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18240042 No.18240042 [Reply] [Original]

Under a secular presupposition, are there truly any meat to a homophobic government?
Most things I search will mention how the consensus of social science is the arbitrariness of male-female marriage or how it isn't in any way detrimental to a child's development.
Are there even any philosophical and statistical validity to the Fruedian arguement of the necessity of masculine and feminine model in children beyond single parenthood?
Please give me literature about this topic, from books to journals, even ones about the validity of homosexuality.
Thank you.

>> No.18240067

it's gay

>> No.18240097

It literally leads to extinction, so any system that favours common good above the individual’s liberties would be against it. Also, most people feel naturally repulsed by the idea.

>> No.18240100
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>If there is no God, everything is permitted
Anyone taking secular humanism or secular morality seriously is a retard and should go back to watching twitch streamers
Now you can continue the thread

>> No.18240142

>It literally leads to extinction

>> No.18240148

OP here and this is my core position.
I just don't want to package my view with a thesis on metaphysics and epistemology to say gay is bad because the reason I think gay is bad is because of my religion in the first place.
But if there truly aren't any secular defense for homophobia, it would be perfectly fine, I just don't want to be dishonest by arguing from that perspective.

>> No.18240153

Men and women make babies together
Men and men cannot

>> No.18240160

>arbitrariness of male-female marriage
Holy cow, how insane do you have to be to write that with a straight face? Seriously? I

>> No.18240166

gays spread disease and reproduce by molesting children. That's reason enough to oppose them

>> No.18240167

Two men not having a baby is not much of an extinction.

>> No.18240170

>a straight face
I see what you did there

>> No.18240175

Are you implying there's only two gays on the planet?

>> No.18240181

Are you implying that all people on the planet are or ever would be gay?

>> No.18240191

There's relatively more gays now than ever before, and it doesn't seem like they're going away.
If enough people in your civilization are gay, you will not be able to make enough babies, meaning your civilization will be replaced. That is extinction in the long term.

>> No.18240219
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>> No.18240221

What is the basis of secular morality?

>social science
No such thing.

>> No.18240257

>What is the basis of secular morality?
Anal sex, apparently.

>> No.18240538

Then maybe straight people should breed more to compensate. Gays are still around 1% of society and yet the natality rates are plummeting in the entire developed world. Maybe the problem isn't in the gays...

>> No.18240548

It's a mental illness that's created usually by early life sexual trauma and is comorbid with many other deviancies and mental issues. The lifestyles of these people lead them to early deaths very often. It's also very disgusting.

>> No.18240605
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>> No.18240621

Oh I agree, gays are just a part of the problem, consumerism, alienation, immigration and anti-natalist propaganda are also part of it.
But "gay culture" becoming prominently advocated and no social restrictions on the behaviour definitely don't help. Lots of young people think they're gay but that's only because it's considered cool.

>> No.18240628

why would you want faggots to breed though? that would just create more of them. better to let them be genetic dead ends

>> No.18240640

in atheism , there is no truth, and no morality
science doesn't lead to truth and morality either
atheism = hedonism+metanarrative by humanists about how christian monarchies are evil

>> No.18240661


>> No.18240857

Procreation predates sexuality, the orgasm and romantic love. The orgasm emerged as an incentive to create offspring. To whatever degree homosexuality is genetic, it is a mutation with no clear benefit. To whatever extent it is a "choice" it has no benefit.

>> No.18240862

If homosexuals bred, they would not be homosexuals and they would have no negative attributes.

>> No.18240873

Well the two main points would be that is promotes the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and undermines masculine culture.

>> No.18240888

>More chances of disease
>More chances of suicide
>Evolutionary dead end
>More unstable relationships
>More promiscuous
No need to invoke religion or any sort of metaphysics to argue against normalization (not to be confused with acceptance) of homosexuality.

>> No.18240896

Under a 'secular humanist' government this is not really a problem. You do realize secular humanism is pro-depopulation and would rather see gene-spliced babies grown in vats.

>> No.18240995

>What is the basis of secular morality?
Extension of life, and pursuing what is perceived as well-being. I don't think it can get any more specific than that without liberalism or religious/spiritual influence.

>> No.18241006

That's not how genetics work.

>> No.18241023

That's why secular humanism is retarded

>> No.18241032

Truth is not dependent on supernatural beliefs. There's a difference between faith and knowledge. One could argue most peoples' epistemology is actually faith-based maxims, but that cannot be true, for example, of people convinced of Aristotle's epistemology of demonstrability.
Science leads to truths of the material and naturalistic world but cannot expand beyond them.

>> No.18241039

That's not a basis though.
The basis of secular morality shouldn't really be called morality. Humans have certain virtues they adhere to despite whatever 'morality' a greater society molds them into. Secular morality must be based on things enshrined in human nature, and thus enshrined in the flesh. What this means is that anyone who tries to edit the human organism is permissive of all evil and shouldn't be suffered to have limbs.
There really isn't any basis for homophobia secularly though. You can be disgusted by homosexuals, and you can hate the current political movements based around them as well as their fetishization, but there isn't really a coherent reason to hate gays themselves.
Men and women make gay babies sometimes. People don't choose to be gay, hombre.

>> No.18241049

>Men and women make gay babies sometimes. People don't choose to be gay, hombre.
Sometimes they do, especially in woketopia. And gay people make no babies, which is the point. How society deals with that is a choice.

>> No.18241067

Someone choosing to fuck men in the ass, unironically, does not make them gay. People fuck each other in the ass all the time in prison, but they're not kissing each other on the cheeks and cuddling in bed afterwards.
>Gay people make no babies.
So? This isn't feudal Europe, there isn't going to be a population crisis anytime soon. What your ilk should be worried about is breeding your race away by fucking niggers and nigger adjacents.

>> No.18241076

Anyone who accepts naturalism will know that they aren't arbitrary at all, they have an evolutionary purpose.
Anyone who accepts naturalism must also admit that it can give no prescriptive ethical views, but only predictions of what will happen with each ethical system.
Anyone who accepts naturalism cannot, on the basis of it, discard any ethical system in itself, he can only offer good or bad consequences (when socially applied).
Therefore, no matter how arbitrary masculine and feminine are, unless you separate ethics from nature, you cannot ethically prescribe homosexuality as something to be accepted.

>> No.18241077

>there isn't going to be a population crisis anytime soon
Eh? The entire world outside of Africa is going to have one by 2050

>> No.18241080

Things in nature do gay shit all the time.

>> No.18241083

That's not tied to being gay though.

>> No.18241085

>promotes the spread of sexually transmitted diseases
This is probably true among homosexual men, partially do to frequency and variety of sex encounters, but the far opposite of homosexual women, whose STD rates are virtually nonexistent in most places

>undermines masculine culture
That's definitely dominant today in modernity, though I'm not sure why. I suspect partially responsible are Abrahamic religions suppressing the social factors of homosexuality so that what remained and dominated were the genetic/hormonal factors (though I'm sure other elements of culture were influential). Homosexuality facilitated masculine structures in some ancient cultures.

>> No.18241090

Even using the word ‘homophobia’ is cringe and ZOG pilled.

>> No.18241098

Masculinity has always been undermined. If you're a dude in power, you want to push narratives that trick other dudes into emasculating themselves. You say you're against toxic masculinity, but your actions say otherwise.

See the interactions between the African American/Jewish community and feminism. Jews and Blacks are the first to call out masculine culture, while containing in their cultures some of the most depraved rapists in history.

>> No.18241139

Yes, I definitely agree regarding feminism. Most third-wave feminism I see today almost seems universally about emasculating men to become level with women, and liberally makes accusations of "toxic masculinity" while unable to differentiate or define any other type of masculinity.

I'm actually not very familiar with the AA/Jewish communities vs feminism or masculine culture. Do you mean they are hypocritical for having anti-masculine feminist views while idealizing their own cultures whose past went against that?

>> No.18241182

Western jews have a strong connection to the academic feminist movement, and African Americans talk a lot about respecting women politically, but their culture runs contrary to it.

Hypocritical describes it. I wouldn't say it's necessarily specific to their cultures though. Men in power, like the Jews currently are, always act like this. Poverty cultures, which African Americans are, also do the same thing. See lower class Italian-Americans in the previous century.

>> No.18241211
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Secular morality is just increasing wellbeing and reducing suffering.
>"There's nothing to make people care about morality though"
There's also nothing to make people care about God or his will either. Any morality gained from religion isn't actually religious morality but socially enforced morality.
>If there is no God everything is permitted
Some things that ARE permitted and encouraged by God are absolutely awful so I wouldn't say your point matters. Another thing is even these things that God supposedly doesn't allow, he still lets happen anyway which kind of defeats the purpose.

And none of this gets around the fact that God doesn't actually exist.

>> No.18241221

Theists just completely make things up in order to justify the other things that they've made up.

>> No.18241239

Oversexualisation of a culture is what matters, homosexuality does not. Now you may say that the two are intertwined but you're missing the point. Two people of the same sex loving eachother doesn't have negative effects on society. The oversexualisation of society is hedonistic and is a cause/effect of its downfall.

>> No.18241254

See: >>18241211

There's a difference between "it happens" and "it happens all the time". Animals also kill themselves but that doesn't make it natural.
See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucn2KzCDnOY

>> No.18241258

what the fuck kind of word salad are you posting. you're trapped using the terms of sociologists, who have been compromised for decades. they make the rules about "what is acceptable" using solely pseudoscientific methods without having the first clue about why cultural traditions and taboos exist. if anything they seek to subvert those cultural heirlooms in favor of their academic innovation. it's the way to fame and glory for them, damn the consequences to society or government at large.

a secular presupposition, i assume you mean an atheist/agnostic government, does not exist. the closest we've come is soviet russia, and that was an inhuman monstrosity. humans are inextricably linked to their cultural heritages. the vast majority of which view homosexuality as taboo or at least sublimated into an exempted category like mystics, which is just another kind of taboo. our laws in the west didn't spring from the ground, they came from minds set in medieval Christian norms. and it's not just the law: our virtues, as well, and vices. to find homosexuality that is tacitly approved of, and even then only for the "top" as an exercise in virility and overpowering a bottom, you'd have to go back all the way to the Romans. and i don't think you'd like their rules about summary execution.

>> No.18241268

There already is a population crisis. Just because we have enough resources and space to fit people in doesn't mean we're not overpopulated. It would be much more optimal to have the world's population to be a third in size and yes I would volunteer to be a victim of the purge.

>> No.18241272

>It literally leads to extinction
No it doesn't. Homosexuality doesn't mean you lose the ability to reproduce. And it maintains itself around a certain percentage anyways.

>> No.18241320

Yes, I understand what you're saying now. While hypocritical it also illustrates a sort of falseness and hollowness of the movement, which is largely built by the upper classes/those in power, while anyone can pay lip service to it while completely ignoring their own inconsistencies.

>> No.18241322

Did you not read? It doesn't matter how much or how little it happens in nature

>> No.18241357

All of your points here are accurate. Especially the third - I admire Dostoevsky's work but I never understand how his fan club sees the "If there is no God, everything is permitted" argument as convincing. It's clear that even with belief in God, anything is already permitted - one just needs to perceive that their deity wills it, and convince the masses to follow suit.

>> No.18241448

you stupid fucking faggot. your conception of life and Being are so shallow and rudimentary, you should be thrown in the fucking psych ward concentration camp and fed SSRIs till your dick drops off. ever heard of biological altruism? you really think human life is a baby making machine >>> ? you're no better than an r strategy rabbit fucking senseless in some dank hole. human are K strategy, retard. gay's exist to support the extended family, to raise offspring and help gather resources. and even that's a bloody simpletons idea of life. have you ever considered the teleology of intelligence? NEWSFLASH life isn't about reproduction anymore. LOL what a fucking imbecile. we're here as negentropic agents, faggot; to propagate intelligence across the universe. what is intelligence? the ability to play and win at games. reproduction is a mindless and inefficient strategy now. what a stupid, unsophisticated fool. you have no idea what you're a part of! you are a node in the grand network of intelligent life, but you think of yourself as some simplistic prokaryote endlessly multiplying into the void. HA! check out this guy! he's a fucking E. coli! a tiny speck of biomass on the face of the earth! why don't you actually THINK for once; use that big primate brain of yours. go on chap! it's okay! women are repulsed by you anyway; soo you might as well stop thinking about yourself as a means to some reproductive end and start conceiving of yourself as an end in itself. read a book! learn some math! contribute to the fight against entropy instead of seething at faggots behind your grimy monitor . . . they don't care about you one bit; they pass you in the street and avert their gaze, pretend you don't exist; because your existence is an insult to decency and taste. LOL I cannot stop laughing at your delusion! I would spit on your short, balding, skinny fat body after my faggot friends an I are done pummelling your acne ridden face; if I didn't pity you so. Check out this looser! get a life!

>> No.18241463

>"homophobic government"

You mean good government? There is no level of "acceptance" that will make mentally ill homosexuals happy. They will always call a government homophobic, no matter how many concessions they receive. Yes homosexuality happens in nature and yes that includes mankind, but that doesn't make it properly ordered (suitable to the nature or good of a thing, namely man) or virtuous.

>Please give me literature about this topic, from books to journals, even ones about the validity of homosexuality.
Nicomachean Ethics. You didn't start with the Greeks and it shows.

>> No.18241518

>a homophobic government
Sounds like an economics and sociology problem. Depending on the nation and depending on the sexual leaning of the population it could be argued that more children need to be produced to sustain a growth economy, or that less children need to be produced to create a lean economy. And that's not even getting into the quality of child rearing between heterosexuals vs homosexuals parents

Opinion Zone:
I find it easy to believe that homosexual couples at the current state would be sub-optimal due to a perceived correlation between homosexuals and not being well-adjusted people. However I see no reason why 2 well adjusted homosexuals would not be able to raise a child of similar quality to a hetero sexual couple.

Quality meaning: self-sufficiency, real economic surplus created, and quality of life

>> No.18241635

aberrant hyjacking of motive which is prompted by a biological drive. i see it in the same way as watching nothing tv instead of learning a skill, simply a way to get dopamine rather than correlating the dopamine with some level of biological imperitive. its the same thing as recreational drugs or sugary food.

Its an excess prompted and facilitated by a indulgent society. Its not inherently bad, its just an aberration and i look on it the same way as someone with gold grills or 7 4k screens. it generally attracts an indulgent type, but at an even baser level. Its a fetish, and I see it as such.

>> No.18241826

Wouldn't a true fascist government encourage homosexuality, as it functions as a way to incentivize undesirables from contributing to the future population?

>> No.18241852

The only way faggots contribute to society is being good goy consoomers.

>> No.18241917

As a pro lgbtq person this is ok
acceptance > tolerance >>>>>> intolerance
I think what a fascist government would do is establish that being lgbtq is not ok because they want idealized citizens

>> No.18241981
File: 27 KB, 600x599, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you really think human life is a baby making machine >>> ?
I've seen this faggot schizo in multiple faggot threads btw,writes the same way.
Way to miss the fucking point buddy,you're promoting a literal liberal.
Would you have liked it better if he correctly said ''morality is a spook'' and posted a Stirner?
He would still be right,and you would still be wrong.
Buddy,I'm not Christian,but you really don't belong on this site at all,go back to wherever you came from,assuming reddit or some youtube debate channel,either way,you're a loser.
They aren't,you've fallen into a pseud trap.

>> No.18242104
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>Some things that ARE permitted and encouraged by God are absolutely awful
Also,just going to laugh at how ridiculous this ''argument'' is
You're trying to argue that something is ''awful'',which is a waste of time
Rape is awful?
Child rape is awful?
I could easily find these things to not be awful,but rather,quite pleasing,can you please explain me why they are awful?
You sound like someone that complains about human rights,pretending they aren't made up spooks.
I'm this poster btw >>18241981,and once again,your repulsive kind don't belong here,go back.

>> No.18242417
File: 29 KB, 580x880, cCZX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did I do wrong?

>> No.18242449
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>you're promoting a literal liberal.
I just used a meme picture.
>Would you have liked it better if he correctly said ''morality is a spook'' and posted a Stirner?
Well that wasn't what he said at all nor was it connected to the point he was making.
>He would still be right,and you would still be wrong.
No he isn't because he completely misunderstands secular morality and I never claimed that there was a "law of morality" in the universe.
As you said:
>Way to miss the fucking point buddy

>Rape is awful? Why?
Because it causes suffering. This doesn't mean that there's an inherent law in the universe that suffering is bad. It's enough that we agree that suffering is bad and therefore if rape causes it, then it is bad by our definitions of the word.
>You sound like someone that complains about human rights,pretending they aren't made up spooks.
You literally no nothing about me and have made wild assumptions about my beliefs. You are the master of straw man arguments.

>> No.18242469

Artificial wombs will make w*m*n obsolete.

>> No.18242476


>> No.18242485

Divine command theory does not solve the is ought problem.

>> No.18242645

It's tied directly to the moral belief that all policies and social norms must have the objective of making everybody happy, even though from a biological perspective the main objective of a person is solely reproduction and the supposed "happiness" we feel like fucking a woman(direct attempt at making a baby), eating big macs(storing fat so you can survive to produce offspring), feeling nice after socializing (making bonds with others, which is has the same reproductive effect in mind) , is only directed so we can make babies - that's it. When you equalize homosexuality to heterosexuality and start normalizing it, you're explicitly saying there's fundamentally nothing wrong with infertility and having 0 babies, and with the effect of propagating this shit in schools and by social norms, this phenomenon worsens. Today in modern America, it's actually BETTER to be a homosexual than a heterosexual, because of the oppressor-oppressed narrative, so this even more accelerates this process. What you end up is just as predicted: in America 15% of Gen Z consider themselves LGBTQ+ (read: infertile) and the birthrates keep dropping...


>> No.18242651

For you

>> No.18242693


>> No.18242990

>Anyone taking secular humanism or secular morality seriously is a retard and should go back to watching twitch streamers
What??? Ahahahahahah
The Abrahamitic Religions are the biggest perversions ever happened to earth ahahah.
Think about it, perversion comes from latin and it means "mis-use" or use something not the way it should be used.
Abrahamitic Religions use language as not it should be used like the biggest question "What is the meaning of life?" while you should ask "What is the meaning of meaning" instead since meaning is a human-created super-structure.
And what are you gonna do against the marxist left and gender theorist? They're CHRISTIANS (Muslim or Jews), even more CHRISTIANS (...) than you!
They're perverting the language to an higher level "12308 genders, I'm gender -fluid protoabroultrasexual" and that's not something AGAINST christianity IT IS THE FINAL STAGE OF CHRISTIANITY and anyone not aknowledging it is a fucking MORON.
No tell me "Please, F. O., tell me more" and I'll tell you more!

>> No.18243023

Billions of animals, billions of race survived before CHRISTIANITY and they will survive after.
The "WE NEED IT, WITHOUT IT THE MANKIND WILL CEASE TO EXIST" is the biggest bullshit ever told.
Just look at the world before christianity.
Just look at india, roman empire, greek society.
India has never been a christian society... did it cease to exist?


>> No.18243057

Neither does utilitarianism or anti-sufferingism.

>> No.18243064

Who the hell are you talking to?

>> No.18243078
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>> No.18243090

daimon resolve it all

>> No.18243097

Yes, crogiolati sui meme pezzo di merda.
Rispondi nel merito se hai almeno uno spicchio di palle.

>> No.18243109

i didn't read your shit jezebel thread, i won't read your shit jezebel threads, i'll never read the fucking SHIT you post next to pictures of whores, just fuck off and die!

>> No.18243123

Ahahahahahah YES!

>> No.18243160

What can a christian teach his child?
The only thing he/she can teach is to be afraid, not to have balls to actually achieve something, persuing a society of Christians without balls.

Keep avoiding porn, keep not masturbating, keep praying, keep going to the church, keep not using drugs (Drugs are bad, but my point is how do you teach your children about this shit).
Keep watching Jordan Peterson telling you "make a schedule and work hard!"

The point is not to work hard, the whole point is to delegate power to the HOLY DAIMON motherfuckers, MYTHOLOGY instead of your IDEOLOGY full of shit.

You're pursuing IDEOLOGIES and you will die within them when they will collapse face to face to the HOLY DAIMON eheheheh

>> No.18243185
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Philosophical positions, in fact, favor male-male relationships. I refrain from saying gay because there isn't necessarily sexual attraction involved; rather, the male form is deemed to be more beautiful than the female. In any case, a very common universal philosophical trend is a position that women are only worthy through an extension of their uterus; men are better suited to any task other than giving birth

>> No.18243188

Stupid IDELOGIZED Crybabies, Christians, LGBTQSASDO and whatever has come from your abrahamit ASS

You're brain is being colonised by the clergy, some of you by the old one (Christian, catholic, muslim) and some of you by the new one (MARXIST LEFT, LGBTQS, LOVE AND PEACE, PALESTINE CRYBABIES)



>> No.18243199

>everything is permitted
Including the persecution of fags, just because they're disgusting.

>> No.18243208

But society used to work in the past..,


Keep avoiding porns, you scumbags
PORN IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT, cause it lasts 10 minutes you cum and that's it ...




>> No.18243213



>> No.18243217

I just invented the term "holy daimon" I'm not referring to any magical bullshit or whatever

>> No.18243218

Homosexuality is a threat to the human race, literally
If everyone just turned gay we’d die off in a generation

>> No.18243224

You can force breed women. Childless women are a bigger cause of extinction than guys having fun with each other.

>> No.18243241

>Homosexuality is a threat to the human race, literally If everyone just turned gay we’d die off in a generation
Catholic priesthood is a threat to the human race, literally If everyone just turned priest we’d die off in a generation
Being a soldier is a threat to the human race, literally If everyone just turned soldier we’d die off in a generation
Mathematics is a threat to the human race, literally If everyone just turned mathematician there would be no labourer

>> No.18243249

Fallacious comparison.
The whole point of the priesthood is that it’s only for a select few

>> No.18243252

This is the evil seed of totalising ideology,
where everything has to be totalised.

This is the KANT MORAL SIN, but as far as you told it I can say it's more of a CUNT MORAL SIN, you little cunt.


>> No.18243260

Fallacious comparison.
The whole point of the homosexuality is that it’s only for a select few

Go watch how mother nature works, you idiot.

Homosexual are free from having children and the should have access to the shamanic roles.
Da Vinci, Turing. Michelangelo, etcetera.

>> No.18243263

Gays reproduce through child molestation. They won’t stop if you don’t prevent them from doing it

>> No.18243271

You think mother nature works like your stupid ideology or it is a complex system?

We would know everything about everything yet we know nothing, because of complexity and the best way to dominate complexity is to know what NOT TO LOOK FOR, and you are looking for the wrong thing.


>> No.18243277

priesthood sounds very jewish

>> No.18243278

In percentage priest are more likely to commit child rape

>> No.18243286

Also if your ideology teaches children that "NO SEX IS PROHIBITIVE" then 3/4 of the psychological death sentence is your fault and only 1/4 the rapist.

>> No.18243290

They also love to have homosex parties.

>> No.18243301

So what?

Your totalising dumb brain cannot understand that reality is complex? That homosexuality doesn't lead directly to child rape?

Yes most of the child rapist are homosexual, but most of the homosexaul are not child rapist (and if those children suffer is 3/4 fault of your ideology and teaching on sex).

>> No.18243308
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Secular anything is nonsense. It only exist in so far as you let it influence your mind and are controllable. If you are free thinking enough and strong enough, you can evade, or enforce your will upon the system. I have my own moral standard based on ideas of objective beauty in accordance with a deistic belief in god, but generally I think morality is nonsense. “Hur dur homos can’t make kids, homos spread disease, homos reproduce by molesting kids etc. etc. etc.” Who fucking cares what these guys think they have no power and even if they did (in place of the Zionist Masonic plantation a bunch of conserva-Christ nogs) they could probably be easily avoided if you had the Will. Do what you wish, wanna oppress people, fine, if they want to retaliate or act in the shadows fine. Not like neoliberal god is gonna judge them for being “racis” or consercuck god will torture them for liking boys. Also that woman is ugly.

>> No.18243310
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Some men are cute

>> No.18243312
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It is in fact biologically advantageous to have two male parents. If we examine, for example, swans, we see that homosexual pairings are considerably more powerful than heterosexual pairings. The security granted to them by this dynamic offers them greater material prosperity amongst other things.

Unfortunately for contemporary society, while there are homosexuals in nature, there aren't any faggots

>> No.18243318

Please, I ask you, to give me a strong argument against homosexuality.

Because I LOVE TO HATE people, especially other races, muslims, christians etcetera.

If you give a single valid reason to hate homosexual people (not the LGBTQASDKJNAS idelogised ones) I will send you 50$ in btc right now

>> No.18243322
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>If there is no God, everything is permitted
The only right answer

>> No.18243334

Because it's disgusting. Priests are supposed to be pure but they fuck each other in the ass in secrete. I don't trust any organized religion or really any secret society.
cringe homo

>> No.18243337

>enforce your will upon the system.
This is what prosperity means, not "FOLLOW THE STUPID IDEOLOGY" shit.

I you love yourself you should think more like this guy.

>> No.18243345

cringe homo is your argument?

You don't like money, don't you?

>> No.18243349

And why should I care about this? If there is no god... in a secular scenario... as long as I assert my will and get away with it it wouldn’t fucking matter. I could die at 110 years old never tried for my crimes and I could dude knowing there wasn’t some Christ-nog god to beat me for doing so.

>> No.18243363

You missed the whole point!

If those people know then they acknowledge their waste of time on stupid idelogies

>> No.18243373

I don't need your pozzed coin

>> No.18243388

you can't just debate with a person that isn't the lgbtq furry you're debating all day long in your head

>> No.18243395
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>I you love yourself you should think more like this guy.
Yep. Literally just do what is best for yourself in spite of god and satan, good and evil, right or left. Self preservation and self satisfaction is the only feasible true gospel.

>> No.18243408

you "totalised" my thought, once again those people that totalise everything are disgusting.

If is not X then it is Y, right? That's how it works!

Go back to high school, nigger

>> No.18243409

>It is in fact biologically advantageous to have two male parents
Nothing against fags but from an objective stand point nah.

>> No.18243425

I’m not trying to totalizator anything, I’m just trying to explain my own views on things in relations to others commentary.

>> No.18243432
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you are this guy

>> No.18243437

Since you all moral people like to quote Dante, here is his biggest enemy's poem:

If I were fire, I would consume the world;
If I were wind, then I would blow it down;
If I were water, I would make it drown;

If I were God, t'would to the depths be hurled.
If I were Pope, I'd have a lot of fun
with how I'd make all Christians work for me;
If I were emperor, then you'd really see -
I'd have the head cut off of everyone.

If I were death, then I'd go to my father;
If I were life, I'd not abide with him;
And so, and so, would I do to my mother.

If I were Cecco - as in fact I am -
I'd chase the young and pretty girls; to others
Would I leave the lame or wrinkled dam.

>> No.18243439
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>> No.18243445

>meat to a homophobic government
No, not really. From a purely secular standpoint a countries peoples are replaceable units whose acceptability is determined by their economic contributions and not their personal life or interests. Even on a "family" level the secular argument is still economically focused by attempts to justify ot denounce based on things like expected lifetime earnings of people who grew up under a given parental arrangement.
In the secular world homosexuality like all things is as acceptable as the group is economically powerful.

>> No.18243479
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>In the secular world homosexuality like all things is as acceptable
A lot of things in modern secular society aren’t acceptable like “racism.” It’s just the system allowing whatever keeps it going like corporatized LGBTQ crap.

>> No.18243538

> is the arbitrariness of male-female marriage or how it isn't in any way detrimental to a child's development.
This is because modern social science rejects teleological social norms that would have been considered the basis of being "well-adjusted" 50 years ago. If there's a p=0.005 match between kids who grew up with homosex parents and not wanting to have children themselves, the researchers would not identify that as detrimental to the child's development. Basically, the bounds of what is considered "correct behavior" is so wide that how do you even measure that it's not detrimental to a child's development? Probably basic material measures like suicidality, which aren't good metrics because suicide =/= "Improper development", it's just one aspect of it.

Male-female marriage ensures that regardless of the sex of the child, they have a readily accessible role model to determine proper male or female behavior in society. That's why, for example, many trans people have had abusive, violent, or absent parents, and therefore get improper impressions of either a) what is and isn't acceptable behavior for men/women in society, or b) how to express traits of the male and female sexes in society. This can happen even if the parents AREN'T strictly abusive/violent. E.g, from this article:
>To meet the diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria, a child typically needs to have shown observable characteristics of the condition prior to puberty, such as “a strong rejection of typically feminine or masculine toys," or “a strong resistance to wearing typically feminine or masculine clothes." Again, 80 percent of the parents in the study reported observing none of these early signs in their children.

This is also telling because trans behavior is not considered mental illness and would not necessarily be counted as a sign against being "well adjusted", but consider that the symptoms of it are classical signs of a maladjusted child: willfully disobedient and antisocial behavior, unqualified rejection of social norms of the society around them, animosity toward or against the self. If these get dismissed as not being "signs of improper development" then what do you think social scientists are actually using to MEASURE the supposed child development in the supposed consensus they have? And even importantly, if, for example, as a gay man my family life is much more unstable, do you think that's quantified by studies that are explicitly controlling for the impact of homosexuality? The answer is, it isn't. Family stability is controlled out. Regardless of the fact that lesbians, for example, have extraordinarily high rates of domestic physical and sexual abuse, which is an enormously negative environment to raise a child in, the supposed consensus would still say that being a lesbian has no impact.

>> No.18243897

What in the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.18244528

>Secular Homophobia
What does this even mean?

>> No.18244551

do gays ever stop and realize they're attracted to literal shit-holes? do they ever look at a toilet and think "this is where I was?"

it's just so patently unnatural, it's no wonder they're all deeply unsettled

>> No.18244862
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>> No.18244873

Why are heteros so obsessed with anal sex? I am gay and I have no interest in it and never think about it, but you freaks are always going on about bumming and buggering. Obsessed.

>> No.18245567

Why are you here? Fullfill your primal desires, do drugs and kill yourself. There is no god and your life is utterly meaningless. It is what you argue for, so why do you not live out your deepest fantasy and end yourself on a high note?

>> No.18245590


>> No.18245674

Firstly homosexuals aren't born but are created by disfunctional environments. Eliminate disfunctional environments and you eliminate the most vocal and overbearing homosexuals. Secondly homosexuals are sexual deviants, proven by their widespread participation in fetish/bdsm lifestyles, their pedophilia and the spread of disease in their communties. Finally they also cannot raise children properly as they have massive amounts of substance abuse, the aformentioned pedophilic tendencies; this is proven by the fact that the adoptive children of homosexuals are more likely to be obese; intellectually impared, depressed and homosexual, which again proves that the homosexual is an abuser and created by a deeply flawed environment, homosexual begets homosexual, pedophile begets pedophile

>> No.18245844

>this is proven by the fact that the adoptive children of homosexuals are more likely to be obese; intellectually impared, depressed and homosexual

>> No.18246072

Meds, buddy

>> No.18246120

Doesn't rape cause suffering due to how society looks at rape? If rape were accepted it would cause less suffering. Also doesn't half of female rape victims have the best sex of their life when they are being raped?
Doesn't the obese person suffer when he tries to cchange diet and become healthy again? He will die earlier, sure, but how do you compare the amount of suffering near the end of his obese life with the suffering towards a healthier and longer life? What if he suffers more in the latter situation?
My point would be: isn't suffering subjective and influenced by external factors?

>> No.18246137

It's from a study with like 12 people lol. Mostly lesbians

>> No.18246151

this is true, not for the reasons you think, but because it’s much easier to adopt a disabled child than an abled child, especially if you are gay

>> No.18246472

The concept of "homophobia" as an intrinsic moral evil in and of itself ironically presupposes a Christian concern for the victim/outsider.

>> No.18246689

Doing good feels good. People were good to each other before god, and they will be after the concept is lost in time.

>> No.18246707

I never needed God to call someone a faggot.
>Why are heteros so obsessed with anal sex?

>> No.18246801

This Luke Smith guy is a fucking moron. To cure societal addiction he concludes making it harder to obtain will fix everything. Man is an overopitionated pleb.

>> No.18246873
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>are there truly any meat to a homophobic government?

>> No.18246889

>what is the probability that the next ball you take from a box will also be gold?
pls explain:
Do you choose from 1 out of 3 boxes at random, after taking a sneak peek at the golden ball? Or do you discard that box after seeing the golden ball (making it 1 out of 2)?

>> No.18247052

but suicide is natural

>> No.18247098

Good goy! Don't breed and die of aids!

>> No.18247114
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>> No.18247117

yes, all system of morality are ultimetly based off arbitrary spooks

>> No.18247140

hmm do i listen to plato or this chinless wonder. i just can't decide

>> No.18247143

it is more often the case than the contrary that the suffering of one yields benefit to another

the meaning of this word for you must necessarily be relative, you cannot ascribe something the attribute of 'awfulness' as if it is a transcendent value when you reject objectivity
in fact you cannot logically make a claim regarding anything; your existence must be no more than that of a mechanical, organic system of inputs and outputs

>> No.18247147

Fuck Plutarch for being such a faggot, people think ancient greece was all about faggots because of shit he wrote on things that happened before his birth

>> No.18247176

We have techniques to manage that. The real question isn't siring, but the mare to be bred. I don't know how the dynamic in lesbian couples would work on average, I suspect one of the two would elect to play the role of the mother, and so in the best case and worst case you're removing a very small portion of the fertile soil. Some 1.7% might safely be considered removed, which may well fall into the category of marginal and inconsequential. It is somewhere between 3-5% of a population that identifies as gay globally. Now how people are recruited into homosexuality whether by the heritable or by election is where your real question is, the small fraction of non-producers growing to a great number is the real concern but only under the assumption that the base rate is moveable.

>> No.18247214
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>> No.18247232

What the fuck am I reading and why does it have any replies?

>> No.18247265

i too can write words on a screen with no sources and cite it as fact

>> No.18247320
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Keep seething homo

>> No.18247332

Because I don’t posses all those desires. I have other goals.

>> No.18247354

Lol just cause you don’t like Jews doesn’t mean you have to agree with the long gone SS

>> No.18247397
File: 23 KB, 479x358, CB1FB9A9-E72D-47F5-ABEA-D01FFCAAEC3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t try to justify your action to people who hate you my friend. It’s like conservatives who try to explain to liberals how they are “not racis.” Just make sure to stay alive and do what you wish in life before the void. In all honesty this place isn’t really good for anyone, and is a waste of time when you could be pursuing your passions, no matter how profane or divine they are, and I say this for myself too. When I think about it there is no real point in arguing with anti-homos online they pose no threat in our (((society))). Perhaps we are simply trying to relive in a bastardized way the thrill a homosexual would feel in a less degraded society, there’s less fun if there is no risk. That was rebellious once but it no longer is, but this is still a opportune time to spite society in other ways. But regardless it’s a waste of time To be here, why browse /lit/ when you can read books? If you can’t have the comfort of a cute boy, you can have the comfort of a good book, and it wo by argue with you, you can take what you want from it and make something better. I learn the most arguing with books in my head not in this fucking honey pot.

>> No.18247401
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>> No.18247415

>and it wo by argue with you
and it won’t argue with you

>> No.18247422

>"just don't argue bro, keep yourself on echo chambers and keep telling yourself that you are right"

>> No.18247444

>keep telling yourself that you are right"
Yes. You people don’t offer anything better so fuck off.

>> No.18247454

How the fuck are we even at this point?

>> No.18247479
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The amount of mental gymnastics required to be more or less okay with men fucking each other in their shit holes is proof that homophobia is natural and healthy. It takes YEARS of comprehensive conditioning for people to tolerate homosexuality. Clear your mind for 10 seconds and think about it calmly. It's fucking disgusting. Simple as.
t. Agnostic, homophobic, racist.

>> No.18247496
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Despite making up only 2% of the population, 40% of convicted pedophiles are homosexuals.

>> No.18247503

More like the amount of mental gymnastics to argue for anything from a secular stand point. At least make up some god to scare people. Your not trying.

>> No.18247508

>More like the amount of mental gymnastics to argue for anything from a secular stand point

Are these >>18247320 >>18247496 not enough for you?

>> No.18247514

>OP mentions homosexuality in some way
>innevitable "homosexuality is bad because degeneracy"
>innevitable "well actually the greeks were gay" reply to the last one
>innevitable "well actually the greeks hated the gays" reply

>> No.18247515

>noooooo you have to give a reason!!!
I did. I sense, I react. It's gross. SIMPLE. AS.

>> No.18247569
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>> No.18247574

And I wanna do it. Simple as. The inherent key chaotic nature of reality allows us both to do whatever we wish even if conflicting. You prove my point.

>> No.18247582

there are ways to expose yourself to different ideas that are far more edifying and informative than arguing with retards on 4chan

>> No.18247594

Get over yourself you stupid faggot.

>> No.18247606

>Under a secular presupposition, are there truly any meat to a homophobic government?
>Please give me literature about this topic
Literature in the research sense is not the kind of literature this board is for. Calling it literature is a misnomer, in fact.

You are all feeding the troll, retards

>> No.18247611

>i'll never read the fucking SHIT you post next to pictures of whores
Perhaps a bit too mean, but the sentiment is not said enough. Nothing bores me more than pictures of random woman.

>> No.18247627

Yes? It's subjective. You're free to be a faggot and I'm free (in theory) to think of you as a disgusting subhuman.

>> No.18247635

it's really funny to me how every reply to me in this thread assumes I'm gay

>> No.18247647

Actually I intended to reply to >>18247574 with >>18247627.

>> No.18247655
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>You're free to be a faggot and I'm free (in theory) to think of you as a disgusting subhuman.
Good. So we’ve reached an agreement, thus proving what I said to be the truth.

>> No.18247673

>majority is bisexual
Bis always end up in straight relationships and have kids, they just kiss same sex people for attention for a few years before getting there

>> No.18247682

Yea in a Godless world of endless subjectivity, ANYTHING is acceptable. Woohoo, stunning victory.

>> No.18247917

lying troon, rate of pedophilia among priests is 4% and at least 15% among homosexuals

>> No.18247956
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>> No.18248190

Only argument is a utilitarian authoritarian one - people must reproduce and must do so as dictated by government.

>> No.18248593

If your a straight guy and you are actually worried about the act of homosexuality, you are gay. Some of the most image obsessed men in the entire universe remove themselves from getting pussy on purpose and they like it! Leave them to it.

>> No.18248676


>shoot cum from peepee
>put cum in hand
>push cum into hoohoo