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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 244x489, girlface3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18237046 No.18237046[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>umm so anon I was looking through your bookshelf and didn't see many female authors... why is that?
What do?

>> No.18237066

Because I own a lot of historical revisionist and pro-Nazi literature. There are very few women in this field. Would you like to read some Savitri Devi?

>> No.18237068

stop socializing with drones.

>> No.18237070
File: 379 KB, 590x326, 1613760143725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you, and why are you in my house? Also, what books?

>> No.18237072

I don't like them
As authors I mean

>> No.18237073

>1. There are female authors in my bookcase, and...
>2. This is the type of chick that exists solely to get throatfucked

>> No.18237091

Let her know that no woman could ever pleasure me the way a man could.

>> No.18237094

>Oh, well, you see, I've been... like... meaning to b-buy some books by womyn but i've been f-far too busy with the 300+ Western Canon books I already have. And, like, besides, I'm not sure if a womyn could impact me the w-way someone like DFW does. He *really* gets me. I suppose I do need a nice place to hide my contraband so a nice hollow complete works of Jane Austen might do the job but W-wow, you're so beautiful I get lost in those eyes honestly why go back to reading now that I've seen you

>> No.18237111

Sorry, I haven't had the chance to read any female authors yet. Do you have an erection- I mean recommendation?

>> No.18237115
File: 294 KB, 378x600, AF619906-53E0-4499-A350-D4C35B03E785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Because I hate women. Now shut up and sit down you fucking whore. I’m going to read you my favorite book.”

>> No.18237116
File: 71 KB, 912x1024, download (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no single female author has written something worth reading

>> No.18237124

I had a girl look through my bookshelves and say all my history books were bullshit because they were all written by white men

>> No.18237136

>letting a girl in your room
your fault

>> No.18237138

holy based

>> No.18237145

My room at the time was in the living room of my parents house so anyone could just walk around my room. It wasn't even a girl I brought I'm an incel it was my sister's friend

>> No.18237165
File: 133 KB, 820x645, pepegun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conversing with female member of my species on college campus
>Have intentions to mate with said member and produce 2.5 offspring thus passing on my genes and receiving tax benefits at the same time
>Discern from her words that there is a 82% chance she is a feminist
>Quickly go over feminist authors I've heard of in my head
>Target found: Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Somali born female lesbian ex-muslim, childhood victim of genital mutilation. Intersectionality status: 98.5%
>Casually let slip that I read the works of Ayaan Hirsi Ali
>"Uhhhhh anon you realize she's a TERF right?"
>never heard of that term before, but from the context it doesn't sound good
>realize I made a crucial mistake
>engage in damage control, tone: casual dismissiveness with small hints of regret
>"Haha yeah, I don't agree with her on a lot of things but she's a good feminist."
>"Anon, she's a TERRFFF. How can she be a GOOD FEMINIST when she doesn't believe transwomen are WOMEN?!"
>turn around
>never see her again
>search for mate continues

>> No.18237168

now butterfly is gonna post

>> No.18237170

>I don’t read women. They have nothing to say.

>> No.18237173

this fucking book

>> No.18237181

Ask her to check her glasses prescription because she missed the Austen and Woolf on my shelves

>> No.18237183

i got all the harry potter books. Is that not enough?

>> No.18237215

this guy

>> No.18237226

Was she black or a chink?

>> No.18237271

Hardest I’ve laughed on this board in a while. Thanks.

>> No.18237273

Kick her out for misgendering George Eliot. Tell her she'll never be Eppie and she's not even a Dorothea.

>> No.18237285


>> No.18237289


>> No.18237355

Not sexist, just don't like em. Simple as.

>> No.18237357

You don't like women?

>> No.18237364


>> No.18237368
File: 284 KB, 1150x1443, DSC0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, do you want to come over and prepare for the gender studies final with me? My parents aren't home.

>> No.18237378

Female authors

>> No.18237391
File: 2.95 MB, 800x450, 1619897490520.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you get in my house e-girl

>> No.18237398

Lmao the first one is embarassing

>> No.18237403

nah you look disgusting

>> No.18237432

How did you get my password?

>> No.18237436

what is going on here
is it illegal to camwhore in eastern europe?

>> No.18237441

cam studios in eastern Europe are typically run by the mafia
tax evasion, money laundering, drugs and prostitution etc

>> No.18237442

Putin made the thot patrol real

>> No.18237452

the one time i liked your shitty shill response F. Gardener.
ill admit it this one time.