss the subject.

>> No.18247338

Scholastic and Aristotelian natural law theory is the only correct way to look at sexual ethics.

>> No.18247342


>> No.18247431
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I'm not the anon who posted that, but my record is even longer, 105 days.

And nothing happened. Libido went back and forth a few times but that's it.

Above average t levels btw, I am extremely hairy and generally in good health.
No idea why didn't it work.

>> No.18247449

Good introductions below. Natural law theory should be distinguished between the ancients/medievals and the moderns imo.


>> No.18247450
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Y'all niggas ain't ready fo dis

>> No.18247542

>he posted a classical atheist link
ADS leads to atheism dummy did you not know that? Watch jay dyer

>> No.18247549

>What supposed benefits are there?
Prostate cancer at 25, what else?

>> No.18247629

there's no real benefits to "semen retention," if anything long period without nutting reduces sperm quality. most of this focuses on semen as some vague mystical life energy or whatever, it's weird and cultic. nofap can benefit someone if they lack self-control and masturbate excessively, but for most people there's no reason not to fap every once in a while to relieve horniness/stress or simply to feel good.

>> No.18247831

>the jd question

>> No.18247839


>> No.18247884
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>read entire thread
>come to no serious conclusion

>> No.18247982

Sucks you missed out on the benefits. It’s not the same for everyone.

>> No.18248005
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>read entire thread
>now I want to masturbate

>> No.18248012

So God’s love is the same as God’s anger? ADS states that all of God’s attributes are identical to his essence right?

>> No.18248016

>supporting interfaith prayer meetings with voodoo practitioners and Apache shaman

>> No.18248019

This is a direct result of ADS, we all worship the same god right? That’s why Francis told a boy that his atheist dad can be saved.

>> No.18248061

>natural law theory is the only correct way to look at sexual ethics.
wtf are you smoking, anon?

>> No.18248210

>Pope does bad and imprudent thing.
Wow you really got us this time. Catholicism is over.

Whats the problem?

>> No.18248825

Yes now follow the example of your pope and go pray with your local witch doctor

>> No.18248865

You are sounding like a protestant orthobro

>“It is by the saints, and not by the mediocre, still less by the great sinners, that the Church is to be judged. It may seem a loading of the dice to demand that any institution be judged solely by its best members, but in this instance it is not. A medicine must be judged not by those who buy it but by those who actually take it. A Church must be judged by those who hear and obey, not by those who half-hear and disobey when obedience is difficult.”

>> No.18248900

Yes so is Pope Francis not the best of the Catholic Church? How can a pope affirm or commit heresy? Your own Saints said that to pray at the tomb of Mohamed (ie a mosque) is heresy. And indeed your popes have done that. So are we to judge them as heretics?

>> No.18248927

Where in the history of the Catholic Church has it been said that the doctrine of the papacy entails that the pope cannot sin? I'm sure you are aware of ex cathedra.

>> No.18248961

Sin is different from apostasy. There are acts that warrant immediate, automatic excommunication. These include procuring an abortion, violating the seal of the confessional, but above all heresy and apostasy. Praying at a mosque is apostasy (according to Aquinas) == automatic excommunication == not a valid Pope.

>> No.18249248

Semen retention looks like self obsessed men attempting to return to a prepubescent state by rejecting the ejaculatory function: believing it will endow them with extended youth and special powers.

>> No.18249278

>according to Aquinas
Show me where Aquinas says Popes should be excommunicated because they kiss a gift that happened to be the Koran. Aquinas also isn't infallible. The situation where JPII kissed the Koran is specific and nuanced, and in no way gives an air of indifferentism towards Islam. Nor does it show that the JPII agreed with the Koran or that the Catholic Church supports Islam or is indifferent towards any other religion. It was a mistake and unoptical at best and imprudent at worst. I'm not going to leave the Church that Jesus Christ said the gates of hell shall not prevail against because of the imprudence of a Pope. And for future reference I don't believe anything a Pope does can invalidate the truth of the Catholic Church, whos dogmas are unchangeable until the end of time.

>> No.18250293


>> No.18251397

>all these neophytes yammering on about semen retention
where are my learned poop retention sages at

>> No.18251408

try poop retention, it's like semen retention times ten. a lot harder too

>> No.18251494

What do you think is the most retarded thing you could get nofappers to do if you dressed it up in mysticism and so ydoscience? It would have to be something that vaguely plays on their insecurities, something to blame unrelated personal failings on. Then you solve it with one weird trick. Perhaps you could get one to slam their head against a wall repeatedly by telling them "physical trauma is a prerequisite to manhood. Take the head slam pill". Something about neurons becoming more tolerant to pain or whatever.

>> No.18252088
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>The symptoms of POIS may be generalized, or may "cluster" in certain areas of the body (i.e. individual men report their symptoms only affect their head, eyes, nose, throat, or muscles). Clusters of symptoms that have been reported include:[2]

>Cluster 1 (general cluster): extreme fatigue, palpitations, problems finding words, incoherent speech (dysarthria), concentration difficulties, becoming irritated, aversion to noises, light sensibility (photophobia), depressed mood

Oh fuck I literally tick all the boxes. I'm going to start nofap right now. I've got nothing to lose so I might as well see if it works.

>> No.18252104

i converted to catholicism yesterday and have not masturbated since. i feel like a god

>> No.18252162

>not realizing that high prolactin is better than high dopamine when you seek to read and write all day
That's why all of you are retarded

>> No.18252734

Why is it better? Unironically questioning.

>> No.18253859

May the future participants in this thread discuss literature, amen

>> No.18254142

This is a movie but eyes wide shut is literally what it feels like to be on nofap, and watching it on a long streak was trippy

>> No.18254202

>high prolactin is better than high dopamine when you seek to read and write all day
Ever heard of amphetamines? Yeah they raise dopamine and drop prolactin. Same with cocaine ala Stephen King. And guess what both substances make you horny.

>> No.18255245

If SR works why does sex give you more energy?

>> No.18255411

You just have an understimulated nervous system. You need regular use of the nervous system, ie pain, in order to keep it in good health by promoting growth and repair. In ancient times everyone recieved more pain. For example, until very recently corporal punishment was used as an effective learning tool as it heavily stimulates the nervous system. In modern times we are deficient in pain thanks to modern technology and ideology that works to weaken and diminish us.This can be solved by administering "system shocks". This can be punching something hard like a tree or concrete, or hitting your head against a hard wall or door.

>> No.18255747

>Literally bang your head on the table

>> No.18255781

This is the real secret in plain sight...
That generative sex is better for you than any other sexual habit.

>> No.18256253

just count