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File: 39 KB, 731x543, EliezerYudkowskybibleblog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18234595 No.18234595[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

if the Bible is so good, why isn't there a Bible 2? checkmate, Christians

>> No.18234611

There is. It's called The New Testament.

>> No.18234630

that's the problem with A*glo translation. you're supposed to read OT in Hebrew. I'd expect someone named (((Eliezer))) to know this

>> No.18234643

Source? What is the five-minute test? What other suns are and were? Who thinks genesis is poetry? and Why hasn't Yudowsky done a service to mankind and written the rational bible yet?

>> No.18234663

His example of poetry sounds like something from a cheap fantasy novel. But yes, his argument stands, we should have replaced the Bible with epic poems and things of that nature.

Can you imagine picking up the Bible and its nothing but Biblical poems strung together?

>> No.18234670

All religious lit has to be poetry, or its just seculiar.

>> No.18234697

>most nastiest
stopped reading right there

>> No.18234727

From the void,
Many eyed,
With golden hands,
The creator,
The mighty forger,
Sung hymns,
Hammered his anvil,
Created earth,
And the heavens,
Then man,
From mighty embers,
drifting into darkness.
Until breath,
Brought to life,
The embers,
Our mighty ancestors.

Kay i tried. Still fantasy tier.

>> No.18234786

The KJV Bible is the cornerstone of the modern English language and contains some of the most aesthetically pleasing prose ever written. Even Dawkins said you can’t be considered a cultured person if you haven’t read it. I don’t know why these anti-theists are so desperate to denounce Christianity, to the point where they try their hardest to shit on the Bible while not knowing what they’re talking about. “Show don’t tell” isn’t even valid advice most of the time.

>> No.18234802

How peculiar

>> No.18235439
File: 19 KB, 656x527, 1583432745494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bible is not good literature
>if you were an editor you'd send it back with a note saying: "show dont tell"
oh shit this really upsets me. I wish I wouldn't have read that.
I dont know who this guy is but what an absolute buffoon

>> No.18235453
File: 38 KB, 714x429, C80771F7-1769-41A7-92F8-48CEB602E83E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There literally is?

>> No.18235458

>curiosity stopper
Negative Theology is usually filled with novel ideas

>> No.18235600

i find it interesting that both of these attempts at "fixing" or "improving" equate the god of the bible with a blacksmith because when doing this, you miss an important detail.
jah does not "hammer" things into existence, he makes them with his voice; he just says so and things appear.
this is to convey his power, he doesn't need to put effort into things; he just says "let there be blank" and it appears.
it is also supposed to reflect his omniscience. he calls light "light" before it existed. same goes for heaven and the world.
is it a masterpiece? no
but is the bible "good" literature? YES

>> No.18235691

It’s cyberpunk.
Modern works require power to be embodied.
Jah is a castrated fuckboi who uses language alone to control the fully disembodied world as if he has the keys and if he has the secrets as if has the key to a better place.

Also it’s post modern because it’s copyvio pastiche sewn together in editing as if there is no “original” text only priestly scribely talmudery.

>> No.18235714

>the Bible is not written beautifully
>doesn't use KJV
>doesn't look at original Hebrew/Greek, as every non-English language (or at least older English) has a beauty and cadence of its own, a beauty of sound rather than expression, and even then, English could not contain or understand the spirit of that language
>wants the Bible to be incomprehensible bread and circus
>"how can we know what God is saying if it's incomprehensible bread and circus? Why didn't God just make a clear and direct holy book?"
Is Yidkowsky still looking for weight loss tips? That fat might've gotten to his brain.

>> No.18235722
File: 73 KB, 750x571, 1531172359370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok the image triggered me I cannot lie frens

>> No.18235731

And this guy is the son of an orthodox Jew. Has he even read Job? He also doesn't seem to understand the importance of setting a tradition or conserving a mythology. The Genesis isn't read for its beauty, if anything people tend to complain about the genealogical lines.

Yes the "show don't tell" thing is also pretty cringe.

>> No.18235903
File: 59 KB, 540x464, 1613231984850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer bible 1.2 where jesus and judas were "just really good bros"
and the one where jesus was crucified on the moon.

>> No.18235931

The Book of Mormon

>> No.18236284

Infinite Jest

>> No.18236322

>According to a March 4, 2012, article by Vatican Insider, a branch of the daily newspaper La Stampa, the ”discovery is probably a hoax, the work of a forger who, according to some, could have been a European Jewish scholar from the Middle Ages.”
And read the whole article

>> No.18236978
File: 103 KB, 600x863, Mormon-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot Jewish Adventures IV: A New Hope.