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File: 232 KB, 1080x1040, Buckley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18241094 No.18241094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18241104

True, but such an elementary thing to say, it could only come from the mouth of an American "conservative" "intellectual".

>> No.18241116


Not to defend Buckley, but sometimes it is fruitful to state (or re-state) elementary things and basic axioms.

>> No.18241188

why do 4channers hate conservatism? is it not "based" enough for you? seriously, I've seen many anons favor fascists and national socialists over conservatives.

>> No.18241415

CIA shill

>> No.18241485

Conservatism is just Liberalism slowed down

>> No.18241533

everything is everything but speed down/speed up.

>> No.18241542

What has conservatism actually conserved?

>> No.18241543

Conservatives propagate "traditional" values like religion, nationalism and the nuclear family, but at the same time also want the benefits of the liberal capitalist consumer society, which inherently destroys these traditional values. When confronted with the choice between liberal capitalism and a first world living standard or those traditional values, the conservative will choose the former.
To conclude, 4channers hate conservatism because it's just liberal capitalism in disguise and as the other anon mentioned "slowed down". Conservatives are inauthentic hypocrites.

>> No.18241547

How about moksha

>> No.18241548

meant for >>18241188

>> No.18241565

owning the libs

>> No.18241577

but they're libs themselves

>> No.18241589
File: 253 KB, 448x450, 1444220801110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the context here? What is his definition of inequality? What is freedom? What is his point?
>Freedom implies inequality
>Inequality implies freedom
Ok but he didn't say anything actionable. So what's the point?

>> No.18242180

that's why conservatism is self sabotage

>> No.18242188

>but such an elementary thing to say
Did you just dismiss Elements?

>> No.18242202

>conservatives are just slow liberals.
If you're going to plagiarize at least get it right.

>> No.18242211

false dichotomy

you cannot and should not be free from your obligations to others (equality)

>> No.18242224

yes freedom is more important than equality

*aborts my baby*

>> No.18242248

I want to be freedom and Buckley to be inequality if you catch my drift

>> No.18242268
File: 44 KB, 850x400, Thomas Jefferson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18242274

Freedom aint real

>> No.18242276

What obligations do I have to others?

>> No.18242299

Ben Franklin was the one who said this

>> No.18242304

What does he even mean by equality though. Even Marx didn't believe in equality

>> No.18242324

>is it not "based" enough for you?
pretty much

>> No.18242498

Buckley was a cia agent who’s aim was to co opt trad conservatism and liberalize it. If “conservatives” stopped sperging about gay superheroes and spent time looking at history like this maybe they could achieve something. That won’t happen sadly.

>> No.18242683

>Buckley was a cia agent who’s aim was to co opt trad conservatism and liberalize it.
Substantiate this claim young man

>> No.18243548

The national parks, the largest and most powerful military in the history of the world, Israel.
The constitution of the United States still exists to the detriment of the left, the spread of global communism was stopped despite the lefts best efforts at back stabbing. The general social structure of capitalism is unharmed, the rich are richer than ever, the hierarchy of the racial order is unchanged and the distribution of power, intelligence between races is largely unchanged despite the best efforts of the left.

Actually what has liberalism actually achieved?

>> No.18243565

So women still make comically less than men and have generally relegated themselves to the status of sex objects. Liberals cling to symbolic token victories as proof of those triumph while virtually nothing significant is changed from 1921, or 1821.

>> No.18243569
File: 312 KB, 1440x1080, P4AVXWLWC4HPEUPDD5T7MYFBBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are they conserving???

>> No.18243580

Look another token symbolic victory for leftist degeneracy. But the left said that if conservatives want to kill people like Bruce Jenner in the street?

>> No.18243586

Men can wear women's suits! Look everyone the left has truly changed the world!

>> No.18243601

nothing you can't ignore but that's why you're only obliged and not compelled or forced. just because you have free choice to abandon it doesn't mean that's the right natural thing to do.

>> No.18243604

>implying inequality is bad

>> No.18243611

People with more power are more free. The rest is cope.

>> No.18243617

freedom aint free

>> No.18243797

Just read his Wikipedia bro, he was a skull and bones member at Yale and after college was recruited by the cia. He was a member of the council on foreign relations and the bilderberg group. If you don’t know the cfr, it’s a huge think tank that came to prominence via Rockefeller and Ford foundation funding and has been a place where many high ranking cia administrators have been members. It’s unsurprising these were the groups Buckley ran with because that’s the social strata he was born into; wasp elites. If you think Buckley was the sole “conservative” admitted into these arch-progressive groups to, “present the case for conservatism” you’re a sorry fool. Of course none of that went on in those meetings.

Simply look at how he spitefully smeared the paleoconservative pat buchanon. That shows you everything you need to know about Buckley’s true values.

>> No.18243888


>> No.18243914

>environmentalism is conservative just because roosevelt was a conservationist
you have a brain disease

>> No.18243920

If you don't continually re-emphasize these basic truths in the US Northern leftists start doing things like declaring math racist.

>> No.18243940

>seriously, I've seen many anons favor fascists and national socialists over conservatives.
>finding this in any way surprising
Go back to Facebook, literal boomer.

>> No.18243973

what's freedom? are we talking about the neoliberal definition of freedom or actual freedom?

>> No.18244048

No, because progressives wanted to use the land for more factories and jobs and cover the grand canyon in hotels and bridges for the "people".

>> No.18244784

Wow wtf fuck Buckley

>> No.18245818

I don’t understand this quote. Care to explain?

>> No.18245828

Leftists argue that freedom must be suppressed so that wealth and the means of production must be distributed fairly among the workers.

Obviously, taking away Private Property is taking away Freedom from the affluent and privileged class who are being stripped of their power by force.

Buckley is arguing that inequality is a symptom of a capitalist system yes but that it is a necessary evil in order to stop a bigger evil in freedom being taken away.

>> No.18245837

An interesting ontolgy friend.

>> No.18245877

Thanks anon. For a second I thought he was arguing against freedom just by reading that quote. I don’t think inequality is evil. And freedom is the noblest of aspirations. So I must agree with him on this one. Funny how liberalism today failed to respect let alone support the right of the individual. The Giver is a nice book about this theme that I recently read. It is a pretty light read, I would recommend.

>> No.18245910

Thanks for the recommendation, friend

>> No.18245947

They're both French bourgeois axioms
This as well
Every movement in the 60-70's was co-opted by the CIA. From the progressives to conservatives. I can't give the source rn. In the meantime, you can watch Keith Woods' latest video - he talks about this
It isn't, since it is biological. Hierarchies are good, but capitalist classes are not, for they are based on usury.

>> No.18245972

Behold a parrot

>> No.18245992

Why are you being so glib?
You know this quote is in reference to the very topical push for equity over equality.
If you can't extrapolate a guiding principle from that, then I would give up reading.

>> No.18245999

It's nice to say this stuff in a vacuum, but you know full well that there's been an obsession with equality which has turned into equity in the political and intellectual spheres.
Why do so many of you people like to act like you were born yesterday?

>> No.18246126

Ofc a posh twat would say that. He's never had to live on the other side. If you'd taken away all his money and he had to actually survive in this world he'd be a moaning little commie bitch

>> No.18246147

What has fascism actually fascinated?

>> No.18246157
