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/lit/ - Literature

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18235704 No.18235704 [Reply] [Original]

I’m trying to get redpilled and become more familiarized with insightful content. I’m willing to drop $500 today on books, I just don’t know where to start. I figured this board was my best bet, can someone help or point me in the right direction?

>> No.18235721
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you sound like an absolute faggot

>> No.18235724

Are you looking for political redpilling, philisophical redpilling,self-improvement shit, or just becoming well read?

>> No.18235757
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>> No.18235768

Thanks for the reply, all of the above. The reason I left it open ended is because I at a certain point all of those may as well tie into one another I suppose. Philosophical redpill if and self improvement may at the end of the day tie into modern political opinions.

>> No.18235782
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Spinoza has all of it.

>> No.18235813
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>> No.18235830


>> No.18235855
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Well about the best your going to get from this site is what's on the /lit/ wiki, go ahead and google it and find a chart that's to your interest. If your really new to actually reading something I would start off with the high school classics so you can accumulate some reading discipline and social capital if you really have no idea where to start.
>I don't want to read high school stuff and I still don't know where to start
Start with the Greeks as recommended by the philosophy project on the /lit/ wiki. If you read half of what's on that list you are more read that most philosophy majors.

>> No.18235874

Your request is too general, you have to decide for yourself what interests and compels you.

The Bible is a good place if you're really unsure.

>> No.18235876

Get the Dune series, up to the fourth book, God Emperor of Dune. Yes, it's scifi but it transcends genre. Also, get Paradise Lost by Milton, Moby Dick, Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Murakami, Blood Meridian by Cormac, Siddhartha by Hesse, The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Green, yes he's retarded but not completely, Groundwork for Metaphysics by Immanuel Kant, House of Leaves by Mark D Jewski, might be good for you depending on your reading level. Also, Gravity's Rainbow by Pynchon or the Crying of Lot 49, if you need to ease the tip into your butthole. The Myth of Sisyphus and the Stranger by Camus. If you are a neet with no gf, improving yourself is the way anon.

>> No.18235891

If you want anything more specific just ask.

>> No.18235906

So far purchased:
The Complete Apocrypha
The Empire of “The City”
Operation Paperclip
The Two Babylon’s
The Thirteenth Tribe
Technological Slavery

Lots of great suggestions in here, going to look into them all right now.

>> No.18235924

>The Complete Apocrypha

>> No.18236053

The Creature from Jekyll Island

>> No.18236111

The Greeks

>> No.18236162
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This for self analysis and a clear exposition of 99% of 4channers.