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18236789 No.18236789 [Reply] [Original]

Hope this isn’t a waste of a thread, but what should you read beforehand in order to fully comprehend Database Animals?
I haven’t read it yet and have really only gotten into philosophy through a small survey/summary in my Philosophy 101 class in college and read most books in the “Start with the Greeks” recommendation. Besides understanding the concept of why otaku came to exist in the late 80s and today in Japan will this book also possibly help one understand the current zoomer fixation on anime.

>> No.18236920

probably The Postmodern Condition by Lyotard, Simulacra and Simulation by Baudrillard and maybe Lacan's paper on the mirror stage

>> No.18236957

he takes from kojeve a lot I'm fairly certain

>> No.18237760

don't bother it's an extremely clunky hamfisted application of obscure marxists theory to anime consumption habits. Both banal and outdated. There are better texts on consumerism and better texts about japan specific otakus

>> No.18238563

>There are better texts on consumerism and better texts about japan specific otakus
such as?

>> No.18238582

>and maybe Lacan's paper on the mirror stage

>> No.18238686

the cover is beautiful, it's a shame that it's wasted on a shit topic